Navigating the future of Ukraine: or Exile on Main Street ?
the following exposition of current Ukraine political reality is actually quite funny in it's parts .
As the USA frets, worries about a collapse of it's stock markets due to our President's malfeasance, Ukraine prepares to take the next deep breath before it submerges and attempts to swim across the next wide stream of reality.. Vitaly Portnikov does call the spade a spade here, as he dissects his own National reality. Obviously translations are imperfect, but it's really pretty good.
Now as the game really starts to get interesting, perhaps one could reference the treaty of Chapultepec
this is the Rockefeller backed gold standard of regional interlinkage. Perhaps it is relevant, perhaps not. For instance, why should a region in Ukraine oppose an initiative that benefits it's bordering region in Poland, Belarus, or Russia ? If it helps their neighbor, should not the concept be explored? Now there is probably a bug in the White House, it can't be totally free of any insect life, it is like postulating that there is no intelligent life in all of the known Universe.
I actually forgot that Nelson Rockelfeller was the VP for Gerald Ford . Yet I was curious about the dynamics of it in my night, my quiet, introspective night. Honestly, I am sad, not ripped apart about the news of Senator McCain's passing. Was he related to Thomas McKean, the harried signatory to the United States Constitution, I can't delve that deep just now. My own family probably goes back to the Revolutionary war, and Arizona's pre-state, territorial government. The man gave great service to our great nation. And he gave a lengthy lecture on the floor of the United State's Senate to free my friend Nadia Savchenko. As the news sifted out today, I thought at length about her. It is true that we are like a flash in the pan, ships in the night. She did do great and patriotic service to her nation to fight the naked aggression of blatant invasion, then after her release to work to free prisoners of war, and it appears that she was quite possibly hypnotized via trigger words, and embedded pre-existing mental concepts within her time of sojourn of solitary confinement, beatings, interrogations and abuse in /within the Russian Prison system. Yet she endured this great ordeal, probably including some unspeakable things, the show trial was one thing, building in the fear of having to live out her life, in a grueling Russian prison regimen.
Her release from impossible captivity was not a significant surprise, there was a lot of International pressure to release her. Since the release she has pushed herself out to the most extreme edges of public and social political correctness, was manipulated (apparently) by her ardent nationalism, doing and thinking crazy things .
Within my rather humble opinion, perhaps one should research the exact circumstance of this man's signature on the United States of America's Constitution to engage in some attempt to bracket Nadia Savchenko's personal perspective coming out of the backside of Ukraine's Euro-Maidan. That time was not unlike America's Revolutionary War against the British Forces of the Crown. Ms Savchenko served in Iraq, (in the way that American colonists served in the British Army) she performed her duties without drama. She was an animated, loyal to her friends and affable person, at the time I met her. I could see the conflicts emerging, questioning of narratives, making her evocative of hidden drama,, patriotism. And yes, she is human, she like me has made many mistakes. I cannot say that I have feelings for her, our meeting was so quick, probably not more than 1 hour. I rest knowing that she should be safe if she is in detention once again in Ukraine for her careening off course, she knows how to deal with that system. I have not heard that she is starving herself again. Yet in these weeks and months going forward, she should get a chance of freedom, and some chance for Hope to heal, not just for herself, but for Ukraine.
I do not endorse either of these 2 hyperlinked narratives, each of them has some kernel of validity within internal and external narratives,
I only hope to offer each narrative as a perspective contrast , within the context of a conflict resolution. India/ Pakistan, and Israel/ Iran, the United States and China with North Korea as a proxy state (with Russian Federation meddling on the middle, so Kim Jung Nam's mom was not Russian, yet she visited Moscow frequently, interesting stuff. ) And I hope that my friend can summon a renewed hope for her freedom once again. Who knows what did happen, did she go crazy, was she manipulated ? I cannot say. Nadia Savchenko, unlike Senator McCain is from a working class family, yet what was taken from her family, what is their history within the context of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, Bolshevism, I cannot know at this time. One should not lunge to conclusions about anything in these times of turmoil and strife.
Now as the game really starts to get interesting, perhaps one could reference the treaty of Chapultepec
this is the Rockefeller backed gold standard of regional interlinkage. Perhaps it is relevant, perhaps not. For instance, why should a region in Ukraine oppose an initiative that benefits it's bordering region in Poland, Belarus, or Russia ? If it helps their neighbor, should not the concept be explored? Now there is probably a bug in the White House, it can't be totally free of any insect life, it is like postulating that there is no intelligent life in all of the known Universe.
I actually forgot that Nelson Rockelfeller was the VP for Gerald Ford . Yet I was curious about the dynamics of it in my night, my quiet, introspective night. Honestly, I am sad, not ripped apart about the news of Senator McCain's passing. Was he related to Thomas McKean, the harried signatory to the United States Constitution, I can't delve that deep just now. My own family probably goes back to the Revolutionary war, and Arizona's pre-state, territorial government. The man gave great service to our great nation. And he gave a lengthy lecture on the floor of the United State's Senate to free my friend Nadia Savchenko. As the news sifted out today, I thought at length about her. It is true that we are like a flash in the pan, ships in the night. She did do great and patriotic service to her nation to fight the naked aggression of blatant invasion, then after her release to work to free prisoners of war, and it appears that she was quite possibly hypnotized via trigger words, and embedded pre-existing mental concepts within her time of sojourn of solitary confinement, beatings, interrogations and abuse in /within the Russian Prison system. Yet she endured this great ordeal, probably including some unspeakable things, the show trial was one thing, building in the fear of having to live out her life, in a grueling Russian prison regimen.
Her release from impossible captivity was not a significant surprise, there was a lot of International pressure to release her. Since the release she has pushed herself out to the most extreme edges of public and social political correctness, was manipulated (apparently) by her ardent nationalism, doing and thinking crazy things .
Within my rather humble opinion, perhaps one should research the exact circumstance of this man's signature on the United States of America's Constitution to engage in some attempt to bracket Nadia Savchenko's personal perspective coming out of the backside of Ukraine's Euro-Maidan. That time was not unlike America's Revolutionary War against the British Forces of the Crown. Ms Savchenko served in Iraq, (in the way that American colonists served in the British Army) she performed her duties without drama. She was an animated, loyal to her friends and affable person, at the time I met her. I could see the conflicts emerging, questioning of narratives, making her evocative of hidden drama,, patriotism. And yes, she is human, she like me has made many mistakes. I cannot say that I have feelings for her, our meeting was so quick, probably not more than 1 hour. I rest knowing that she should be safe if she is in detention once again in Ukraine for her careening off course, she knows how to deal with that system. I have not heard that she is starving herself again. Yet in these weeks and months going forward, she should get a chance of freedom, and some chance for Hope to heal, not just for herself, but for Ukraine.
I do not endorse either of these 2 hyperlinked narratives, each of them has some kernel of validity within internal and external narratives,
I only hope to offer each narrative as a perspective contrast , within the context of a conflict resolution. India/ Pakistan, and Israel/ Iran, the United States and China with North Korea as a proxy state (with Russian Federation meddling on the middle, so Kim Jung Nam's mom was not Russian, yet she visited Moscow frequently, interesting stuff. ) And I hope that my friend can summon a renewed hope for her freedom once again. Who knows what did happen, did she go crazy, was she manipulated ? I cannot say. Nadia Savchenko, unlike Senator McCain is from a working class family, yet what was taken from her family, what is their history within the context of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, Bolshevism, I cannot know at this time. One should not lunge to conclusions about anything in these times of turmoil and strife.
The Budapest Memorandum was grossly violated by Russian Federation's actions in 2014. (Ukraine), Their territory was not protected and the safety and human rights of their people was not respected. They can easily navigate into the sphere of the NATO umbrella, or they can simply develop their own Nuclear Weapons self defense system if they feel the USA and Eu's financial assistance packages are inadequate, and if they want to play out Russia's bluff head on, using their own terms, rebuking those Minsk 2 agreements, it is still thought to be highly imperfect. Why they should cede their National Constitutional rights due to the actions of an aggressor Nation (Russia) ?
Sure, it's somewhat true that the previous , pre- Euro Maidan government's mismanagement of the Ukrainian economy via thefts, diversions, kickbacks is well known. Sure, they killed or worked hard to milk the goose that laid the Golden eggs.
Yet the fact remains that they did disassemble the World's third largest Nuclear arsenal in the mid 1990's. They could have reprogrammed that arsenal and technology, maintained it, repurposed it. Not only a loss in prestige, it was a massive tactical strategic loss for them.
Yes, while it was ostensibly, the Soviet Union's missiles stationed within Ukraine's territory , with all those massively destructive atomic warheads. Possession is more than 9/10ths of ownership, Ukraine's tax payers, government, agriculture , steel mills, machine shops built the parts, worked on the assembly of the weapons. It represented a massive deterrent.
It is now a 2 tier Nation, the haves, and the have nots, yet there is an intelligent middle class. One should not indulge in simplifications. I know people who fought in Afghanistan under the Soviet occupation, intelligence officers. And I have seen that young men, and men my age had gone to that far away place to serve the Soviet foreign policy, died there. For what? It was the onset of their collapse. Ukraine carried it's share of the burden, and it went for nothing. Nobody in Ukraine will argue Soviet intervention in Afghanistan was worth the loss of 1 of their loved persons. It was not worth the loss of 1 dog's life. Soviet Union policy in Afghanistan did not improve or help Ukraine, in any way that I know of.
Yes, while it was ostensibly, the Soviet Union's missiles stationed within Ukraine's territory , with all those massively destructive atomic warheads. Possession is more than 9/10ths of ownership, Ukraine's tax payers, government, agriculture , steel mills, machine shops built the parts, worked on the assembly of the weapons. It represented a massive deterrent.
It is now a 2 tier Nation, the haves, and the have nots, yet there is an intelligent middle class. One should not indulge in simplifications. I know people who fought in Afghanistan under the Soviet occupation, intelligence officers. And I have seen that young men, and men my age had gone to that far away place to serve the Soviet foreign policy, died there. For what? It was the onset of their collapse. Ukraine carried it's share of the burden, and it went for nothing. Nobody in Ukraine will argue Soviet intervention in Afghanistan was worth the loss of 1 of their loved persons. It was not worth the loss of 1 dog's life. Soviet Union policy in Afghanistan did not improve or help Ukraine, in any way that I know of.
While Ukraine's people on the ground will openly describe their sentiment that there is very little preventing them from becoming once again, a Nuclear capable State, they probably won't do it quickly.
The Russian Federation has to become vastly more cautious about it's approach with their formerly peaceful and brotherly neighbor. Russia is essentially 2 cities, with everything concentrated in those places. 2 cities in Russia should not be able to rule Europe's largest geographical territory, take it's territory and people without asking, just as USA should not invade Montreal , Toronto or something like that. It would be unthinkable, yet it's anybody's guess , how extreme things can get anywhere in the world right now. And it's hard to guess how insanely funny things could become either.
The Russian Federation has to become vastly more cautious about it's approach with their formerly peaceful and brotherly neighbor. Russia is essentially 2 cities, with everything concentrated in those places. 2 cities in Russia should not be able to rule Europe's largest geographical territory, take it's territory and people without asking, just as USA should not invade Montreal , Toronto or something like that. It would be unthinkable, yet it's anybody's guess , how extreme things can get anywhere in the world right now. And it's hard to guess how insanely funny things could become either.
From Vitaly Portnikov:
Paul Manafort, former head of the election headquarters of Donald Trump and a consultant to Ukrainian politicians and money-bags, may be the only punisher today to create an authoritarian regime for Viktor Yanukovich.
Yanukovych himself along with a number of accomplices is under the protection of his Russian master Vladimir Putin, and his lawyers are trying to turn the absentee process over the former president into a circus performance.
Other architects of the regime - from the founder of Yanukovich himself, Rinat Akhmetov and ending with the former head of the presidential administration, Sergei Levochkin - continue to actively participate in Ukrainian political life and are preparing for revenge in 2019.
Already now it is possible to predict with great probability that without the agreement with the "lucky" representatives of the clan seemingly defeated on the Maidan, it will be impossible to win the presidential election. Again, the weakness of the Ukrainian state and the moral indiscrimination of Ukrainian society, which led to the catastrophe of authoritarianism and the military defeat of 2014, are becoming obvious.
The future winner does not need to invent anything - he will win by the rules that Manaforte introduced into Ukrainian politics. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko already calls the lack of proper communication with citizens the main drawback of the incumbent President Petro Poroshenko. The future winner of the presidential elections in Ukraine will have to do just this - establishing communication. Or - citing Viktor Yanukovych's victorious pre-election slogan - "scab the skin", to hear everyone. And to promise this to everyone what will never come true, but it will sound pleasant and reassuring.
Manaforte will be convicted according to the classic articles of the American Criminal Code, but if there was a special code of responsibility for crimes committed during the election campaign, it could well be judged for the corruption of underage voters. Because post-Soviet societies are not accustomed to either rational choice or further responsibility for their choice - it is no accident that residents of the former USSR are constantly called upon to vote with their hearts, that is, in no case include brains.
Of course, the Ukrainian voters, who have replaced five presidents during independence and are preparing to elect the sixth, favorably differ from the Russian society stuck in Putin. And yet it often gives the impression that the Ukrainians are ready to vote for the next only in order to annoy the previous one. This is where the talent of Manafort is needed, able to mold a bullet from the improvised material, which allows the voter to forget that he hands the power to an even greater rascal than his predecessor. When in 2010, the majority of Ukrainians voted for Yanukovych's "strong business manager", who looked like a strong beast in 2004 and who turned out to be, - did not Manafort help create the image of a "strong business executive"? Unless Manafort, according to the associates of Yanukovych, did not help him "improve", I apologize for the expression.
Therefore, the purchase of services of Manafort is a purchase of sleeping pills, but not for yourself, but for those whose voices will give you access to very large sums of money. Therefore, it is such an expensive sleeping pills. And that's why Manafort would be so useful in Ukraine today, to "ennoble" the next "palatike".
one has to appreciate the natural enthusiasm of Ukraine's people today, that the money is a tertiary thing. While I am not there, it seems to be they wish for a genuine change, transformation, these corruptions, manipulations, destructions are temporary, while it can take several generations of people to reconstruct fully functional civil society, or at least 1 or 2, it will happen, the Renaissance is near to Ukraine.
I had a lot of probes and random things recently, yet hey, I am just like everybody else. A normal person that wants peace, good feelings and a feeling that all beings are safe and respected. We all make mistakes, it's normal.
one has to appreciate the natural enthusiasm of Ukraine's people today, that the money is a tertiary thing. While I am not there, it seems to be they wish for a genuine change, transformation, these corruptions, manipulations, destructions are temporary, while it can take several generations of people to reconstruct fully functional civil society, or at least 1 or 2, it will happen, the Renaissance is near to Ukraine.
I had a lot of probes and random things recently, yet hey, I am just like everybody else. A normal person that wants peace, good feelings and a feeling that all beings are safe and respected. We all make mistakes, it's normal.
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