Macro Economic Reboot

Ukraine appears to have flown through the eye of the economic needle in recent restructuring of it's debt, and maybe there are signs that not only "all will be well" but that "things could be terrific " in their markets, but it takes an investor with a stomach for stress
While people ask "how are they doing?" they aren't asking "how are they working" People in Ukraine work hard, despite their many days off and low pay, they get a job done. They are not whiners and complainers, they do their work with a smile.
As Russia pushes some ambiguous rhetoric about the innate and entrenched corruption of their failed neighbor state, they don't want to admit that a lot of Russian  entities were actually using the Ukraine as their own private piggy bank. In Ukraine Today , it's not about whether or not people in politics and government stole money, it's about who stole too much money, where did they stash it and how are they spending it. While it can be impolite to call aa lot of prominent people liars and thieves, how can one look the working people in the eye and leave their questions unanswered ?
Where did the wealth of this Great Nation go ? What kind of a neighborhood does it live in and who are it's neighbors ? For these working people only get ambiguous answers. Blame shifting is not a habit, it's an aggressive, full contact sport in the FSU
Where did the 1 billion $ go from Moldova's Central Bank? what is it paying for and who is running up a tab on it? Did it simply drive itself as cash  across the border into Ukraine? Is it in buying Hotels in the Barbados ? Are the innocuous travel  presentations at cafes in Ukraine simply overtures to back door dialog about how to stash some cash in the Dominican Republic ?
As the refugee crisis unfolds, waves of people all in a mish mash of status, Western Ukraine does not need to beg for opportunity, they need to reinvent it. Eastern Ukraine probably needs a profound economic rethink, the type of thing I'd be useless for. I should not be jesting about it, bit Victor Yuschenko he's not done with, he has his eye on the balance sheet with Russia Federation. It's probably not possible to settle everything with a big trillion dollar check, or something like that, slap each other on the back and toss down some shots. I long for the days when the morning talk shows from New York gave Victor Yuschenko a hard time for not granting Elton John an exception to the laws preventing gay people from adopting children out of Ukraine... The riff on him is that he is the village accountant, and well as it goes, I don't mind being an ex professional dish washer if the truth has to be told. We all did some stupid, boring thankless job at some point, unless we were Ivy League types with preppy sweaters with cutesy Logos on them....
If the full quantity of cash exported from Ukraine, or even 80% of it (since Independence), what would that do for the country . If Yanukovych clan stole 100 billion, what did all the others steal ?

I got to connect with Yuschenko recently, just to be near him. I hear he's keeping bees or something. At least his all access pass is open and he's free to operate with that former Prime Minister super power ability, maybe he even wears a cape in foul weather ? There is still a fair bit of foul weather ahead for Ukraine, and they need to keep those who've got through it in the past, tap into their experience.
Just as we joke about the super hero status of our ex Presidents of the United States, but hyperbole and donor campaigns are one thing, it's really about converting words and cash into deeds of improvement and rejuvenation that become self sustaining processes.


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