And the band will play upon these torpid manipulations ?
It is anybody's guess how Ukraine's situation will manage to sort itself out. Perhaps, It is still an intense, very difficult to manage crisis that they are dealing with.
whilst the monied elites might shrug it off ,
amongst the less affluent people, I am sure that some disgruntlement is manifest.
Regarding the news of the scandal regarding NABU (National Bank of Ukraine) that hit the front lines of Reuters news last week. Time and discernment via evidentiary process will determine what did happen there. These are perhaps just just picayune matters compared to the banking scandals, the profits taken in our USA banking system. Massive manipulations from speculators in the Petroleum Markets last year, this year the dollar remains stable, but next year ?
Now I hear it all the time, from reticent reflections, sometimes quizzical, some times harshly condemnatory from my contacts: A subset of people in Ukraine won't throw Nadezhda Savchenko under the bus, but they continue to question , what is it ? her narrative? actions? vision ? outcome... I see she's still quite active, with the military.
She has a more heavy burden to bear in life,
more than most people are equipped to deal with. Other people , external observers who are anything but predisposed to be favorable towards Russia, they privately will say that she has a practical outlook on things. Honestly, I doubt that "they" got to her. I think she emerged from an unbelievable experience with her dignity and psychology, the belief she has in her Nation, it's intact. The issue is more about wether her strategy is tantamount to ceding sovereignty to those areas held by the separatists, versus it being a pathway to reintegration. Personally , I don't have an opinion yet, no answer to the problems emerges in a way I can understand or relate to. Whilst it's for Ukraine to decide, the IMF also has a hand in making the cookie dough.
I often feel a sense of sadness about the loss of life, the wounded permanently, the maimed, tortured, abused, dispossessed individuals, families, cities, regions. It's a terrible outcome from the simple act of entering an economic agreement. Now it's rumored, that a Kremlin white Paper exists, which was sent to the Trump administration: it relates to pulling out of NAFTA in a way that destabilizes the Canadian Government, thereby sending Canada's economy into decline, and hampering their ability to help bolster the current government that they favor in Kiev. It will then usher in a right wing /CANADA FIRST! " ? government which will then look at a Trans_Arctic trading relationship as a means to bypass the renegotiated NAFTA framework.
During my recent visit to Ukraine, I obtained a first person account, relating to the insertion of family members of Clan Yanukovych within the apparatus of a US based bank, Citigroup, Citibank . Within all the collapsing of the UA (Ukraine ) banking system, I am sure that a ton of data from that myriad of failed banks was deleted, lost in the shuffle.
Even as those Clan Yanukovych family members relocated to the core of RU society during the advent of the Donbass war, they were perhaps able to cleanse their money somehow, through it's passages via Citibank : these are the issues that won't go away, if Citibank holds it's records, as they should, according to banking laws tracking some part of the 100 billion $ 's which was stolen by Clan Yanukovych is possible. Did Paul Manafort have a Citibank account, how much cash did he move, and how did he move his under the table money ?
While I heard from my source that "My family lost apartments, cars, etc,(In Donetsk) because of the war , what of the thought, that they had insurance policies in effect set up through RU insurance carriers, were insurance claims paid out for the "stolen", commandeered Porche and Mercedes cars, looted apartments?
I have heard stories from my Donetsk contacts news stories about some sort of "luxury life style" inside occupied Donetsk : things like the Finest Caviar, Oysters Rockefeller and French Champagne served in Underground clubs, hangouts of the Elites. But I have also seen reports of markets with empty shelves, scarce supplies of even basic foods.
It is stranger than fiction, to imagine a formerly prosperous city, the same approximate population, size as San Francisco, California being taken over by heavily armed fanatics, covertly backed by a Nuclear Super-Power,
Is it all for the sake of installing a frozen conflict? Was the conflict primarily organized by the Kremlin to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, .? Of course, there is a subset of economic bones to contend with for the Russian Federation relating to Ukraine's ascension into the EU, but why they don't see it as a win/win opportunity, instead of a lose security,/lose economic advantages ?
That and a dash of animosity ?
The abrupt shoving aside by Mister Trump this week, his straightening of his tie in the face of Lithuania's Dalia Grybauskaitė
In my humble opinion, knowing the environment,
I juxtapose this imaginary scenario about Mister President Trump :
(why he acted aggressively)
And don't get me wrong here, pending all the inquiries and such, I more or less think that the man should finish out his 4 years, and have a shot at implementing the worst of his disasters, America is a big economic ship, I may lose money, may make more. My feelings aren't about that, more towards my hope that the robust nature of our Constitution will prevail.
if this scenario were true, we all should worry about what tomorrow could bring:
1. Going into the Miss Universe contest Trump promoted, hosted in Moscow in 2013, what are the known variables ? A. He was well known as a huge disparagement element in the opposition to Obama's Presidency
B. He was a well known aspirant/ pretender to the throne of POTUS
C. The man is the world's most highly recognized Real Estate Property Developer , while his success may be controversial, and it is back ended by suspicious , questionable dealings and arrangements, for them: TRUMP is a successful , nearly like a Russian style property Baron.
he was an easy avenue for an exit point for all the stolen cash taken out of the country by Russia's elites who understood, the potential for an increasingly contentious Russian Foreign policy, as Ukraine navigated closer to the nexus of the European Integration.
SO what hypothetical event might have transpired?
Mister Trump becomes a high level target for the Kremlin, and incidentally captures the attention of Russian High Society .
A certain "Inna" is inserted within this alleged group of high level Prostitutes assigned to entertain and observe Mister Trump. Inna is a graduate of the Russian Naval signal corps based in Sevastopol , Crimea, she is a raven haired, blue eyed beauty. Inna got training with perhaps one of the worlds' best Hypnotherapy specialists, who runs a modest, off line hypnotherapy school up in the semi-arid hills above ALushta. In the weeks before the Miss Universe event, Inna is contacted by her commander, ordered to prepare to vacate her post near Khersoneseus, to fly to Moscow for a briefing at the Kremlin. She spends nearly 4 days watching the TV show, the Apprentice, it's a curated set of the show's seasons, episodes. She is logistically prepared for a full on, totally believable encounter with Mister Trump as a part of a group of girls arranged to entertain him privately, she is practicing it with an approximate surrogate, who's an American English teacher, a left leaning guy who tried to get into RT< but was rejected for lack of any relevant experience, then he was led into a den of inequity by a wealthy women who took a strange liking to him, he subsequently died of a unexpectedly of heart attack after his "seduction " by Inna in the mockup encounter .
SO this 'Inna" practiced seducing this overweight, naive surrogate, hypnotizing him in the sexual encounter, going "in form" with specialized clothing : a diagonal blue and white striped skirt, silk red blouse and black Jacket with long lapels. A triple program in the hypnotic conditioning was to be inserted, one of compliance asking the subject to tell the other girls to leave the room?
Aggression "Do you like to slap , yes? So slap the other girl when she returns from the bathroom" And befuddlement, masked by false determination. And thusly was inserted the visual codes of the hypnotic suggestion Covfefe´ (uttered, inserted into his cortex by Inna) clearly the signal went out, loud and clear that POTUS is now subject to a complex Kremlin mind control arrangement, and it's further indicated by Melania's brushing away of his hand that he isn't all there anymore.
Inna has had a special (temporary) tattoo made in her belly, her solar plexus, so that when she grinds over her subject as he lies on the bed, it becomes an immutable point of fixation.
The Kremlin's analysis of Mister Trump back then in early 2103 likely suggested that he could enter into a highly suggestible state of hypnosis during a sexual encounter. They arranged a team of 3 regular prostitutes and Inna, plus another high level clearance GRU female operative to "entertain" "Специальный гость the special guest" .
while this is purely fiction , it can be entirely possible.
Putin's ruling cabal / Russia was worried about Obama/ Biden/ Clinton's long term objectives . Trump was/ became an obvious foil against the status quo. Such a perfect place to dump off looted cash derived from a failing, declining economy like Russia , not that USA can't go in the same direction... like in the Simpson's cartoon
This fictional hypnotherapist man who trained Inna in the hills above ALushta (they had an affair, briefly too), she of the Russian Naval signal corp, with the crash course in dirty English
this hypnotist, he had quite the track record in motivating individuals to reach amazing results purely from the power of suggestion. That place in the hills of ALushta is rather sparse, but it has an amazing flower garden, Volcanic soil from 5 equidistant places around the world has been added to the garden soil, along with bat guano, local kelp (brown, red and green algal species gathered from the beaches)
Hypnosis is a form of focusing the target on a specific task, free of all other distractions. As to wether Jared Kushner was actually trying to contact the Russians privately
about gaining the keys to deprogramming his father in Law, or simply prevent them from releasing some of the damaging items they extracted from the hacked RNC emails is anyone's guess.
But if it's true that Russia is covertly providing counter-intelligence documents directly to POTUS juxtaposed with the unique variant of the emblem that was utilized in the construct of Inna's belly tattoo, that could indicate that POTUS has become inured to the complexly pleasant, unpleasant post ~ hypnotic suggestions implanted during this hypothetical sexual encounter in the Moscow hotel room during the Miss Universe Pageant aftermath.
POTUS has exhibited some hypnotic trance state similar behaviors on his use of the Twitter app, that could suggest a hypnosis state of response. While this was all wild, unproven rumor, now after the shoving aside of Montenegro's Prime Minister, it's totally an open subject of sordid tabloid speculation . I doubt Reuters would touch this, Amy Goodman of Democracy now,
or even that it could enter the realm of CHOMSKY- speak (Noam Chomsky )
I certainly caught the look of astonishment of Jens Soltenberg of NATO when he saw the shoving incident, something like "This new child on the playground has some issues, we ought to have a talk with his parents:"
It's really like some incredibly funny variant of the subject matter of Bruce Sterling's book "Distraction" "still brilliant a decade later"
yet now, at this pint in Ukraine's equation, perhaps far too much life has been lost, too much damage is done. Ukraine probably wants the best umbrella of protection it can get, after this intransigent affront to their peace minded sensibilities. Will they join NATO and play by it's rules or start a New league and invent their own set of rules? Why should Chuck in Minnesota or Chattahoochee care about such things? Perhaps it's because America is connected to a larger world, our word as a nation, the largest military, largest economy, our place in history, and how we feel about it depends upon how we will uphold our commitments under the Budapest Memorandum to defend the territorial Integrity of Ukraine for their noble step forward, outside of the world of weapons of mass destruction.
I liked some story of a Judge in Ukraine being denied renewal of her judgeship via a cursory review of her social media profile, she had Armani gowns, luxury vacations, an abundance of expensive things on an officially stated salary of 250 $ a year , or something in that range. Her status simply was not credible enough to be a judge within the reform oriented judicial system. While our pay scale in the West, for a Superior Court Judge may be 200,000$ in major USA cities like LA, New York, Seattle, the costs of food in USA, Ukraine , really are not so different when one compares relative quality , brand and the like. A judge in Ukraine or some FSU country may make 3,000$ USD. a year. I can't be sure exactly what is paid in various Oblasts, regions, cities.
Now a State Judge in Indiana As of 2010, the salary of Indiana's chief justice ranked 25th among U.S. chief justices' salaries. The average salary earned by U.S. chief justices was $155,230. The median salary earned by U.S. chief justices was $151,284
they also have other benefits, which can add PERHAPS an easy 50,000$ IN VALUE:
1) Judicial Salary and Other Compensation 2) Health Plans 3) Deferred Compensation Savings Plan 4) Judges’ Retirement Plan and 5) Group Term Life Insurance Coverage
which is simply put, that is what a Judge needs to get paid in USA, to maintain their status within the middle, upper middle class, especially if they don't come from a family with money
My modest point is perhaps this: Ukraine, Russia, these vast, historically linked regions are brotherly minded, easy going people, it's the government that feeds on it's need to hold power, regardless of what is just, or even sensible for the common good. A lot of Russians and perhaps some good part of the Ukraine people's I know here, who made it into the West say they never want to go back there. Yet these factors change, the flow can go both ways, and soon perhaps it will; it's all good.
In the lead up to the Crisis in Ukraine, with the Commonwealth of Independent States, (CIS) Russian tacticians appear to have had some sort of advance plan what to do with the bounty of land and people in Ukraine : to deport them in some fashion, as it is deftly dissected by Roman Tsimbalyuk here, he really explains the larger picture facing RU and how their harmful and invasive meddling in Ukraine dovetails into that need to bolster the far Eastern flank with people.
I float a photo of the base of the frame of the Southernmost outpost of Orthodox Christianity in Novosomskovsk, Dnipro Raion, built at about the time of approximate building of our
this is, I believe, the South East facing corner of the Church in Novosomskovsk ( about 30 minutes by car outside of Dnieper) these milled, hewed , carved pieces were set a long, long time ago. It is one of the oldest existing entirely wood framed Orthodox Christian Churches in the World (while it is not well advertised) and it has a nice interior acoustic resonance. The people in Russia and Ukraine need to think about standing strong and insist that a solution to this ugly, semi-covert (mostly overt ) war comes to an end. The reasons for it to have started weren't good. The reasons for it to continue are even worse.
The way that I perceive it amongst my friends and contacts is that their friends in Moscow or any other place were simply their friends, based on amicability, social interactions, an easy style of deftly doing business and socializing just at the edge of propriety. Avoiding taxes was always the norm, it's why the public services deteriorated and the Nation found itself in a place of somewhat beautiful neglect with a few islands of luxury life style settings peppered about. Now they want to embrace the Western style of transparency, float lucrative IPO offers, attract foreign capitol and the like.
The war stuff is what it is, in my humble opinion, the hard money will win this battle with jobs that pay better and the anticipated social stability that can leverage the natural intelligence of it's people, coupled with the potential logistical assets of Europe's largest country.
Russia can perhaps continue to try to steal Ukraine's people via the occupied territory , but those people can return if the economic situation normalizes , improves greatly
It's really a pity as Crimea could have become a clean energy Paradise, perhaps it still can do that, some of it depends upon how Ukraine's Central government navigates the complex subsets of diplomatic, economic and psychological variables in their attempt to regain control and expel the occupiers perched as an Empire based perhaps, on the Tale of Two Cities. Often, the narrative in Ukraine references the Pro Russian forces as "Orcs" I "get" the argument about Crimea, that "I woke up in another country" yet it was never anyone's desire there , to conduct an election about their future, at the point of a gun. Now Putin simply wants the sanctions lifted to qualify as a deficit legitimization of the seizure of Crimean territory, seems like they are ready to cut their losses, and walk away from the economically devastated infrastructure of Eastern Ukraine.
Crimea is, and always will be a part of the sovereign territory of Ukraine, unless Mister Trump starts to feel pressure about the "interest payments" from the favors bestowed on his real estate development operations. Typically if one misses a scheduled payment to the Russian Mob, the interest rate doubles:
despite that, Maybe Peace is hiding in Plain sight ?
We are all people thrown together in a friendly way, by common circumstance. While all the world should learn some lesson from the Ukraine/ Russian Federation conflict, people should actively work together to solve the conflict as quickly as possible, discern the profit taking patterns that are becoming embedded within the conflict, those patterns that relate to maintaining a grip on social and economic power based upon might, rather than what is right.
Obviously, when Russia can drive any sort of military hardware into the Eastern Flank of Ukraine with impunity, pass off this interference as the work of "volunteers", embed mayhem and lawlessness into their adjacent neighbor. It is not good. It is not good for business, public health, not good for economics. It is a probably a situation that can not be fixed solely by money or diplomacy. I had read from reliable sources that there were more tanks in the hands of Separatists/ Russian forces in East Ukraine than all the tanks from Slovakia , Italy and Poland military, combined (something like 600 tanks)
What is interesting to me , is that in the Bellingcat investigation, at PDF's page 10, they had officially documented a separation of the command and control unit, while the subsequent context of the loss of life is utterly difficult to imagine , seeing the girl in the video nonchalantly chatting away while this massive military convoy rolls past,
for me it's interesting, could it mean possibly that "loose cruisers" (highly unaffiliated entities)
perhaps became embedded within this juggernaut of sophisticated BUK anti-aircraft technology? Who could these hypothetical loose cruisers be, who could they have been communicating with?
Or was it simply a screw up, a case of bad judgement ? What if somebody said " Hey, those are some pretty fancy guns you got there, can I pay you to play with them make them work/ not work?" "
I have my own private, unsponsored investigation into the incident: basically my personal conclusion is that there is / was a mastermind, it was intentional, the individuals responsible went into hiding. I had a signal they were alive. If it was that they used "the rigging " of the fleet of the Russian Federation, or that they were part and parcel of that apparatus, I don't have an honest clue. The Devil is in the details and Haven is nowhere to be found for such persons. Time will not erase the crime. The motive(S) are uncertain:
Any number of variant scenarios can be scripted into a hypothetical compromising of the command structure of the BUK system.
A video filmed in Alexeyevka shows nearly all of the Buk-M1 vehicles in the June 2014 Buk convoy, where two parts of the convoy that were previously separated at some point merged back together into a single convoy. 27 The only vehicle belonging to the Buk-M1 system not in the video is the command vehicle numbered 200; however, this vehicle is visible in a second video filmed from a slightly different location, where it is seen making a U-turn and driving back in the direction from which it originally came.28 27 http://bellingcat-vehicles silk co/page/0020-Alexeyevka%3A-Buk-convoy-turning-and-merging-1 28 http://bellingcat-vehicles silk co/page/0021-Alexeyevka%3A-Buk-convoy-turning-and-merging-2
regarding China , without any actual hard information, given it's prevarication for ascension to Global power, perhaps actually she did subtly embed the conflict using soft power in variant ways?
I, for one, do have a Ukraine contact who did work in a super secure Chinese electronics smart hub, this person is Russian fluent, Chinese fluent enough. They (China ) had the capability to penetrate a lot of layers of Russian and Ukraine society (Via cheaper electronics goods) . While I have great, a very great respect for Chinese history culture and people, the obvious inference is that the China's military intelligence/ political/economic intel apparatus did, perhaps engage in whole scale penetration of the Russian consumer electronics, and Ukraine's.
What they were able to do with this back door enabled macro- data is anybody's guess, but possibly it would enable them to use it to shift the psychological demographics, or randomly intercept security related information, manipulate that in a direction (coupled with field operatives) that could be more favorable to their long view interests.' Or maybe China only likes Ukraine as it is, they like the setup, no long term/ short term schemes , just chilling ? Who knows? I don't !
The Art of War can now perhaps be rephrased to the Art of TOR .
As a global community of people, perhaps we all need to renegotiate our personal and strategic relations with the digital/ electronic medium?
We need to decide if it will lead us, ]or that we will use it for general guidance, \
as we navigate forward in our pathway for survival;
survival of the fit, competent, joyful , easy going. Or just survivals of the most hard core, outmoded thinkers from 70 years ago, like three generations in the past. Who is going to win this tug and pull contest, the young or the older people. As much as I don't like what (Jared K ) he's part of, nor do I blame him for what he's done to elect POTUS, I do tend to want to vote for the younger generation, the more tolerant, the kinder, warmer, gentler sort of people. Yet when ardent cruelty is enforced upon youthful zealousness, what is the larger world left to contemplate/ Let's hope that it is about the Music !
It continues to surprise me the number of educated, aware, erudite Americans who haven't a clue that Ukraine voluntarily gave up the World's third largest Nuclear Arsenal in 1994, during the first Clinton administration. If they had kept some part of that operational, this whole conflict would quite likely never have taken place, their history of government and a lot of other things could / would be different, perhaps better, perhaps worse. They contributed towards the world being a safer place, now at their own expense. It was a noble sacrifice for them to make. I hope that their gamble pays off for the better.
and who did Kill Pavel? Pavel Sheremet, the engaging journalist from Belarus who was killed in a Kiev car bomb incident, definitely he was getting into someone's or several someone's business, but whose business? what white board lived in his mind at the time of his murder?