Save the Future for the next Italian Job !

last Saturday Morning on the Kyiv Metro, it felt like a Bastion of normalcy, I don't think a lot of the 11 AM riders had checked their Twitter feeds : it's a nice feeling, safe and comfortable in there.

Monday evening people seemed talkative and thoughtful ....
Mid week I was in the midst of some young guys in the Metro car, all of them engaged in a boisterous sign language exchange and I even felt vaguely uneasy after having watched The Tribe movie :
Friday, after work everybody rushed through the Metro with a great intensity and varied sense of purpose : I never saw so many purpose filled faces on a public transit.

Aftermath, Ukraine elections 2015 : There is no point in adding glamour or false intrigue to the horrid sequence of events imposed on Ukraine as punishment for choosing to reject a corrupt government and begin to join the EU,  I feel fortunate to be a guest in such a storied place where fiction can freely intersect some reality without onerous repercussions. The worst people can say is that I am a little crazy: the road to Romny is rough, and maybe my brains got all shook up, they steal roads here, don't you know, or they did steal the money to fix it for far too long .....
As the alleged or mythical Masonic Conspiracy analyzes it's willingness or the unacceptability of having to accede Russian annexation of Crimea and possibly allow them to take the coveted land bridge  Mariupol, Berdyansk and Melitopol, the true purpose of Russia's invasion of Ukraine becomes clear : They don't actually want Ukraine ,  only a full territorial encirclement of the Sea of Azov, where far more oil and gas exists than anybody had any idea about before today (its just a lot deeper than was previously reported, in fact the heavy, sweet pre Cambrian era crude oil leaked into a massive ultra deep magma chamber during the last ice age)
The findings from soundings and other tests of this oil double dome deposit basically starting just 17 Kilometers off the beach in Berdyansk, and the enormous gas field near Kerch were intentionally falsified, one could say that the data was doped for the appearance of underperformance. But this geotechnical data doping , it's something some people are famously good at doing.
Indications are that this alleged Russian backed shadow consortium  appears to be working on a complex "green washing " plan to both extract the energy from the Azov basin in a semi-traditional drilling rig, refinery process, and to use untested bioengineered microbial mats  on the sea surface to sequester atmospheric carbon back down the hole as a sort of subterranean floating carbon plug (for future refinement and extraction after it's undergone aging )  , via cycling processes utilizing unusual , floating windmills that both extract wind energy and froth the sea water, in an aggressive scrubbing and recirculating process utilizing the entire Azov Sea.

The selling of this scheme will be based on unproved scientific claims of upping the oxygen levels and detoxing the entire basin, perhaps even stimulating a return of the anchovy fishery. Suspicious transfers of debt and assets in the gas and oil leasing sector of Ukraine lend credence to the hypothesis of consolidation on uneven terms, but rather than forcing visibility, they continue to subvert transparency, or is that just me?

Clearly this unspoken, unwritten agreement having been worked out in Turkey will open up the process for the USA to invade, and annex British Columbia, so that we can have a land bridge to Alaska, and of course that process began more than ten years ago with the "Runaway Productions " of the Hollywood movie studios, cutting Union jobs in Los Angeles, and leaving the air routes open for Virgin Galactic. British Columbia has a lot of irregularities in it's inclusion within Canada, and really they are better off as America's 52nd State, the building of more inclusive economies for Native People in Laird River basin, plus  the Big Foot , Sasquatch legal defense Fund , the barriers to opportunity imposed by Somebody, who  keeps  them in semi-secure underground cavern facilities,  Really it's better to have Vancouver and BC as a backup, all that mountain terrain: high ground during Global warming,  we needed an alternate National Capitol, plus the real estate is so nice in BC....... I am only kidding that Justin Trudeau didn't get the memo.

Will the press in England , France and elsewhere in Europe give Ukraine a break ? all these stories that the Russians simply buy media influence, to push their agenda, it's a lot cheaper than all out war, but then, so is music cheaper than war (the last time I checked )

will the new movie script Angelina Jolie is currently looking at, get a green light and a production schedule (about the alternate, non-annexation scenario of Crimea that was shoved in the closet, until now....)

Honestly, I grew up in an extra-ordinarily Left centered, progressive family, and my sympathy tends to stay with that perspective, but I do try to listen to the rational side of the right, and centrist view points, if indeed there are any Centrists left in America, they don't seem to get a lot of "air time" And can I get an education on what, who is a Centrist in Ukraine? do they favor a totally white economy ?
is the Libertarian tangent "centrist" or fringe ? And how far back and how deep do they want to dig to expose the roots of corruption and find out where the state money went ?

Is the USA  really going to see an "Imperialist Style" dude like Trump going for the throne (he says that "Putin is a nicer man than I am ")  ? Or is the Clinton Dynasty going to carry forward, only to again be replaced by the Bush Dynasty ? maybe I like Hilary enough to vote for her, and I hope it's a woman's time, if we can't do it now, maybe Russia will beat us to the Punch ?  I think she's got the Chutzpah to stand tough against Mister Putin, and maybe in time he will realize that he can't be Best Friends Forever with Xi JinPing, but we all need China and China needs us, for the moment, a lot of nice people in China , they have certainly captured their share of Ukraine's best and brightest, and prettiest )) between China and the Emirates, and Silicon Valley, it's 2/3 rds of my friends have left Ukraine for better prospects, and that's the root of the problem here, losing the best and the brightest to other countries, losing their entrepreneurial abilities, losing the consumers, and them taking what little savings they have over there.....And spending most of what they make in those other countries, either to get buy or invest in things in more transparent economic platforms.

But that Hollywood script going around : In it, An Angelina style character, is the doyenne of a powerful Commonwealth of Independent States clan, a trans national company as diversified into paving contracting, furs, mining gem stones and so forth , the story line it starts in about 2012 where she is trying to work together a secret deal.... She is sitting in a restaurant in Simferopol , ostensibly sending out orders and queries about furniture for flats in a couple new buildings in Yalta: she is richly clad, exquisite glittering nails, eye hair, costumed out like a character in the Deco themed Buck Rogers movie. This "business plan" is complex, in essence she is trying to form an antipodal grouping to the United Nations, by using loopholes in Crimea's parliament constitution.. Essentially, she is trying to sell each and every seat in the Crimean Parliament to International business people, highly placed individuals from nearly every country on Earth, other than the G/8, G-20. The Crimean deputies would surrender power  in an obviate manner to these "multi national proxies" and in return get large cash payouts, and the freedom to operate at an Ambassador level position within the business medium in the countries whose business people would choose to buy their seats. And each seat comes with it's own luxury yacht slip....

She is concurrently paying the SBU of Ukraine and FSB of Russia to look the other way as she is starting to collect initial deposits from interested parties: it's a highly secretive, invitation only type deal, but she really needs to generate the fulcrum point like  revolution to activate the plan. According to the story outline, Russia would keep it's bases alongside Ukraine's (Ukraine keeping ostensible control of the tax base )  and the variant ultra rich representative entities would import their own loosely coordinated security services for personal protection . And of course the Port expansion and closed territory negotiated by China in Yevpatoria gives them a firm hand in the projected status scenario.

She is largely maintaining secrecy due to the fact the entire scheme is so outlandish that nobody would believe it if they heard it.....But Victor Yanukovych is starting to get wind of it, and she has to strategize how to distract, or get him out of the way, so she begins funding girl's athletic squads, elite schools within a school strictly for promoting high level physical fitness for young women, and everything goes from there, loosely fitting with the known narrative, her harrowing and intense struggle to create an alternative Dis-United Nations charter and organization . She also has to woo and play with deception via a prison guard , upon Yulia Tymoshenko played by Kate Blanchett, while she must try to steer a revolution moment  more around the subject of the failures of the Orange Revolution.
she had even selected, was negotiating a buyer for the office building of this August body of International Want To be Players ...

but ultimately, Putin is her biggest rival, and she has to fight him in Judo with one hand totally broken before it starts, sort of Gladiator style, with the Turkish Emissary standing as a witness. Tarantino has rejected the script as not close enough to  his style (not without a lot of changes) 'The story will climax in a gut wrenching sequence within Ukraine's final nights and last days of the Maidan, with an entirely alternate version of some key events
the "Cliff hanger " ending must surely be taking place here :

As it stands, it's possible  will soon be considering how and if to sign onto promoting it for the green light (A Taiwanese studio has made an initial offer, if the funding keeps all the digital work in Taiwan ) but it's a tough sell to do movies based on real time semi-fantasy style scenarios. He doesn't want to end his storied career with a bomb at the box office. Of course it may have to become a dual director endeavor if the Russians insist on the second unit being operated by an all Russian production crew given the Proximity in some of the shots to the submarine base in Chersonesus . Alexei Fedorchenko also has not indicated any immediate interest,
less  so if , he has to be second unit, and of course the cast will be all different if he takes it on.....Frederico Fellini style !


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