losing ground , rising seas

hello! welcome (once again )  to the weekend ! wherever the reader may be chilling out, North South , East or West (or maybe slightly offshore somewhere in the tropics of Capricorn.
it's been quite an interesting sequence of events. Election meddling in Ukraine that brought Victor Yanukovych into power in Ukraine's 2010 election (via Paul Manafort and associates) has now become a fulcrum for the United States of America to analyze it's entire electoral and constitutional process. We are dealing with a flawed election here,  and while I dislike the President,
 personally I somewhat want to see him  finish his term in office. He'll probably be too old for most people to find him interesting in 3 years. My country, I hope can learn a lesson from this, and gracefully move on:
with all of the lining up of legal teams, it harkens my imagination to recollect a rather famous antique poem penned by one of America's most erudite writers of the common folk.

It's colloquial style won't translate so easily in GOOGLE chrome,
and unfortunately , I don't feel obliged to further annotate it , herein <

The Lawyers' Ways

I've been list'nin' to them lawyers 
In the court house up the street, 
An' I've come to the conclusion 
That I'm most completely beat. 
Fust one feller riz to argy, 
An' he boldly waded in 
As he dressed the tremblin' pris'ner 
In a coat o' deep-dyed sin. 

Why, he painted him all over 
In a hue o' blackest crime, 
An' he smeared his reputation 
With the thickest kind o' grime, 
Tell I found myself a-wond'rin', 
In a misty way and dim, 
How the Lord had come to fashion 
Sich an awful man as him. 

Then the other lawyer started, 
An' with brimmin', tearful eyes, 
Said his client was a martyr 
That was brought to sacrifice. 
An' he give to that same pris'ner 
Every blessed human grace, 
Tell I saw the light o' virtue 
Fairly shinin' from his face. 

Then I own 'at I was puzzled 
How sich things could rightly be; 
An' this aggervatin' question 
Seems to keep a-puzzlin' me. 
So, will some one please inform me, 
An' this mystery unroll— 
How an angel an' a devil 
Can persess the self-same soul?

Plus that,   he'll (Trump _ ) will probably  be so compromised from all this,  that whatever the outcome,  maybe we can finally get a President who's an Independent out of this? '
\ If the Russians can't soon get their diplomatic compounds returned , I'd suspect they'll start to retaliate directly agains President Trump's Properties and corporations, selling their flats off on short sales, increasing the downward pressure on the Trump brand. Yet who knows in what other ways they could retaliate ? Or maybe the Chinese investors will engage in a stealth operation, buying up Trump properties the Russian monied elites are on the verge of deleting from their portfolios ?

Maybe the Russians didn't get the memo,  that POTUS isn't omnipotent? I think in their culture, once you're president, you run the show. Hacking the elections, was after all  a business deal, and it's a well acknowledged aspect of their business climate,  that you don't burn a Russian in a business deal.  Lawyers only hope they can stop certain events, not all of them.

I'd wish for something in this to be funny on some level, but it simply isn't.

Certainly, honestly, I haven't taken any time to decide how worried I'd be,  if Trump got impeached and Mister Pence became President. It's like a lot of other options I don't want to take the time to study at the moment.
Now I understand that VP Pence is a little more firm on some matters, and it's simply not something I want to delve into , fill my mind up with the risks and possible outcomes that affect my Nation and the World's outlook.

Russia has been deftly sidestepping critique of meddling and possible collusion in the US election . How brilliant is that?  It is Amazing , that they can transmute the shooting down of a civilian air liner with nearly 300 innocent people on board into some sort of press coverage that they'd be happy to respond to any information about their potential hacking of our election results. It's actually a pretty cool move. Once more, I'm compelled to express my admiration for the pen of Denis Kazan at Inforesist
it's impressively galling to hold a phantasmagorically weird event on 7.17.2017 using children to convey a message of solace and totally , ineptly attempt to blame shift responsibility. Now of course many bad things happen all around the world all of the time, yet in this instance, there was a chain of custody, not just of the territory from whence the missile was launched, but a chain of custody of the missile launching system.
A lot of heavy, hard weapons , pretty much every form of rolling military hardware Russian forces have in operation got driven into Ukraine during that period leading up to the tragedy. There are plenty of videos of black painted military vehicles rolling from East to West and all places within the ATO. There's variant claims that RU forces have driven more of their tanks into Ukraine than what equals the total that 4-5 European nations have as a combined forces, something like Italy, Poland , Czech and Spain or something like that. It's a lot of armor. Perhaps, It'd be better to grow Squash, not War ?  That's Ukraine and Russian Federation, in the same photo, there:

Did Donald Trump actually Muscle test Vladimir Putin when they appeared to have first met, the left hand slightly past the elbow,  almost like an arm breaker, submission move. And who is going to doubt that the Russian President didn't heed all the media coverage about analyzing body language and "dress rehearse"  the Trump meeting with a semi-subservient variant of vague obsequiousness, wringing the finger, as if anxious about things?  The truth be told that Russia is probably in trouble, their economy is most likely more fragile than they care to depict. They fear being devoured in some fashion by Chinese power, economic wealth and influence . After all China is much closer to them than us. It all comes down to the regional interfaces, Mongolia ,  Manchuria, and the Stan's.

It all imputes a massive perceptive coup in the public thinking, within the US, at least. Even people who feel semi-informed of the Ukraine conflict often fall back to the easily digestible Russian Propaganda that there was a coup by a Neo-Nazi Junta that intended to force the Russian speaking people of the East to conform to their language, akin to forcing culture  onto an unwilling minority,

the linguistic differences, I am no expert, maybe like it  could roughly be compared to Portuguese versus Spanish , similar root form and shared  verbal cognates , the reality is, that the regional dialects naturally blend the two languages. And some behaviors of Ukraine's extreme hard core Nationalists after the revolution, only made it more easy for the propaganda to work in Russian favor. But were there paid provocateurs in those cadres? who knows the truth? Ukraine made a bit of a bargain with the Right Sector, they were the most fearlessly willing element to go all in,  and deal with things on the front lines, hold back the tide.

: The third anniversary of MH17 has come and go with muted sadness, acrimony, but the Dutch , the Australians, and the other affected parties won't forget what happened nor stop in their search to determine guilt at the highest levels.
They appear to be working out of a base of hard evidence, and who knows what details they are holding back, as it were, they are simply now asking the guilty participants to step forward and testify, perhaps in exchange for some variant of relative immunity. The 25 million dollar reward does remain uncollected, but it would be harder to resist the temptation of collecting that ,  if a participant or high level witness  had some form of terminal illness. It was an evil and sad event, and it's hard to correlate why Don Trump Jr. would so readily undertake a meeting with a Russian government entity, bring along a coterie of operatives, ostensibly to review the intelligence that could sink the battle ship of Ms Clinton's campaign. If Paul Manafort didn't make an audio recording of the meeting, somebody did, you can bet on it.   Maybe that's what is at the crux of Jared Kushner's interest in a private line of communication to the Kremlin (via the US Russian consulate's infrastructure ), prior to the inauguration? Is there a friendly little mouse, Mickey Mouse kind of guy who can clean up the digital bread crumbs of our involvement with the Russians in the elections ? After all, we know there is going to be a Disney Yalta being built, it won't be super big, it'll "right size" in the Yalta landscape-;( I am just kidding of course, I hope ! Those crumbling 1950's era estates in the hills above Yalta have a sort of ephemeral charm, perhaps due to their being built up on stately homes remaindered from the Khanate and the Phoenicians, there's some secrets in the dirt the predate all of these muddied politics. While I am trained in archaeology , I'd scarcely guess what odd secrets could get unearthed there, and a Disney Yalta could be the most grotesque variant of archaeological disrespect, that ever turned a spade upon the Earth

The offer to collaborate to prevent future hacking, appears equivalent to an offer that Snowden is free to work for  us again  on cyber security matters on a bilateral basis. I am sure the chat included a friendly mention of Ed Snowden "would you like him back ? he is rather useful for us , here and there, to protect our security, yet if you feel it's important, we can do something there, except that now he knows some of the things about your situation, and it could be inconvenient...." But the real question could be, how much information does Snowden hold relating to 9/11 ? Trump seems to be holding back on checking it. The Russians, obviously amassed a sizable dossier on the event. Yet Presidents Lukashenko and Poroshenko have to had shared a good chuckle about the pickle that the President Trump is involved in with the Russians  during their "informal meeting" this week ....
And we, as humans have to ask the basic question, "have we totally lost our faith in humanity?" whatever the language that one uses : I am all in favor of the preservation of the states of Israel, Iran, Jordan, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Myanmar, Moldova, Bangladesh, Pakistan, North and South Korea, and the entire hodge lodge of variant Nations caught in the crush of Geopolitics. We are all just regular, nice people, trying to make a few dollars to feed our families. The real question remains this, is there an upper tier, above all Nation States that controls things on a level we scarcely can comprehend. Why is near space infra-red technology being suppressed and controlled? '

And what other near space sensor technology can be implemented to monitor our collective planetary level security? Are we really going to endlessly debate being dealt this weird mix of Aces and Spades, when the Devil, or Heaven lives in the details ? Perhaps  not of the debate, but the reality.  Are we alone, and should we trust no one, ever ? Tough questions, hard to answer them. If we get too close the the flame of the candle, the wind will snuff us out, as it's said, sung by Sir Elton John...

of course the side conversation at the G20 dinner between Putin and Trump included some joking about GRU officers going in with Mad Dog Mattis to work out a comprehensive review of digital and operational security at The United States Minute Man missile silos, so that each side can compare fairly the modernization upgrades and infrastructure modifications...... As well as an invitation to the Secret Rain Forest in Russia's far East Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, to build the First, in a chain of Trump branded "eco-hotels" backed by financiers and Oligarchs hoping to preserve for future generations the Tigers, Bears and elusive Russian Panther (of which , only 30-35 exist in the wild)

Уссурийскwell, whatever

THe Muzhenko plan under review, which is something like "How we had a chance to stop this at the start, but elements inside our apparatus resisted the concept"

concerns about a third front of military aggression on the NorthWestern flank
30,00 troops on Ukraine;s land. Well, anything is possible, yet these are all brotherly people with a common origin, and they all must keep in mind what was imposed on them,  from outside their peaceful lands by the German occupying forces in the Second World War .
Well the RU elites enjoy their wealth, and I'd hardly care, or want to judge them individually , or as a group. If they choose to support or distance themselves from the Kremlin's devices in destabilizing Ukraine , that is where I draw my line of opinion. I simply think it's less and less cool to make a war on your peaceful neighbor.  I simply hope for an end to the violence and a reasonable pathway to Peace that allows things like animosity to recede into the background. A DMZ,  that allows the Russians what they had in place in Crimea before 2014,  would probably be the more easy way out of all of this. But that's probably a fairy tale ! But the real question remains, should Ukraine give up any concessions, as it relates to Crimean territory ? After all,  they can't fix the water situation easily


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