It's not easy
Crimea and Eastern Ukraine become , have been made into a set of blocking points for the reconstruction of Ukraine. We all hope for a Ukraine free of corruption, easy to do business with, something like a fantasy land, which it will never be. But the spirit for cohesive reform is there, if those darn Jesuits will stop making sense
I haven't had mulled wine with them yet, but maybe
the truth has to be out there ! It is still possible that ROBERT DeNiro, MARTIN Scorcese and Leonardo DiCaprio will team up to do a Nadia Savchenko Biopic on her Aidar Battalion's pandemic excursions in the war zones of Eastern Ukraine, but who will play she ? Now that she is no longer thought to be trustworthy knowing state secrets,
maybe she will go for the big money in Hollywood ?
a SUBPLOT of Papal conspiracy is always an easy point of conjecture.
I have had a much better than average glimpse of Russia's "red Book" on it's actions in Ukraine, and let us, hypothetically throw Syria into the pot : it's not easy, it's not pretty, it's really sad, it's unfortunate for the folks caught in the middle of geopolitics. Beyond spoiling people's vacation plans, it's really just an extreme form of hurting innocent people. To let bygones go, and start things fresh, it's really asking quite a lot right now, for anybody affected by all this. Of course, despite the expectations of a thawing during the advent of the Trump thing, the risk of Nuclear winter may never be greater than it could be in the coming year.
For one, Russian "red Book o.1" of Ukraine, does not seem to include the manifold costs of psychological and social disruption, they just can't be analytically weighed. I have seen it recently , amongst my refugee contacts, this aspect of perhaps being pushed to extreme edges, losing all sensibility of social and normal business acumen, being not just on the edge, but past the edge. This is an unweighed, hard to ascertain cost to this war, disruption that Russia brought into the lands of it's fairly peaceful and easy going neighbor.
I know they had problems, issues, history, yet this is far outside the norm for punishment.
Those Eastern cities of Ukraine occupied now by the armed Russian mercenary terrorists, were notably prosperous and normal,
now all is near to complete economic and infrastructure destruction.><
And I see these USA sanctions and "compound closures " as just another form of gutless harassment, punishment without much teeth, in hopes of invoking some arcane result.
Things will carry on. Russia wants to incite, encourage, elicit the extremes of far right and far left within it's EU adversaries, neighbors , while it wants to coddle, cajole , encourage and massage the perceptions of it's nascent and vaguely seem-prosperous middle.
this war will not end quickly, maybe 5, 10 or 20,000 more people will die from it, and the untold human costs, outside the raw death count will rise algorithmically
we in the USA, we cannot even fathom what this is about, I sense it. We want some convenient feeling that the problems are solved and all Ukraine is OK once again, thanks to brilliant diplomatic initiatives. That fits the classic need for Americans to grab a simplified concept of threat reduction, job well done, all is groovy and cool, once more :)
THE MH17 issue will linger, like for instance , if it was a bunch of Vodka swilling Russian soldiers drinking in mid day, working for cash , having fun somehow, who thought they saw something looking like a Ukraine Army transport or surveillance craft, at 35,000 feet, the thought they acted without direct orders is implausible
Yet the basic supposition of the matter : Russia is conducting a covert war upon it's peaceful neighbor, the BUK units move in groups of 3,
1. missile launch, 2. Radar and detection, 3. communication and command and control unit.
These are highly trained / coordinated specialist units. Not Sunday school believers. They only operate under direct , hierarchical orders.
The MH17 flight had a signal, something like "hey guys, I am a civilian plane, enroute to Kuala Lumpur." is it possible that signal was tampered with , who knows, but why would it be ?
yes, of course, with sanctions , now there are billions of $ are at stake. it will be more easy to simply create a scapegoat and shift the blame towards ineptness and away from the doormat of the Kremlin.
of course , blame shifting is the key component of social advancement, it's endemic and rampant.
the MH 17 shoot down, is it a screw up., Or perhaps it was intentional , '
but what could have been a motive , things the AIDS researchers knew or had with them ?
Honestly, if you ask me, Malaysia Airline became an easy patsy for a complex geopolitical web of intrigue, perhaps it was too easy, but there were likely very high level players involved in both events, possible high value cargo, multiple corporate and International vested interests concerned, desirous off the cargo, basically a shit show went down, or each was just a weird convocation of ineptness and bad luck.
I can't truly guess, my instinct between the two, hovers between intricate conspiracy and ineptness ,
yet I think that many crimes of omission have been conducted.
Maybe Ukraine needs to think about building a massive wall, yet could that represent a victory for Russia , is the "you break it, you bought it, Law going to apply ? we have entered the scapegoat era of politics where most everyone else is stupid, and only "we" know the true answers, it's unfortunate .
Will the generation , who came of age during 9/11 ask for real answers ? Does Ed SNowden have some parts of that ? so far, he has stayed away from that issue. I think that, like Donald , Edward Snowden knows more than he feels comfortably flippantly and effortlessly digressing about.'
It is perhaps one of the most dangerous back stories in our Nation's history,
but did the KGB/FSB just elect our current President ? And how absurd is that?
Our election was flagrantly messed with, and they can shrug it off like nothing, fairy tales ?
Well I tend to like Russian / Ukraine people , and do not wish anybody harm.
America seems headed for the hand basket in the Hell, welcome to the New Republic, the wall may be meant to keep us in, as much as to keep them out.
the changes being reviewed for the NAFTA , along with a possible El Chapo extradition, may well spark a covertly managed Marxist guerrilla movement , that spreads outward from some regional center, like Sinaloa with offshoots in Central America and possibly inside the continental states. A legal challenge of the terms of the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo could be a significant basis of moral justification. China seems too smart to openly spark such a geopolitics conflagration, yet could latent post Trotsky-ite elements within Mexico be swayed to join an erudite , intellectually savvy dialog ? The Russian immigrants in Baja and other places found a richly accessible environment there in the 1920's , 30's and made out reasonably well, many with a strong presence within California society and business, and of course such thoughts are welcome as part of the dialog of our civil society here.
I hope it doesn't go that way negatively , but we've entered the era where the unbelievable for USA starts to seem more possible. It's al based on social and economic factors,
like where things are only getting way better for the wealthy few and much worse for the many.
I know that my Crimean Tatar contacts spoke of connections with the Persian economic and trading Empires , perhaps one can say not that History repeats itself, but that history re-echoes itself ?
I think about this trip to Sudak, in November of 2012, I really went alone, without a minder, a guide, advice, it was not that hard to do, rooms were actually hard to find, the cheap hotel was really, really dingy and claustrophobic, I felt like I paid something for nothing. but it was still interesting to wander about with nobody in site over the whole territory of the Historic fortress
I haven't had mulled wine with them yet, but maybe
the truth has to be out there ! It is still possible that ROBERT DeNiro, MARTIN Scorcese and Leonardo DiCaprio will team up to do a Nadia Savchenko Biopic on her Aidar Battalion's pandemic excursions in the war zones of Eastern Ukraine, but who will play she ? Now that she is no longer thought to be trustworthy knowing state secrets,
maybe she will go for the big money in Hollywood ?
a SUBPLOT of Papal conspiracy is always an easy point of conjecture.
I have had a much better than average glimpse of Russia's "red Book" on it's actions in Ukraine, and let us, hypothetically throw Syria into the pot : it's not easy, it's not pretty, it's really sad, it's unfortunate for the folks caught in the middle of geopolitics. Beyond spoiling people's vacation plans, it's really just an extreme form of hurting innocent people. To let bygones go, and start things fresh, it's really asking quite a lot right now, for anybody affected by all this. Of course, despite the expectations of a thawing during the advent of the Trump thing, the risk of Nuclear winter may never be greater than it could be in the coming year.
For one, Russian "red Book o.1" of Ukraine, does not seem to include the manifold costs of psychological and social disruption, they just can't be analytically weighed. I have seen it recently , amongst my refugee contacts, this aspect of perhaps being pushed to extreme edges, losing all sensibility of social and normal business acumen, being not just on the edge, but past the edge. This is an unweighed, hard to ascertain cost to this war, disruption that Russia brought into the lands of it's fairly peaceful and easy going neighbor.
I know they had problems, issues, history, yet this is far outside the norm for punishment.
Those Eastern cities of Ukraine occupied now by the armed Russian mercenary terrorists, were notably prosperous and normal,
now all is near to complete economic and infrastructure destruction.><
And I see these USA sanctions and "compound closures " as just another form of gutless harassment, punishment without much teeth, in hopes of invoking some arcane result.
Things will carry on. Russia wants to incite, encourage, elicit the extremes of far right and far left within it's EU adversaries, neighbors , while it wants to coddle, cajole , encourage and massage the perceptions of it's nascent and vaguely seem-prosperous middle.
this war will not end quickly, maybe 5, 10 or 20,000 more people will die from it, and the untold human costs, outside the raw death count will rise algorithmically
we in the USA, we cannot even fathom what this is about, I sense it. We want some convenient feeling that the problems are solved and all Ukraine is OK once again, thanks to brilliant diplomatic initiatives. That fits the classic need for Americans to grab a simplified concept of threat reduction, job well done, all is groovy and cool, once more :)
THE MH17 issue will linger, like for instance , if it was a bunch of Vodka swilling Russian soldiers drinking in mid day, working for cash , having fun somehow, who thought they saw something looking like a Ukraine Army transport or surveillance craft, at 35,000 feet, the thought they acted without direct orders is implausible
Yet the basic supposition of the matter : Russia is conducting a covert war upon it's peaceful neighbor, the BUK units move in groups of 3,
1. missile launch, 2. Radar and detection, 3. communication and command and control unit.
These are highly trained / coordinated specialist units. Not Sunday school believers. They only operate under direct , hierarchical orders.
The MH17 flight had a signal, something like "hey guys, I am a civilian plane, enroute to Kuala Lumpur." is it possible that signal was tampered with , who knows, but why would it be ?
yes, of course, with sanctions , now there are billions of $ are at stake. it will be more easy to simply create a scapegoat and shift the blame towards ineptness and away from the doormat of the Kremlin.
of course , blame shifting is the key component of social advancement, it's endemic and rampant.
the MH 17 shoot down, is it a screw up., Or perhaps it was intentional , '
but what could have been a motive , things the AIDS researchers knew or had with them ?
Honestly, if you ask me, Malaysia Airline became an easy patsy for a complex geopolitical web of intrigue, perhaps it was too easy, but there were likely very high level players involved in both events, possible high value cargo, multiple corporate and International vested interests concerned, desirous off the cargo, basically a shit show went down, or each was just a weird convocation of ineptness and bad luck.
I can't truly guess, my instinct between the two, hovers between intricate conspiracy and ineptness ,
yet I think that many crimes of omission have been conducted.
Maybe Ukraine needs to think about building a massive wall, yet could that represent a victory for Russia , is the "you break it, you bought it, Law going to apply ? we have entered the scapegoat era of politics where most everyone else is stupid, and only "we" know the true answers, it's unfortunate .
Will the generation , who came of age during 9/11 ask for real answers ? Does Ed SNowden have some parts of that ? so far, he has stayed away from that issue. I think that, like Donald , Edward Snowden knows more than he feels comfortably flippantly and effortlessly digressing about.'
It is perhaps one of the most dangerous back stories in our Nation's history,
but did the KGB/FSB just elect our current President ? And how absurd is that?
Our election was flagrantly messed with, and they can shrug it off like nothing, fairy tales ?
Well I tend to like Russian / Ukraine people , and do not wish anybody harm.
America seems headed for the hand basket in the Hell, welcome to the New Republic, the wall may be meant to keep us in, as much as to keep them out.
the changes being reviewed for the NAFTA , along with a possible El Chapo extradition, may well spark a covertly managed Marxist guerrilla movement , that spreads outward from some regional center, like Sinaloa with offshoots in Central America and possibly inside the continental states. A legal challenge of the terms of the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo could be a significant basis of moral justification. China seems too smart to openly spark such a geopolitics conflagration, yet could latent post Trotsky-ite elements within Mexico be swayed to join an erudite , intellectually savvy dialog ? The Russian immigrants in Baja and other places found a richly accessible environment there in the 1920's , 30's and made out reasonably well, many with a strong presence within California society and business, and of course such thoughts are welcome as part of the dialog of our civil society here.
I hope it doesn't go that way negatively , but we've entered the era where the unbelievable for USA starts to seem more possible. It's al based on social and economic factors,
like where things are only getting way better for the wealthy few and much worse for the many.
I think about this trip to Sudak, in November of 2012, I really went alone, without a minder, a guide, advice, it was not that hard to do, rooms were actually hard to find, the cheap hotel was really, really dingy and claustrophobic, I felt like I paid something for nothing. but it was still interesting to wander about with nobody in site over the whole territory of the Historic fortress
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