The manipulator being manipulated by manipulations.
Are we so helpless against the tide ?
Apparently so. The digital downloads of ghost weaponry that began this week, maybe that's the first salvo of an internal war in America, wherein all the rules of civil society we enjoy, begin to unravel. Honestly, I have no opinion about it, just more stuff. Think about the Jackie Chan way, use anything to defend yourself , if somebody whips out a #3D printer thingy.
No sympathy for Mister Manafort, he made himself an easy mark for Foreign Intelligence with his inclination for the luxury lifestyle .
Money, power and influence are the ultimate elixir of self grandeur. Sure, MISTER MANAFORT, he had good instincts about how to pull a rabbit out of the election hat.'
Yet he had the gall to make money off the imprisonment of a legitimate political force within Ukraine. I may not be a huge fan of Madame Tymoshenko, but she knows the score:
Yet the Kuromaku, the Black curtain of the fixers he (Manafort) used was somewhat opaque , he may have kept a ruthless focus on getting his teeth into the jugular vein of his objectives,
but he didn't really have much pull at the highest levels of the fixer food chain in Ukraine, or all the other multinational places that matter. The favor sellers are adept, fluid, transnational and only addicted to selling a bigger favor to the higher buyer.
I know people in Ukraine who accepted the bag of sugar and flour to cast their vote for Party of Regions back in 2010, those were particularly hard times for them, most people in America wouldn't sell their vote for 10$, but we haven't seen the type of hard times people were feeling in Ukraine in 2010, and it's only gotten a bit more bad for them since then.
and , I know some of the Ukraine people, who rubbed shoulders with him (Manafort) , and they are still quiet about it , probably out of fear of getting targeted by an internal witch hunt in Ukraine.
At times, I felt baffled about things in Ukraine, why was money so important, where was the reality check? Ukraine is rich in History, geography and culture. The common people were deprived for 2 or 3 centuries of economic leverage: that is the situation today, that drives the undercurrents of the political process. Which is not, in my thoughts to embrace a political/ economic model: that is for them to decide for their future. The beaches in Feodisia in Ukraine's Crimean territory are rather nice, Americans have to picture their emotions of this was taken from them, by a hostile foreign power.
My friend Nadia Savchenko
(Ukraine's sacrificial witch) got caught up, just as effectively, by manipulations of her idealism : she has no income tax issues that I am aware of. My friend Pavel Sheremet got caught up in knowing too much, and not backstopping the firestorm that was waiting for him in the dark of night, he didn't protect himself by uploading his rough drafts of the story he was working on, quite possibly about the Russian activity to upend the political process in USA. It was an easy pattern to spot in 2016. 6 years had gone by, since Manafort's assuaging of Ukraine's elections , working with much the same slogans such as "Lock her up !"
Yes, FORMER PRESIDENT VICTOR Yanukovych did lock up Madame Tymoshenko.
Is Hillary Clinton going to get locked up too?
That is farcical, really, it won't happen. Or will it ? and what will come of that? Trump will flee to Russia and build his coveted Moscow Tower. It is not my wish, to cast inappropriate aspersion on the Potus #whowantsthatjob? He just needs to deal with his stuff.
yet Mister Putin will also need to deal with his things
Yet what has surfaced in the now, for me, today is a direct, first hand, credible revelation, from a trusted and high / mid level person in the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, that internal servers were compromised during the crucial 2016 Democratic Primary run up, when Bernie was surging. Campaign event times/ dates/ locations were being intentionally disarrayed , creating confusion , complaints and ineffectiveness. Was there an embedded thwarter who could hack into the internal Bernie Sanders servers, or was a high level server access code compromised at a crucial junction of the campaign? So what is the real story of Tad Devine's involvement in the Bernie Sander's Campaign ? And my contact could be persuaded to testify in Congressional hearings quite readily.
Now people in America value our Democracy, messing with our elections is not a welcome greeting.
This heroic man to my left crawled through the mud, under withering gun fire to rescue his wounded men during the Battle of the Bulge in World War 2. It is hard to imagine any greater deed in the life.
Ukraine has been very Brave and very staunch in it's efforts to draw a line and hold the line, against all the odds. Breaching the Eastern Border of Ukraine was pretty easy for Russia , yet there was a limit to how far they were willing to take the civilian costs. There are untold chapters waiting to be written about what the Border Guards were faced with, at the onset of hostilities, what will become of Pavlo Hryb, the (now 20 years) 19 years young son of a Border Guard of Ukraine, that was abducted from Belarus under cooked up charges and specious evidence, then taken and held under seriously bad conditions within Russia . Russian diplomacy in Belarus is basic "Carrot and the stick" and not very sophisticated .
Belarus is looking at Europe and thinking "hey that's not so bad over there"
the abduction of Pavlo Hryb (from Belarus, by Russian FSB) is akin to the USA abducting the son of a Mexican Border guard's son from the territory of Canada or Honduras (without their acknowledgement or approval) . Maybe it would not be the most outrageous story in the History of USA, but if gotten out to the media it would look pretty bad.
I feel for the kid, we all did some stupid stuff when we were that age, it's normal. Nobody was harmed. The Russian allegations of intention, incitement to harm are totally unbelievable. In other words, this young man is a pawn, nothing else really. He did no crime, other than feeling patriotism for his Nation and having a thing for this 17 years young Russian lady.
I know a lot of Americans think they know about "The Ukraine" since they watched Nicholas Cage's acting in the "Lord of War" movie. It is merely the vaguest vignette of reality. A good movie could be written about the Orange Revolution. I was there a few years afterwards, and going down the metro escalator in an orange raincoat and I got so many "That was so yesterday" looks...
Unfortunately it is pretty much down to issues around Natural gas to heat homes in Europe and the threat of Nuclear war that could destroy the entire world
Russians have been so good at deconstructing American culture, from Jazz, to materialism, to "Biker culture" And even "Hollywood-isms"
There really had to have been, is some person in the Russian Federation who totally understood the American Political process, and a team, on board, a diverse team, that was assembled to deconstruct USA's political process. The goal was to cripple Hillary Clinton . At some point they promoted Bernie Sanders, then as trump surged, they spotted the easy play, to deflate Bernie and allot Trump full spectrum access to their intelligence on how to defeat her. They had a huge, shifting, cross spectrum White Board that changed weekly. And when they won, there were massive silent congratulations of their epic, historic victory. Or was it a hollow victory ?
A wolf cannot cross the ice, when it is not fully frozen, and that is their dilemma.
And seriously : MH370, the theory it was taken to Baikonur or ditched in the South Indian Ocean, these have to be some form of dual feints, to potentially disguise the hypothetical fact, that the plane's location was lost in the handoff between Indonesia and Vietnam. Any signal of it's trajectory going South was probably a technological fabrication . The extensive search off Australia was mainly driven by some interest in deep oceanic mining development or something like that. In other words, could those people still be alive ?
As to MH 17, no report I have seen covers the status, or potential absence of the chief air traffic controller in the Dnipro area . I have a photo with myself and the man, which I won't share. Why are the details of the investigation cloaked in secrecy? why not release all pertinent details and allow journalists to research independently?
Apparently so. The digital downloads of ghost weaponry that began this week, maybe that's the first salvo of an internal war in America, wherein all the rules of civil society we enjoy, begin to unravel. Honestly, I have no opinion about it, just more stuff. Think about the Jackie Chan way, use anything to defend yourself , if somebody whips out a #3D printer thingy.
No sympathy for Mister Manafort, he made himself an easy mark for Foreign Intelligence with his inclination for the luxury lifestyle .
Money, power and influence are the ultimate elixir of self grandeur. Sure, MISTER MANAFORT, he had good instincts about how to pull a rabbit out of the election hat.'
Yet he had the gall to make money off the imprisonment of a legitimate political force within Ukraine. I may not be a huge fan of Madame Tymoshenko, but she knows the score:
Yet the Kuromaku, the Black curtain of the fixers he (Manafort) used was somewhat opaque , he may have kept a ruthless focus on getting his teeth into the jugular vein of his objectives,
but he didn't really have much pull at the highest levels of the fixer food chain in Ukraine, or all the other multinational places that matter. The favor sellers are adept, fluid, transnational and only addicted to selling a bigger favor to the higher buyer.
I know people in Ukraine who accepted the bag of sugar and flour to cast their vote for Party of Regions back in 2010, those were particularly hard times for them, most people in America wouldn't sell their vote for 10$, but we haven't seen the type of hard times people were feeling in Ukraine in 2010, and it's only gotten a bit more bad for them since then.
and , I know some of the Ukraine people, who rubbed shoulders with him (Manafort) , and they are still quiet about it , probably out of fear of getting targeted by an internal witch hunt in Ukraine.
At times, I felt baffled about things in Ukraine, why was money so important, where was the reality check? Ukraine is rich in History, geography and culture. The common people were deprived for 2 or 3 centuries of economic leverage: that is the situation today, that drives the undercurrents of the political process. Which is not, in my thoughts to embrace a political/ economic model: that is for them to decide for their future. The beaches in Feodisia in Ukraine's Crimean territory are rather nice, Americans have to picture their emotions of this was taken from them, by a hostile foreign power.
My friend Nadia Savchenko
(Ukraine's sacrificial witch) got caught up, just as effectively, by manipulations of her idealism : she has no income tax issues that I am aware of. My friend Pavel Sheremet got caught up in knowing too much, and not backstopping the firestorm that was waiting for him in the dark of night, he didn't protect himself by uploading his rough drafts of the story he was working on, quite possibly about the Russian activity to upend the political process in USA. It was an easy pattern to spot in 2016. 6 years had gone by, since Manafort's assuaging of Ukraine's elections , working with much the same slogans such as "Lock her up !"
Yes, FORMER PRESIDENT VICTOR Yanukovych did lock up Madame Tymoshenko.
Is Hillary Clinton going to get locked up too?
That is farcical, really, it won't happen. Or will it ? and what will come of that? Trump will flee to Russia and build his coveted Moscow Tower. It is not my wish, to cast inappropriate aspersion on the Potus #whowantsthatjob? He just needs to deal with his stuff.
yet Mister Putin will also need to deal with his things

Now people in America value our Democracy, messing with our elections is not a welcome greeting.
This heroic man to my left crawled through the mud, under withering gun fire to rescue his wounded men during the Battle of the Bulge in World War 2. It is hard to imagine any greater deed in the life.
Ukraine has been very Brave and very staunch in it's efforts to draw a line and hold the line, against all the odds. Breaching the Eastern Border of Ukraine was pretty easy for Russia , yet there was a limit to how far they were willing to take the civilian costs. There are untold chapters waiting to be written about what the Border Guards were faced with, at the onset of hostilities, what will become of Pavlo Hryb, the (now 20 years) 19 years young son of a Border Guard of Ukraine, that was abducted from Belarus under cooked up charges and specious evidence, then taken and held under seriously bad conditions within Russia . Russian diplomacy in Belarus is basic "Carrot and the stick" and not very sophisticated .
Belarus is looking at Europe and thinking "hey that's not so bad over there"
the abduction of Pavlo Hryb (from Belarus, by Russian FSB) is akin to the USA abducting the son of a Mexican Border guard's son from the territory of Canada or Honduras (without their acknowledgement or approval) . Maybe it would not be the most outrageous story in the History of USA, but if gotten out to the media it would look pretty bad.
I feel for the kid, we all did some stupid stuff when we were that age, it's normal. Nobody was harmed. The Russian allegations of intention, incitement to harm are totally unbelievable. In other words, this young man is a pawn, nothing else really. He did no crime, other than feeling patriotism for his Nation and having a thing for this 17 years young Russian lady.
I know a lot of Americans think they know about "The Ukraine" since they watched Nicholas Cage's acting in the "Lord of War" movie. It is merely the vaguest vignette of reality. A good movie could be written about the Orange Revolution. I was there a few years afterwards, and going down the metro escalator in an orange raincoat and I got so many "That was so yesterday" looks...
Unfortunately it is pretty much down to issues around Natural gas to heat homes in Europe and the threat of Nuclear war that could destroy the entire world
Russians have been so good at deconstructing American culture, from Jazz, to materialism, to "Biker culture" And even "Hollywood-isms"
There really had to have been, is some person in the Russian Federation who totally understood the American Political process, and a team, on board, a diverse team, that was assembled to deconstruct USA's political process. The goal was to cripple Hillary Clinton . At some point they promoted Bernie Sanders, then as trump surged, they spotted the easy play, to deflate Bernie and allot Trump full spectrum access to their intelligence on how to defeat her. They had a huge, shifting, cross spectrum White Board that changed weekly. And when they won, there were massive silent congratulations of their epic, historic victory. Or was it a hollow victory ?
A wolf cannot cross the ice, when it is not fully frozen, and that is their dilemma.
And seriously : MH370, the theory it was taken to Baikonur or ditched in the South Indian Ocean, these have to be some form of dual feints, to potentially disguise the hypothetical fact, that the plane's location was lost in the handoff between Indonesia and Vietnam. Any signal of it's trajectory going South was probably a technological fabrication . The extensive search off Australia was mainly driven by some interest in deep oceanic mining development or something like that. In other words, could those people still be alive ?
As to MH 17, no report I have seen covers the status, or potential absence of the chief air traffic controller in the Dnipro area . I have a photo with myself and the man, which I won't share. Why are the details of the investigation cloaked in secrecy? why not release all pertinent details and allow journalists to research independently?
gravity is one of those things we are taught is irreversible, yet who can argue that relativity is unopposed ? It's my fake illegal border crossing !
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