The keys to the Kingdom

\it's clear that Russia will offer to the Trump people the keys to the kingdom,  as they see it. The keys will come with a price, and that price will be morally and politically impossible.

At one time, the Russians held the keys to our kingdom in USA, they had deeply embedded moles in the Naval signal corps, they had the dope on Trident submarine patrol schedules and locations, yet for them, the cost was too high, even during "Iron Yuri Andropov times"

well, it remains to be seen,  if Donald Trump can administer his initiatives out of a paper bag.
I cannot even vaguely imagine a Trump administration "charm offensive " in Ukraine.
for sure our nation, from California to Rhode Island is perhaps headed towards a guttural, chaotic, discordant unrest. As we quickly learn, how radically our elections were tampered with. How naive and second grade the DNC was about it's security. how rancorous and insensitive the RNC was about taking hard core tactical advantages from Vladimir Putin's direct action team. I have a feeling Putin learned as a kid, how to use the worst bully on the playground to further his needs to win. Trump is trumpeting, celebrating the vicious tactics that got him elected.
Now if there is an anti-Trump  demonstration on Washington DC in 3-4 years, I may be there, I may not , I have to work to survive, I don't get paid for being a political operative, a disruptive trouble maker.  But I'm not sure Trump will even get to the inauguration, he may have an issue that's so outrageous, he can't take office, then Pence steps in, who seems more unnerving to me than Trump

I'm here for creative opportunity, and within that a humble desire to carry on the struggle for human decency and personal dignity cast against the monolith of money, hard finance and pseudo -imperialistic dominion -isms <
There was such a massive deal cut in this election, yet the Rosicrucians may win out in the long haul. The ancient civilizations have re-emerged in various ways, their entities of power have blended into modern reality, as I sense it.

What is the Dalai Lama's ultimate goal?
does he want to engage people with education outside of electrification ?
can people really learn their internal powers to create networking potential exceed the internet backbone we have harnessed ? He's made a point of saying that violence has no place in any religion.

at the start of this day, I think I must identify with the writings, perspectives and idealism of Kobo Abe, I read him in my youth, and all much of my   imaginations since then are tainted by his unique, slightly darkened and unabashed styleōbō_Abe


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