FInding Neverland

Ah the mood on the metro, Thursday going to into Friday :
I guess it depends on who you are, do you live in Kiev, your folks have a place that's" paid for" ?

Are you a refugee, paying rent to live in dingy, substandard situations ? Wondering if the x-box controller and all your stuff isn't looted from your fixed up and spiffy  family flat in Donetsk ?

Are you an out of town person, just come in for some errands and then back to home?..

Are you thinking about a friend, Loved one gone off to the front line of the war
or about a most dear friend no longer alive, caught in the line of fire ?.

It is coming up to the sad anniversary of the killings of protesters that tilted the reality, caused Yanukovych to flee, taking his bags of jewelry, whatever loot he could carry off, his bit coin vault: flying off like Nixon did, yet without a salute for the camera, he left in the dark taking the multi million $ helicopters that belong to the people of Ukraine eventually they crossed on over to Russia,

what an ironic fact, that Victor Yanukovych was supposed to have gone from Crimea by boat to Russia in a motor yacht named "Bandido"

Some things should not be made light of, and today I reflected on this,
A lot of people have lost friends , Loved ones in this war and conflict.
A friend of mine posted this to F book the other day :

Сьогодні,рівно рік назад,біля м.Спартак,загинув мій друг і однокласник,боєць 95ї бригади і просто хороша людина- Саша Саєнко.
Багато чого змінилося за рік,але лишилася світла пам'ять.
Всі вже давно знають,що я ненавиджу фразу "Герої не вмирають".Бо насправді це не так- вони гинуть першими.А все,що нам залишається- їх пам'ятати і намагатися прожити життя в тому числі і "за них"- чесно і гідно.
Згадайте сьогодні Сашка.Він цього заслуговує.
(photo of Sasha above )   which roughly translates as:
Today, exactly one year ago, near m. Spartacus,,+Donetsk+Oblast,+Ukraine,+86080/@48.0812366,37.7500792,8297m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x40e084e5d02518f9:0xbadf81980364528e!6m1!1e1?hl=en

 killed my friend and classmate, fighter 95 yi brigades and just a good person-Sasha Sayenko.
A lot has changed in a year, but was left light memory.
Everyone already seems to know what I hate the phrase "Heroes don't die". Because it's actually not so-they die first. And all that we remains-them remember and try to live a life including and "for them"- Honestly and hidno.
Remember today Sasha. He deserves

These are the lives that won't carry forward in the work of building Peace, fixing all the things small and large that need to be done .
short of regime change and some sort of serious apology , Ukraine will remember this war, for generations it will define their thinking.

Yet Russia and Ukraine are in quite a lot of ways, economically cross linked ,hopefully, in time they will sort out their differences, yet trust will be hard to earn. I hope it's quiet on the Front line of contact in the East this weekend. Let the fighters with blood on their hands leave Ukraine, walk away from their positions, take the tanks, APC's and heavy weapons back to Russia where they came from.

I know, the Pro-Russian fighters lost some local guys too, also good men. I can understand how it would be easy to sign up with a RU juggernaut, when times are desperate and a little cash is greatly appreciated, and you are inundated by propaganda, a swirl of emotions, that's how wars work and start, it's a well oiled machinery and Russia practiced it in Georgia, they knew what they were doing, how to hyper stealth the process as much as possible, yet what was the end game ? They really thought they could get Ukraine to roll over, go at least to the Dnieper ? Cut Ukraine  in half ? Some of them thought they could take the entire country : they could destroy it, but they couldn't hold it.  


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