Hope has gone off the Reservation

I hear that Nadia Savchenko and Madame Tymoshenko's party have dissolved their working relationship over Nadia's visit to Minsk, ostensibly to discuss further prisoner releases. Yes, I am slightly afraid , as a follower of her, knowing her ,  I do understand the view that Nadia has become a tool for the Kremlin's stealth policy to legitimize the conflict as a civil war, rather than a thinly veiled open war. We don't have, couldn't truly imagine such a paradox as Nadia in our culture of the USA, we have not been through what Ukraine is experiencing, other than perhaps our times during the colonial war against England, but that time was also different, the British lines of supply depended on lengthy, somewhat risk sea transport. Russia is simply driving all their hard core military hardware onto Ukraine along the breached Eastern borders.

 With Crimea , it didn't take more than a couple of  shiploads of gear to prepare the stockpiles of weapons and uniforms, manpower and front end supplies to overwhelm the Ukraine forces stationed in that portion of their territory. Crimea was a place the Ukraine Army visited in summer for training exercises, the men took their wives and kids with them on the train. I know as I rode back from the Crimea on a train , sharing a compartment with a family from Vinnitsa 7 or 8 years ago. Everything between the Ukraine and Russia military was on a reasonably friendly, cooperative, matter of fact basis. Russia was leasing the bases. The district of Sevastopol voted 57% to go toward becoming an Independent state, to leave USSR in 1991. While Crimea at large was 54%, it was a relatively free and unfettered plebiscite in 1991.

it feels like the  Yanukovych election victory against Yulia Tymoshenko in 2010 was a dry run for the smear campaign and dirty tricks bag pulled out to do a number on Secretary Clinton this year.

I remember at the time seeing photoshopped pics of Madame Tymoshenko with eyes of the undead photoshopped in, and the subtitle "Dark Queen Rising" and then there were silly cartoons of her dressed as a prostitute feeding rats fistfuls of cash. It seems so easy to malign women when they don't fit the stereotype or set of expectations of a male dominated social and media hierarchy.

And Nadia, Hope, true to form ,  has left the reservation, she fits nobody's program of expectations, and as she's my friend, honestly I feel bad, it nearly sounds like they are preparing to tear her into pieces, to deconstruct her so bluntly, that such things will only cast the darkest light on her most fervent deconstruct specialists. Due to the social policies of USSR, Ukraine was populated with people from all over, many places of such a wide swath, 7 time zones. As I have obliquely mentioned before,
there are the equivalent of Native Peoples, first Nations in Ukraine. People I know, have spent warm and true moments with, and they don't have political agendas, or identity politics, they are simply warm, kind people who live in Ukraine, they may have cousins to the East in Russian Federation, cousins to the West in Czechoslovakia .

Hope has left the Fatherland party of Yulia Tymoshenko. There were warnings, she was going to have gotten a talking to, a dialog, a light verbal reprimand, but she went a step too far. Now for me , it is only an hour or so, late at night , some easy talk with her, yet I sat at her right hand, she to my left, and I felt this nascent, burning fire of truthfulness from her, intense, intent filled , experiences she has like (Yoko Ono/ NO other ) And I see her photos, she is pushing the envelope, building a fire inside her soul, asking things of her body that are not healthy or realistic. Now I tell people "Be Healthy!" it is the only thing we can do now in this world, be real and supportive for our friends, take care of our body, guard our soul from evil people.
Yet she chooses to go into the Lion's Den, meet these > Evil people"<, and face the harshest criticism of her society, sacrifice the wealth of street credibility that she has, it's amazing.
I know that my own strengths and weaknesses are disparate and unrelated. Every day I humbly try to be thankful for the acasual , synchronistic circumstances that have granted me the opportunity to meet so many great and amazingly, uniquely talented people, to survive all the rough and tumble of a low budget personal circumstances in relatively good form.
I see a woman that I know as my friend as having gone through the Hell, and walking alone nearly into another Hell, trying to find the most pragmatic compromise for  an ungainly equation of life and geopolitics, Pipe-Line-Istan -isms, where only the money is the ultimate factor that decides the fate of human lives.

I do believe that Trump will try to cut a deal with Russia that benefits the monied elites primarily, Putin wants to solidify his seizure of Crimea, and that won't go over so well, to have Trump, the guy he helped get elected, attempt to legitimize Crimea for normal commerce. There's more resources , advantages and value in Crimea than the average person would realize.

while I am upset about the fact the Clinton team didn't win the Electoral college, and would hope there is at least some semblance of rebellion in the Electoral college vote.
Really,  I see us as being bound into an internal conflict, the corruption that team trump can unspool will be staggering. It may be Putin's ideal plan to see the USA descend into a idealistic conflict over the Trump policies, that gets violent and unruly.
I may stop voting in the Democratic party, it could  mean that I stop voting entirely. The Libertarians don't much interest me, the Greens don't have the wind at their sails  just yet.  Our world may become a place of isolated city states rather than a globe unified by law and reason, we are going to a reality conformed by the need to maintain wealth and power for the few I'd say, but who knows, there may be hope.

"All Along The Watchtower"

"There must be some kind of way out of here,"
Said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Businessmen - they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None will level on the line
Nobody of it is worth."

"No reason to get excited,"
The thief - he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour's getting late."

All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants too
Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl, hey.

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