the Savchenko Situation
Honestly, I can not say what its real for the riders of Kyiv's Metro system, in as much as I am a fan of it's Soviet era efficiency, I am currently clueless, as to what they may be thinking as a group collective. It has often been remarked, that Kyiv is not the real Ukraine, perhaps that is true.
I will not disguise my flaws and vulnerability, I am fairly flawed, and a little complicated.
Getting attention from the wrong kind of places isn't the best situation to be in. Yet I cannot escape a feeling of morose sadness about those altruistic and perhaps a little alternated people from the mainstream who got caught up on the wrong side of this tiff with Russian Federation and Ukraine.
It has certainly not been a brawl, it's been ugly, spooky, hard. It isn't totally about following the money, or determining what power structures are at stake. The bee keeper, or the village accountant as he's known (Former President Victor Yuschenko) , he is like an overseer , a silent string puller, in this complicated theatrical performance of marionettes . I have looked the man in the eye, and it's my feeling he is the bridge entity, who is poised to work towards solving the dilemma of Ukraine. That's just me saying, nothing special. Just like Anthony Bourdain, he and I are kindred kitchen workers with a love for travel, and doing things on the fly. I still have some time, and I want to see Donetsk Ukraine become a safe and cool place to hang out, and I want to visit my friends in Simferopol Crimea, and feel safe there, I want to see the water flow into Crimea once again.
As to my friend Nadia Savchenko, I will not abandon her. No matter how dark or how sick or how difficult is the situation she has got herself into, she is still my friend. She has done nothing to betray the trust that we have between us. In the fact of my perception, she has simply been the victim of highly sophisticated tactics of an overwhelmingly advanced adversarial political and economic juggernaut. She and I may not see things exactly the same way, but she is good people, in my book. The best version of her current situation that I can follow seems to be this piece by the Atlantic Council :
Even speaking with people in Ukraine, who are not necessarily inclined to support her, though they may be sympathetic, it is a well known understanding that she had no time to decompress, recompress from the time of her captivity in Russian Prison. While she spoke about feeling like "a bug in a jar" perhaps there was an insufficient opportunity for Ukraine's doctors to conduct a thoroughly scientific analysis of her physical condition?
It would seem to me, in my most humble opinion, that when Nadia Savchenko stepped in her bare feet, off off of the Presidential plane in 2016, thereby transitioning herself, from a hopeless 22 year prison sentence in Russian jail, something of intensely difficult solitary confinement, to then become an instant Global media super star, (while she was symbolically made a member of the Parliamentary assembly of Europe #PACE, she then became an active participant ) Ukraine seems to have missed it's chances to zoom out on her circumstance, and the microbial condition of her physical body.
Probably no one in the SBU thought at the time of the concept, of sophisticated biological warfare experiment being implemented on the territory of her body by Russian Scientists then , as a captive citizen, Prisoner of the War of the Liberation of Ukraine? Combining an aggressive bacterial implant with Hypnotic suggestion program, I could see it somehow, her talking was incredibly animated after her release. I could not picture such a style of spoken communication amongst any person I have ever known, and she was speaking much faster than when she and I met in the reality, 4, 5 ten or 20 times faster in the press briefings
And no one that I know of, has actually spoken of hybrid biological and media warfare interfaces to date. I was exposed to some type of Pertussis, whooping cough in 2016, at the start of summer when I was around people who had been held captive in the Russian held "republics" But that is a normal situation for a highly disrupted environment, nothing to represent some sinister plan.
was it possible, for Nadiya, that she did lose all her native bacteria while being held in Russian Prison? Was she exposed to radiation treatments that she was not even told about to intentionally sterilize her without her knowing it? I do not even know what forensic science is available to determine such a hypothetical scenario, but it would be very advanced.
Could she have been somehow inoculated, with some variant of Russian Prison bacteria? With vast case files of 10 thousand or 100,000 people, one can potentially conduct some comparative analysis, of health case history. Yet Nadiya Savchenko exists pretty much as a solitary person, not like any other. She was held as a female military prisoner, not as a civilian. Her actual physical person open to any type of experimentation (especially when she was on Hunger strike and subject to unconsciousness )
Perhaps, Oleg Sentsov is also getting some strange ramifications of my hypothetically described Russian biological experimentations, or not. It's just me speculating . I have no pertinent information about it.
I do have a suspicion, that she (Nadiya Savchenko) was intentionally tracked by Russian operatives working inside Ukraine in early/ mid 2014, that perhaps in the situation of her capture in the field of battle, it was not random, but perhaps a targeted, orchestrated event.
My most dear, and ardent Ukrainian Nationalist friends will freely cut her down with harsh words about the number of men killed during her capture (17 men is the figure I heard) I think that is what they call the "fog of War" where memory, reality and truth become nebulous things. I say that The Woman is a patriot, however she was used, manipulated, abused and misled, and they may agree with that as well, but they simply say that she is crazy and wild, without discipline or respect for the stablished order. And she has a mind of her own, that her redemption is forthcoming.
It has been demonstrated in lengthy, peer reviewed scientific experiments, that when docile, friendly laboratory mice have been totally sterilized, then injected with bacteria from "aggressive mice" , that those mice then become aggressive and hostile. Maybe this was the situation for her? Who knows, who dares to question any official narrative about her , in these times ? Yet since she went for 42 days or something like that without food, who knows what actually happened to her (and the Russians won't be forthcoming) Nadia had her doubts about every narrative at the time we met, East and the West. As I see it, a woman who serves her nation selflessly, has a right for her doubts to be respected. Of course, one can contradict, argue a slightly or radically different narrative, but that is not diplomatic.
Just hypothetically, assuming that Ms Savchenko (my friend in reality) walked off that Presidential airplane to massive media accolades. Who in the world, can refute (my supposition ) the concept that she was potentially implanted with an aggressive biological bacterial agent, while in the Russian solitary confinement? Or can Ukraine at least do her the favor, make up some story, something different and just allow her to leave the country and go to Lithuania to chill out and write poetry or something? I know she can act, she's a natural. And I'm sure Hollywood could write her in if she backs off her excess hyperbole of inappropriate slurs. For Ukraine to expect
Russia to free their 150 people ( _/- 20 ) hostages, they probably need to deal with Nadiya Savchenko's situation firstly. I feel bad about Sentsov, the small problems of my comfortable enough life, have no relevance to his commitment towards freedom. I don't remember if I had seen him around somewhere, but now I fear he will become like the ghost in the machine.
there are many complicated scientific studies about Bacterial health of human people. I will not hyperlink such references. My question is simply did anybody bother to check Nadia Savchenko's body bacteria at the time of her release? Could she have been a patient zero, of a Russian propaganda behavioral / biological experiment? And maybe it was even cutting edge, some thing way outside the curve of what USA has in the offing? Or maybe we have some stuff like that , but it's not the same?
The media cycle has totally gone to the dark about my friend, she is one who does not smile openly, yet winks with her eyes, and I guess this is just my shout out to her, that perhaps hope is not lost, that her years of intense suffering and anguish is not in vain. She has been forced into the worst situations that most people could barely imagine. And who really knows what was actually done to her , in the Russian detention/ prison/.
I think that her Joan of Arc complex is real, we spoke of it directly at the time, and every day, I pray that she will emerge intact, escape the figurative burning alive, that she faces. I can only hope that her record of service and her total circumstance will allow her to emerge from detention, and the public and herself can quietly come to some understanding of the potentially highly sophisticated manipulations that she was potentially a part of .
Our San Francisco, California Mayor Moscone was killed by a man named Dan White , and his legal defense team utilized a strategy that Dan White was eating A manufactured, artificial, high sugar snack called "Twinkie" He killed our mayor and a city council man, Harvey Milk, both of them wonderful people.
Last time that I checked, Nadia Savchenko has not killed any people, and she claims to have had no intention to kill or harm any people. My impression is that Ukraine is perhaps a little guilty of blaming the victim, albeit within a complicated scenario of manipulation and cross deception.
and of course , she is a still an understated, Russian Propaganda Trojan horse.
There have been an arduous subset of mind games recently within Ukraine, both external and internal. Perhaps it's a good time for a reset, a recalibration of plusses and minuses: I am not good with math, but I know what I feel in my heart. I wish my friend Hope a good beginning for her long week, (and now a weekend starting ) one that I wish leads towards Hope's freedom.
I think that in some ways she is simply a byproduct of bad blood with Madame Tymoshenko,
that when she rebuffed Madame Tymoshenkos' overtures of solidarity, at the time of her release, that everything went totally down the hill, from there. If she was set up to fail, that isn't for me, something to speculate about. Yet it does perhaps, boil down to some variant of class conflict, a clash between the old guard in Ukraine's National Politics, that entrenched itself with wealth and privilege , and the new guard , that is invested in the process of change and potential transformations. Nadia scoffed at everything, the politicians, the clergy, for her it was about who she felt was real and genuine, and about caring for the fate of her Nation. And that is why I am fond of her, that she was honest about her feelings, and true to the interest of her people. Of course Madame Tymoshenko I have not met, nor Mister Poroshenko: I do not say things about people I haven't met, in the reality. I only wish that I could have saved her, once again from this fate of imprisonment, within her own country, did I have a chance, who knows? Nadia engaged in enormous risks to free the POW's, and in all this activity, did anybody do a detailed analysis, of her total health? She has given so much, are they really going to throwing her under the bus? And is she in fact, the perfect Patient Zero of the Russian Zombie wars?
I will not disguise my flaws and vulnerability, I am fairly flawed, and a little complicated.
Getting attention from the wrong kind of places isn't the best situation to be in. Yet I cannot escape a feeling of morose sadness about those altruistic and perhaps a little alternated people from the mainstream who got caught up on the wrong side of this tiff with Russian Federation and Ukraine.
It has certainly not been a brawl, it's been ugly, spooky, hard. It isn't totally about following the money, or determining what power structures are at stake. The bee keeper, or the village accountant as he's known (Former President Victor Yuschenko) , he is like an overseer , a silent string puller, in this complicated theatrical performance of marionettes . I have looked the man in the eye, and it's my feeling he is the bridge entity, who is poised to work towards solving the dilemma of Ukraine. That's just me saying, nothing special. Just like Anthony Bourdain, he and I are kindred kitchen workers with a love for travel, and doing things on the fly. I still have some time, and I want to see Donetsk Ukraine become a safe and cool place to hang out, and I want to visit my friends in Simferopol Crimea, and feel safe there, I want to see the water flow into Crimea once again.
As to my friend Nadia Savchenko, I will not abandon her. No matter how dark or how sick or how difficult is the situation she has got herself into, she is still my friend. She has done nothing to betray the trust that we have between us. In the fact of my perception, she has simply been the victim of highly sophisticated tactics of an overwhelmingly advanced adversarial political and economic juggernaut. She and I may not see things exactly the same way, but she is good people, in my book. The best version of her current situation that I can follow seems to be this piece by the Atlantic Council :
Even speaking with people in Ukraine, who are not necessarily inclined to support her, though they may be sympathetic, it is a well known understanding that she had no time to decompress, recompress from the time of her captivity in Russian Prison. While she spoke about feeling like "a bug in a jar" perhaps there was an insufficient opportunity for Ukraine's doctors to conduct a thoroughly scientific analysis of her physical condition?
It would seem to me, in my most humble opinion, that when Nadia Savchenko stepped in her bare feet, off off of the Presidential plane in 2016, thereby transitioning herself, from a hopeless 22 year prison sentence in Russian jail, something of intensely difficult solitary confinement, to then become an instant Global media super star, (while she was symbolically made a member of the Parliamentary assembly of Europe #PACE, she then became an active participant ) Ukraine seems to have missed it's chances to zoom out on her circumstance, and the microbial condition of her physical body.
Probably no one in the SBU thought at the time of the concept, of sophisticated biological warfare experiment being implemented on the territory of her body by Russian Scientists then , as a captive citizen, Prisoner of the War of the Liberation of Ukraine? Combining an aggressive bacterial implant with Hypnotic suggestion program, I could see it somehow, her talking was incredibly animated after her release. I could not picture such a style of spoken communication amongst any person I have ever known, and she was speaking much faster than when she and I met in the reality, 4, 5 ten or 20 times faster in the press briefings
And no one that I know of, has actually spoken of hybrid biological and media warfare interfaces to date. I was exposed to some type of Pertussis, whooping cough in 2016, at the start of summer when I was around people who had been held captive in the Russian held "republics" But that is a normal situation for a highly disrupted environment, nothing to represent some sinister plan.
was it possible, for Nadiya, that she did lose all her native bacteria while being held in Russian Prison? Was she exposed to radiation treatments that she was not even told about to intentionally sterilize her without her knowing it? I do not even know what forensic science is available to determine such a hypothetical scenario, but it would be very advanced.
Could she have been somehow inoculated, with some variant of Russian Prison bacteria? With vast case files of 10 thousand or 100,000 people, one can potentially conduct some comparative analysis, of health case history. Yet Nadiya Savchenko exists pretty much as a solitary person, not like any other. She was held as a female military prisoner, not as a civilian. Her actual physical person open to any type of experimentation (especially when she was on Hunger strike and subject to unconsciousness )
Perhaps, Oleg Sentsov is also getting some strange ramifications of my hypothetically described Russian biological experimentations, or not. It's just me speculating . I have no pertinent information about it.
I do have a suspicion, that she (Nadiya Savchenko) was intentionally tracked by Russian operatives working inside Ukraine in early/ mid 2014, that perhaps in the situation of her capture in the field of battle, it was not random, but perhaps a targeted, orchestrated event.
My most dear, and ardent Ukrainian Nationalist friends will freely cut her down with harsh words about the number of men killed during her capture (17 men is the figure I heard) I think that is what they call the "fog of War" where memory, reality and truth become nebulous things. I say that The Woman is a patriot, however she was used, manipulated, abused and misled, and they may agree with that as well, but they simply say that she is crazy and wild, without discipline or respect for the stablished order. And she has a mind of her own, that her redemption is forthcoming.
It has been demonstrated in lengthy, peer reviewed scientific experiments, that when docile, friendly laboratory mice have been totally sterilized, then injected with bacteria from "aggressive mice" , that those mice then become aggressive and hostile. Maybe this was the situation for her? Who knows, who dares to question any official narrative about her , in these times ? Yet since she went for 42 days or something like that without food, who knows what actually happened to her (and the Russians won't be forthcoming) Nadia had her doubts about every narrative at the time we met, East and the West. As I see it, a woman who serves her nation selflessly, has a right for her doubts to be respected. Of course, one can contradict, argue a slightly or radically different narrative, but that is not diplomatic.
Just hypothetically, assuming that Ms Savchenko (my friend in reality) walked off that Presidential airplane to massive media accolades. Who in the world, can refute (my supposition ) the concept that she was potentially implanted with an aggressive biological bacterial agent, while in the Russian solitary confinement? Or can Ukraine at least do her the favor, make up some story, something different and just allow her to leave the country and go to Lithuania to chill out and write poetry or something? I know she can act, she's a natural. And I'm sure Hollywood could write her in if she backs off her excess hyperbole of inappropriate slurs. For Ukraine to expect
Russia to free their 150 people ( _/- 20 ) hostages, they probably need to deal with Nadiya Savchenko's situation firstly. I feel bad about Sentsov, the small problems of my comfortable enough life, have no relevance to his commitment towards freedom. I don't remember if I had seen him around somewhere, but now I fear he will become like the ghost in the machine.
there are many complicated scientific studies about Bacterial health of human people. I will not hyperlink such references. My question is simply did anybody bother to check Nadia Savchenko's body bacteria at the time of her release? Could she have been a patient zero, of a Russian propaganda behavioral / biological experiment? And maybe it was even cutting edge, some thing way outside the curve of what USA has in the offing? Or maybe we have some stuff like that , but it's not the same?
The media cycle has totally gone to the dark about my friend, she is one who does not smile openly, yet winks with her eyes, and I guess this is just my shout out to her, that perhaps hope is not lost, that her years of intense suffering and anguish is not in vain. She has been forced into the worst situations that most people could barely imagine. And who really knows what was actually done to her , in the Russian detention/ prison/.
I think that her Joan of Arc complex is real, we spoke of it directly at the time, and every day, I pray that she will emerge intact, escape the figurative burning alive, that she faces. I can only hope that her record of service and her total circumstance will allow her to emerge from detention, and the public and herself can quietly come to some understanding of the potentially highly sophisticated manipulations that she was potentially a part of .
Our San Francisco, California Mayor Moscone was killed by a man named Dan White , and his legal defense team utilized a strategy that Dan White was eating A manufactured, artificial, high sugar snack called "Twinkie" He killed our mayor and a city council man, Harvey Milk, both of them wonderful people.
Last time that I checked, Nadia Savchenko has not killed any people, and she claims to have had no intention to kill or harm any people. My impression is that Ukraine is perhaps a little guilty of blaming the victim, albeit within a complicated scenario of manipulation and cross deception.
and of course , she is a still an understated, Russian Propaganda Trojan horse.
There have been an arduous subset of mind games recently within Ukraine, both external and internal. Perhaps it's a good time for a reset, a recalibration of plusses and minuses: I am not good with math, but I know what I feel in my heart. I wish my friend Hope a good beginning for her long week, (and now a weekend starting ) one that I wish leads towards Hope's freedom.
I think that in some ways she is simply a byproduct of bad blood with Madame Tymoshenko,
that when she rebuffed Madame Tymoshenkos' overtures of solidarity, at the time of her release, that everything went totally down the hill, from there. If she was set up to fail, that isn't for me, something to speculate about. Yet it does perhaps, boil down to some variant of class conflict, a clash between the old guard in Ukraine's National Politics, that entrenched itself with wealth and privilege , and the new guard , that is invested in the process of change and potential transformations. Nadia scoffed at everything, the politicians, the clergy, for her it was about who she felt was real and genuine, and about caring for the fate of her Nation. And that is why I am fond of her, that she was honest about her feelings, and true to the interest of her people. Of course Madame Tymoshenko I have not met, nor Mister Poroshenko: I do not say things about people I haven't met, in the reality. I only wish that I could have saved her, once again from this fate of imprisonment, within her own country, did I have a chance, who knows? Nadia engaged in enormous risks to free the POW's, and in all this activity, did anybody do a detailed analysis, of her total health? She has given so much, are they really going to throwing her under the bus? And is she in fact, the perfect Patient Zero of the Russian Zombie wars?
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