The Room Full of Mirrors
From time to time, there will emerge a telling analysis of quite relevant recent and current history of Ukraine. Something that strips it down to it's essence. A facile and evocative explanation of the twisted pathway towards the Euro Maidan event at the close of 2013, leading to the seizure of territory in Crimea's "peninsula" . I think of it as an Island with a swamp between the mainland and the Crimea, during the ice ages, it had to be elevated and an active area of resources for food and other things to trade
Vitaly Portnikov has performed the facile service, of elucidation via his article here , as to the activity of Mister Paul Manafort in Ukraine : I could hardly argue any detail of his presentation, it is quite realistic and well reasoned. Perhaps what is left unexplored, contextually, is who saw the problems of his activity and wanted to stop this random political beast, (Mister Manafort) from his operating within the territory of Ukraine? It is like the Nigeria/ Somalia solution in Geopolitic ?
there are still heads to topple, slow bus rides to endure, parades to pause upon , magic bus experiences waiting for us, hidden doors and broken windows living within the agonized panoply of experiences Ukraine is processing today. I hope that this Narnia style struggle finds a place it can rest and appreciate it's small victories.
and when will my friend Nadia Savchenko walk free once more? I Know she got caught in her own inner psychology, I know it was not hard to rip her thinking onto disc, but she is human and a real person and she went through the Hell. Maybe it is the time to grant her the reprieve ? The school children of Ukraine can only wait what will become of her news. One Way or the other, if President Poroshenko continues his rule, or not, her fate is tied to his, inexorably, in my humble opinion. And she is still my friend in all of her crazy, random imperfection. I will not allow her memory to leave my sad and often troubled mind. Nadia Savchenko is good people.
Vitaly Portnikov has performed the facile service, of elucidation via his article here , as to the activity of Mister Paul Manafort in Ukraine : I could hardly argue any detail of his presentation, it is quite realistic and well reasoned. Perhaps what is left unexplored, contextually, is who saw the problems of his activity and wanted to stop this random political beast, (Mister Manafort) from his operating within the territory of Ukraine? It is like the Nigeria/ Somalia solution in Geopolitic ?
there are still heads to topple, slow bus rides to endure, parades to pause upon , magic bus experiences waiting for us, hidden doors and broken windows living within the agonized panoply of experiences Ukraine is processing today. I hope that this Narnia style struggle finds a place it can rest and appreciate it's small victories.
and when will my friend Nadia Savchenko walk free once more? I Know she got caught in her own inner psychology, I know it was not hard to rip her thinking onto disc, but she is human and a real person and she went through the Hell. Maybe it is the time to grant her the reprieve ? The school children of Ukraine can only wait what will become of her news. One Way or the other, if President Poroshenko continues his rule, or not, her fate is tied to his, inexorably, in my humble opinion. And she is still my friend in all of her crazy, random imperfection. I will not allow her memory to leave my sad and often troubled mind. Nadia Savchenko is good people.
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