Terms of endearment

I guess it's easy to simplify issues,  I miss checking the mood on the Metro system in Kiev, despite the  reputation of FSU people to keep a close guard on the feelings they show outwardly, as a group in transit, they read somewhat easily enough. Most people I know here on the left Coast , want a simplified idea of things, but not all look for the most easy way to fit it in a nutshell
What if Geopolitical conflicts could get solved with Therapeutic psychological counseling ? Most of us tend to squirm at the thought of a third party telling us how we need to reshape our thinking : These are people for whom psychology is a finely tuned art, it nearly feels like it is Genetically encoded, this instinct for psychology.  People ask me what is going on there in Ukraine, maybe I should take a Go_pro video of a shopping experience in a working class Grocery store ? Human behavior in a Grocery store, it is very revealing, how people gather their list of things, maneuver the aisles, study the options.
but for some, there is only the certainty of this seemingly inexorable, powerful force in Russia, ready to impose it's own version of draconian situations on people just going about their normal lives.
The Sentsov - Kolchenko trial it's a new milestone in atrociously bad form : Russia has made itself uncool. '
People in the West, with our glib, chatty, multi-media lives, our petty ensembles of issues, maybe we fail to see the big picture ? What if the Ukraine started to empty out like Syria ? the Syrian elites were setting up back doors in Ukraine years ago, it seems like people see these things coming.  Is there some weird intention to turn Syria into a permanent war zone ? And what of Ukraine ? will it become a frozen war, or will the Geopolitical therapy session sort it out ? Europe would certainly not appreciate a massive cross flux of refugees from Ukraine, "those people" have had and do have jobs right now, problem being that the jobs simply don't pay anything, it's a huge grey Economy where few people in it pay taxes, although I am hearing people are finding the white economy more easy, they may well yet survive this ordeal in good shape. But they have to Fix things with Russia, as that huge border invites trade, open relations. I go to places on the Ukraine border with Russia, in the Ukraine controlled parts, and my friends introduce me to heavy duty looking guys as "our friend from Moscow" And really it's just people trying to do business, the regular way .... Life is about business, you deal with it, or you're a starving artist trying to do some documentary film and getting landed in a court hearing being sentenced to 20 years of hard time.  It is rather Orwellian, wonder what Snowden thinks of all this ? I think he values his margin of freedom, and parses his communications in the off chance he can figure a way out of there.
As the Nemtsov murder investigation go stale, what are the hidden results from the Psychic division? Russian intelligence, the USA, probably China too, they all have active recruitment and secret psychic consultants, vetted for patriotism kept free yet closeted away. No one has ever talked, we all joked about Reagan's Astrologist making critical scheduling advisements, but isn't that the tip of the iceberg? People are sometimes saying that the US isn't using it's own classified information about the MH17 situation to prove the case against Russia , I can't verify that, you want to think it's open book, but who actually believes they dumped Bin Laden's body at Sea ? Certainly there are people who can be aware of the larger world, dream travel and travel in trance, work outside the web of data, connect with human minds remotely. What if the NSA/ FSB each had psychic recruiters, meeting at a psychic faire in Budapest or something like that, maybe some place in France like Toulouse, it would be a classic opening for a screen play ) There would have to be some real talent about to bring the sharks in, who would pass on a Nostradamus if they knew there was some traction on the level of talent?
The best people often live cloistered lives, with fewer distractions, where they can practice things like flying through space and time. Psychic  information has to be handled with careful  scrutiny, if you are searching for answers, it can be a clue that leads to the real truth, but who is ready for the real truth? Is the truth just too dangerous ? Is it better for things to simply fall apart from neglect ? It's too much money and too technical at times to restore it ( East/West Relations ) back to it's previous cold war (glory  ?) style or whatever you want to call it, maybe it wasn't so bad. But Folks in Ukraine have seen enough misery from Russia for several generations, they can only hope for some regime change in the future, like Japan addressing it's issues with Korea.

I just don't get it, why there is a war between Right wing Russians and Right Wing Ukrainians  ? Is there some kind of creative solution ?
there it is something I can reveal that I know first hand: whether from the left, right or the center of Russian politics, there are Russian people, prominent figures, born in Russia, living in Russia, who are sending small but meaningful support to the Ukraine army via covert channels . Maybe only a few, or maybe many. And these are the stories hidden under the bed covers, waiting to exhale.... SO what is this therapy session going to look like, and will the Yale Bones and Cross Skull people mind if the Swarthmore LaCrosse Mafia picks up the ball and runs a reverse on the play ? It's just too early to tell what they are going to do  here ) Maybe they could do it Gladiator style Have the Saint Petersburg Polytechnic Hockey team battle it out with Swarthmore's Lacrosse team in some hybrid sports warfare ???

And will the Donald continue to try to sound like he's the deal maker for Ukraine, or the bad boy lost in tomfoolery ? He really doesn't seem unelectable , yet like Ukraine today, he's stranger than Fiction .
as to  Mister Biden, the Biden Presidency, I just don't see it, yet  Personally, while I like Biden, he's a bit Brash for me, and the issues around Hunter Biden's position in Burisma Holdings (the Ukrainian energy company) added a lot of fuel to the Russian media fire : I was in Kiev at the time, and there was Russian press stirring it up, pumping the story, it only helped them to make their case that Ukraine is a vassal state of the US. It is all a part of the "therapy session" wherein the US needs to own it's issues and mistakes in strategy, or are we just perfect ? Making all the right moves....

Personally I think Biden could well take the nominations : yet I am wondering if all the stress of his busy schedule, the loss of his son, might have a hidden health consequence > If Hillary took the VP position, couldn't she just accede to the Presidency if his health made it impossible to do the job ? Would she, in the outcome of a potentially obvious loss, take the VP slot ? But she's had health issues too which few people except the hard core Republicans want to dig at
I actually think Hillary has the gravitas to deal with Putin, but I think it's a tough road to get her the win, we'll see ! She might be able to win a non majority election with the right electoral road map, and that's what they are looking at now. But the Trump people are maybe looking over the Clinton people, maybe wondering if they can do some poaching ? Game on ! And what about Jeb, can he win it with Florida, off the mathematics in the simple formula ?


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