That Cool Ukraine
It will be interesting to see how the New President of Ukraine navigates issues of regionalism, not only in his cabinet and staff, but policy and management decisions.
The underlying economic questions about the state of Ukraine's economy are a serious matter, for they are losing far more people through outward migration, than through the war and conflict. You need to bring your cool game to Ukraine, Now, more than ever! The cool game is subtle, nuanced. One has to appreciate the concept, while I am promoting only the idea , as myself all alone in the world, that these are moderate and hospitable people, who don't want any trouble.
That cool fashion chic, it's actually hard to do, as much as the fashion A Game in Ukraine is more than a challenge, it is probably a reality. While our ultra elites eschew expensive designer brands in preference for older, recycled and repaired clothing.
This is the conundrum of how to present one's self in this vastly disrupted, highly archetypal continuum.
For those of us involved , however it may be, in a highly peripheral first hand witness sense, with the Special Prosecutor's Russia Probe, the Silent Swan Hath Spoken.
He is that allegorically unequivocal Thespian of Truth and Justice, in the sense of the American Way. \\
It's not like there was any big surprise in all this, what 2 year investigation? The POTUS has some burdens and conflicts, issues of compromise : it is not like he is the first in that regard. Russian forces apparently dove deeply into American Geopolitical processes, and we could be sure they submerged and engaged with fooling around with public perceptions and awareness of the USA's political reality.
Whatever alleged, insinuated, Kompromat the Russians may keep in the vault about Trump, the Trump organization, it's my supposition it will never see the light of day. What I foretell, outline as the crucible of the Russian Dilemma, vis a vis Donald Trump is this : That as much as Trump is keenly focused on his reelection, thusly closely aligning with Russian interests,
that a potentially disrobing, "Emperor Has No Clothes`~ event,
that leads to the ascension of "Iron" Mike Pence, into the Oval office as President of The United States of America, could very well lead to, or foretell, a second collapse of the Soviet Union, AKA Russian Federation. Such an event would not bode well for Team Putin, in my humble opinion. Not that I am any fan of Vice President Mike Pence, I haven't met the guy and like Michael Jackson or whoever else, I don't make judgements about people I never met.
And I don't necessarily think, that a second total economic and political collapse in Russia is really the best thing that could happen over there. So would, would it not, be fitting, that Vladimir Putin's former boss, Mayor of Saint Petersburg Russia, that his daughter , Ksenia Sobchak could win that ineluctable Race of Sexual ascendancy, to become the first Woman President of a super Power? They beat us into space, so why not beat our USA sexual politics trajectory politically?
Most Pundits will say, that Putin will import one of his daughters into a leadership position to assume his role. Yet if Ksenia Sobchak gains ascendancy, wouldn't that be the Game changer for Ukraine?
Ultimately, I think that continued House Democratic fact finding will render team Trump unelectable and another Republican challenger will emerge, and in some ways, it could be better for team Putin to have a Democrat regain the White House in the next election cycle. Team Putin may even be forced to simply disengage from Crimea, while people could say this is purely Science fiction on such a rapid time table, who is to say what? People like me who enjoy dabbling in writing science fiction, well it's something I am looking forward to , my weird attempt to disrupt the perceptive singularity of current events, which are either boring, depressing or disturbing., as you choose to enjoy the morass.
It is obvious to me, that while they (Russia) could succeed in hacking the electoral process, there are limits to their ability to hack our judicial process, extreme limits. Yet what is the deal with Paul Manafort? Is it really true that he knows too much, way too much? Is his safety at risk in Riker's Island.?
Maybe even I, the writer of Ukraine starting over have some bounty on my head, for whatever reason. Is the allegation for Mister Manafort's Cayman Islands bank deposits being far greater than a Presidential level Publisher's book advance , actually anything more than a fig leaf of my imagination? Oh those days when Paul Manafort flew out of Kiev on the Private Jet with duffel bags stuffed with Euros , straight flights to Switzerland, the Caribbean .
Does the new government in Kiev have some interest to pursue their lost treasure, or does that risk drawing the ire of the POTUS's administration? I'd guess it's best to allow sleeping dogs to lay quiet.
The fact is, (in my opinion ) that Ukraine is probably a year or 2 away from building a conventional warhead missile capacity that can threaten the 2 cities that dominate the Russian economy. Yet Ukraine knows full well that it can never win in a conflict with Russian Federation, it can never armor itself, never out spend such an oil rich economy, at least for now, the next 2 or 3 generations.
As well, on an unrelated subject, there's signs of a vast depletion of the Volga river. Russia may be forced in many regions, to drink piss water, however well that they could treat that. This perception of a failing water supply can also increase the outward migration trend within Russia , further depleting their tax and economic base.
Despite that, Ukraine has no reason to threaten Russia . Their main objective is simply to achieve removal of Russian military forces and regain their natural territory (Russia is so darn big, why did they have to take some more ?) \
. They don't need threats to do that, as it's in everybody's best interest. Yet since Ukraine is no longer constrained by the intermediate range missile treaties, they can do whatever they please. If it's to build launchers for space tractors, wherein they could make a good money. Or to build missiles to make damage wherein they only risk great mutual damage, basically deterrent conventional missile capability. People need to start to call a spade a spade. Perhaps bypass all the pleasant diplomatic banter. A lot of hard feelings in Ukraine now, about the war with Russia, a war made by Russia yet springboard-ed by American aspirations to promote the Democratic idealism . Well USA succeeded in Ukraine, for now.
I have no real opinion about all of this complicated stuff, I simply try to do my best, live with what I get. I hope that I can Live to Write another day !
few people may recollect that President Bill Clinton's first Presidential State visit, was to Mexico, with most of his Presidential Cabinet in tow. This visit is a vastly under reported event of the First Clinton Administration, and I know somebody who was there and he was brought into the secure room, of the US embassy in Mexico city to "run the meeting"
Actually, there is probably no relevant parallel, to the present day situation of Ukraine's New President. As Ukraine hasn't a land border to it's South. What is the New President going to meet Erdogan in Turkey ? Actually I have met, in a loosely meant inference, the Turkish Ambassador of Ukraine. Friend of a friend is a friend of mine kind of thing. Yet certainly that Clinton visit to Mexico, opened up a lot of cross border cooperation. Created a lot of economic opportunity for USA corporations, business interest. It signaled that Mexico was not, a poor country, It has a larger economy than Iran, for instance.
Can Ukraine link more extensively, hope to shift away Russian influence within Turkey ?
As I've heard it, the Turkish business people who first tried to enter Ukraine's middle, small business marketplace, didn't understand how things are done in Ukraine. That is certainly a mistake I have egregiously made quite a few times in my travels and relations there. In other words, East or West, doing business in Ukraine, one needs to bring the "A Game".
I'm just a border hurdling kind of guy I would guess that's me in theory, pretending to be escaping escaping from Russian territory. I would really love to visit Crimea again, within my lifetime.
The underlying economic questions about the state of Ukraine's economy are a serious matter, for they are losing far more people through outward migration, than through the war and conflict. You need to bring your cool game to Ukraine, Now, more than ever! The cool game is subtle, nuanced. One has to appreciate the concept, while I am promoting only the idea , as myself all alone in the world, that these are moderate and hospitable people, who don't want any trouble.
That cool fashion chic, it's actually hard to do, as much as the fashion A Game in Ukraine is more than a challenge, it is probably a reality. While our ultra elites eschew expensive designer brands in preference for older, recycled and repaired clothing.
This is the conundrum of how to present one's self in this vastly disrupted, highly archetypal continuum.
For those of us involved , however it may be, in a highly peripheral first hand witness sense, with the Special Prosecutor's Russia Probe, the Silent Swan Hath Spoken.
He is that allegorically unequivocal Thespian of Truth and Justice, in the sense of the American Way. \\
It's not like there was any big surprise in all this, what 2 year investigation? The POTUS has some burdens and conflicts, issues of compromise : it is not like he is the first in that regard. Russian forces apparently dove deeply into American Geopolitical processes, and we could be sure they submerged and engaged with fooling around with public perceptions and awareness of the USA's political reality.
Whatever alleged, insinuated, Kompromat the Russians may keep in the vault about Trump, the Trump organization, it's my supposition it will never see the light of day. What I foretell, outline as the crucible of the Russian Dilemma, vis a vis Donald Trump is this : That as much as Trump is keenly focused on his reelection, thusly closely aligning with Russian interests,
that a potentially disrobing, "Emperor Has No Clothes`~ event,
that leads to the ascension of "Iron" Mike Pence, into the Oval office as President of The United States of America, could very well lead to, or foretell, a second collapse of the Soviet Union, AKA Russian Federation. Such an event would not bode well for Team Putin, in my humble opinion. Not that I am any fan of Vice President Mike Pence, I haven't met the guy and like Michael Jackson or whoever else, I don't make judgements about people I never met.
And I don't necessarily think, that a second total economic and political collapse in Russia is really the best thing that could happen over there. So would, would it not, be fitting, that Vladimir Putin's former boss, Mayor of Saint Petersburg Russia, that his daughter , Ksenia Sobchak could win that ineluctable Race of Sexual ascendancy, to become the first Woman President of a super Power? They beat us into space, so why not beat our USA sexual politics trajectory politically?
Most Pundits will say, that Putin will import one of his daughters into a leadership position to assume his role. Yet if Ksenia Sobchak gains ascendancy, wouldn't that be the Game changer for Ukraine?
Ultimately, I think that continued House Democratic fact finding will render team Trump unelectable and another Republican challenger will emerge, and in some ways, it could be better for team Putin to have a Democrat regain the White House in the next election cycle. Team Putin may even be forced to simply disengage from Crimea, while people could say this is purely Science fiction on such a rapid time table, who is to say what? People like me who enjoy dabbling in writing science fiction, well it's something I am looking forward to , my weird attempt to disrupt the perceptive singularity of current events, which are either boring, depressing or disturbing., as you choose to enjoy the morass.

Maybe even I, the writer of Ukraine starting over have some bounty on my head, for whatever reason. Is the allegation for Mister Manafort's Cayman Islands bank deposits being far greater than a Presidential level Publisher's book advance , actually anything more than a fig leaf of my imagination? Oh those days when Paul Manafort flew out of Kiev on the Private Jet with duffel bags stuffed with Euros , straight flights to Switzerland, the Caribbean .
Does the new government in Kiev have some interest to pursue their lost treasure, or does that risk drawing the ire of the POTUS's administration? I'd guess it's best to allow sleeping dogs to lay quiet.
The fact is, (in my opinion ) that Ukraine is probably a year or 2 away from building a conventional warhead missile capacity that can threaten the 2 cities that dominate the Russian economy. Yet Ukraine knows full well that it can never win in a conflict with Russian Federation, it can never armor itself, never out spend such an oil rich economy, at least for now, the next 2 or 3 generations.
As well, on an unrelated subject, there's signs of a vast depletion of the Volga river. Russia may be forced in many regions, to drink piss water, however well that they could treat that. This perception of a failing water supply can also increase the outward migration trend within Russia , further depleting their tax and economic base.
Despite that, Ukraine has no reason to threaten Russia . Their main objective is simply to achieve removal of Russian military forces and regain their natural territory (Russia is so darn big, why did they have to take some more ?) \
. They don't need threats to do that, as it's in everybody's best interest. Yet since Ukraine is no longer constrained by the intermediate range missile treaties, they can do whatever they please. If it's to build launchers for space tractors, wherein they could make a good money. Or to build missiles to make damage wherein they only risk great mutual damage, basically deterrent conventional missile capability. People need to start to call a spade a spade. Perhaps bypass all the pleasant diplomatic banter. A lot of hard feelings in Ukraine now, about the war with Russia, a war made by Russia yet springboard-ed by American aspirations to promote the Democratic idealism . Well USA succeeded in Ukraine, for now.

few people may recollect that President Bill Clinton's first Presidential State visit, was to Mexico, with most of his Presidential Cabinet in tow. This visit is a vastly under reported event of the First Clinton Administration, and I know somebody who was there and he was brought into the secure room, of the US embassy in Mexico city to "run the meeting"
Can Ukraine link more extensively, hope to shift away Russian influence within Turkey ?
As I've heard it, the Turkish business people who first tried to enter Ukraine's middle, small business marketplace, didn't understand how things are done in Ukraine. That is certainly a mistake I have egregiously made quite a few times in my travels and relations there. In other words, East or West, doing business in Ukraine, one needs to bring the "A Game".
I'm just a border hurdling kind of guy I would guess that's me in theory, pretending to be escaping escaping from Russian territory. I would really love to visit Crimea again, within my lifetime.
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