Who Is Tomorrow's Master of Hope's Slave ?
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I have been worried about Nadia Savchenko, yet not so worried to learn of her recent complaints: My impression of her trial in Chernigov , is that it will transpire mostly in her favor, what ever issue of what witnesses were where, relevant to the trial location, it's a sign of good health on her part! (that she complains about the details ) I am relieved, despite the blanket of silence about her, it's a warm and sufficient blanket, I suspect that she is on the verge of moulting into a new style of person, as she was before, unpredictable and quietly loquacious. Not in any sense to aggrandize that communist style stuff, but I too have had that challenge, at an early age, to seriously consider my class situation, in respect to others. Is this not privilege, and advantage ? However great the disadvantage was for me, within my relevant class in society, She had a chance to be a real somebody , rather than utterly fail, to pursue a dream, her dream of social purpose within the limited spectrum of options available to her, and to go where no woman had gone before...
this is only a sentimentalist abstract, only a few Western people could appreciate her arc in life and history , and the latter part of that history remains to be written. What she will write and say and what History will write is anybody's guess. Can she bring about Peace in Ukraine ? (I doubt that) Yet she has the power to deliver Hope to Ukraine. And yes of course , I am guilty of some rather bad acting times , when some of my closer people in Ukraine derided her, for her minor demerits, and the difficult situations that she has been a part of. Time will tell, of Hope's struggle with the truth and the lies within Ukraine.
- If I could throw this life to the wind, she is my friend in this life, through the flames, isolation , condemnation, she has suffered, let it go and just run away.
- Madame Tymoshenko is a worthwhile candidate for the presidency of Ukraine, except that she carries a grey shadow in the aspect of Nadia Savchenko,
- one who should not fade away.
- that's my file photo of a skateboard person in Yalta in late December 2013.
- At this moment, I am torn apart, for I know good people who follow the Tymoshenko doctrine, that narrative.
- yet I fear that Madame Tymoshenko cannot gain leadership ascendancy without finding some nuanced understanding with my friend Nadia.
- Nadia has a perceptive take on things in Ukraine. Since being freed by the Russians , She dedicated her focus on the others, those people caught in the crossfire of the conflict, the Prisoners of War. The young and the older aged men, either through idealism, class issues, circumstances who got caught in the cauldron of the war (as well as the women , caught in the crossfire, taken prisoner, abused , and the assorted unspeakable matters )
- . The Western press, currently having mostly totally ignored her situation is a bit shocking.
- I am confident that wherever she is there is some protection of her health yet I worry not that her health, but that her heart is safe. Maybe this is about letting it go. it could be the past, it could be an addiction to lost causes. If you twist and turn away. Just let it go, surrender. If I could just throw this life to the wind, through the cold rain, through the flame of war, just let it go, to to fade away, walk away. I cannot walk away from her isolation, condemnation, for she is my friend in life. Despite her mistakes, grave personal risks, she lives, and I support her as a person that I know in real life.
- All of my impression of her is summed up in this video of a U2 concert, yet she is understated and sublimated in a way the concert does not depict. I can only hope that my friend gains her freedom in the nearest days, that the people will realize their power in Ukraine, Russia , Belarus, and all of those other places, to redeem the work of fools.
- https://youtu.be/RLN5KUTzZc0
just walk away https://youtu.be/wjbWm-nA5rU to not fade away, from the isolation, condemnation, live to live another day for the future of this great nation of Ukraine.
- . As I feel that she now lives in a media prison. She appears to struggle with managing her life from a difficult mix of tactical and perception related objectives. Her attempts to convey her perspective is often hounded, manipulated by Trolls, naysayers and other entities driven by complex and ulterior motivations. It almost sounds like she intentionally allowed herself to get thrown off guard by a hard, extreme change of her trajectory. The thing I like about her is that she is authentic and real. She's a woman with real and unique experience, but something must have happened in that nearly 2 year prison sentence in Russian SIZO. My barest impression of her time spent in the initial period of her freedom from captivity, was that she hadn't gotten much time for a thorough medical examination : I know the Ukraine Health care system, and while it is filled with wonderful, competent people, I don't know how sophisticated the analysis was on her physical status. While I don't want to give credit where credit is not due to the Russian Military Industrial Research programs, She was a classic "Patient Zero" an individual they disliked for her ideology, vastly susceptible to duplicitous programming. If she was on this extended hunger strike for 75 days, she was intubated. She could have easily been made into a comfy micro-laboratory. As I wrote earlier, of the "Mitochondrial Intelligence Gap" who is ready to discharge this wild speculation without a thorough reality check ?
- Now I know, she is said to admire the Chilean Dictator Pinochet, and that would be really uncool, with my Chilean friends who were/ are Salvador Allende people.
- If I like and admire a person I know, then I like and admire them, despite what people say about them. I make no attempt to salvage Hope from the rocks of Media and Justice, she has some explaining to do. Perhaps she forgot how important it is to let go of negative people. She is a slave to her hard core principles and that seems to have been manipulated. her thinking had the ability to become contagious, and that's perhaps the crucible of what this escapade was about, not reality. She fell into the vortex of "deep conversations" even when that was intended for the destruction of her own , long term , Nationalistic goals .
- In other words, within the nomenclature of USA's slang, Nadia "Drank the Kool -Aid" Referencing the dark events surrounding the People's Temple in Guyana and the persuasive narrative of "Jim Jones" Maybe my perception is inappropriate , but I feel it is relevant to her weird scenario. god Bless her soul.
- As I see it,
- She did not properly evaluate the advice of others, even when that advice that was intended to lead her to her doom and destruction. She made enemies of the people in Power, without analyzing their own personal situations and internal contradictions.
- Her own metabolic and mental problems, internal and external got left behind, she ignored them, in the effort to go deeper and deeper into this web of intrigue and fiasco.
- She did seem to get terribly stressed out when she learned of these "Plots" to kill her, be they authentic or made up, just a random scatter of straw on the barn floor made a picture in her mind. That whole "They are out to get me" mentality took over, like a fungus. And from there this crazy drama spread throughout her life, or that is how I sense it. I feel bad about it, yet I feel Hope will persevere, hold her head high and go forward with ever greater wisdom. She is Good People, as I feel it, despite the ridicule heaped upon her by the elites and the middle elites of Ukraine
- She is of course, just one point of view, among many people with many relevant perspectives, yet she is my hope, with all her brilliant imperfection. If she has to upset a few apple carts, so be it. the last time I checked, it's not the worst thing somebody can do. It seems that a sophisticated game of manipulation inveigled itself within her sphere, and maybe she missed it's ramifications.
- I feel that I can say that she and I, we are friends, however much time has past since we met , (we haven't communicated since) it gives me good feelings, thinking back to that time we met. It was that long , late night hour or so of sharing and coming to understand each other, shortly before this nightmare engulfed her. It was she that invited me to join their table. Sitting alone, I was unsure at first, yet as soon as she got a sense of me, her guard dropped, she was more open and warm, animated. She mentioned her participation in the Iraq war, and conveyed to me she was a pilot. It was May 2014. The guys she was with I'd guess were the core of the group forming the Aidar Battalion. We shared some thoughts of the Maidan, Crimea. I conveyed that I was there trying to write fiction, fantasy. She got it, and we agreed that the reality back then was all a lot like a strange fantasy.
- Nadia gave me a chance to affect her fate. She offered me a chance to jump with her, on a training mission. It was a little outside my comfort zone at the time She gave me her phone number. I tried calling it once or twice, but strange things affected the call, like her line was being monitored.
- Those long two years of her trial, captivity, once I had remembered our chance encounter. We sat quite close, me to her right, she in the middle. I often felt a lingering anguish that I had some chance to shift her fate, if I had accepted her offer to jump. I had few restrictions at the time. It was totally possible for me to have done it.
- I remember well the lengthy, thorough speech Senator John McCain made on the Senate floor arguing for her release. For him, she was a personal cause. He understands what she went through. It is nice that he can look back at his struggles and victories with a sense of accomplishment.
I wrote previously, of a stepped up meeting between President Trump and Putin. It seems that this obvious development is shaping up. I know Nadia wrote a polite letter to President Trump from the onset of his administration.
Now it appears that Ukraine does it's lobbying via "Prayer Breakfasts"
I was glancing at my twitter feed for "Kyiv Trends" this evening and that
- Савченко 6,666 Tweets
- I'd like to request that the Washington National Prayer breakfast says a little prayer for Hope next time they get together to horse trade and lobby tax breaks and import quotas.
- I fear that the Devil is on Hope's trail, fear for her, that if required , she will crucify herself to achieve her objective.
- Is Hope a slave to the daunting dream of a truly free and Modernized Ukraine, or is the Dream the impossible master of her Tomorrow ?
- I had listened to her full press conference. She showed Candor, plain spoken eloquence and her internal fire. Being in Politics has brought something out of her, her being repressed for all those years in the military , the natural flair for the dramatic . Her use of surrealism as a tool is impressive:
- https://youtu.be/sr3wiAWkbvg
- It seems that she was caught in a complex web of events, and perhaps she simply failed to cover her bases adequately. The whole thing has appeared to devolve into a circus, with all the audience waiting for her to fall from the tight wire, yet she has navigated herself out of the mine field so far.
- She is operating in an incredibly dangerous, complex space. She can be strong despite her self doubts. She is totally free in her thinking yet she's still trapped in a weird jail of media and perception, circumstances . She is still my friend, and I try to stand with her.
- Of course I have quite a lot of Nationalistic friends who are quick to tear her to pieces, as if she was a badly printed Propaganda handout. Our people in the 1600's in USA burned Witches in Salem didn't we ? During the Witch Trials held in the American 13 Colonies .
- I think that possibly during our Revolutionary War against the King's rule, perhaps there was a woman as great as Nadia Savchenko. It's an interesting prospective historical project to research, to find an analogous woman such as she , in our early National History.
- ________________________________
- Just thought I'd like to finish with this most notable and famous line of free form prose , it's so perfect for her !
“[...]the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”
― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
And what is really happening with the Librarian ?
it appears that Ukraine is prepared to blame the victim in this reverse propaganda operation to derail Nadia Savchenko, yes she's changed it's been 4 hard years. Perhaps she got too engulfed in her efforts to free hostages, who knows? It is a dystopian nightmare for the people of Eastern Ukraine, and for the people of Western Ukraine, who send their sons and daughters off to the front line of war with a very powerful adversary
it's really hard for me to say if this was my Nadia, the woman that I met near 4
years ago. I hope and pray from my heart that she can persevere, navigate these arduous times to reach her internal ambitions of National security. If she was going undercover in a mode of hyper- surrealism, then she performed well. And maybe, just maybe the school children of tomorrow will appreciate the Hell of her life. She is not partying in the coast of Blue, Nice, Monte Carlo. She could be doing selfies with Robert De Niro
while I greatly care for my friend, disbelieve the nature of accusations, she had to make choices to augment her chances of survival : all of Europe mourns a truly heroic man, and it's not easy, I have to pause and think it over, as I know these areas of France, I think of it , hope I am able to say it is my Nation, I love the quiet summer spaces where men play soccer, and the good food comes out, the fine local wine, the local cheeses. this is a quiet place in the world and in no way do I want to imply that French Intelligence got lazy. Unfortunately something really bad happened there, and I wish the security forces best of luck in preventing the same from happening again. I feel that my friends, my country are under attack, in so many unspeakable ways, and it's really sad for me.
For now, I am going to stop looking for Hope in the Media. I will try to find her in my heart. For she is the victim, and although maybe she could, or may have apologized for her exercise in surrealism, it is an amateur cultural error to blame the actions of the victim when they are thrust into unprecedented circumstances.
Whilst it could sound obscene, the upper classes , elite strata of Ukrainian Society also became victims in a sense in the late 2000's they fell prey to the lure of the "LUXURY LIFESTYLE" while that's not the worst thing a sector of society can succumb to, and it creates it's own economy, they paid few, if any taxes within that economy, while the working class had few options to hide income.
I had noticed quite often within Ukraine, that Shopping centers such as the one tragically caught in a monstrous fire as Keremovo, a working class, coal mining town, that "low margin" sectors within the Mall economy being sported by Russian developers (within Ukraine) were often moved into the top stories, where you had to trudge up stairs. Parking children on the ground floor of a shopping Mall also creates security risks, yet at least it's more easy to get them out. Ukraine, as an economy trying to reform itself, has an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others. Often times in the Malls in Ukraine and other FSU places, the "security" is actually really run by the mafia. The "Mall Cop " has a hidden boss. In some Ukraine markets, the only real security is the Mafia lookout, or at least that's the way it was in the past...
Yanukovych, for instance was said to control nearly all , except 1 or 2 of the many Night Clubs in Odessa, he and his clan, also had to control a similar number of the shopping venues of the city.
I know people, or person who ran these retail property operations in major cities of Ukraine. It's a heavily "managed" environment, where much of the store margins on many items are double , even what we pay in USA. I had seen prices for produce, vegetables nearly identical to San Francisco/ SF Bay area for "healthy, fresh foods" And our area is said to be the most expensive within the USA.
Now it's certain that the mega-million $ haul of Paul Manafort from his operations in Ukraine involved many many , one to one conversations, with high level Members of Parliament. And you'd have to be Naive, to think he didn't make audio recordings of those conversations, texts and emails relating to his many corrupt deals. Will Ukraine lobby for an immunity deal for him, to gain access to old, dirty laundry? Or is it not really worth it? And how does that relate to recovering Crimean territory? The good news from the recent Russian Federation election may be mainly that Ksenia Sobchak is still alive and untainted by Kompromat of any sort (that I know of) But the last time that I checked, being safe, doesn't mean that you are feeling sorry....
How would he (Paul Manafort) not, upon being given the job of running the presidential campaign of the biggest dark horse candidate in American Presidential election history, not make recordings and store information, when meeting with Russian backers or proxies of "Patriotic Volunteers" to preserve his "get out of Jail for free" card? And maybe is true that I am just as much at risk as my friend Nadia , for pissing off the wrong people for saying the most inconvenient things. I have 2 hopes, and 1 is hidden for the moment. I Hope they both survive, live long and prosper.
We are all getting enslaved by a cycle of bad news, and maybe just have to work a little harder to tune it out, and be more open to the personal connection. Maybe It's time to roll up our sleeves and embrace the working class ethics, and be more understanding of the difficult lives of people in those working class towns, wherever those towns may be. That they are "our people" and their work supports our life style, however imperfect that lifestyle can be.
it's all going towards a "Gone With The Wind" narrative: Hope, innocence and an exploitation structure imposed on the working class ; largely driven by a Russian Oligarchy imposed on the internal Ukraine economy gets lost in space.
"White Room"
while I greatly care for my friend, disbelieve the nature of accusations, she had to make choices to augment her chances of survival : all of Europe mourns a truly heroic man, and it's not easy, I have to pause and think it over, as I know these areas of France, I think of it , hope I am able to say it is my Nation, I love the quiet summer spaces where men play soccer, and the good food comes out, the fine local wine, the local cheeses. this is a quiet place in the world and in no way do I want to imply that French Intelligence got lazy. Unfortunately something really bad happened there, and I wish the security forces best of luck in preventing the same from happening again. I feel that my friends, my country are under attack, in so many unspeakable ways, and it's really sad for me.
For now, I am going to stop looking for Hope in the Media. I will try to find her in my heart. For she is the victim, and although maybe she could, or may have apologized for her exercise in surrealism, it is an amateur cultural error to blame the actions of the victim when they are thrust into unprecedented circumstances.
Whilst it could sound obscene, the upper classes , elite strata of Ukrainian Society also became victims in a sense in the late 2000's they fell prey to the lure of the "LUXURY LIFESTYLE" while that's not the worst thing a sector of society can succumb to, and it creates it's own economy, they paid few, if any taxes within that economy, while the working class had few options to hide income.
I had noticed quite often within Ukraine, that Shopping centers such as the one tragically caught in a monstrous fire as Keremovo, a working class, coal mining town, that "low margin" sectors within the Mall economy being sported by Russian developers (within Ukraine) were often moved into the top stories, where you had to trudge up stairs. Parking children on the ground floor of a shopping Mall also creates security risks, yet at least it's more easy to get them out. Ukraine, as an economy trying to reform itself, has an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others. Often times in the Malls in Ukraine and other FSU places, the "security" is actually really run by the mafia. The "Mall Cop " has a hidden boss. In some Ukraine markets, the only real security is the Mafia lookout, or at least that's the way it was in the past...
Yanukovych, for instance was said to control nearly all , except 1 or 2 of the many Night Clubs in Odessa, he and his clan, also had to control a similar number of the shopping venues of the city.
I know people, or person who ran these retail property operations in major cities of Ukraine. It's a heavily "managed" environment, where much of the store margins on many items are double , even what we pay in USA. I had seen prices for produce, vegetables nearly identical to San Francisco/ SF Bay area for "healthy, fresh foods" And our area is said to be the most expensive within the USA.

How would he (Paul Manafort) not, upon being given the job of running the presidential campaign of the biggest dark horse candidate in American Presidential election history, not make recordings and store information, when meeting with Russian backers or proxies of "Patriotic Volunteers" to preserve his "get out of Jail for free" card? And maybe is true that I am just as much at risk as my friend Nadia , for pissing off the wrong people for saying the most inconvenient things. I have 2 hopes, and 1 is hidden for the moment. I Hope they both survive, live long and prosper.
We are all getting enslaved by a cycle of bad news, and maybe just have to work a little harder to tune it out, and be more open to the personal connection. Maybe It's time to roll up our sleeves and embrace the working class ethics, and be more understanding of the difficult lives of people in those working class towns, wherever those towns may be. That they are "our people" and their work supports our life style, however imperfect that lifestyle can be.
it's all going towards a "Gone With The Wind" narrative: Hope, innocence and an exploitation structure imposed on the working class ; largely driven by a Russian Oligarchy imposed on the internal Ukraine economy gets lost in space.
"White Room"
In the white room with black curtains near the station.
Black-roof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings.
Silver horses run down moonbeams in your dark eyes.
Dawn-light smiles on you leaving, my contentment.
I'll wait in this place where the sun never shines;
Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves.
You said no strings could secure you at the station.
Platform ticket, restless diesels, goodbye windows.
I walked into such a sad time at the station.
As I walked out, felt my own need just beginning.
I'll wait in the queue when the trains come back;
Lie with you where the shadows run from themselves.
At the party she was kindness in the hard crowd.
Consolation for the old wound now forgotten.
Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes.
She's just dressing, goodbye windows, tired starlings.
I'll sleep in this place with the lonely crowd;
Lie in the dark where the shadows run from themselves.
Black-roof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings.
Silver horses run down moonbeams in your dark eyes.
Dawn-light smiles on you leaving, my contentment.
I'll wait in this place where the sun never shines;
Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves.
You said no strings could secure you at the station.
Platform ticket, restless diesels, goodbye windows.
I walked into such a sad time at the station.
As I walked out, felt my own need just beginning.
I'll wait in the queue when the trains come back;
Lie with you where the shadows run from themselves.
At the party she was kindness in the hard crowd.
Consolation for the old wound now forgotten.
Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes.
She's just dressing, goodbye windows, tired starlings.
I'll sleep in this place with the lonely crowd;
Lie in the dark where the shadows run from themselves.
I haven't caught up with my coffee buddy Igor Kolomoisky in some time, I'd Love to hear what he thinks of Hope's situation.
I may not have mentioned before of my independent research of the MH17 downing, mass murder. While I consider myself a patriotic American, I actually didn't trust anyone in my own government and passed along the confidential results of my independent research to the Australian Federal Police.
Honestly if you look at MH 17., MH370 searching the oceans is mostly about deep ocean mining and exploration. The diversion of the flight North Westward into Baikonur , or South Eastward, the cloning of the electronics, it was probably child's play: Russia wanted a diversion from the seizure of Crimea, perhaps much as the 9/11 situation riled the jealousy tilted Russian foreign policy analysts.
I would suspect, completely lacking any serious evidence that much of the MH 370 incident could be derived from a careful reading of the Donald Cammel , Marlon Brando Novel Fan Tan. In other words, maybe follow the furniture, the 2 Ukranian Nationals , the Russian Diplomat, Jet Li's camera double who may have only been an innocent bystander caught in the precipitous moment of the flight diversion. The electronics and aviation bay was compromised, the flight diverted.
The issue I had hoped to pose, humbly was that why have I not had any follow up queries on the issues I raised in my independent investigations about MH 17 ? For me it is kind of hard, as I really don't have any back up infrastructure: it's just me, alone, wading through this complex narrative of divergent world views. What I touched upon in the MH17 situation was not about who was there, it was more about who wasn't there. Since the entire issue became cloaked in "National security" and the evidence thereupon locked away without transparency. I do not disclaim the lack of relevancy attributed to my reporting, the narrative I supplied, yet nobody has assuaged my uncertainty about the subliminal questions in my mind, that the issues I attempted to raise were effectively swept under the rug. I'd doubt any of this will emerge within the upcoming election cycle in Ukraine, and I'm sure that my most recent project I have yet to unveil, will get totally laughed at, or something like that.
Rob Nillson made a documentary film about Leon Trotsky , "What Happened Here? " and I recently got hold of it (it is really hard to find. I know the man in person, mutual friends, and so forth. It is a fascinating film, I won't post a link as it's too hard to find. It has to be one of the most low budget, yet most highly impactful film expose's about the holocaust. to say that it is understated, is an understatement. Despite that, the continuum of history in Ukraine is present, and there are layers beyond the layers of the film . There are people under the layers of people in Ukraine, a land of complex histories. When we unearth the layer, under the layer of the land in Ukraine, we can hope to start to truly understand it, an all it's wealth, tragedy and glory.
I haven't caught up with my coffee buddy Igor Kolomoisky in some time, I'd Love to hear what he thinks of Hope's situation.
I may not have mentioned before of my independent research of the MH17 downing, mass murder. While I consider myself a patriotic American, I actually didn't trust anyone in my own government and passed along the confidential results of my independent research to the Australian Federal Police.
Honestly if you look at MH 17., MH370 searching the oceans is mostly about deep ocean mining and exploration. The diversion of the flight North Westward into Baikonur , or South Eastward, the cloning of the electronics, it was probably child's play: Russia wanted a diversion from the seizure of Crimea, perhaps much as the 9/11 situation riled the jealousy tilted Russian foreign policy analysts.
I would suspect, completely lacking any serious evidence that much of the MH 370 incident could be derived from a careful reading of the Donald Cammel , Marlon Brando Novel Fan Tan. In other words, maybe follow the furniture, the 2 Ukranian Nationals , the Russian Diplomat, Jet Li's camera double who may have only been an innocent bystander caught in the precipitous moment of the flight diversion. The electronics and aviation bay was compromised, the flight diverted.
The issue I had hoped to pose, humbly was that why have I not had any follow up queries on the issues I raised in my independent investigations about MH 17 ? For me it is kind of hard, as I really don't have any back up infrastructure: it's just me, alone, wading through this complex narrative of divergent world views. What I touched upon in the MH17 situation was not about who was there, it was more about who wasn't there. Since the entire issue became cloaked in "National security" and the evidence thereupon locked away without transparency. I do not disclaim the lack of relevancy attributed to my reporting, the narrative I supplied, yet nobody has assuaged my uncertainty about the subliminal questions in my mind, that the issues I attempted to raise were effectively swept under the rug. I'd doubt any of this will emerge within the upcoming election cycle in Ukraine, and I'm sure that my most recent project I have yet to unveil, will get totally laughed at, or something like that.
Rob Nillson made a documentary film about Leon Trotsky , "What Happened Here? " and I recently got hold of it (it is really hard to find. I know the man in person, mutual friends, and so forth. It is a fascinating film, I won't post a link as it's too hard to find. It has to be one of the most low budget, yet most highly impactful film expose's about the holocaust. to say that it is understated, is an understatement. Despite that, the continuum of history in Ukraine is present, and there are layers beyond the layers of the film . There are people under the layers of people in Ukraine, a land of complex histories. When we unearth the layer, under the layer of the land in Ukraine, we can hope to start to truly understand it, an all it's wealth, tragedy and glory.
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