The David and the Goliath

Peter Thiel has engineered a masterful political coup, exploiting easy algorithms of Political science to sculpt the Perfect Trump Storm, yet he too should beware that the Goliath may turn upon his David. I have no ill will toward Mister Thiel , neither do I have much interest in learning the nuances of his deal and personal perspective, I am certain there is some validity to it. '

Yet I begin to suspect a replay of the Iran/Contra deal of the Reagan Presidency.

One thing could be certain in regards to the thought,  is that a lot of musical talent will "hole up" and polish up some great Rock and Roll / Alternative music in the next 4 years : It's times like these you learn to Love again.  Maybe the reincarnated soul of our San Francisco Rock Promoter Bill Graham has stepped outside of his teen age Years to strike a new chord in Musical experience presentation ?
People questioned why he had to leave us so early, there must have been some good reason, another place in life he had to get to. :it's hard to do what was done here in SF back then from scratch, but there's a lively music scene in Western Ukraine and a lot of stuff going on there I don't know very much about : it's become the land of no News,  but as it's said, No News is   good News.?... It still is mostly about Patronage from above, instead of raw talent and personal ambition.
unfortunately, I fear that not all of us will get to see the better part of the sunshine
strolling with our sweet heart on the beaches of Tahiti.

For one,  I'm suspicious that the US Intelligence apparatus is sitting on a Russian spy master, waiting for the final days of the transition period between administrations, that Edward Snowden's days of freedom will soon end. That within the first week, month of the New Administration Snowden will get swapped and brought to "Justice Town " I admire what Snowden is saying, it takes great courage.
He's a decent guy Ed, such an event will freak people out, and put them on notice of not just a creeping Police State, but a galloping horde of personal freedom and privacy restrictions. He has avoided any comments about Ukraine, neither confirming or denying the variant claims put forth by Oliver Stone and his affiliated contingent entities attempting to reshape the "narrative"about Ukraine.

it'd be a lot like the Yanukovych / Post Yanukovych era in Ukraine if it came out that somebody close to the FBI Director was a Russian agent, with the FBI investigating Mister Trumps dealings with the Russians , while it's being leaked, the details of those investigations, back to the Russians for damage control. Then of course, the special prosecutor investigating the FBI's investigations would then be subject to the casting of aspersion .....They'll have to shut down the investigation of the investigations to allow the Trump presidency to build steam and get some place with his agenda.

Many people say Trump will be good for business, and perhaps the hollowing out of the Chinese economy will be followed by a further hollowing out of our US economy. More so if they dump our Bonds they've bought into so heavily. But they could well do that if Trump admin imposes steep tariffs on Chinese goods.

I sense that there is a reset in Ukraine, following perhaps the path of China , instead of apartments filled with cash, it will be multi- story apartment buildings, units of 10-20 flats being swapped left and right in the horse trading for power of Ukraine's Elites .
 In China, it might be like 800 apartments for a single influential party member.
 In Ukraine, 7 or 8 apartments here and there would be perhaps next to nothing.
Yet with the new Ukraine asset disclosure laws affecting primarily  the elected political elites, it doesn't necessarily translate into something the business elites should worry about ? My general impression, is that Real Estate in Ukraine is highly manipulated. There should be no reason people have to pay more than 3-5 hundred dollars per month for half decent flats to rent in Kiev, and in the subordinate cities, maybe 150$ a month . It is all about interest payments and investment expectations, terms of the sale.

We should take time with the wounded hand of diplomacy, '
and now, more than ever be more honest about our imperfections

And when is Ukraine going to do something about all that brown food ? Can't they put some vegetables on the plate, or is it going to become a giant factory farm, fast food economy ?
Certainly, the  best Ukraine farm Produce is simply getting scooped up into cold storage and canned or trucked fresh into the EU.

I still don't understand why, outside of the few 4-5  star hotels, one cannot get a scrambled egg breakfast that's tasty . The problem is, that they don't pay the cooks enough money that they can even  feed their family. And forget about us dishwashers, we're really at the bottom of the pay scale ! We'd be Lucky if we could  scrape up enough money to put some gas in our electric skateboards
let's hope that if the rising tide doesn't lift all boats,
it will at least,  possibly create  something more profoundly beautiful.


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