The Rikers exclusion Zone
Update : Well enough done and said, I'll finish my complicated, stress filled week with a minor edit, in that it simply seems too obvious that my (post Ten days ago) was relevant about the Robert S. Mueller testimony. Either the Congressional staffers that arranged the July 17th testimony date for the Special Counsel were perhaps naive (or raised a few eyebrows) about the significance of the date, vis a vis #MH17, or whatever else, it seems to be a mutual unravelling of the ball of yarn, to deposit the Special Counsel's testimony to the United States Congress, on the eave of the Congressional recess, in essence, the POTUS is perhaps being given a slight pressure pardon, the variant researches, probings of his Kompromat vulnerabilities are postponed. In the past, 1980's it was 6-8 years for the truth to unravel about American Political processes , perhaps today we are looking at half of that time frame, a hacked US political election is a big deal , however one dices up the result . It did happen, much as it happened for Ukraine in 2010. I never pictured that date as significant, I guess it was a mid term Congressional event in USA, yet it seems to have set in motion the Trump Nation.
Will China create an "Invasion of Grenada " style event , pretend to invade some small part of Taiwan, simultaneously as the Russian Proxy forces stage a faux "Breakout event" in Eastern Ukraine, while concurrently, a major crisis with Iran erupts in the Middle East, that scenario wouldn't be stranger than fiction, it's Ukraine and everywhere else, the multiple conflicted realities of our world today.
Of course, it's still entirely possible that events in Ukraine can lead to a Third World War, the casual observer should not discount that risk, particularly with the Geopolitical jostling going on in Turkey with Erdogan and the Russians . Some sectors of the Turkish business community have to be itching to enter into the Crimean business environment , some of them probably already have done it, quietly . If it's as simple as Turkey leaving NATO and Ukraine going in to NATO then it's like a quid pro quo. Clearly NATO and Russia have set their leverage into position in each environment. Turkey and Ukraine are friendly, neighboring Nations yet tension lurks under the surface.
How this could happen, you don't want to ask. And don't even begin to ask about North Korea in that context, because it'll probably go super weird. DPRK has to be considering Ukraine's outcome , post Budapest Memorandum in their calculations, yet their economy is so weakly constructed that a strong typhoon could knock half of it down in a couple of days.
This investigation process that I personally launched, upon my own initiative, in the Dnipro region, on the ground, was done totally outside any internet related research process.
I did it because it was such an incredibly bad tragedy. The MH17 downing by BUK missile marked a stall, in the progress of Ukraine regaining control of it's invaded territory.
The guys I know in Ukraine's military said that they thought it would mark the point in the conflict, that the West would seriously step in, with full force and might, yet that didn't happen. Ultimately, how can the USA directly enter an open conflict with a Nuclear weapons backed Russian Occupation Forces ?
I am intrigued by Robert Mueller 's testimony before the United Sates Congress being July 17, the press hasn't commented so far on the potential significance of the date, 5 years after the downing of #MH17.
I am in the oddly unique and rather unimportant position of being a casual civilian interloper of the MH17 Investigation, having also been informally interviewed in the Russian election hacking, etc Probe.
Actually, I think my debrief with the special counsel occurred at the very start of the investigation, perhaps I was summoned as a person of interest simply to provide background overview . I know somebody who worked in Manafort's operation in Ukraine 10 years ago or so. I had little to offer outside of Public knowledge about him. He had hard wired himself into a political machine that stole over 100 billion dollars from the people of Ukraine, and he hadn't declared the income on his US tax returns. It wasn't hard to figure out that the man had a problem. Yet does the man still hold the power in his hands to bring down the sitting President of the United States ? I do continue to suspect that in fact, he does hold that power. Having power over the most powerful man in the world is not an enviable situation to be in, particularly when you are in prison.
Having met with the special counsel, one senses things, intrinsic characteristics of personality and behavior. He has the basic easy to talk with personality of a good investigator, asking about one's personal background, motives, your money trail and so forth. Perhaps One has to think back into the era of Benjamin Franklin, his salons of mystery, exploring electricity, diplomacy, the building of American exceptionalism, to understand this person within this present day unfolding judicial process. There is always somebody who was in that position in history before you, whatever differences , contrasts, there was another before, faced with the same perplexing subset of challenges.
I am good at meeting people, striking up some rapport with them. I was in a certain place, the city of Dnipro (Then Dnipropetrovsk) Ukraine, at a certain time, well (years) before the conflict broke out, and met a person of High ranking importance within the air traffic control system in Ukraine. That was a bracket point I tried to work from in my intriguing query. I remember that time, walking about central Dnipro/ Dniepopetrovsk, seeing older buildings with intriguing external plastering techniques, with wooden pegging from historical work of the 1930's ? weirdly stabbed into the plastered building frames, like Soviet Social planning intersecting with traditional Ukrainian building techniques? Even just 6 or 7 years ago, much of that history of buildings in Ukraine I assume has been erased. I think that these builders in Dnipro were taking knowledge of the European reality of using trees to rapidly assemble buildings with tree derived frame components to build out the city, to quickly assemble a town, a large town that was only a village some years before. When you explore architecture of Ukraine, the complex situations confronting the parenthetically imperative issue of housing after the collapse of the Tsarist reality, and then of course the issues of housing after the Post Communist system collapse. It's just interesting , and now with the war zones, the occupation zones of Ukraine, why should anybody buy real estate in Crimea, or the occupied , war ridden zones in Luhansk ? would anybody buy another person's stolen apartment? Apartment stolen with tanks' heavy guns and the outright certainty of a nuclear arsenal large enough to destroy the world? I never pictured myself as an Anti-Russian person. My family was hosted by them in 1987 or something like that. Russians are wonderful people. I just have to accept the fact that I can never go there. Yet what is USA doing, right now ? is it totally stupid or pretty pragmatic ? We have to defend the position of the Budapest memorandum , we have to defend, assure our commitment to defend the territory of Ukraine. There is no other option, within appropriate political, geopolitical context. The Crimean seizure of Russian armed forces has become an economic sour grape. Since I have been to those former Soviet Union wineries outside Yalta, with the copious fruit flies in the air, the nice wine (while not well cultivated, just decent and cheap enough to boast about) it seems the the Russian Federation has thrown the Golden Goose down the rubbish chute with this bad gambit to seize the territory of Ukraine, yet I m far from impartial, history scholars of course can tear my narrative to pieces.
This is only my supposition, that if RUSSIA was concerned about losing their base in Crimean territory, that the Air traffic control corridor, of Ukraine , would be a target , potentially Russia had trap doors. Personal relationships, technological infringements within the Air traffic Control system of Ukraine. My investigation was based on people I knew on the ground, from past relationships and random circumstance, yet people I knew I could trust to be reliable and insightful, as at that time, there was so much smoke and mirrors nobody knew if the persons involved in the tragic Missile strike, were actually still alive.
One has to picture in one's mind, that when fist fights broke out in Ukraine's Parliament during the Yanukovych regime, sessions of Parliament closed by Azarov
complex subsets of Issues relating to the Euro Maidan event
Nato defense response
Dangerous Hucksterism and deceptive tactics of the President's upper echelon team, to muddy the narrative about Ukraine's role on the opposition to the Trump camp as they allied with the Russians to install a plank in the Republican Party's platform during the 2016 RNC election process.
Hope Hicks , her blunted testimony perhaps akin to the start of a Hijacking of the US Constitution, yet perhaps the Democrats and The Russians could well equally appreciate the United STATES Democratically controlled Congress's favor of not going down the road of impeaching the POTUS, to install my buddy (and I mean that loosely ) "Iron Mike Pence"much like my previous references to my Belarussian comrade President ALEXANDER Lukashenko (at least he didn't mess with me, on my nice visit to Minsk.) Yet after the Ukrainian youth Pavel Hryb was abducted from Gomel, Belarus by the FSB,
I decided that Belarus was not any more a safe place for me to visit. Taking a teenager as a pawn in a Geopolitical squabble is a new low for Russia .
But with Paul Manafort in the same Jail as "El Chapo Guzman" isn't Hollywood totally unable to decrypt in real time, the MEGA drama Potential? A high level person in the United States White House staff level DOJ specifies Paul Manofort's imprisonment location.
Could it be that El CHapo has his escape plan team working on getting him out of jail, really it's an ego thing. They have to be working that angle of Paul Manafort being in the jail. In the Hollywood screen play read out, there would be a USA based cell of loyal operatives of former President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych (possibly men affiliated with the Donetsk based Gangster who had the alcohol regulator's license for Eastern Ukraine during the Yanukovych era) ,
backed up by Russian money working on a plan to break Paul Manafort out of Jail, perhaps during his transport to court hearings, while that is 5/6 months away. It's emblematic of the challenge to cover Ukraine as a journalist, or a fictionalist writer today. The unbelievable continues to roil just under the surface. Could an elite team of US Marshalls transporting Mister Manafort to court hearings be overtaken , then the fugitive Mister Manafort exfiltrated via private yacht through the Caribbean sea ? I still don't have a verification I trust that the outlandish departure of Victor Yanukovych from Crimea was whilst he was on board a private Yacht with the name "Bandido" It's all really more stranger than fiction, this weird reality around Ukraine Today.
The beauty of the USA is that we do have a rule of law, we do have ways we can contact persons if our rights, our human, natural rights are threatened by hostile forces. Russia can meddle within our media , yet they can not effectively penetrate our rule of law, not very far anyway. At the same time, isn't it possible Russia is using it's sway in North Korea to give The President a win on the denuclearization ? Forget about the Bots and trolls, that's so yesterday. The reality that any fool could discern is that the Kremlin, that 100,00 person strong phalanx of individuals has to be white boarding the Next "October Surprise" this isn''t anything new to recycle a plan executed by other actors upon America's political landscape with dramatic manipulations of history, I assume that social media manipulations leading to the coming USA presidential elections are only a side show, like getting youths excited about fast cars doing crazy things on the streets,, burning tire rubber, like that.
There is that oft referenced scenario of multiple geopolitical flash points emerging simultaneously , and the Western Defense alliances getting caught off guard .
It has been a long, complicated process for Canada, Europe, the USA to bring Ukraine closer to our system. Crimean Occupation was a big setback, the Minsk Accords were a bad compromise, yet sometimes if everybody is complaining about it, that can be a good thing.

I heard that Ukraine banned swear words, you can get a fine now from the police. One of the worst insults hurled about by intemperate Ukrainian youth is "Silooky!!" which means "Village person" I don't think it's a swear word, but if it's harshly used, then that's a bad thing It's a fight or flight situation when silooky is used on the street.
Essentially, Ukraine is like a big village, and I'm hopeful that the changes in Government, civil society build a greater sense of tolerance, understanding, particularly among the elites, the upper middle class. I've lived in small village myself, and essentially I still identify myself as a village person, though I love the big city. In as much as it's a really big territory, with it's dangers, risks, complexities, I feel like the whole place is my village, and that includes Crimea, Alushta, Yalta, Sudak, Saki and even Sevastopol, and the last time that I checked, I think that my Ukraine phone number is still issued with a prefix of KievStar phone service for Sevastopol, Ukraine (really that came about after my cell phone was swiped at a banquet birthday party for the daughter of the chief of police for Simferopol, Ukraine. I had to get a replacement and wound up at a Kiev Star phone store in Sevastopol, Ukraine is not the type of place that you want to end up without a way to communicate.
Of course this makes me perhaps a super suspicious person , or maybe just somebody who likes to have an interesting personal narrative, simply a man alone who is unafraid to be way out there on the edge. And I am not enamored of my personal narrative, it's filled with illogical decisions, bad career moves, bad business transactions, challenging situations very few people would remotely consider.
Yet here I am, and I believe in my work, however it manifests itself. My paltry personal wealth is based upon my life experience, the people I know, have known, who they know, and the general belief in life as something to hopefully view as a Good Journey, however greatly one's mind gets challenged, however absurd events, things , situations become. Liefen, an old English word , akin to believe , Having the belief in things that creates a power within itself .
I, as one do go forward with the thought that it will be good, when we reach that moment of the apparent final door, that leads to another door, or a window. Geopolitics isn't us or them, it's mostly Big Business. And I have great respect for Big Business . It's more a question of how deeply cloaked are the interests of Big Business in Government, Civil Society .
Trump is clearly getting coached on his messaging at these summits:
Japan still needs to decide about concluding a Peace treaty with Russia:
All of the vast grey areas any major government has to contend with.
And back to the Salons of Ben Franklin, what is American Exceptionalism? And I think this article is at least a tad to the left, but it's well written.
And what an arc of History for Madame Tymoshenko ! To go from a video rental store operator to Prime Minister of Ukraine, Then thrown in jail as a political opponent of the sitting President of Ukraine (Yanukovych) then released after a tragic massacre of civilian protesters in the Nation's capitol, while the sitting President who imprisoned her fled to Russia . At some point a few years ago, I was driving next to Condoleeza Rice, heading South towards Stanford University, and well enough it's true that I drove next to Robert Redford on the Golden Gate Bridge. I still think that my greatest claim to fame is being invited to drink with Nadia Savchenko in late spring of 2014, shortly before her capture in the war zones of Eastern Ukraine. She has been very quiet, and I understand from my own recent experience, that certain times suggest one should be quiet, not make waves, do as you are told, work with the system to preserve the larger goals, objectives, to subsume one's outgoing personality .
A friend of mine from Western Ukraine , about a month ago, a good, important enough person said that the new president is "a puppet" yet I somewhat disbelieve that. Since I had met the new
president man, again in Dnipropetrovsk city some few years ago, I sense that he is a very real and autonomous, genuine person. While it's not linear as it's filtered via media coverage, I have grown to admire him. He's a good listener. He struggles with great challenges, who would actually want that job he has to cope with ?
FYI, don't attempt to access the links attached herein, they could get dangerous....
Will China create an "Invasion of Grenada " style event , pretend to invade some small part of Taiwan, simultaneously as the Russian Proxy forces stage a faux "Breakout event" in Eastern Ukraine, while concurrently, a major crisis with Iran erupts in the Middle East, that scenario wouldn't be stranger than fiction, it's Ukraine and everywhere else, the multiple conflicted realities of our world today.
Of course, it's still entirely possible that events in Ukraine can lead to a Third World War, the casual observer should not discount that risk, particularly with the Geopolitical jostling going on in Turkey with Erdogan and the Russians . Some sectors of the Turkish business community have to be itching to enter into the Crimean business environment , some of them probably already have done it, quietly . If it's as simple as Turkey leaving NATO and Ukraine going in to NATO then it's like a quid pro quo. Clearly NATO and Russia have set their leverage into position in each environment. Turkey and Ukraine are friendly, neighboring Nations yet tension lurks under the surface.
How this could happen, you don't want to ask. And don't even begin to ask about North Korea in that context, because it'll probably go super weird. DPRK has to be considering Ukraine's outcome , post Budapest Memorandum in their calculations, yet their economy is so weakly constructed that a strong typhoon could knock half of it down in a couple of days.
This investigation process that I personally launched, upon my own initiative, in the Dnipro region, on the ground, was done totally outside any internet related research process.
I did it because it was such an incredibly bad tragedy. The MH17 downing by BUK missile marked a stall, in the progress of Ukraine regaining control of it's invaded territory.
The guys I know in Ukraine's military said that they thought it would mark the point in the conflict, that the West would seriously step in, with full force and might, yet that didn't happen. Ultimately, how can the USA directly enter an open conflict with a Nuclear weapons backed Russian Occupation Forces ?
I am intrigued by Robert Mueller 's testimony before the United Sates Congress being July 17, the press hasn't commented so far on the potential significance of the date, 5 years after the downing of #MH17.
I am in the oddly unique and rather unimportant position of being a casual civilian interloper of the MH17 Investigation, having also been informally interviewed in the Russian election hacking, etc Probe.
Actually, I think my debrief with the special counsel occurred at the very start of the investigation, perhaps I was summoned as a person of interest simply to provide background overview . I know somebody who worked in Manafort's operation in Ukraine 10 years ago or so. I had little to offer outside of Public knowledge about him. He had hard wired himself into a political machine that stole over 100 billion dollars from the people of Ukraine, and he hadn't declared the income on his US tax returns. It wasn't hard to figure out that the man had a problem. Yet does the man still hold the power in his hands to bring down the sitting President of the United States ? I do continue to suspect that in fact, he does hold that power. Having power over the most powerful man in the world is not an enviable situation to be in, particularly when you are in prison.
Having met with the special counsel, one senses things, intrinsic characteristics of personality and behavior. He has the basic easy to talk with personality of a good investigator, asking about one's personal background, motives, your money trail and so forth. Perhaps One has to think back into the era of Benjamin Franklin, his salons of mystery, exploring electricity, diplomacy, the building of American exceptionalism, to understand this person within this present day unfolding judicial process. There is always somebody who was in that position in history before you, whatever differences , contrasts, there was another before, faced with the same perplexing subset of challenges.

This is only my supposition, that if RUSSIA was concerned about losing their base in Crimean territory, that the Air traffic control corridor, of Ukraine , would be a target , potentially Russia had trap doors. Personal relationships, technological infringements within the Air traffic Control system of Ukraine. My investigation was based on people I knew on the ground, from past relationships and random circumstance, yet people I knew I could trust to be reliable and insightful, as at that time, there was so much smoke and mirrors nobody knew if the persons involved in the tragic Missile strike, were actually still alive.
One has to picture in one's mind, that when fist fights broke out in Ukraine's Parliament during the Yanukovych regime, sessions of Parliament closed by Azarov
complex subsets of Issues relating to the Euro Maidan event
Nato defense response
Dangerous Hucksterism and deceptive tactics of the President's upper echelon team, to muddy the narrative about Ukraine's role on the opposition to the Trump camp as they allied with the Russians to install a plank in the Republican Party's platform during the 2016 RNC election process.
Hope Hicks , her blunted testimony perhaps akin to the start of a Hijacking of the US Constitution, yet perhaps the Democrats and The Russians could well equally appreciate the United STATES Democratically controlled Congress's favor of not going down the road of impeaching the POTUS, to install my buddy (and I mean that loosely ) "Iron Mike Pence"much like my previous references to my Belarussian comrade President ALEXANDER Lukashenko (at least he didn't mess with me, on my nice visit to Minsk.) Yet after the Ukrainian youth Pavel Hryb was abducted from Gomel, Belarus by the FSB,
I decided that Belarus was not any more a safe place for me to visit. Taking a teenager as a pawn in a Geopolitical squabble is a new low for Russia .
But with Paul Manafort in the same Jail as "El Chapo Guzman" isn't Hollywood totally unable to decrypt in real time, the MEGA drama Potential? A high level person in the United States White House staff level DOJ specifies Paul Manofort's imprisonment location.
Could it be that El CHapo has his escape plan team working on getting him out of jail, really it's an ego thing. They have to be working that angle of Paul Manafort being in the jail. In the Hollywood screen play read out, there would be a USA based cell of loyal operatives of former President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych (possibly men affiliated with the Donetsk based Gangster who had the alcohol regulator's license for Eastern Ukraine during the Yanukovych era) ,
backed up by Russian money working on a plan to break Paul Manafort out of Jail, perhaps during his transport to court hearings, while that is 5/6 months away. It's emblematic of the challenge to cover Ukraine as a journalist, or a fictionalist writer today. The unbelievable continues to roil just under the surface. Could an elite team of US Marshalls transporting Mister Manafort to court hearings be overtaken , then the fugitive Mister Manafort exfiltrated via private yacht through the Caribbean sea ? I still don't have a verification I trust that the outlandish departure of Victor Yanukovych from Crimea was whilst he was on board a private Yacht with the name "Bandido" It's all really more stranger than fiction, this weird reality around Ukraine Today.
The beauty of the USA is that we do have a rule of law, we do have ways we can contact persons if our rights, our human, natural rights are threatened by hostile forces. Russia can meddle within our media , yet they can not effectively penetrate our rule of law, not very far anyway. At the same time, isn't it possible Russia is using it's sway in North Korea to give The President a win on the denuclearization ? Forget about the Bots and trolls, that's so yesterday. The reality that any fool could discern is that the Kremlin, that 100,00 person strong phalanx of individuals has to be white boarding the Next "October Surprise" this isn''t anything new to recycle a plan executed by other actors upon America's political landscape with dramatic manipulations of history, I assume that social media manipulations leading to the coming USA presidential elections are only a side show, like getting youths excited about fast cars doing crazy things on the streets,, burning tire rubber, like that.
There is that oft referenced scenario of multiple geopolitical flash points emerging simultaneously , and the Western Defense alliances getting caught off guard .
It has been a long, complicated process for Canada, Europe, the USA to bring Ukraine closer to our system. Crimean Occupation was a big setback, the Minsk Accords were a bad compromise, yet sometimes if everybody is complaining about it, that can be a good thing.
I heard that Ukraine banned swear words, you can get a fine now from the police. One of the worst insults hurled about by intemperate Ukrainian youth is "Silooky!!" which means "Village person" I don't think it's a swear word, but if it's harshly used, then that's a bad thing It's a fight or flight situation when silooky is used on the street.
Essentially, Ukraine is like a big village, and I'm hopeful that the changes in Government, civil society build a greater sense of tolerance, understanding, particularly among the elites, the upper middle class. I've lived in small village myself, and essentially I still identify myself as a village person, though I love the big city. In as much as it's a really big territory, with it's dangers, risks, complexities, I feel like the whole place is my village, and that includes Crimea, Alushta, Yalta, Sudak, Saki and even Sevastopol, and the last time that I checked, I think that my Ukraine phone number is still issued with a prefix of KievStar phone service for Sevastopol, Ukraine (really that came about after my cell phone was swiped at a banquet birthday party for the daughter of the chief of police for Simferopol, Ukraine. I had to get a replacement and wound up at a Kiev Star phone store in Sevastopol, Ukraine is not the type of place that you want to end up without a way to communicate.
Of course this makes me perhaps a super suspicious person , or maybe just somebody who likes to have an interesting personal narrative, simply a man alone who is unafraid to be way out there on the edge. And I am not enamored of my personal narrative, it's filled with illogical decisions, bad career moves, bad business transactions, challenging situations very few people would remotely consider.
Yet here I am, and I believe in my work, however it manifests itself. My paltry personal wealth is based upon my life experience, the people I know, have known, who they know, and the general belief in life as something to hopefully view as a Good Journey, however greatly one's mind gets challenged, however absurd events, things , situations become. Liefen, an old English word , akin to believe , Having the belief in things that creates a power within itself .
I, as one do go forward with the thought that it will be good, when we reach that moment of the apparent final door, that leads to another door, or a window. Geopolitics isn't us or them, it's mostly Big Business. And I have great respect for Big Business . It's more a question of how deeply cloaked are the interests of Big Business in Government, Civil Society .
Trump is clearly getting coached on his messaging at these summits:
Japan still needs to decide about concluding a Peace treaty with Russia:
There has to be a Russian Biker Gang in America sideline in the Paul Manfort escape, exfiltration scenario. In as much as it's also a potential Bollywood Screen play variation that's way to obviously easy to write. Indian gangsters allied with Russian Bikers, it sounds absurd, yet there are Indian Gangsters spread all around there world diaspora , from Singapore to Cincinnati Ohio.
All of the vast grey areas any major government has to contend with.
And back to the Salons of Ben Franklin, what is American Exceptionalism? And I think this article is at least a tad to the left, but it's well written.
And what an arc of History for Madame Tymoshenko ! To go from a video rental store operator to Prime Minister of Ukraine, Then thrown in jail as a political opponent of the sitting President of Ukraine (Yanukovych) then released after a tragic massacre of civilian protesters in the Nation's capitol, while the sitting President who imprisoned her fled to Russia . At some point a few years ago, I was driving next to Condoleeza Rice, heading South towards Stanford University, and well enough it's true that I drove next to Robert Redford on the Golden Gate Bridge. I still think that my greatest claim to fame is being invited to drink with Nadia Savchenko in late spring of 2014, shortly before her capture in the war zones of Eastern Ukraine. She has been very quiet, and I understand from my own recent experience, that certain times suggest one should be quiet, not make waves, do as you are told, work with the system to preserve the larger goals, objectives, to subsume one's outgoing personality .
A friend of mine from Western Ukraine , about a month ago, a good, important enough person said that the new president is "a puppet" yet I somewhat disbelieve that. Since I had met the new
president man, again in Dnipropetrovsk city some few years ago, I sense that he is a very real and autonomous, genuine person. While it's not linear as it's filtered via media coverage, I have grown to admire him. He's a good listener. He struggles with great challenges, who would actually want that job he has to cope with ?
FYI, don't attempt to access the links attached herein, they could get dangerous....
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