Finding Dream Land
May 19 : After Midnight
It is getting late and Jemarlawal Ramathindra #JohnnyRama while he' s totally enjoying the vast digital freedom of the "space ship" within the subterranean Third Life Cafe, he knows his User Time will soon expire, and he has to find out whatever he can of this Anna, that everybody seems to be searching for : while he is excited to have his Sarangi repaired tonight (after checking the tuner's Gharana credentials, he'd sent the tuning master who'd travelled with his friend Ashevarin from India , the pass codes to his apartment door lock and texted the door keeper to his building about the Tuning master's arrival )
Johnny sends out one more version of the diagram he had initialized as his custom contact signal with her, the hourglass, this time in the form of a physics diagram
Slowly, slowly, emerging as a form of the mix between the Raga, and the pulse of the bass beat from the disco that the "space ship" is centered in, he hears once again the rumble of a loaded, maybe older style truck engine emerging as a Burble in the sound matrix of the converted industrial cooker kettle VR space made to match as a space ship of some sort.
A corresponding diagram constructed by Physicist Richard Feynman seems to superimpose over the Imagery of Ladakh, as if in response :
Umid : Then let's go guys ! He goes over to the port, pops the hatch, the dull thud of the disco invades their semi quiet space , along with all the larger sounds of the winding down room. overhead and sideways LED lights intensify on the steep stair ladder going down, and there's a shoulder harness, with a lanyard for really drunk people (so they won't fall down and break their neck)
It is getting late and Jemarlawal Ramathindra #JohnnyRama while he' s totally enjoying the vast digital freedom of the "space ship" within the subterranean Third Life Cafe, he knows his User Time will soon expire, and he has to find out whatever he can of this Anna, that everybody seems to be searching for : while he is excited to have his Sarangi repaired tonight (after checking the tuner's Gharana credentials, he'd sent the tuning master who'd travelled with his friend Ashevarin from India , the pass codes to his apartment door lock and texted the door keeper to his building about the Tuning master's arrival )
Johnny sends out one more version of the diagram he had initialized as his custom contact signal with her, the hourglass, this time in the form of a physics diagram
Slowly, slowly, emerging as a form of the mix between the Raga, and the pulse of the bass beat from the disco that the "space ship" is centered in, he hears once again the rumble of a loaded, maybe older style truck engine emerging as a Burble in the sound matrix of the converted industrial cooker kettle VR space made to match as a space ship of some sort.
A corresponding diagram constructed by Physicist Richard Feynman seems to superimpose over the Imagery of Ladakh, as if in response :
Johnny: he studied physics at Cambridge, while tempted to ponder some analysis, he speaks into his VR vocal receptor " Can you Hear me Anna, Anna can you hear me?"
Anna : Yes I can sort of hear you Zhenya, it looks as if I am near a road, yet I don't know if I should hide or approach it, it is on my side of the river, I seem to be floating through bushes and trees, while gravity holds my feet, and I walk somehow, my feet don't touch the ground very much. I hear the truck is slowing to a stop, and I am approaching a clearing.
Johnny : be careful Anna, better to hide if you can , do you still feel okay ? not hungry, thirsty ? Did you pull the battery and restart your phone yet ?
Anna : yes hiding sounds safer, I feel Okay, not hungry or feeling too thirsty yet. I did restart the phone, and now the battery is at 87%
Johhny, Jenna, Umid can clearly hear the sound of the songbirds go quiet, the truck motor slowing to a stop, the screech of old style brakes, and then the sound of doors, 1,2, 3 opening and being closed quite softly, and they also hear a drone overhead, despite it's quietness .
Umid ( intervenes, speaking standing next to Johnny ) "If you are in Dota 2, at dawn you can enter the water, regardless of it's condition, can you swim Anna ? this is Umid, by the way, a friend of Zhenya"
Jenna (interjects) : Anna, the drone doesn't sound good, can you see it ? They may be looking for you or something, getting out of the truck without words is a bad sign . I do suggest trying to get into the river, despite the cold, it may help to cleanse you from the effects of any drugs you may have got in your system. Once in the river , find a wishing pebble, and then some place along the bank, bury it in the sand with your special wish
Anna : Okay I am trying it, yes it's interesting (she is whispering) I can walk now in the shallows of the river, the light is growing too, but what of my phone ? I don't see if it's possible to wade this, but there's a spot a little down stream, the current is strong and it is very cold water : I will try it. The trees are dense here, they may not see me crossing. I found the wishing pebble in the river, it is a deep aquamarine, quite round and hard.... going to the embankment now, wishing (chaotic sounds<<<)
at this point, they hear the drone closing in, getting close, and Anna's signal, the sound of the rushing water fades into the music, they lose connection (signal lost appears on the holographic display
Johnny: Anna, can you hear me ? (nothing shows, no sounds, he turns all sounds off, other than the dull thud from the disco underneath , silence) he shuts the imagery off, just showing his work screen of emails, calendar and the like, phone dialer, he tries to dial her phone : no answer. )
Johnny : (to Jenna and Umid, he turns) it all feels weird, either it's some hoax, a plot , she's been teleported, abducted / she is not a joker, a totally straight and level girl : I will just insert a query about this Swiss Long distance trucker she mentioned to my data log on the situation, Jenna, you must be tired, it's been a really , really long day for both of us, pleasant yet complex.
As they cautiously descend from the Space ship, they see Tcho and Kenzei standing and chatting with Ai_Jie Shan , Svetlana , the crowd has thinned , but a clump of men and women have formed in one corner and they are starting into a final round of late night drinking
Jenna (approaches Ai_Jie) We have to go now, I will consider your offer Ai_Jie, does Mister Choi know how to reach me?
Ai_Jie: (she nods) Yes Jenna I am sure as soon as you get to your room, or even in the car, you will sleep, the biological agent has intermittently powerful effects like a narcotic. It is best to fully follow Doctor Tran's instructions, but if you feel the onset of adverse effects, do you know you simply go through a sulphur cleanse ? AN intense sulphuric cleanse, no food with sulfite preservatives or the like, pure organic whole grain from land low in sulphur content, no sugars, no salt, for 3/4 weeks will cleanse it > My treatment was for entirely cosmetic reasons, it's taken 15 years off my apparent aging process. I am sure your follow up tomorrow with Doctor Tran will be quite a lot more informational for you, (she nods to Tcho, Svetlana) I will see you both later/ take care ! >
Tcho : (he nods, takes Jenna's hand and they head to the exit ramp)
Umid, Kenzei, Johnny bid goodbye to Ai_Jie, as the DJ shifts to intense mood music, a David Bowie remix
Micha: he is waiting in the underground lot with the Land Cruiser , motor running, he'd been checking on the status of his daughter, she came home late and didn't want to talk or communicate with him about her status.
They all get into the cruiser , heading through the darkened streets to take Jenna to her quarters
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