I looked at the floor, and I see it needs sweeping
well things never stop being spicy and interesting in Ukraine, while the USA has got vaguely more interesting, nothing usually tops Ukraine's Dance with fate these days
or "I looked at the road, and I see it needs fixing" well it is certain that the 100 Billion $'s that Paul Manafort and his buddies in the Party of regions stole , didn't get stolen from nowhere, they stole the roads of this large nation,, back then during the UEFA soccer tournament preparations in Ukraine,
(was not a really, really big bag of cash, fallen out of the truck on that bouncy road, between Kiev and Odessa ?)
well it was only the payroll for those road workers, who cares about them ? I am joking , of course, yet today nobody can take a joke anymore...
and they stole the school textbooks, they stole the teacher's and the salary raises of the police and just about everyone else. If you hear it from them , it's something like that the Party of Regions was perhaps, the biggest joke, ever foisted upon their national fabric.
Some, or several foreign entities must have zoomed out in the early, mid 2000's to see Ukraine as this massive, ostensibly poor, yet intrinsically wealthy nation that was prime for a hostile takeover, and a massive looting.... They are said to have 60% of the world's black Earth resources, so essentially aside from USA, the number 2 richest agricultural Nation globally , at least potentially.
the USA's farmer's have gotten too good at growing food cheaply, and it remains to be seen if President Trump's policy team will deal a somewhat dirty hand to Ukraine's agricultural groupings or not.
As well as the ag business, they had the industrial steel and iron output and manufacturing. Building custom stainless steel, and various configurations of piping still continues in the Dnipro region, through Interpipe and it's subsidiary companies/
"the Divisions , the violence and the disenchantment of our country"
Yet Ukraine today, does appear to have lesser divisions, lesser violence and less disenchantment, than our USA ( aside from the massive Russian backed war front looming on their Eastern border, and the issues with their occupied territory in Crimea) As they say it "Our Crimea" and it wasn't either "open for offers" or "Up for grabs". If Crimea becomes a permanent part of Russia, then it's something akin to reversing the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo would be for USA
Now it seems that the Patriots of Ukraine are under attack:
and perhaps the long hand of the Kremlin can reach out to me here in Babylon by the Bay ? Yet I am not their enemy. I want Russia to thrive and feel good about itself. I want them to forget about their obsessions with Ukraine and point the magnifying glass of the sun's power on their internal powers to "Catch a Fire" Maybe their musical community can embrace the vitality of Reggae music and write some hit songs ? At least they could make a music and not a war! Print some vinyl records, instead of building bombs and making info war on their neighbor. Of course, it's a pipe dream, yet the last time I checked, hoping for Peace, is not an actual criminal offense. The Peace dividend is far greater in my mind, than the war dividends, yet the truth of pragmatic economics can escape you, quite easily.
as then in the later part of 1960's reality for USA, so today in Ukraine, these issues of social friction seem to arise largely from social inequality (The Rising tide, lifts all boats )
I have no inclination , to put down or lift up, the status of the elites of Ukraine. They are all individual people, with different circumstances and perspectives. I like to see people make money through ingenuity and hard work, clever bargaining (something that I have never learned very well )
If a person is beautiful, money and status does not make them so. But if they come from high status and wealth and reach out their hand (as Senator Robert Kennedy tried ) to lift up the poor and disenfranchised, then they can be heroes , and there are many of different sizes, shapes, configuration and perspectives in Ukraine now. Their stories, can fill vast archives, each and every day what sacrifice and effort the people of Ukraine extend almost tirelessly , for the betterment of all.
Those Yanukovych days of the "luxury Lifestyle " were the good old days for the selfish few.
Perhaps we almost have to imagine it now as being vaguely akin, to America in 1941, as the second and largest world War knocked at it's doors. If we were to assuage ourselves, with the thought that North Korea's Nuclear weapons will somehow just go away, I think maybe somebody blew some fairy dust in our faces, and it got into our collective brain really super fast.
But what is the deep state, the "Military Industrial Complex " really doing ? Aren't the companies who can build systems to defend against a missile attack going to benefit financially from developing counter offensive systems ? And ostensibly, what is wrong with that ?
It's not blackmail. You either have the system, or you don't. The Nuclear weapon Genie is now apparently out of the bottle (Unless Denis Rodman, can save the day) .
It is a sword with 2 very sharp edges. And the value gain, from peaceful alternatives to hard core military options are now being debated and reviewed quite intensely. Thank goodness, that we don't have to worry, that Victor Yanukovych didn't abdicate his throne and doesn't have the world's third largest nuclear weapons arsenal under his thumb #throneofgames. Even if we assumed, that half of that historic Nuclear bomb / Missile arsenal does not end up working, we'd still be looking at serious Nuclear winter, and all the speculation upon Global warming's impacts would perhaps seem so tertiary.
https://youtu.be/TJ9xMnFPDA8 As quoted by Robert F Kennedy in an interview or speech shortly before he was killed. The youtube link is ostensibly impartial in tone, with a gracious pace. It is led forward by a British narrator, and seems to coincide with a book in my library, that is written in great detail about the subject matter. It was a tragic event in America's History, and it's true explanation is still shrouded in Mystery and intrigue, perhaps our security apparatus hacked our own elections then ? , . It now is apparent, that the killing of his brother, President Kennedy sent ripples of concern through the Soviet leadership command structure, that due to Oswald's History, they'd get the blame for the hit.. It is quite likely , in my opinion that the collapse of the Soviet Union, or even it's potential continuance in some fashion, would have gone down at a different time and under different circumstances if the Kennedy Agenda hadn't been impeded. Is Mister Vladimir Putin, and his actions against the peaceful citizens of Ukraine, a product of the Kennedy assassinations ? Well, for sure, one thing does lead to another: it is scientifically proven. As a Nation, we can't walk back very much, about these tragedies, JFK, RFK, John Junior. All three, have multiple red flags about believability of the official government narratives.
Of course this/ last week sort of started early, in the news cycle Newsweek had a "scoop" on Mike FLynn, that he and his son, were going to "go down" / get indictments ,
due to a deal he Mike, was working to hand over Gullen to Erdogan. Now I can scarcely skim over the mountain of details around this issue. But did anybody pick up on the memorandum that Mike FLynn was working on a 3 way trade. USA hands over Gullen to Erdogan. Erdogan probably does, would do bad things to Gullen. Global Sympathies sway and shift about, like a tidal wave in a major geopolitical oceanic basin
Erdogan wants to hold power, it sounds like he is pretty autocratic, yet he has to balance his issues within a complex continuum . Subsequently, Turkey thence becomes expunged from the NATO alliance, as Ukraine steps in to join Nato and offset the balance of power shift. THE USA's support of the Kurdish Nationalists pushes the concept of a Kurdish enclave becoming a permanent entity in Northern Iraq, thusly cementing further, the USA's obsession with dominating or influencing a more than somewhat hegemonic position, of the world's oil supply.
Mike Flynn, (not that I am a fan of his ) I feel that for them, his hawkish post- Neo Conservative ilk, he was the ultimate go- between guy, to balance out the paranoia of Russian interests, and the business interests of multinational energy companies. He was all too ready to cede Crimea to Russia, and what was Mike thinking he was, the avatar of GOD ? that he alone, could avert a near global , thermonuclear holocaust?
Yes indeed, the riders of the Metro in Kiev can hardly imagine their collective potential power to shift global perceptive dynamics. Either the Russian federation experiences a dis-unifications or they lock it down, into some Gulag style , fairly unpleasant security state, that only encourages people to leave it, as best and quickly as they can. With or without a significant war, it could become a vast "MAD MAX" style territory, without rule of any enforceable laws, every man and woman for themselves. The hipsters, artists, techies, suburban dwellers certainly don't want that, for such decay will also spread everywhere, easily into Ukraine.
The same possibly potentially is true in USA, do we need to prepare to feed our families, from the vegetable growing in the yard ?
People should take a minute to reflect on who Mister Gullen ,
Mike Flynn was angling to hand over is:
Gallen, he doesn't pencil out as a fanatic. There seems to be no significant proof that he was behind the coup attempt last year in Turkey . I had heard that but RU and US intelligence apparatus orchestrated it all, in some weird off- handed way.
The right hand of one, not talking to the left hand of the other
While Erdogan is clearly a smart man, it's not correct to interpret how he views Ukraine's situation, versus what can happen at his door step.
yet clearly, he is playing both sides of the game for the intent to build up his National perspective.
NATO is more than welcoming Ukraine, and Ukraine is very open to NATO, while I reserve my opinion as to the wisdom of NATO membership for UA, I do entrust that the core principles of NATO are sound. And the top people have an intimate awareness of the core psychology and the key players within RU Federation.
For Ukraine, this 1960's stuff about the Kennedy clan's annihilation, it is ancient history, the floodwaters having gone past many bridges. They are near universally glad, to be mostly done with Russian Domination and chicanery, yet it still is pervasively continuing , due to the fact, that the Kremlin has few better things to do, than obsess about Ukraine. They love to dote upon their success in hacking America's Presidential elections and their ineluctable habit of meddling in Ukraine's sovereign affairs.
from this point in time though, the hacking will invariably lead to consequences, while the truth evades the brightest minds, now it depends, upon how much Mister Manafort is willing to cooperate. There was certainly significant social media hacking on VK.com and the nascent facebook network in Ukraine at the time before/ during the elections that brought Yanukovych into power. It would seem that mister Manafort simply had a game plan that worked in Ukraine, why not apply it to elect Mister Trump?
It could be interesting to read a historical analysis of the diverse myriad of media manipulations at the election time against Madame Tymoshenko, if some of the players behind the scenes of that were Manafort's amigos, he was ultimately going to be helping them 3 or 4 years later ,
to offshore their wealth, through his shell companies, and complex manipulations that stripped the nation bare of precious cash.
I had normal business people tell me quite frankly (without any agenda: that they needed something from me, or wanted to hang out or be friends, or anything else ) that "Clan Yanukovych" was imposing a kickback as high as 60-70 %, on any sort of public contracts, prior to the Maidan uprising. They told me that before Yanukovych , 10, 15-20% was something normal . It was the old system before Victor Yanukovych. the public salary back then was so ridiculous, that they had to have that system of kickbacks. People were spending 60,000$ US $'s or more, on a local election campaign for a seat on the public city council that paid 2000 $ a year or so
For Ukraine, this dark system, was it's "The Enemy Within" to quote the title of Senator Robert Kennedy's book about the Teamster's Labor Union's corrupt practices then in the 1950's and early 1960's. Of course all nations have this, to some extent or another : whether it's Romania or Senegal, there's some portion of the social system operating in the dark, against the interest of society. I have a private theory that the Daughters of the American Revolution are preparing to make a move somehow, but don't quote me on that. I suspect that Mister Trump has already gotten on their bad side, but how much on their bad side is hard to tell, of course it's my under educated supposition, that Mister Trump's team did work with both lowly and high element espionage hackers to horn- swoggle the election, he really can't walk back the fact that he openly insulted and mocked a disabled person who is an honest journalist.
Perhaps, Mister Trump would care to engage in a dialog with one of the badly wounded, tortured or permanently disabled Veterans or civilian victims of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Would he actually consider facing an entire room of disabled veterans and war victims ? Clearly, he can handle some adversity, yet Who knows, to what extent, that it sounds true, that he calls his own shots and says it like he sees it ? I have certainly heard the Russian line , something like that "this is the mess that Ukraine created"
I mentioned, in an earlier post about Russia beating the USA to elect a woman president , and Ksenia Sobchak seems to have thrown her scarf into the ring. Her comments about Crimea's situation seems to condemn her, to being totally unacceptable due to the stated policy on Crimean annexation, that it's non -reversible. Yet what about the working class, don't they still get to vote? Or is that a fantasy ? Just another side show in a 3 ring circus ?
Perhaps the spiciest Fake News Story of the week, is that the hypothetical "REXIT" event (Rex TIllerson leaving his post as Secretary of State ) , could be coupled with the hashtag #OmarosaSecState . While it sounds absurd, why not ? Condoleeza Rice apparently missed the opportunity to anticipate the collapse of USSR (and I have hung out with her in the neutral space time continuum of normal life. She is seems to be "Good people." Nobody is perfect, even a scholar can miss out on a major scoop. Yet Omarosa could well bring "street smarts " to the job, and she could really get hard core about foreign policy for USA..... like in a way we've never even imagined. (not that I am so excited about my random fantasy, but let's amp up the entertainment factor if Trump is really going to shtick it out as President ) Actually I studied her, she isn't the woman who just happened to get on the TV show, that I thought she was , she has je ne sais quoi
the ugly reality prevails, despite what some PBS news hour documentary might say about Russia wanting to promote, pin the death, of JFK on the CIA,
most of the world who is half educated would suppose, that it was so, that our own intelligence services, killed our president. These were not clean investigations, by any means of analysis. And the recent release of documents sheds no, or few apparent leads towards the truth.
Soviet Union, was apparently backing North Vietnam during the larger time period of the war , to the tune of 4 billion 1960's U.S. dollars (which is really a lot of money in today's money ) . And mostly, it was a shaping up as a fruitless and fairly unjustifiable war between the superpowers using proxies ,
to ostensibly build up and train, advance research for the armaments industries. Some of these same patterns, have emerged in Ukraine.
the NATO alliance, is taking direct field knowledge of Ukraine's battle hardened veterans to dissect the operational capability of RU federation forces
Every once in a while Ukraine's Interior Ministry does a sweep of one of the more popular Night clubs, checking for drugs and things like that, as they are entitled to, just to keep things honest. Yet now it appears this lingering case from 2015 raises new questions about transparency, and we'll see how things go. Arsen Avakov is at least , vastly less corrupt and far more diligent in his job than the previous Interior Minister, under Yanukovych . One has to appreciate the garishly bad taste of Victor Pshonka, the Chief Prosecutor ,
Yanukovych's lead henchman , of his fetid interior decoration details, which are perhaps quite similiar to Donald Trump's Manhattan Luxury digs
(although I am sure, people will still today, endlessly joke about, Pshonka-style that it wasn't nearly as refined as President Trump, it's still the same style. A door knob in Pshonka's pantry, probably equaled the annual salary of one or several of Ukraine's agricultural workers.
of course Club harassment is becoming a hobby in Crimea, of the Occupational forces :
now these kids seem to have been guilty of espousing Western nihilism, and perhaps that's mostly why they were mistreated, as much as anything else. But if their parents voted for annexation in the "referendum" that was conducted without any time to study and review the options/ develop the subject line of outcome.... where are they going to go, except out of Crimea, into Ukraine, and thusly into Western EU, or USA, China, or anywhere else but Simferopol (by the way, still one of my most favorite cities, it's still an impressively awesome , Urban planning configuration.)
of course today, this story continues to unfold : It does not sound cool, one way or the other. I personally had guys ask me a couple years ago, to buy them good quality backpacks, to ship them into Ukraine from USA suppliers. I refrained from accepting the cash up front offer, but understood that it was a real issue. the Good back pack it is an essential piece of kit for a brave guy who is ready to cross a good bit of ground to see if he has a chance to regain his National territory from armed mercenaries
then of course, the most unfortunate , sad story of the dark forces engaged in some contract style killing killing of Amina Okuyeva continues to unfurl as something best not to expand past brevity:
yet it was Halloween, kinda spooky stuff.
And of course, a deft backhand sweep , against the potentially vulgar tide of mis-perceptuion coming from Ukraine's PM Grosyman in an exclusive interview with CBC (Canadian state media)
further, this pretty well thought through article about Manafort, except one key detail
(I personally believe) is mis-represented, the assertion within the article, that great wealth was quickly acquired , after Victor Yanukovych gained the presidency.
Obviously enough , Victor Yanukovych was stealing a really big, big pile of money for more than a 10-15 years, during his period as governor of the Donetsk region. He often appears, in my imagination, as a character in some cheesy, low budget biopic about the Russian Revolution, or the first world war, (Voice Over with heavy emphasis ) VICTOR, he's simply now akin to a vestigial element of the badly written, made for TV drama, about RU and UA
SO, let's assume that he (Yanukovych) and his clan, stole 70 billion US $ equivalent, during his time as president over 3-4 years ? Would it sound impossible to anybody to hear that he stole 30 billion, he and his clan during the period he was Governor of the Region, Raion ? One has to keep in mind that Donetsk was the most high output economic engine of Ukraine. People I know first hand from well before the war broke out said to me then, Oh yeah, everything in Donetsk is totally corrupt. Every brick on the city streets, every apartment, every phone line. It was all a scheme, yet the region still paid taxes into the central treasury in Kiev.My estimation is that Mister Manafort and mister Gates got about 1 % of the national treasure of Ukraine, while it's not huge it was till 70-80 million. Not a bad haul. I have a source who worked directly for that manafort/ gates operation who quotes to me that they paid well above, what high level political campaign operatives get paid in USA. SO that is perhaps 20 times given the currency variance, of what is considered a good paying political party job in USA.
of course Armenia's media is analyzing the status of the deal with the West , they aren't without intelligent resources as they gauge their position in all this
and the segue is not bad, either
In regards to the sentiment that "I looked at the floor , and I see it needs sweeping (while my guitar gently weeps) I personally challenge every person who reads my postings from Botswana, to Austria, to Iceland, to Bhutan, that we work collectively to solve this conflict in Ukraine, and other parts of the world, as a part of our mutual interest, that the dividend of peace, that it is vastly more profitable to promote peace than allow the relentless pursuit of the profits of war. I know that I have been hacked, nearly torn apart and abused myself to advance this cause of peace in Ukraine. It's not easy there. And it's been my style to go it alone, and to find some friends along the way.
I know that my instincts say that this privatization in Saudi Arabia may well be a part of the key in the equation. For I feel, that they also feel partly like hostages held in the formulaic aspects of this equation. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the People of Israel did not add to this fiasco or equation, they were brought into it by circumstances. Each equation, has the power to mutually aid Ukraine in their quest for freedom and prosperity. SO that all may share in the bounty of cooperation over the spoils of aggression.
of course, this full narrative of corruption deserves a fully scholarly translation, it's just too good of an expose of Ukraine's corruption to even vaguely ignore it: I heard it 7 or 8 years ago, that the governmental situation was extremely un- beneficial to Ukraine's status < THey are a wealthy nation , with great resources. Why should they remain, or be poor in status?
as to Svetlana, the Lady in Red ? to quote the Words of the Rolling Stones song about Angela Davis, which i laced with racist pidgin English, and was only performed once, live, though it's one of their best instrumentals. I have altered it and inserted red for black
Got a sweet red angel
Got a pin up girl
Got a sweet red angel
Up upon my wall
Well, she ain't no singer
And she ain't no star
But she sure talk good
And she move so fast
But the gal in danger
Yeah, de gal in chains
But she keep on pushin'
Would ya take her place?
She countin' up de minutes
She countin' up de days
She's a sweet red angel, whoa
Not a sweet red slave
this brief article about ordinary fishermen caught in the crux of war is quite openly formatted :
I am sure that the Chinese oil drilling equipment sent via the new train link from China , to Poltava Ukraine will help the local economy feel that it's approaching a vague precipice of self sufficiency
there's a lot of undeveloped energy potential in central Ukraine. Not huge, but significant enough
And it's no mystery where the Russian Interior Minister gained this huge wealth. It's funny how Russia still tries to tap into left wing thinking of the glory days of Communism , yet their government elites are all about being all about their own selfish interests, keeping what they can steal fro themselves:
Russian Interior Minister's Mysterious wealth
the falling out of Mikhail Saakachvili and Petro Poroshenko continues to vex analysis: On the one hand, there seems to be corruption continuing at some scale, on the other hand, the Nation needs to promote an image of being open and ready to do business with the world at large in a win-win style.
I have Ukraine native contacts who say that the Nation has neglected the golden goose, yet it's still a possibly good opportunity to invest there, if you know on the ground, who and what you are trying to deal with. It won't be a "10 bagger" it could be a 2 or three bagger for investors who are sharp enough to discern the noise from the music.
Of course a bounty of Fake news is all over the media market place: You tube continues to allow strangely mixed video clip sequencing , like where I find (in one of my my interest areas ) that Doctor Steven Greer's stuff about ET influence in USA's government is crudely or stealthily entwined and , cross edited in weird ways some I have seen, in the half way mark it edits crudely over to a Pro Russian video trying to support Donald Trump's presidency, that he is a victim of media bias. SO, (as I sense it ) , the mass leveraging of media outlets for purely ridiculously cheap sums of money continues to move forward algorithmically .
of course Jimmy Miller was a guest musician of the recording for Black angel, Judith Miller's brother, so when the Stones sing their song "Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name" it means they were chilling with Jimmy, who's Dad was Mafia with CIA contacts. It was well known who killed the Kennedy's (when after all, it was you and me)
nuts and bolts issues
walk away from this interminable wounding of Ukraine, for in the blood if suffering, there is the seed of rejuvenation
And if you really want to appreciate why President Trump likes the assertive style of Mister Putin in handling pesky Journalists, then watch this video: it could foretell our future. But with Mike Pence it might be much more of a stealthy process, and that's what scares me the most <
Simon Ostrovsky, after his nasty event in captivity, he went back in to the mix in the East and produced this story about the front line battles in May of 2014 :
https://youtu.be/wzAIXo9BeFA Go to the 7:30 minute mark to hear the reality of the thinking, that it was people demonstrating against the fact of a "huge amount of money having been stolen"
this translated from Inforesist site :
Western partners of Ukraine will persuade the authorities and protesters to find a compromise on conflict issues. This is written by the author on the site " New time ".
I do not rule out that the deportation of Mikheil Saakashvili can happen. But so far, it seems, we are talking about some warnings. That is, if the ex-head of the Odessa regional administration continues at all costs to kindle the fire of the political crisis and try to implement the new Maidan, then - in war, as in the war - an extradition measure can be applied against him.
How will western partners of Ukraine react to this? My version is: yes, the criticism of this decision will be, but moderate. I'll explain why.
According to some reports, Western partners are alarmed by Saakashvili's actions, which are now taking place near the Verkhovna Rada. The withdrawal from the political rally of the moderate part of the opposition, that is, those who organized the action on October 17, largely came under the influence of the Western position. This was not a spontaneous decision by different people - from Mustafa Nayem to public activists. As far as I understand, there were soft, but urgent advice not to take any excessively radical or adventurous steps. I do not exclude that the councils were also addressed to Mikheil Saakashvili. Also I do not exclude that Kurt Volcker, who comes to Ukraine on October 27, will meet not only with Poroshenko, but also with some oppositionists, maybe even with Saakashvili. I think, and he will recommend to resolve the conflict issues in a constructive way.
And here there are risks. As in the situation with Nikolai Kochanovsky. The authorities need to act quite flexibly, avoid emotional triggers that could intensify the protest, not add fuel to the fire. The story of deprivation of citizenship of the ex-governor did not extinguish Saakashvili's theme, but, on the contrary, brought him to a new level. Therefore, it is difficult to predict what the effect will be if extradition will still be applied against Saakashvili.
The first option: there will be a decapitation of the protest, when without Saakashvili everything will simply go out. Yes, this can cause an outburst of discontent, but he will be extradited, sent to Georgia. Therefore, if the conflict begins to grow, then in order to protect itself, the authorities can take radical actions against Saakashvili. The main question is who will make more mistakes, and whose mistakes will prove irreparable.
The second option, and it seems to me the most optimal, is a compromise solution of the problems announced at the rally on October 17. There is every reason not to bring the matter to revolutions. In a year and a half - elections. And let Ukrainian voters, and not people in camouflage, decide whom they will give the presidential power, and who - the majority in parliament, who will be able to form a new government. Let these issues are decided by voters.
By the way, there is a third variant of the development of events around the rallies near the building of the Verkhovna Rada. It is purely Ukrainian and, perhaps, the most probable: everything will cease, by itself. This happens in our country, not always, of course, but often.
and some entity appears to have hacked into my work last week and deleted some parts of the wild scenario I was working on, perhaps as a warning, of what it's not OK to write about ? But I don't know if it arose from forces in the East or the West, but the last time I checked it's OK to mix fiction with conjecture and pure fantasy, as long as you make it clear that it's a mix. Enjoy your weekend all of you 7 or 8 person's who read my efforts here, all the best. And I'll rewrite what I had written at a later date
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