Existential Ukraine, or a letter to Santa ?

Existential Ukraine, or a letter to Santa Claus ?
It is closing in on 10 years since I made my first phone call in Ukraine. What was it about ? Nothing important . Where did I make the call ? from the Prosecutor's office. Who was the call made to? Nobody important or significant. Why did you make the call from there, at that time? It is not important, and rather a long story I don't care to get into telling. How did you wind up there ? Again, part of a longer story, not worth telling. What was your experience there ? I saw a lot of huge, huge stacks of paper in the offices, trying to get digitized, eventually. Who did you know that got you there ? Again, it's not important. I am only an ex-professional dishwasher, not a spy, just a regular guy. I don't work for any government, or consortium. It is just me. I am simply random ,and definitely unsponsored in my activities. What is your message ? who knows ,  what I hope to emphasize herein.

Did the Christmas letter and the gifts hope to arrive early ? , via DPRK's launch of a ICBM within 600 Kilometers of Japan's shores ?

Will Dennis Rodman , or US STATE Department's Mister Yun be able to convey the "come to Jesus" argument to the leadership of North Korea ?
How is such a marginalized nation able to leverage advanced technology to absolutely threaten North America ? And why do they wish to risk annihilation ? These are complex questions, and perhaps not suitable for a mere ex-dishwasher to speculate upon.
As for Ukraine starting over, I don't think that they (Ukraine ) see enough advantages to embark upon the nuclear weaponization path. Nor do they currently have the financial resources for such sophisticated weaponry development.
Does Ukraine have the technical capabilities to start a North Korea style Nuclear program ? Do they have the potential to amplify the anti-RUssian rhetoric the way that DPRK does against the USA ,
to justify such a program? Yes of course,  they do have that potential. Yet investing a huge amount of money in Mutual assured destruction does not make practical or political  common sense. Despite the rhetoric, large numbers of people in Ukraine continue to try to see Russian citizens as their brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, uncles.
Large chunks of people were moved around during communist times within those 8 time zones of the territory. Mongolians soldiers were sent to Prague to quell the Prague Spring in 1967... things like that, they had the power of internal population movement. 

The fact remains, that no Nation on our  planet we inhabit , has ever dismantled such a massive arsenal of highly powerful weapons, and placed themselves at such a strategic disadvantage. And despite any minor situations along the way, they appear to have made the world a safer place. Could Ukraine have hot-wired those weapons to make them usable? What, are you an idiot or something?  of course it was entirely possible. Now they again,  face a winter with a gift basket just some kind of paper bag filled with lumps of coal. Maybe they are organically derived  lumps of antique coal, or sustainably harvested lumps of coal. ...
What will North Korea get in it's gift basket for their elites, and why ?
 Now more than ever, it's a potential time for real leadership and not making pot shots at your political opponent,  as Mister President  Trump does,  he is perhaps rather childish and immature.

 Yet, the Next thing you know,  (if the debt assertions,  of the election hacking play out ) we could be looking at an indictment of Senator Elizabeth Warren for a mis-phrase in her amendment to the current  DARPA funding  agreement. Or was there some sub-sonic disruption in his mitochondrial DNA sub program during the ceremony honoring the Wind talkers? I find it amusing,  it that the Russian election hacking team watched Netflix's "House of Cards"

In the old days,  espionage involved advanced techniques of super boring , tedious work, now they can apparently relax,  and jot some notes along with emoticons they feel pertinent, during  an entertainment sequel that is potentially dengue fever close to the truth about American Politics.
So,  what about Mike Pence, Mike Saakashvilli ? can the 2 mikes schmooze and figure out how things should be ? I have not met either man, and as such I reserve any personal judgement for now.

 I know that I tend to distrust Mister Pence (yet that is without empirical evidence, outright facts,  it's simply my political bias and general distrust of government )
. Mostly, I simply hope President Trump mostly  finishes his 4 years and moves on to manage his real estate empire he appears to have built.
Unless the public pressure and investigations can move towards impeaching Pence and Trump as a unit, or one quickly after the other, which I see as wildly far fetched. With the Soviet Union, it was 5 year plan, in the life in the USA, we have the 4 year plan. They are odds, we are even, as I see it.

Soon perhaps we may realize that Ukraine has some sort of analogy of a dead battery,
 that needs more than a trickle charge, but it needs a "Jump start "

When this first came up,  when members of the House of Congress, the Senate were saying "Who among us would invest their own personal wealth into the sovereign debt of Ukraine?" and there were few replies to that. Yet now, more than ever, the debt of gratitudes should be greater than it ever was. it is true that an incredibly complex subset of formulas was imposed on Ukraine, from Nadia Savchenko's harshly imposed,  yet leniently enforced sentence,  to the awkwardly corrupted subtext of the Crimean economy, the eager tendency of Ukraine's elites to offshore and hide their wealth as the revolution unfolded (as any people derived from the decline of an avaricious Communist empire would be inclined to do)
So what is the news of the Librarian ? I've heard next to nothing of her fate. Russian has imprisoned a   librarian for keeping seditious books in the Ukrainian library ? it is all rather stranger than fiction.

'well perhaps it's vaguely rewarding,  to hear fairly rational thinking emerging, it is like reaching across an ostensibly artificial divide,  created by largely unwarranted political / economic intrigue. I think that the equation breaks out as,  "Do people want the old pattern, a totally new pattern, or a vigorous reinvention of relations between the Russian Federation, and Ukraine? European Union, looks at this point,  as an integral partner within this crucial segment of Brexit, to shape the outcome within their parameters, both outside,  and Independent of the USA's tangential interests in the situation.

I can't measure  the mood of the Metro in Kiev, unfortunately,  tonight/ today,  as Winter creeps inexorably onto the still un-iced streets of Kiev. People still have that freedom of movement outside of bitter cold. The Golden children of Ukraine can continue to play as they want, wherever they want, I wonder how the tailor Sergei, that I know,  who toils tirelessly in the corner of the indoor market in Kiev is doing ? I hope his health and mood is OK, mine is not the best, these darkening days. Perhaps the only difference between this California underemployed dishwasher and the Kiev tailor, is that I don't need to nor have I the apparatus,  to burn my lumps of coal : I'm hoping that he can burn his,  to stay warm.

as much as I favor the precepts of Capitalism, let's be realistic about it : the huddled, striving  masses,  must continue their struggle to earn their daily bread. At the same time, I am happy for the golden children, it does some times, get  really pretty awkward.

Now as I publicly try to  dive off the high board , into the deep end of unheated speculation, groundless speculation,
I can only try to  imagine the grandmothers, grandfathers who think of their children, sadly  lost to this unfortunate hybrid , undeclared war. Be they from Krasnodar, Vladivostok, Dagestan, or Lviv, Dnipro, Cherkassy, Uman, Odessa, or Chernihiv, the whole thing stinks< 3 years ago,  the relevant government leaderships were a bit clueless about it, how things would unravel.

How wild is my thinking,  that during the deconstruction of (Ukraine's)  the world's third largest Nuclear arsenal, that began in the mid 1990's, wherein the ICBM's of Ukraine were disassembled, broken down, fuels drained, warheads separated, that such highly valuable materials, some portion of close to 2,000 Nuclear weapons, was quietly sequestered, and eventually sold to special status, client states?

Of course it's without argument, that Kim Jung Un, qualifies as a special needs child. He needs, allegorically,  special care and protections. People who order, authorize extreme mistreatment, killing of allegedly hostile parties, he's basically like the son of a drug cartel boss. What portion of all of these hard cash operations DPRK conducts, goes  towards paying for hardware and expertise in furthering their cause of self preservation? Well the purchase of logging equipment from China,
is perhaps rather funny, indeed.
while the bomb shelter style Metro system of Pyongyang was built much on the same plan, as Kiev's system, (Via Soviet era engineers ) who is to question the vague and ostensibly speculative situation here, of stealing from Peter, to pay the  Paul ?

Yet what is Russian Federation actually gaining from enabling DPRK's ascension into the Nuclear club?   Well, it is in my humble, vaguely challenged, slightly headache riddled mind, simply that RU federation needs a bit of leverage on the ascent of Chinese hegemony. And don't get me wrong, as I have a huge respect for both cultures, I have no problem that they game each other, oh so delicately, subtly. Not to worry, everything will be ok, the party will go on , as before. Our governments will do their best, thanks perhaps in part to our US state Department's Yun, and other actors, that we won't blow each other up in some rather  rash, drastic fashion. Or , at least that sounds like the general plan. But South Korea can be destroyed tomorrow, more or less , with conventional weapons, as well as DPRK.

Yet what does this "existential Ukraine" do with all this messy stuff ? Don't they feel screwed, fucked over, abused and rather ignored? The problem is , that there is no good payment system established for Nations that gave up massive strategic military/defense leverage.

That like,  this devil of my fake friend, won't confess he messed with or minds, to fuck our elections. And I still, I   cannot even remotely fathom what Mike Pence's role in this phantasmic equation actually is.

as I hear it, in my wildly provocative imagination,
it's that some Male Russian Ballet student in Paris France has had a heart to heart talk with a Ballerina who has a direct connection with French Intelligence, outlining how his family has been massively enriched  through transfers of Ukraine's Nuclear fis·sion·a·ble  materials into DPRK's weapons program. this fictional ballet dancer, He wants passports and citizenship for most of his family,  in exchanged for cloned files from his uncle's computer (who is deeply enmeshed in the Russian Nuclear program's nuclear reprocessing facilities.
Such fake news stories  are the tabloid fodder of the third world war, the last time that I checked...

How does that feel for Ukraine? that DPRK can potentially  get the "white shoe/glove" treatment to back out of being a Nuclear power, or keep their capabilities , even as they experience a significant profit from their weapons systems development having been  transposed (hypothetically) from Ukraine's massive arsenal? It is rather too weird for me to fully contemplate: it's existential Ukraine.

It is all a game of elites, paying , playing into games with each other. What me worry? the last time I checked it, I am only an ex-professional dishwasher. I check with my friends who do stuff like wash dishes, ask them what they think about all of this. The song, remains the same, as I sense it.
Yet are these wild rumors even vaguely true ? that My buddy Harvey Weinstein will restart an old Soviet era film studio in Crimea? after all, as I hear it from friends, he is capable, cognizant, able to help with things. He only is stuck with that mind set that the King can have his way, with the peasant women, or girls. It is not the worst crime known to humanity. Of course he is a dirt bag, but the last time I checked in the sub-menu of #HARVEYWATCH, was that he was going to be checked into a resort in Antaliya Turkey , and after that checked into board a Turkey-Yalta Ferry under an assumed name as an Israeli Business man. He will soon be caught in the act of selfie- photos with Steven ("Give me another Ammo clip" Seagal ) And Gerard Depardieu,  preparing to resurrect some sort of feel good cinematic story about children and a friendly dog who won't give up on hi people, no matter the consequence. It is all in the na,e of pushing events towards bad taste, only to distract people from the real issue of consolidation of hard power, and a further shift away from selfie rule and true, virtual democracy, in this good, old fashioned  future, that  we face

Of course, the Mexican Jumping bean saga in USA continues to loom, despite the progress on this matter of the "big, beautiful wall" Let the Wind Talkers have some input on things, don't just ride the wave of their amazing heroics: use it for the betterment of all.



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