Gimme Shelter
Is there some kind of thing about the people in Ukraine, where Russia wants to hurt them ?
With President elect Trump assessing the panorama of geo-politics,
the right brain-creative, left liberal in the USA is simply reeling in disbelief,
now it's our turn , like Ukraine , to relegate our comments on the news to "unbelievable"
yet it's arrogance to think that it's our show, some sort of vaudeville panorama ?
this Ukraine conflict started , despite all the European delegation's best efforts , Obama , nobody could stop it. What were we going to do about it ? Go into a head to head , open war with Russia ? Call a spade a spade ?
I have spoken directly with Charles P. White , a specialist in the USAF's Office of the Chief Information Officer, and Ukraine's Astronaut Leonid Kadeniuk about the supposed advantages of a new space initiative that correlates with space mining and L5 colony developments, clearly there is a Trump Orbital Luxury Residence being studied for feasibility and interoperability for Planetary defense and zero - gravity life extension research. But that's still a long way off and things may well hinge on how the Iran Nuclear deal does or does not get renegotiated. Russia may speed up the medium to long range missile production capacities of Iran, and India's TATA consultancy is possibly working on a mobile friendly Nuclear launch tool app for the mobile phones of Iran's leadership, so they could foreseeably launch a nuclear strike while on vacation at a beach in Thailand .... Or from Cuba , the Dominican Republic. The New Iranian leadership is tired of looking like Mullahs , they want to be high fashion and jet setter style, Armani Suits and the latest I-phone technology.
A lot of this will get sorted out next year during Burning man, there will be a Russian Banya, where the digital technorati will hold court , dish out their favors of hospitality to the high and low alike. Charles and Leonid may well go down in history, as the first Burning Man Diplomatic pioneers team in worldwide defense policy- it's now all about Space shuttle diplomacy. Dnieper, (Formerly Dnipropetrovsk) will be the new space port production facility if the economic incentives for space mining are authorized by the #Trumporbitalteam
With a Clinton victory, one Ukraine Nationalist said to me "It will be more of the same"
what is my humble view ?
Ukraine people asked me at the time of the Maidan what was my opinion, I had little or none then. It was too vast of a subject spanning history, both recent and going back hundreds of years.
Ukraine people asked me one year or so , ago, my thoughts about Trump, I had little opinion then
I trend to the left of the middle, but try to listen to the harangues and issues of the right, Now I have to engage in a reset , a mental, social , economic reset of unknown proportions and consequences.
For one, I see that only about 7 or 8 entities read my blog regularly, Portugal is known (via the Canary Islands , as a CIA base) France, I don't know who that is. Germany, certainly perhaps the German Foreign Embassy (as I have friends there) and some other places. Probably I am not all that interesting, I should take my entire blog dark, close everything off, and not try to be some sort of cub scout in casual foreign intelligence. Mostly I am only picking off and re- analyzing easy disseminations of open information sources, adding a few personal photos and perspectives : I am really not all that useful. The Russians even began to totally ignore the blog ever since I posted "Spiritual Ukraine" It was the last pulse I noticed from their readers. Ukraine has little interest in my thoughts either, but I enjoy my constitutionally protected, freedom of expression here.
I do not have any first hand experience in the ATO, I know if from before the war, my only experience with weapons is with bow and arrow and underwater spear gun, and I didn't want to go down as the second American killed in the Ukraine war with Russian proxies. I don't want to see anyone getting hurt in this conflict again, unfortunately it's still happening every day. Families and close people of the most loved ones doing the work of National defense get those dreaded calls <
yet I do know people from before all of this went down , from those areas, people I met in their home territory. One friend I know, he and his dad walked from like Donetsk , all the way to Mariupol, way before all this conflict, just walking the open land, villages day and night for days.
Perhaps it was akin to the USA popular movement of the 50 mile, or 100 mile hike of the 1960's ? It was associated, perhaps with Robert Kennedy.
Now it's perhaps simply land, geology, with some prehistory and stuff like that, rivers, ridges, hills fields. Yet their is a psychic shadow of those lives lived before. I won't claim that I am an empath who speaks ancient Sumerian when I wake up after a heavy night of dreams, but you feel the shadow of history when you are there.
Now it seems there is a latent, largely artificial narrative about Ukraine, left over from the second World War, recycled stuff, narratives certain state entities re -used to justify a war that's cost the lives of something like 10-15,000 people. (You can argue if it was 10-15K people, that's not my thing, arguing details) And there is also a newer , artificial narrative of complex, misinformed proportions.
Sure, there is a Russian Narrative, a Ukraine narrative, a Bashar-Al -Assad narrative, an Iranian Narrative, a British narrative and so forth.
The writer Denis is basically calling the spade a spade :
Denis, he is saying that Russia amps up all this hysteria about Ukraine,
saying that they are Nazi Facists. That is ridiculous in my perspective, they appear to be tolerant of all people, Black people, Jews , Asians, Muslims, Krishna adherents and everyone else, as long as you mind your business, there's no problems.
yet they (Russia ) also support, and encourage, fund the activity of such people who engage in the brutal tactics of occupation by military force.
In the Ukraine Anti- Terrorist Operations zone, ATO ,
The Geneva conventions for treatment of prisoners of war are not very often,
not even vaguely observed by the Separatist forces .
I know , first hand the Ukraine guys who were tortured and permanently maimed , intentionally disfigured while they were held prisoner without any defense.
There is the shadow of the Nazi boot heel in Ukraine, and there is the ghost of the Mongol horde, Alexander the Great, and so forth. It is a type of history our Western Democracy cannot directly relate to. We simply wiped out the Indians, and bought some territory here and there .
Bob Dylan wrote a song "With God On Our Side " and really he said it's easy words used to cover the act of doing many bad things. Mister Putin appears to relish his ability to associate with the religious elites of Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church apparatus. Such conflicts continue to tactfully adjust their perspectives, through the Religion channel. The 2 sides should not be at war, they are each predominantly right wing, and Christian Orthodox. It's simply a conflict of narratives.
One being, that The West is engaging in economic and cultural hegemonial activity : A MacDonald's in every city, an Amazon delivery service reaching every village, a GOOGLE home assistant in every kitchen, and so forth. Yet people want the freedom to choose , and business wants the freedom to compete for the consumer's wishes. It is that simple, or not ?
Mister Putin should perhaps consider if he needs to concern himself with the thought "be careful what you wished for" Mister Trump pulled off a close election result, and Washington is in disarray
Yet he may find that the Trump thing is a much more complex and intangible equation to grapple with, in order to maintain his chokehold on power. Honestly , I lack the ability to zoom out and analyze, comparatively the population size, per capita , National Debts, economic potentials of USA, simple basic standard of living comparisons of the median, middle class life style potentials, RU. UA. USA, CHINA. Britain. I don't envy the people in the villages of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, things have to be hard and getting harder there : it's a winter of discontent looming with shortages of food, goods that are affordable, and the ever vanishing natural comforts of a good economic situation.
For Russia, invading Ukraine was perhaps not all that expensive, they had the military hardware, true that there is a substantial payroll in effect to maintain the occupying forces, deposit something in the bank accounts of the People native to those areas, who sided with Russia. For the Russian military serving in Ukraine, it's clear they get a pay check anyway, so it's not an extra burden. Mercenaries, possibly they are being phased out of the equation.
the largest cost for Russia to be at war there in Ukraine is the moral cost, the unspoken questions of their people, about why they need to have a war with a peaceful neighbor, brother fighting brother, sister fighting her first or second cousin, it's shocking really.
THE OSCE has a budget, budgetary allowances, pressures to maintain it's observing mission and also to reduce expenditures, as things reach some aspect of a frozen conflict with little change.
THE Minsk accords are widely viewed as a bad deal, and we'll have to see if the Donald can get people to the table to cut a better deal. Seeing as how he refused, failed or ignored the offer to meet with Petro Poroshenko when they were staying in the same hotel in Washington at the same time, it's not looking to optimistic that the Trump factor will be helpful for Ukraine's Diplomatic mission's objectives in clearing up the military conflict.
The shoot down of MH17 continues to remain shrouded by smoke and mirrors. It is my humble and rather under informed opinion that there was a mastermind, and that it was not some accidental miscalculation, but the true motives and back story are cloaked in utter secrecy. The Malaysian plane had a signal identifying itself as a civilian aircraft, and it seems unlikely a highly trained Missile launcher crew would intentionally fire on a civilian plane without explicit orders.
The full scope of the evidence is substantial, yet some parts remain apparently classified , Some people say (while I may differ from that accusation ) that the USA hasn't released the hard satellite files that would conclusively prove the case against Russia . Yet other people say that all the evidence is there in plain sight by now, and they should pursue a criminal trial. It is messy either way.
With President elect Trump assessing the panorama of geo-politics,
the right brain-creative, left liberal in the USA is simply reeling in disbelief,
now it's our turn , like Ukraine , to relegate our comments on the news to "unbelievable"
yet it's arrogance to think that it's our show, some sort of vaudeville panorama ?
this Ukraine conflict started , despite all the European delegation's best efforts , Obama , nobody could stop it. What were we going to do about it ? Go into a head to head , open war with Russia ? Call a spade a spade ?
I have spoken directly with Charles P. White , a specialist in the USAF's Office of the Chief Information Officer, and Ukraine's Astronaut Leonid Kadeniuk about the supposed advantages of a new space initiative that correlates with space mining and L5 colony developments, clearly there is a Trump Orbital Luxury Residence being studied for feasibility and interoperability for Planetary defense and zero - gravity life extension research. But that's still a long way off and things may well hinge on how the Iran Nuclear deal does or does not get renegotiated. Russia may speed up the medium to long range missile production capacities of Iran, and India's TATA consultancy is possibly working on a mobile friendly Nuclear launch tool app for the mobile phones of Iran's leadership, so they could foreseeably launch a nuclear strike while on vacation at a beach in Thailand .... Or from Cuba , the Dominican Republic. The New Iranian leadership is tired of looking like Mullahs , they want to be high fashion and jet setter style, Armani Suits and the latest I-phone technology.
A lot of this will get sorted out next year during Burning man, there will be a Russian Banya, where the digital technorati will hold court , dish out their favors of hospitality to the high and low alike. Charles and Leonid may well go down in history, as the first Burning Man Diplomatic pioneers team in worldwide defense policy- it's now all about Space shuttle diplomacy. Dnieper, (Formerly Dnipropetrovsk) will be the new space port production facility if the economic incentives for space mining are authorized by the #Trumporbitalteam
With a Clinton victory, one Ukraine Nationalist said to me "It will be more of the same"
what is my humble view ?
Ukraine people asked me at the time of the Maidan what was my opinion, I had little or none then. It was too vast of a subject spanning history, both recent and going back hundreds of years.
Ukraine people asked me one year or so , ago, my thoughts about Trump, I had little opinion then
I trend to the left of the middle, but try to listen to the harangues and issues of the right, Now I have to engage in a reset , a mental, social , economic reset of unknown proportions and consequences.
For one, I see that only about 7 or 8 entities read my blog regularly, Portugal is known (via the Canary Islands , as a CIA base) France, I don't know who that is. Germany, certainly perhaps the German Foreign Embassy (as I have friends there) and some other places. Probably I am not all that interesting, I should take my entire blog dark, close everything off, and not try to be some sort of cub scout in casual foreign intelligence. Mostly I am only picking off and re- analyzing easy disseminations of open information sources, adding a few personal photos and perspectives : I am really not all that useful. The Russians even began to totally ignore the blog ever since I posted "Spiritual Ukraine" It was the last pulse I noticed from their readers. Ukraine has little interest in my thoughts either, but I enjoy my constitutionally protected, freedom of expression here.
I do not have any first hand experience in the ATO, I know if from before the war, my only experience with weapons is with bow and arrow and underwater spear gun, and I didn't want to go down as the second American killed in the Ukraine war with Russian proxies. I don't want to see anyone getting hurt in this conflict again, unfortunately it's still happening every day. Families and close people of the most loved ones doing the work of National defense get those dreaded calls <
yet I do know people from before all of this went down , from those areas, people I met in their home territory. One friend I know, he and his dad walked from like Donetsk , all the way to Mariupol, way before all this conflict, just walking the open land, villages day and night for days.
Perhaps it was akin to the USA popular movement of the 50 mile, or 100 mile hike of the 1960's ? It was associated, perhaps with Robert Kennedy.
Now it's perhaps simply land, geology, with some prehistory and stuff like that, rivers, ridges, hills fields. Yet their is a psychic shadow of those lives lived before. I won't claim that I am an empath who speaks ancient Sumerian when I wake up after a heavy night of dreams, but you feel the shadow of history when you are there.
Now it seems there is a latent, largely artificial narrative about Ukraine, left over from the second World War, recycled stuff, narratives certain state entities re -used to justify a war that's cost the lives of something like 10-15,000 people. (You can argue if it was 10-15K people, that's not my thing, arguing details) And there is also a newer , artificial narrative of complex, misinformed proportions.
Sure, there is a Russian Narrative, a Ukraine narrative, a Bashar-Al -Assad narrative, an Iranian Narrative, a British narrative and so forth.
The writer Denis is basically calling the spade a spade :
Russian Alexander Zhuchkovsky that spring 2014 came in Slavic together with a group of small arms and has since been in Donetsk, helping militants DNI, on his page "Vkontakte" writes the most honest posts about this war.
To give him his due. Unlike other occupants, who arrived in Ukraine to kill Ukrainians Zhuchkovsky does not invent in his defense any nonsense about how he came to fight the fascists, to protect the peace of the people of Donbass bloody junta and crucified to save the boys. Zhuchkovsky writes frankly: the purpose of this war - the physical destruction of the Ukrainians. According to him, the Ukrainians - it is a separate nation, the existence of which is not in the interests of the Russian people. Therefore, Ukraine and Ukrainians should be destroyed.
saying that they are Nazi Facists. That is ridiculous in my perspective, they appear to be tolerant of all people, Black people, Jews , Asians, Muslims, Krishna adherents and everyone else, as long as you mind your business, there's no problems.
yet they (Russia ) also support, and encourage, fund the activity of such people who engage in the brutal tactics of occupation by military force.
In the Ukraine Anti- Terrorist Operations zone, ATO ,
The Geneva conventions for treatment of prisoners of war are not very often,
not even vaguely observed by the Separatist forces .
I know , first hand the Ukraine guys who were tortured and permanently maimed , intentionally disfigured while they were held prisoner without any defense.
There is the shadow of the Nazi boot heel in Ukraine, and there is the ghost of the Mongol horde, Alexander the Great, and so forth. It is a type of history our Western Democracy cannot directly relate to. We simply wiped out the Indians, and bought some territory here and there .
Bob Dylan wrote a song "With God On Our Side " and really he said it's easy words used to cover the act of doing many bad things. Mister Putin appears to relish his ability to associate with the religious elites of Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church apparatus. Such conflicts continue to tactfully adjust their perspectives, through the Religion channel. The 2 sides should not be at war, they are each predominantly right wing, and Christian Orthodox. It's simply a conflict of narratives.
One being, that The West is engaging in economic and cultural hegemonial activity : A MacDonald's in every city, an Amazon delivery service reaching every village, a GOOGLE home assistant in every kitchen, and so forth. Yet people want the freedom to choose , and business wants the freedom to compete for the consumer's wishes. It is that simple, or not ?
Mister Putin should perhaps consider if he needs to concern himself with the thought "be careful what you wished for" Mister Trump pulled off a close election result, and Washington is in disarray
For Russia, invading Ukraine was perhaps not all that expensive, they had the military hardware, true that there is a substantial payroll in effect to maintain the occupying forces, deposit something in the bank accounts of the People native to those areas, who sided with Russia. For the Russian military serving in Ukraine, it's clear they get a pay check anyway, so it's not an extra burden. Mercenaries, possibly they are being phased out of the equation.
the largest cost for Russia to be at war there in Ukraine is the moral cost, the unspoken questions of their people, about why they need to have a war with a peaceful neighbor, brother fighting brother, sister fighting her first or second cousin, it's shocking really.
THE OSCE has a budget, budgetary allowances, pressures to maintain it's observing mission and also to reduce expenditures, as things reach some aspect of a frozen conflict with little change.
THE Minsk accords are widely viewed as a bad deal, and we'll have to see if the Donald can get people to the table to cut a better deal. Seeing as how he refused, failed or ignored the offer to meet with Petro Poroshenko when they were staying in the same hotel in Washington at the same time, it's not looking to optimistic that the Trump factor will be helpful for Ukraine's Diplomatic mission's objectives in clearing up the military conflict.
The shoot down of MH17 continues to remain shrouded by smoke and mirrors. It is my humble and rather under informed opinion that there was a mastermind, and that it was not some accidental miscalculation, but the true motives and back story are cloaked in utter secrecy. The Malaysian plane had a signal identifying itself as a civilian aircraft, and it seems unlikely a highly trained Missile launcher crew would intentionally fire on a civilian plane without explicit orders.
The full scope of the evidence is substantial, yet some parts remain apparently classified , Some people say (while I may differ from that accusation ) that the USA hasn't released the hard satellite files that would conclusively prove the case against Russia . Yet other people say that all the evidence is there in plain sight by now, and they should pursue a criminal trial. It is messy either way.
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