I am the Whistle Blower

The Rule of Law will always be difficult to impose in such a vastly disparate Nation as Ukraine, yet some accept the challenge of being in it to win it. The regional power bases have to coalesce in some manner that continues the theme and reality of National Unity. Crimea and the world will ultimately have to decide if they want to return to the logical geographical connection of Ukraine. I feel that I had the chance, and that I personally failed to publicize the risks and obvious trend in social media and so forth in that darkness of winter 2013/2014. It was really dark and really quiet. Americans were generally not too welcome, yet not entirely so
you pretty much just knew it, that a big number would go down. It is simply that I did go it alone, I had no team, no infrastructure, no minders. I was simply there meeting with friends , and could feel it in my instincts. There is some talk that Obama could have sent in US Special forces to stabilize the "Crimean Peninsula" and that is a term I personally dislike, and if one gets down in the weeds of Geology and history the term Peninsula can definitely be debated in some painful length. Mostly in the context of the last 200/2000 years, Crimea is clearly connected to Ukraine, not Russian Federation, yet this is one of those sliding scales that's awkward to measure . It depends if you are reviewing history through Ice ages, and things like that, in most general ways, Crimea is Ukraine! or Nash Krim (Our Crimea) as they say.
it is simply terrible what is happening to the Tatar'ski people in occupied Crimea, an old school KGB style terror has been imposed. Avoidance of blood shed, loss of life does not necessarily promote public well being, lots of people left, many remained behind to live in fear perpetually.
I have noticed odd things upon my digital landscape these last couple days. That's me in Crimea, by the way, those Russian Submarine embayments are behind me to my right. The Russians didn't want to let go of these strategic sweet spots, and who is to really blame them for that ? They could have kept what they had and accepted the changes incurred from the Euro-Maidan.
Ukraine probably failed quite a lot or a bit in the diplomatic vein , as did my country, USA. Canada was also largely a push over, and Europe, not seriously in the way of this enormous land and sea grab. Yet it is a lot of sea surface area, with significant oil and gas, mineral resources, not to mention the real estate valuations, which are really off the charts ... if you dig around in the weeds of it. Yet when will Ukraine open the canal to return water supply for farming, when will Russia depart Eastern Ukraine? E
ssentially one cannot anticipate a deal between Ukraine and Russia that is only about the Donbas, Donetsk, Luhansk, the agreement probably has to cover Crimean region and it's future.
In my rather humble opinion, the only way forward is a comprehensive agreement, not a piecemeal arrangement. The People of Ukraine sincerely hope for complete, safe and unfettered ingress and egress from all of their territorial area, not just the chance to reintegrate parts of it that were taken at the point of a gun, tanks, APC's. '
They want it all back. In 2011, 2010, 2009, and so forth the train ticket in Summer from Kyiv to Simferopol was a hot item. To go such a distance, 810 Kilometers was maybe 5$/ 10 $ ticket. it was a sleeper car, you had a solid bunk bed , fresh washed sheets in a fresh plastic package, hot tea for 50 cent or 1 $,
You could stow your bags securely, make some friendly interactions with your compartment mates and have a good night's rest, equal to a hotel stay that gets you someplace for 10 $ or so, you could not beat it, and thence in Crimea, your adventures would begin... Now no more. It's an experience that cannot transpire for an indefinite future.
other than the fact that I am good at getting to know people, listening, sensing them and getting a feeling for what's going on..What is going on, it mostly isn't good. Ask those Russians getting dragged away during peaceful protests. Ask the Ukrainian men getting killed or horribly injured in the war zones of the Eastern Front who work for 50/100$ or so per month .
And yet, may I ask it, what did become of the Russian Bioweapons research center blast? How does it threaten global security if a weaponized virus is unleashed upon the global tableau ? We all used to worry in the past about Nuclear war, and that threat is very real, yet what is the next extrapolation of the equation ? Was it an accident there, were foreign Nationals involved, what was their objective in this hypothetical security breach, easy stuff like drug deals and guns and money, or something else ?
WHat's happening there , my brother, sister in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Moldova and the vast assembly of F.S.U (former Soviet Union Nations) What is going on, with Ksenia Sobchak of TV Rain fame (the daughter of Mister Putin's former boss, the former mayor of Saint Petersburg. Is Ksenia a contender to take the reins of power after Mister Putin departs. In many ways she seems eligible, that she can cut the deal to exit the current power control arrangement, since her family and affiliated persons got assurances for protection when the current President of Russian Federation took power. Gorbachev has been saying some telling stuff lately too, the tide of history seems to be shifting, slowly, slowly, yet inexorably so. Ukraine is making some changes to laws regulating journalists now, so maybe I will have to go in the room where they say "sit down please" at the same time (concurrently) Ukrainian foreign policy commands my utmost respect, they aren't openly talking about a re- nuclearization (something that has never yet occurred in World History. This is the backdrop of these matters regarding the perplexity at the US Department of Defense about the holding of military aid for Ukraine this summer
Yeah I get it, that Boris Nemtsov was probably killed for his undaunted support for Ukraine, and I have first hand knowledge of the kind hearted things he was doing to support the victims of the war upon Ukraine's people. I was there when the Russians began preparing in the dark of winter to take Crimea. It was simply a raw strategic calculation, but don't let them fool you, this was something with years of strategic calculations, not months. It was a gamble, and the costs for ordinary Russian citizens likely may outweigh the trickle down economics of the spoils meant for the Russian elites.
Gyunduz Mamedov, yes he and I are mixed amongst this cast of characters : We shared an extended lunch together with a mutual friend in Odessa in 2014, May2014 perhaps. He is a smart and careful man, and took some time to size me up. He is all about the business, and I mean that in a complimentary way, he has good instincts. I think that he judged me to be mostly irrelevant.

from Mustaffa Nayem,
Evgeniy Afineevsky,
the new President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelinskiy (we are tentatively ciggie buddies from back in the recent day ) , Nadia Savchenko from the times she took over aspects of the training of the nascent Aidar Battalion, Igor Kolomoisky, the Klitschko Brothers, Geoffrey Pyatt
Plus I know the President of Ukraine's Chief of Staff Andriy Bogdan , we also shared a one to one private lunch together some time ago, talking mostly about the music, and my connections to musical persons. Well hey, I am only in this game for the fun of writing fiction, yet I'm not here to cast aspersions upon people I know that haven't fully had their chance to argue their position in the public square. Now the heat is upon Igor Kolomoisky, my coffee buddy (and I mean that loosely, he chose to sit with me, and one doesn't digress when a man with a bodyguard sits at your table)
I know that I cannot ever go to Russia , pass through their airports , I am really sorry about Crimea, really sorry about the 13,000 people killed, and I have seen first hand the countless persons wounded, maimed, crippled in the conflict over the last five years. And I have a lot of friends from my Journey TO The East that I care about, those who were caught in the disparate conundrum, wherein those with the money got out pretty much Okay, and those without enough money and position suffered a bit or survived it.
It is often for me really sad at times, yet we have to find a way forward.
I had a thought thinking that Mister Trump could be presidential, I am still vaguely hoping for that, yet it has not proven true just yet. We want out president to be presidential, to rise above the petty challenges of perception and portray our Nation as a greater place, sadly this appears untrue,
I had thought that he could escape the box, get into some oval office-sized space, do something for America, yet my hopes have inextricably faded. Perhaps his multiple machinations with China will yield some oddly weird beneficial fruit, I cannot say.
I don't want to think that the Republican Party of USA apparatus was involved in the killing of my friend Pavel Sheremet,
yet unfortunately , I cannot discount that possibility. And it was not like we were getting to be great friends, fully versed in our disparate narratives, it was simply that he and I were well met, in the best of ways, without pretense or agenda, he was just a really nice, smart friendly man. Why was he killed during the week of the Republican Party National convention, and why has a private drone been taking photos of me recently ?
I guess I have recently succumbed to listening heavily to the song "Inner City Blues"
: That hypnotic rhythmic arrangement of Marvin Gaye that is actually quite timeless and perhaps relevant for Ukraine today, trying to start over. I am one of the people that really, really wants this war between Ukraine and the Russian Federation to end, and I do not have all the time I need to dedicate my efforts to end it, yet I do have hopes that I can make the time to work on it, my end, of this fictional equation of geopolitical stuff. For now, I simply have to position myself to live and work another day, and hope for the best.
if I am the whistle blower, maybe I am the decoy whistle blower ? Alex Vindman, I think he's a drinking buddy of mine from Kyiv, pretty sure of that, it's been a while, people don''t look the same when they are socializing and trying to fit in with the social circuit (as opposed to showing up to testify in Congress dressed in full military uniform)
but I recognize him, we talked a bit back then, just a friendly get to know you moment.
as for me, it seems that it has been too long, and lacking any good reasons for a continued deadly conflict in Ukraine . Disregarding the fact that while Jolting Joe Biden is well liked, on both sides of the aisle in Congress, he has probably been smashed out of contention for the Presidency via the outrageous disinformation campaign emanating from the White House. The Problem for the Biden's is that elaboration only leads to further obfuscation by their opponents, and it's unfortunate. I think they were trying to do the right thing, it just went terribly sideways for them within the distorted currents in public perceptions.
, and the shot caller in federal prison mister Paul Manafort, has apparently been working on the take down of Elizabeth Warren. It is perhaps time for me to shut off the media a bit, and allow things to process . Wait a few months.
this is the only thought that I have in my mind about what everyday people in Ukraine have to cope with, this song, Inner City Blues, by Marvin Gaye for it seems perhaps, that this hypnotic composition, is an allegory a potential allegory of what affected American voters as the POTUS who has apparently threaded the eye of the electoral needle to win power. He seems very unnaturally biased against Ukraine (like he has not taken the trouble to study their history )
, as if some Svengali is influencing what has generally been advertised as a flamboyant person , potentially with an independent thinking style kind of like the fearless populist
leader....Maybe I am also thinking about the movie "Sleeper" by Woodie Allen...
or Being There
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
Rockets, moon shots
Spend it on the have nots
Money, we make it
Fore we see it you take it
Oh, make you wanna holler
The way they do my life
Make me wanna holler
The way they do my life
This ain't livin', this ain't livin'
No, no baby, this ain't livin'
No, no, no
Inflation no chance
To increase finance
Bills pile up sky high
Send that boy off to die
Make me wanna holler
The way they do my life
Make me wanna holler
The way they do my life
Dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
Hang ups, let downs
Bad breaks, set backs
Natural fact is
I can't pay my taxes
Oh, make me wanna holler
And throw up both my hands
Yea, it makes me wanna holler
And throw up both my hands
Crime is increasing
Trigger happy policing
Panic is spreading
God know where we're heading
Oh, make me wanna holler
They don't understand
Dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
Rockets, moon shots
Spend it on the have nots
Money, we make it
Fore we see it you take it
Oh, make you wanna holler
The way they do my life
Make me wanna holler
The way they do my life
This ain't livin', this ain't livin'
No, no baby, this ain't livin'
No, no, no
Inflation no chance
To increase finance
Bills pile up sky high
Send that boy off to die
Make me wanna holler
The way they do my life
Make me wanna holler
The way they do my life
Dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
Hang ups, let downs
Bad breaks, set backs
Natural fact is
I can't pay my taxes
Oh, make me wanna holler
And throw up both my hands
Yea, it makes me wanna holler
And throw up both my hands
Crime is increasing
Trigger happy policing
Panic is spreading
God know where we're heading
Oh, make me wanna holler
They don't understand
Dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
Dah, dah, dah
And by the by, Robert S. Mueller has a really quite dry sense of humor and an uncanny instinct to strip away any layers of pretense, he is a good old fashioned style of investigator and I know that directly having met with him. I think that some nuance of his report about the Russian election interference in 2016 has been overlooked, I simply can't lay my finger on what line of the report that nuance lives on in. It will be his Swan song I presume, yet don't disregard that he's still around and still doing stuff. He is old money so he doesn't need to work the book deal, it could be something else, wait and see what it'll be I'd guess. The only thing I could add is that I met some young fellow at some remote Ukrainian border town who had studied law in USA. I offered to buy him a 4/5$ drink and he declined, there is change, real change coming from Ukraine , USA isn't wasting tax dollars there, we are defending our view of the world, and it is difficult. I have been targeted, had bad things happen to me over there, but at least I can get in and out and see my friends, randomly bump into them at the bus stop, train stations and so forth. It's still a big village with only so many places to hang out .
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