the Oedipus complex or the Last Waltz ?]\ OKS, so this post needs editing:
So, if the Russia, hypothetically suffers this Huge Oedipus Complex about Ukraine (Russia wanting to control his mother/ Ukraine) maybe the People need to be asking this question, "why does Russia fear the European integration for Ukraine ? " (Russia ) His mother went to another, it causes massive jealously, perhaps bewilderment and elevated anxiety, and that leads to a form of calculated and senseless rage?
Lead photo is from a music festival in Dnipro , Eastern Ukraine, summer of 2013. There was no thought of war or conflict. It was probably the most relaxed and pleasant outdoor concert I can ever remember.
Perhaps this scenario fits. These were peace minded, grounded, seasoned and local politics savvy people that converged for the EUromaidan event in 2013/14 transition (as the European Integration agreement became temporarily cancelled ) . I stood shoulder to shoulder with them for days, hours, weeks. I was out of town at the time of Senator McCain's visit to the square in that December of the winter on Fire, I was probably in Dnipro, or something like that, in the Southeast part of Ukraine, checking in with friends, folks I had known for some time, hearing them out.
And yes, as the war broke out , it is hard for me personally, for a variety of reasons, this 4 year anniversary of the war. You'd have never guessed the outbreak of this war in that summer, before it started. Unbelievable, it is a frequent reference to public perception. Ukraine's military trained , drilled, coordinated extensively with the Russian military, the Russia Federation was considered to be an able bodied, reliable mutual defense partner brother, sister of the Ukrainian state.
They never considered, that the Russian leadership was , could be utterly tainted by self serving motives, yet is that the other perception thrust upon us? we can't truly know for sure.
They broke Alexey Navalny's finger detaining him this last week, was it a gentle message? Is Mister Navalny a Russian Plan B, is Ksenia Sobchak a Russian plan C > ? Navalny is a Nationalist, he should not be thought of as being receptive to Western concerns. Maybe he is like a free market Bolshevik ?
If Russia will survive this Ukraine crisis, should not their regular people ask about the pathway towards a better future without fear of retribution ? Russia can be a tremendous partner in the pathway to reverse Global warming, a partner to mitigate the risks of Global thermonuclear warfare type events, we have to get to the other side of the conflict in Ukraine, however Science fiction is the calculus of the result. Honestly , I like China and I like Russia , their people did not vote for the alleged annexation of Crimea, the beautiful grey pearl of Ukraine.
And as Russian people's ability to purchase those things that they want decreases, should they not question their leadership? People in USA are questioning our leadership. Any form of tactical market gaming via threats of Nuclear reprisals by Russia , will mostly be hurting the masses. (a small, elite few could benefit)perhaps it is time to reprise the statement that there is no more "they" in our rhetoric ?
Short of a massively vindictive aerial bombing assault upon Ukraine's territory, like the full out war that they continue to conduct in Syria to support Assad.
this Russian leadership can't alleviate the equation it imposed on itself, outside of saying "Hey, we're so sorry , this was a big misunderstanding" Russian people did not vote to make a war in Ukraine. It is quite easy to lunge to uneducated conclusions about geopolitical consequences, relating to egotistical, self centered machinations.
Honestly, I like Edward Snowden greatly , yet unfortunately, he is a quite possibly a convenient scapegoat or pawn, horse , knight to become exchangeable within upcoming transactions.
I'm starting to think he's better off chilling in Helsinki just about now. Would Maria Butina become the bargaining chip to repatriate our allegedly rogue NSA guy, Ed Snowden?
Or like Nadiya Savchenko, could he be something like a Trojan horse?
Russia has embarked upon a complex effort to distend the societal gut of North American Society, the NAFTA Free Trade Agreement renegotiation is probably phase 1, something giving them talking points in the CIS dialog. Yet economic factors, don't need to align with War factors.
And is it true that there is a plan for the USA to invade Montreal Canada, to protect the English speakers from those French speaking facists ? Maybe that sounds like Social science fiction, but just wait five years, if The President gets another term.
All of the Russian justifications for taking Crimea from Ukraine can be duplicated elsewhere in the world. Estonia, Latvia, Poland, even Hungary and Moldova are on guard against this partisan bickering. The only path that best skirts Global conflict is mutual cooperation, tolerance and compassion for the other. I don't view myself as a Russophobic person. I support a Pan-Slavic sentiment that is mutualistic. The conflict in Ukraine has been driven by self interest, paranoia, and ignorance to some extent: It's a refinement of Mutual Assured Destruction based on the ability to impose economic costs. I do Love Ukraine, yet I don't feel hinged to the exact center of it's current National Narrative. I appreciate their sacrifices which are tremendous, I feel solidarity for them, I want to be accepted by them, and they seem to accept me with a grain of caution, as they should.
As to the Finlandization of Ukraine, it's anyone's guess. A Finlandization process is only a matter for Ukraine to decide for itself. They can take all those required steps towards NATO membership, and then decide to sidestep the process. North Korea has to be studying Ukraine within the context of their denuclearization proposals.
News continues to percolate of the toxic contamination of Ukraine, the risks of Chlorine gas getting weaponized in East Ukraine, via artillery strikes with a consequence of killing massed populations around the conflict zone. Flooding of radiologically contaminated mines (from Soviet ear Nuclear testing) that will contaminate ground water for millennia . It its a worst case scenario holocaust , yet a slow , uneasy death that would de-populate vast regions, exacerbate conditions within Europe and Russia, Ukraine has seen 2 million people leave it's territory, some refugees from the East, many from Central, South and West Ukraine simply searching better opportunity within Europe and USA, Asia, England , elsewhere. Government statistics are clearly inaccurate, yet by what ratio I don't know.
it has often been written, that these conditions are quite similar to the onset of the First World War.
Such Air force action events upon Ukraine would probably destroy the Kremlin leadership's remaining power within the public perception, permanently alter the equation within it's electoral territory. (yet why should Ukraine suffer from the act of Russia's leadership destroying itself? )
It is said, that time is on the Russian Federation's side in this conflict, I beg humbly to disagree, and say that time is toward Ukraine's advantage. Time will tell: it's like English 1/A in Ukraine.
Recent news has emerged of significant Russian Federation's foreign Aid cuts to (Nation of Georgia ) Abakhazia's breakaway separist regional budget. They are feeling the squeeze of a declining economy.
Perhaps the other vaguely relevant item to consider are these stories of Russian Shipments of oil for fuel refining in the Pacific Northwest of America. These are complicated economic and political issues, and issues I am hopeful that the left brain tracking individuals can lead, yet they need to discern a tacit understanding from the right brain leading people, the skeptics and the collective mob of opinion.
The United States of America gave an assortment of quite serviceable naval boats to Russia , Soviet Union towards, near the end of the Second World war. I know, as a friend of mine was on the crew that sailed them up there to hand them off. There was no "Russophobia" at that moment. Japan had done smash and grab resource extraction, prime forests had been cleared, milled, other things transpired. Soviet power was a partner in the strategic initiative to contain Japan. Maybe 30 years from now , Russian Federation will be viewed the way popular culture views Japan? Japan National psychology is more like England National psychology , China is aligned psychologically similar as the USA's . There's many variants of the Oedipus complex.
I just need nice place to sit and relax, listen to some music. This war in Ukraine isn't something I ever wanted. I have seen and felt enough grief from it. If only they could cease discharging weapons completely , go to a totally silent game , without 1 single more person getting killed, not agreeing to anything, not moving towards another ineffable goal. That could be a great thing here. Just some agreement to change nothing, except stop the hurting. Words like "perfect" are trained into people's minds. "pause" it's not often submitted as a reward word for proper behavior. Ukraine I trust, hope , believe without empirical evidence, it is poised to leap dramatically outside the world's mental brackets of perception, by efficient utilization of left/ right brain interfacing. The restrictive culture of Russia Federation, obviously inhibits the left/ right brain interchange, and that hindrance will unequivocally weaken it, as a Nation State, if it continues it's path of war in destabilizing Ukraine, it's hypothetical cultural mother. Time, distance, relativity, seeing forward, seeing backward. I am more of a backward thinker, I look at things as they were 1000 years ago or so. We have to trust our base community, those we view as real and relevant, benign.
it's pretty much impossible to guess what drama will emerge in the White House tomorrow.
Ukraine is starting over, it i s leap frogging the media narrative in subtle and non subtle ways.
there is negative press, bad press, neutral media, positive media, really weird media. Kids brutally beating up on a girl video recently emerged from Odessa. The new culture after EuroMaidan event doesn't shy from it, they acknowledge and condemn the freakish inhumanity of it, and move on, the girl got counseling the children's parents were reprimanded. I won't post the link it's just too horrid.
A lot of people suffered terrible wounds throughout the war, deep psychological wounds wherein the women, people in the market spoke that the war would never spread to their town, area, and it did. They were complacent and unaware of the brutal mix of hybrid and tactical war looming at the back doorstep of their homes.
Maybe I was lucky in the sense that I witnessed it, yet wasn't wounded, but the witnessing of it was wounding. I can't move forward as a citizen of my country USA (or was that France or Canada, I am feeling confused) without some reset of my perspective of my country.
Surrender or die: Ukrainians trapped in Debaltseve pocket as deadline looms
Dispatch: up to 8,000 Ukrainians fighting for their lives in what the Russian-backed separatists are calling the Debaltseve pocket as a midnight ceasefire deadline passes
It was a little after midday when the volunteer-driven ambulance pulled into the yard of Artemivsk city hospital and disgorged half a dozen wounded soldiers.
Their camouflage stained with blood and their faces caked with the dirt of battle, these were just the latest casualties of a battle that has only grown fiercer since a peace agreement was signed in Minsk this week.
Thirty miles to the south-east, up to 8,000 Ukrainians were fighting for their lives in what the Russian-backed separatists are calling the Debaltseve pocket.
On the roads in between, ferocious artillery duels are unfolding between Ukrainian forces trying to relieve the beleaguered garrison and separatists – possibly supported by regular Russian army units – seeking to tighten the noose.
With the crump of artillery echoing over the horizon just hours to go before a ceasefire came into force at midnight, neither soldiers nor civilians here had much faith in the diplomatic agreements struck in Minsk. “You can’t make deals with Russians. It’s that simple,” said a Ukrainian soldier accompanying comrades to the hospital. “There’s not going to be any peace because Putin doesn’t want it.”
Russian officials still deny having troops on the ground in eastern Ukraine. But the encirclement of Debaltseve and the intensification of the battle immediately after President Vladimir Putin signed the peace agreement in Minsk has many people convinced that it is a Russian-led operation.
Like many Ukrainian soldiers, the 39-year-old artilleryman, who gave his name only as Djin, said he had no doubts that professional Russian forces were in the field in the area around Debaltseve. “Ok, I haven’t seen them, but I’ve seen their professionalism. You see how they work their mortars, it’s one ranging shot then straight away, one two three four five,” he said.

The seeds of this battle were sown in August, when a two-pronged Ukrainian offensive drove wedges deep into rebel lines in an effort to surround the separatist stronghold of Donetsk.
A massive Russian intervention halted and then reversed that advance, forcing Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s president, to sue for a peace deal signed in Minsk on September 5.
The resulting ceasefire left Debaltseve at the tip of a Ukrainian salient jutting deep into separatist territory – and cutting the main road between the rebels’ most important strongholds of Donetsk and Luhansk. In January, the separatists launched a major offensive to retake the town, provoking panicked efforts to broker and end to the fighting.
It was one of the most hotly contested points at the Minsk talks on Wednesday night, with Mr Poroshenko reportedly spending a great deal of time arguing with Mr Putin over whether or not the town was surrounded.
For some, the battle is yet more confirmation of Russian deceit. “In Minsk, Putin said there was a pocket. There was no pocket. So he gave the order to create one,” said a civilian volunteer who delivers supplies to Ukrainian troops.
But some say the situation has been much more difficult for much longer than Kiev officially wants to admit. On Friday, a prominent Ukrainian commander, Semen Semenchenko, criticised official military spokesmen for pretending that the road was still open, saying his men had been forced to withdraw from a key hamlet. And the wounded in Artemivsk hospital had come from positions outside the pocket. “No one gets out of Debaltseve,” said one soldier who declined to give his name. “It has been closed for five or six days.”
“You can carry on if you want to die,” a Ukrainian soldier at a checkpoint on the road from Artemivsk to Debaltseve warned reporters.
Vyacheslav Abroskin, the Kiev-loyalist regional police chief, wrote on Facebook: “The rebels are destroying the town of Debaltseve. There are non-stop artillery bombardments of residential areas and buildings. The town is in flames.”
Natalia Karabuta, head of Debaltseve’s health service, said shortly after fleeing the town that people were stranded by the bombardments.
“The shelling doesn’t stop, the longest pause is for 30 minutes,” she said. “People are hiding from the mortar fire in residential areas in the basements of the hospitals.
“The windows have been blown out but the building is still whole. There are only a few doctors and nurses left in the town but they can only provide the most rudimentary first aid.”
The frost-covered road south-east of the Artemivsk, usually a bustling federal highway, is deserted.
Now, only the occasional Ukrainian army vehicle, driving at high speed to escape shelling, disturbs what would in other circumstance be a tranquil winter scene.
The US ambassador to Ukraine released satellite images apparently showing Russian heavy artillery near Debaltseve
Exactly what is going on down the road is almost impossible to tell.
With few, if any, Ukrainian troops making it in or out of Debaltseve, soldiers and civilians there are left only with rumours and the near-constant artillery fire to tell them what is still going on.
For the doctors at the hospital, the proximity of the battle means overload.
“All the other hospitals have been shelled or closed. We’re the first and the last, unfortunately,” said a surgeon in hospital scrubs as he filled in notes on the hospital wing.
It must shoulder not only the work of all other civilian hospitals, but is also the first port of call for military casualties on this section of the front.
Doctors declined to give figures for those casualties, but it is clear the hospital is overloaded.
The beds are for the more serious casualties, while walking wounded take seats in the corridors.

“Yesterday I took children to the morgue. What kind of ceasefire do you really expect?” said Sergei Supron, a volunteer with a civilian group that runs ambulances towards the front line to bring back wounded.
Mr Supron, a Kiev advertising man in civilian life, was referring to a rocket strike in Artemivsk that killed three people, including a seven-year-old, on Friday.
The attack, which peppered cluster bombs across gardens and driveways in a residential suburb, was another reminder that on this part of the front, the war is heating up, not cooling down.
Yesterday, repair crews and police investigators carefully stepped around the bloodstains that marked where one of the victims died on Zagorodnaya Street.
Every other home on the street of bungalows and vegetable gardens has been damaged.
A bomblet that landed squarely in the driveway of number 41 Zagorodnaya Street peppered a green metal gate with shrapnel. “I was out when it happened,” said Tania Magda, the 58-year-old owner. “All we want is peace. But how many attempts to have a ceasefire have we had already? I don’t really think this will work, even if I want it to.”
Alexander Zakharchenko, the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, signed a decree ordering a ceasefire on Friday afternoon.
But he added in a press conference that the ceasefire would not apply to Debaltseve because he considered it to be inside separatist territory.
And he added that any attempt by the Ukrainians to break out of or to relieve the pocket would be considered “a violation of the Minsk agreement”.
That effectively presents the Ukrainians trapped in the pocket with an ultimatum: surrender or die.
Like many Ukrainian soldiers, the 39-year-old artilleryman, who gave his name only as Djin, said he had no doubts that professional Russian forces were in the field in the area around Debaltseve. “Ok, I haven’t seen them, but I’ve seen their professionalism. You see how they work their mortars, it’s one ranging shot then straight away, one two three four five,” he said.

The seeds of this battle were sown in August, when a two-pronged Ukrainian offensive drove wedges deep into rebel lines in an effort to surround the separatist stronghold of Donetsk.
A massive Russian intervention halted and then reversed that advance, forcing Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s president, to sue for a peace deal signed in Minsk on September 5.
The resulting ceasefire left Debaltseve at the tip of a Ukrainian salient jutting deep into separatist territory – and cutting the main road between the rebels’ most important strongholds of Donetsk and Luhansk. In January, the separatists launched a major offensive to retake the town, provoking panicked efforts to broker and end to the fighting.
It was one of the most hotly contested points at the Minsk talks on Wednesday night, with Mr Poroshenko reportedly spending a great deal of time arguing with Mr Putin over whether or not the town was surrounded.

For some, the battle is yet more confirmation of Russian deceit. “In Minsk, Putin said there was a pocket. There was no pocket. So he gave the order to create one,” said a civilian volunteer who delivers supplies to Ukrainian troops.
But some say the situation has been much more difficult for much longer than Kiev officially wants to admit. On Friday, a prominent Ukrainian commander, Semen Semenchenko, criticised official military spokesmen for pretending that the road was still open, saying his men had been forced to withdraw from a key hamlet. And the wounded in Artemivsk hospital had come from positions outside the pocket. “No one gets out of Debaltseve,” said one soldier who declined to give his name. “It has been closed for five or six days.”
“You can carry on if you want to die,” a Ukrainian soldier at a checkpoint on the road from Artemivsk to Debaltseve warned reporters.
Vyacheslav Abroskin, the Kiev-loyalist regional police chief, wrote on Facebook: “The rebels are destroying the town of Debaltseve. There are non-stop artillery bombardments of residential areas and buildings. The town is in flames.”
Natalia Karabuta, head of Debaltseve’s health service, said shortly after fleeing the town that people were stranded by the bombardments.
“The shelling doesn’t stop, the longest pause is for 30 minutes,” she said. “People are hiding from the mortar fire in residential areas in the basements of the hospitals.
“The windows have been blown out but the building is still whole. There are only a few doctors and nurses left in the town but they can only provide the most rudimentary first aid.”
The frost-covered road south-east of the Artemivsk, usually a bustling federal highway, is deserted.
Now, only the occasional Ukrainian army vehicle, driving at high speed to escape shelling, disturbs what would in other circumstance be a tranquil winter scene.

Exactly what is going on down the road is almost impossible to tell.
With few, if any, Ukrainian troops making it in or out of Debaltseve, soldiers and civilians there are left only with rumours and the near-constant artillery fire to tell them what is still going on.
For the doctors at the hospital, the proximity of the battle means overload.
“All the other hospitals have been shelled or closed. We’re the first and the last, unfortunately,” said a surgeon in hospital scrubs as he filled in notes on the hospital wing.
It must shoulder not only the work of all other civilian hospitals, but is also the first port of call for military casualties on this section of the front.
Doctors declined to give figures for those casualties, but it is clear the hospital is overloaded.
The beds are for the more serious casualties, while walking wounded take seats in the corridors.

“Yesterday I took children to the morgue. What kind of ceasefire do you really expect?” said Sergei Supron, a volunteer with a civilian group that runs ambulances towards the front line to bring back wounded.
Mr Supron, a Kiev advertising man in civilian life, was referring to a rocket strike in Artemivsk that killed three people, including a seven-year-old, on Friday.
The attack, which peppered cluster bombs across gardens and driveways in a residential suburb, was another reminder that on this part of the front, the war is heating up, not cooling down.
Yesterday, repair crews and police investigators carefully stepped around the bloodstains that marked where one of the victims died on Zagorodnaya Street.
Every other home on the street of bungalows and vegetable gardens has been damaged.
A bomblet that landed squarely in the driveway of number 41 Zagorodnaya Street peppered a green metal gate with shrapnel. “I was out when it happened,” said Tania Magda, the 58-year-old owner. “All we want is peace. But how many attempts to have a ceasefire have we had already? I don’t really think this will work, even if I want it to.”
Alexander Zakharchenko, the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, signed a decree ordering a ceasefire on Friday afternoon.
But he added in a press conference that the ceasefire would not apply to Debaltseve because he considered it to be inside separatist territory.
And he added that any attempt by the Ukrainians to break out of or to relieve the pocket would be considered “a violation of the Minsk agreement”.
That effectively presents the Ukrainians trapped in the pocket with an ultimatum: surrender or die.
I guess that this is the ten year anniversary of the Georgian conflict , something like the 4 year anniversary of the Ukraine's conflict. I just need to be honest about it. I have to be quiet, careful cautious , protective of my close people in every way that I can, hope that I can make it to to the other side.
It's not easy and it's not pretty. If Ukraine had been attacked as it was, and it had in it's possession , just a few of the 1800 Nuclear weapons stationed in it's territory in 1994, wouldn't it be a reasonable hypothetical scenario that our entire world could be smashed into small bits and pieces? They walked away from that path, yet few Americans appreciate the sacrifice they endured these last few years.
This is was not about rafting up, it was about rafting with, the team you want to be with, on this treacherous gorge of whitewater drama of 2013/14. I wasn't there as a poser, or to advance any agenda, I was simply there , only myself as another part of the pieces of some men. I didn't break any laws, I moved swiftly within the environment. I viewed myself as a staunch left of center person (who was open to listen to the right of center people at the time ) yet somebody open to all sides of any argument. And I am very thankful, that I had a chance to do anything vaguely positive within the dark of that chaotic winter on fire.

Mister MAnafort and Mister Rick Gates were getting high, on their own sense of self importance, and have to face some sort of consequences.
That White House intrigue thing, I am totally unqualified to make any commentary about: They make the bed that they sleep in, I guess? At the end of my day, I do feel free, I am not afraid to speak the truth that I see. It does seem that the media works to enhance the silent enrichment of the POTUS cohorts, yet what will they do with those riches? I am not entitled to judge or disdain them. Yet I want Ukraine to regain it's Crimea , regain it's Donbas basin, regain it's most vital economic regions, rebuild it's tourism and transportation integration, in a world devoid of the geopolitical games.
Somehow, even the map of my blog is strangely filtered .
And who did kill my friend Pavel Sheremet ? What was he working on, that made him a target of elimination with extreme prejudice ? I miss his clever , perceptive nature, and his evocative smile. He was a friendly, harmless journalist of good character. Perhaps it was Mister Manafort's Coterie of associates that learned he was working on a story that was dangerous to their interests ?
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