Alter net Reality
AN Alter Net Reality ?
May 19, 2017 : well after midnight at the Third Life Disco /
Jenna, she is still feeling strangely energetic, with Johnny leading the way, Umid waiting at the base for her to climb up the steep stair ladder : at the top she sees an inscription over the entry hatch /
bəli, var !/ " Yes , is !
perhaps an apparent nod by the Azerbaijani owner of the cafe to Yoko Ono's famous art installation.
Upon entering the mostly bare metal flattened sphere, she smells it, that it was some sort of cooker, she sees some patches in the skin, the floor is perfectly flat and level , with a dull grey black coating, she smells like, she thinks sunflower oil.
Umid emerges from below, he shuts a heavy translucent door that hinges downward, on pneumatic pistons.
Johnny nods, thanks . The sound from the disco is nearly totally blocked other than the dull thud of the bass hook. There is a white reflective wrap around screen, more than 180 degrees, with an assembly of overhead projectors configured for gaming, or IMAX movies :
Johnny had switched to a projection of Ladakh as he came up the ladder, his user app switching to his automatic preference :
Johnny : "I use this place for private conferences and late night meditations, it has a terrific internet connection, the Russians secretly brought in a fiber optic line, and recently a newer fiberoptic line was brought across from the Ukraine side, we are essentially within 100 meters of a transected node. All the transmission signals from here are TOR scrambled, we have virtual secure communications.
Jenna turning to admire how the window ports look down at the dance floor, which is now starting to disperse , flashing colored lights upward , it's still a work night, yet she knows people are working 6 and 7 day weeks, in staggered shifts.
Johnny: has slid his phone into a slot on a control desk at the middle of the space. She suddenly becomes aware of the Biological agent, she realizes something like that it is learning her, studying her total chemical , biological and genetic configuration, and somehow she gets a flash awareness of what it's like to live along the deep sea spreading center thermal vents.... yet she's not alarmed, as she senses it understands the nature of her curious aspect. She wonders if the Faraday cage has somehow amplified her communication with the organism working on repairing her injury so quickly.
Johnny: has donned Virching gloves and doesn't seem to mind her and Umid watching as he creates a sub screen on the central console and reviews a lot of emails and communications rather quickly, he indicates the comfortable sofa centered to the view screen for Jenna to relax on with Umid . There are side wings to the Deco style sofa holding custom built gaming controls with tiltable small touch screens. a round tubular table in front of the couch brings up like a telescope, a bottle of aged Port wine which Johnny knows is Umid's favorite , plus another pot of fragrant tea, and mineral water for Jenna, just as she realizes that she is craving it, and wasn't even remotely needing to pee as she'd normally feel after the large bottle of the Mongolian mineral water she'd just finished. They see a quick flash on their touch screens that the waitress Dahlia had brought it, as there appears to be a downward telescoping feature for sending drinks up on the tray from below.
Jenna: trying to make small talk with Umid : SO how is the Uzbek apricot season this year Umid ?
Umid : well our newer scientific methodology, the micro rhyzomal fungi -bacteria introduced to the family orchards last year have done amazing changes for the crop, despite a drier year than normal, we have one of the best crops we've ever seen so far !
on the sunscreen Johnny is working, as messages in Hindi, English Russian, and Ukranian fly across the flat screen Johnny is operating a soothing sitar piece has started up on the sound system, and seems to nearly eradicate any of the sound from the disco floor underneath it is Raga Charukauns
Johnny: he has a subfolder within his phone, where he's looking at all the messages concerning this missing Anna, as the seemingly static image of the lake valley has become like a soaring 3D voyage through the skies of the Himalayan and Kashmir valleys. He has a headphone set and microphone extension, and reaches into his address book to grab the file he has on Anna, her profile, her phone and email information becomes visible in the sunscreen. Johnny (as Jenna glances over to watch , appears to send out a geometric hourglass symbol on every platform he has available for contacting Anna:
Then slowly, slowly out of the sitar music Jenna hears something, it is like an exclamation spoken through a bubble emerging from underwater : She can't hear the word exactly, only a state of mind, like a person who has started to breathe water but not learned to speak underwater.
Then it clarifies, nearly like a giggle but slightly spooky :
"Yes Johnny, it is I, Anna"
Johnny : where are you Anna, is everything OK ?
Anna : Yes it seems to be , I feel OK.
Johnny : Everyone is searching you Anna, do you know where you are ?
Anna: her photo emerges, mixing onto the virtual display Jenna and Umid watch on the 3D screen showing images of the Himalayas, Nepal, she seems to levitate over a stream bank in the evening or perhaps morning twilight. "Zhenya, I was using the close proximity of the transmitter cell tower by the river to use my cardboard virching goggle laser cutout in the late evening, after the goat lady had left me alone on my request, as I was going into the Dota Game site. And after some time I lost track of where I was, even the game appeared to shift and become more real. Now I have removed the cardboard thing, look at my phone yet it seems I am in some virtual reality version of virtual reality : I can even check my bank balance online from my phone, but it seems like hours have gone by and my phone battery is still at 91% . I see myself at the same river bank yet the water is glowing and I cannot reach out to any other people, the phone has no signal indicating.... yet I am talking with you. You are at the Third Life Disco, yes ?
Johnny : Can you walk Anna ? Everyone is looking for you Anna ! I just got dual messages from both the President of the Russian /CIS trucking federation Association, and the acting chief of the European Union's trucking and transport committee . As well as some really high up people in other places : apparently, they are all greatly concerned about your safety and the continuance of your tasty pie baking business at the Trucker's / train transport hub.
Anna : I have tried to walk yet it feels like I am floating in air, my feet have next to no traction: I cannot step into the river, and I cannot walk away from the river. I can only go up or down the river, but going down the river does not look like the way to the Goat lady's cottage, and after having gone up the river a half kilometer, it seems like a place I had been before somehow.
Johnny : You have been alone, since the goat lady left you at the river Anna ?
Anna : I had seen other people on the opposite side of the river, yet when I waved, they appeared not to notice me, and some of them wore hoods, some had large dogs, and I saw a man in a hooded rain cape in a boat, he stopped and stared at me, but his face was hidden in the shadows. I shouted at the people , yet it seems my voice was trapped in a bubble Zhenya, you are the first person I have talked with. Is my digital signal coming from the transmission tower on the hill above the river ?
Johnny : he is checking : Anna, it appears to be coming from Kazakhstan , from a tower somewhere in the Altai mountains , near a world heritage site. Have you tried to remove the battery from your phone and restart it Anna ? Do you hear anything ? Is it morning or evening ?
Anna: I think it is morning, the songbirds are waking and talking among each other.
Johnny : Do you recognize the calls of the songbirds Anna ?
Anna : I recognize some, not all of the bird calls, some are different. It is at the edge of night and the break of day...
Johnny : Anna , try texting me, do you remember after our third meeting, when I showed you the hourglass sign, the complimentary sign I drew on your hand ? can you text from your phone, the sign in words or symbol ?
Anna : Wait , I will try send it/
And then on the screen, emerging from an image of the Tibetan Plateau, the symbol of the monkey with a coiled tail on the Altiplano of Peru :
Johnny : Anna, before you restart your phone, can you just check the GPS, and one other thing, do you use any drugs , were you getting high or something like that when all this started ?
Anna : the GPS says that I am at the factory on South Korea where the phone was manufactured, and no I am not using drugs currently, and don't think the goat lady did anything to drug me, but one of the truckers from Switzerland he gave me some fresh gooseberry juice, and I drank a little of it, but it was like 6 or 7 hours before : I didn't feel anything from it. and he's a good friend, we had drinks together a week ago.
Jenna steps in, close to Johnny : Hi Anna , I am Jenna , a reporter for The Guardian doing a news story / there are ways to delay the effects of Scopolamine for that length of time with inhibitors, I learned of it recently, as a university friend is studying it's uses in the underworld and potentially for science and health. Those inhibitors involve a high acid base like high vitamin C like chemistry.
Are you walking while talking with us ? Can you see anything distinctive ?
Anna: yes, actually , I am, and a I see a high house in the distance , above the valley floor, like something older in Central Asia . There is also a transmitter tower, but I am certainly elsewhere, and I feel the elevation is much higher, the temperature is warmer, and I can see, smell sheep dung. Now my phone says "no carrier but I am still with you, and can hear the sitar music you are listening to.
At this point Johnny, Jenna and Umid hear the sound of a large, older truck approaching, and as the truck sound grows , Anna's narrative starts to fade and disappear in static.....
The image of Anna walking along the river fades and returns to some shots off the city around Ladakh
Jenna, she is still feeling strangely energetic, with Johnny leading the way, Umid waiting at the base for her to climb up the steep stair ladder : at the top she sees an inscription over the entry hatch /
bəli, var !/ " Yes , is !
perhaps an apparent nod by the Azerbaijani owner of the cafe to Yoko Ono's famous art installation.
Upon entering the mostly bare metal flattened sphere, she smells it, that it was some sort of cooker, she sees some patches in the skin, the floor is perfectly flat and level , with a dull grey black coating, she smells like, she thinks sunflower oil.
Umid emerges from below, he shuts a heavy translucent door that hinges downward, on pneumatic pistons.
Johnny nods, thanks . The sound from the disco is nearly totally blocked other than the dull thud of the bass hook. There is a white reflective wrap around screen, more than 180 degrees, with an assembly of overhead projectors configured for gaming, or IMAX movies :
Johnny had switched to a projection of Ladakh as he came up the ladder, his user app switching to his automatic preference :
Johnny : "I use this place for private conferences and late night meditations, it has a terrific internet connection, the Russians secretly brought in a fiber optic line, and recently a newer fiberoptic line was brought across from the Ukraine side, we are essentially within 100 meters of a transected node. All the transmission signals from here are TOR scrambled, we have virtual secure communications.
Jenna turning to admire how the window ports look down at the dance floor, which is now starting to disperse , flashing colored lights upward , it's still a work night, yet she knows people are working 6 and 7 day weeks, in staggered shifts.
Johnny: has slid his phone into a slot on a control desk at the middle of the space. She suddenly becomes aware of the Biological agent, she realizes something like that it is learning her, studying her total chemical , biological and genetic configuration, and somehow she gets a flash awareness of what it's like to live along the deep sea spreading center thermal vents.... yet she's not alarmed, as she senses it understands the nature of her curious aspect. She wonders if the Faraday cage has somehow amplified her communication with the organism working on repairing her injury so quickly.
Johnny: has donned Virching gloves and doesn't seem to mind her and Umid watching as he creates a sub screen on the central console and reviews a lot of emails and communications rather quickly, he indicates the comfortable sofa centered to the view screen for Jenna to relax on with Umid . There are side wings to the Deco style sofa holding custom built gaming controls with tiltable small touch screens. a round tubular table in front of the couch brings up like a telescope, a bottle of aged Port wine which Johnny knows is Umid's favorite , plus another pot of fragrant tea, and mineral water for Jenna, just as she realizes that she is craving it, and wasn't even remotely needing to pee as she'd normally feel after the large bottle of the Mongolian mineral water she'd just finished. They see a quick flash on their touch screens that the waitress Dahlia had brought it, as there appears to be a downward telescoping feature for sending drinks up on the tray from below.
Jenna: trying to make small talk with Umid : SO how is the Uzbek apricot season this year Umid ?
Umid : well our newer scientific methodology, the micro rhyzomal fungi -bacteria introduced to the family orchards last year have done amazing changes for the crop, despite a drier year than normal, we have one of the best crops we've ever seen so far !
on the sunscreen Johnny is working, as messages in Hindi, English Russian, and Ukranian fly across the flat screen Johnny is operating a soothing sitar piece has started up on the sound system, and seems to nearly eradicate any of the sound from the disco floor underneath it is Raga Charukauns
Johnny: he has a subfolder within his phone, where he's looking at all the messages concerning this missing Anna, as the seemingly static image of the lake valley has become like a soaring 3D voyage through the skies of the Himalayan and Kashmir valleys. He has a headphone set and microphone extension, and reaches into his address book to grab the file he has on Anna, her profile, her phone and email information becomes visible in the sunscreen. Johnny (as Jenna glances over to watch , appears to send out a geometric hourglass symbol on every platform he has available for contacting Anna:

Then it clarifies, nearly like a giggle but slightly spooky :
"Yes Johnny, it is I, Anna"
Johnny : where are you Anna, is everything OK ?
Anna : Yes it seems to be , I feel OK.
Johnny : Everyone is searching you Anna, do you know where you are ?
Anna: her photo emerges, mixing onto the virtual display Jenna and Umid watch on the 3D screen showing images of the Himalayas, Nepal, she seems to levitate over a stream bank in the evening or perhaps morning twilight. "Zhenya, I was using the close proximity of the transmitter cell tower by the river to use my cardboard virching goggle laser cutout in the late evening, after the goat lady had left me alone on my request, as I was going into the Dota Game site. And after some time I lost track of where I was, even the game appeared to shift and become more real. Now I have removed the cardboard thing, look at my phone yet it seems I am in some virtual reality version of virtual reality : I can even check my bank balance online from my phone, but it seems like hours have gone by and my phone battery is still at 91% . I see myself at the same river bank yet the water is glowing and I cannot reach out to any other people, the phone has no signal indicating.... yet I am talking with you. You are at the Third Life Disco, yes ?
Johnny : Can you walk Anna ? Everyone is looking for you Anna ! I just got dual messages from both the President of the Russian /CIS trucking federation Association, and the acting chief of the European Union's trucking and transport committee . As well as some really high up people in other places : apparently, they are all greatly concerned about your safety and the continuance of your tasty pie baking business at the Trucker's / train transport hub.
Anna : I have tried to walk yet it feels like I am floating in air, my feet have next to no traction: I cannot step into the river, and I cannot walk away from the river. I can only go up or down the river, but going down the river does not look like the way to the Goat lady's cottage, and after having gone up the river a half kilometer, it seems like a place I had been before somehow.
Johnny : You have been alone, since the goat lady left you at the river Anna ?
Anna : I had seen other people on the opposite side of the river, yet when I waved, they appeared not to notice me, and some of them wore hoods, some had large dogs, and I saw a man in a hooded rain cape in a boat, he stopped and stared at me, but his face was hidden in the shadows. I shouted at the people , yet it seems my voice was trapped in a bubble Zhenya, you are the first person I have talked with. Is my digital signal coming from the transmission tower on the hill above the river ?
Johnny : he is checking : Anna, it appears to be coming from Kazakhstan , from a tower somewhere in the Altai mountains , near a world heritage site. Have you tried to remove the battery from your phone and restart it Anna ? Do you hear anything ? Is it morning or evening ?
Anna: I think it is morning, the songbirds are waking and talking among each other.
Johnny : Do you recognize the calls of the songbirds Anna ?
Anna : I recognize some, not all of the bird calls, some are different. It is at the edge of night and the break of day...
Johnny : Anna , try texting me, do you remember after our third meeting, when I showed you the hourglass sign, the complimentary sign I drew on your hand ? can you text from your phone, the sign in words or symbol ?
Anna : Wait , I will try send it/
And then on the screen, emerging from an image of the Tibetan Plateau, the symbol of the monkey with a coiled tail on the Altiplano of Peru :
Johnny : Anna, before you restart your phone, can you just check the GPS, and one other thing, do you use any drugs , were you getting high or something like that when all this started ?
Anna : the GPS says that I am at the factory on South Korea where the phone was manufactured, and no I am not using drugs currently, and don't think the goat lady did anything to drug me, but one of the truckers from Switzerland he gave me some fresh gooseberry juice, and I drank a little of it, but it was like 6 or 7 hours before : I didn't feel anything from it. and he's a good friend, we had drinks together a week ago.
Jenna steps in, close to Johnny : Hi Anna , I am Jenna , a reporter for The Guardian doing a news story / there are ways to delay the effects of Scopolamine for that length of time with inhibitors, I learned of it recently, as a university friend is studying it's uses in the underworld and potentially for science and health. Those inhibitors involve a high acid base like high vitamin C like chemistry.
Are you walking while talking with us ? Can you see anything distinctive ?
Anna: yes, actually , I am, and a I see a high house in the distance , above the valley floor, like something older in Central Asia . There is also a transmitter tower, but I am certainly elsewhere, and I feel the elevation is much higher, the temperature is warmer, and I can see, smell sheep dung. Now my phone says "no carrier but I am still with you, and can hear the sitar music you are listening to.
At this point Johnny, Jenna and Umid hear the sound of a large, older truck approaching, and as the truck sound grows , Anna's narrative starts to fade and disappear in static.....
The image of Anna walking along the river fades and returns to some shots off the city around Ladakh
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