"There must be some kind of way out of here, " Said the joker to the thief,

Frontline blues : it's random stuff ?

the pay for the Ukraine Defenders is perhaps so little that they are all like volunteers, but they are motivated, you have to wonder what the people caught  on both sides of the Ukraine conflict are thinking, if it is going to slowly de-escalate or escalate suddenly. The fact remains, that Ukraine has all it's resources containing the conflict zones. If the Kremlin felt a need to make the Ukraine into it's own private colony, while it'd be expensive  they could have their army in Kiev in one or two days, they could virtually drive through the border check point in Sumy Oblast, (it would be the most direct , shortest distance to Kiev from the Russian border ) the Ukraine Border guard would only be able to fire some warning shots, and while they may have some defensive tricks under their sleeve, the Russian ground forces could be into Poltava before the Ukraine Army could formulate much of a response

A simple act such as the USA sending Warthogs into Ukraine could trigger a Russian response of this scale, but if they had the planes in readiness ,  it would increase the damages on a ground conflict, it would get incredibly messy fast and could trigger a third world war
Russia military continues to spend about 85$ to 1 $ for what Ukraine has to deploy, they have a larger army and probably the best assemblage of gear in total, on the European continent . But is it political suicide to begin a large scale incursion in Ukraine ? They have already done a large scale incursion...... will another matter? Can the Propaganda machines justify it ? Yet the Russian economy (on paper, for what that's worth  ) is only about a bit bigger than Texas : they couldn't afford it, not without a hefty loan from China maybe....
I actually felt quite safe in this Right sector rally, they were disciplined and coherent, they are fighting for their freedom. I have seen the Neo-Nazi guys around town, follow the press on them, most people in Ukraine are a bit uncomfortable about it, but they allow it for the sake of having motivated fighters on the front lines. People get boxed in by the media, and don't really try to see things as a cohesive whole, appreciate that each person has a history, and how they are acting, doing things today is a result of that cumulative history. The Buddhist approach about compassion is for me the most healthy way to view this. Still, it's shocking to think some folks still emulate the Nazi thing.

yet these guys know every day may be their last, another Illiovask can go down any time, if captured, they can be summarily executed , tortured, beaten, humiliated, intentionally maimed : it's all happening every day/ they feel badly, they are feeling like their issues are ignored or misrepresented.
but the wheels of justice though creaky, may yet roll in Ukraine, how MH17 will shake out in "justice Town " is anyones' guess http://listverse.com/2015/09/07/10-outrageous-ways-russian-media-covered-the-crash-of-mh17/


if the Russians allow people who hold up the convicted war criminal as their guy to enter another country, heavily armed, basically mercenaries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radovan_Karadžić

it's all just utterly bizarre this war, why they started it and what the end game is
but this article spells out quite well the dilemma facing Mister Poroshenko and his team'

But at the end of the day these folks are fighting for the freedom of the girl with the skateboard: People vote with their feet, I don't know any Russian or Ukranian person here on the Left Coast of USA who wants to go back there, not right now anyway .... or maybe just for a quick holiday


"All Along The Watchtower"

"There must be some kind of way out of here, "
Said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Business men – they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None will level on the line
Nobody of it is worth."

"No reason to get excited, "
The thief – he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour's getting late."

All along the watchtower
Princess kept the view
While all the women came
And went bare-foot servants too
Outside in the cold distance
A wild cat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl, hey.


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