to Kill the messenger or hobble the hound ?
Perhaps I am simply gleaning random items I find of interest, off the internet news feeds, I thought it harmless enough to examine the spectrum of recent events and look for patterns:
although it is really hard to decipher what transpires at the highest levels of power
Some oddly timed events could be worthy of considering within an ensemble . Kim Jong-nam's demise has yet to be attributed to a cause.
the Dark Alliance "Kill The Messenger " movie about Gary Webb's investigations of the CIA moving cocaine into Los Angeles to fund rebels in Central America,
it feels to me like now some darker dark alliance type force is getting active in preventing the process of investigating convergent complex situations, by active and former government officials who are still trying to play by the rules , or
who have retired, but not quite eased back the throttle in their search for a more just and equitable society, while that sounds like Hubris, I think that such people do exist.
what is the specific career background of the retired FBI Agent , why does this plane crash look glaringly suspicious from the way it arcs into the shopping mall, was the pilot trying to land on the roof quickly, as some bad thing was going down, like an onboard explosion ? The fireball looks distinctly explosion induced.
I'd suggest that the Australian Federal Police take a highly detailed set of snapshots of things at the airport, how the plane was stored, etc. Perhaps have a chat with that reticent aboriginal guy who does the maintenance of the loading lorries, maybe he noticed something suspicious , when he was smoking weed in the backfield, but doesn't want to say anything, as it could cost him his job (he's on probation ) . I am only kidding about the guy, (he is hypothetical , it's simply an example of the non-digital approach to crash scene investigations)
Could there possibly be any connection to the MH17, or MH370 situation ? What about IBM executive Phillip Wood who was passenger on MH370, originally from Texas , any connection ? Is there a tie in to the SRT , have they, were they sent as stealth search party, to learn clues of Mister Wood's disposition? (From BBC ) Another passenger onboard MH370 was on the way to a new job was mechanical engineer Paul Weeks from New Zealand. The former soldier moved his family to Perth, Australia, after the devastating earthquakes in Christchurch, reports say. Before he left home, he took off his wedding ring and watch and gave them to his wife for his two young sons.
Within the Baikonur Aerodrome scenario an unexplored possibility could be a Landing in Northern Laos? If the planes avionics bay was disabled in flight, could even the Inmarsat data be faked or manipulated? That would require advanced technological prowess, but it's a doable thing even for a private entity. Certainly, Ukraine today is in a not dissimilar situation as Laos, as a buffer state between warring ideologies .Certainly the Communist forces in Laos had extensive, well built caves , possible that some caves or cave remains unknown, something perfect for holding people for some time? I don't want to post false hopes, but how hard would that be to swallow a plane landed in a strip just big enough to handle a 747 in the mountains of North Laos ?
Certainly the MH17 shoot down becomes a glaring roadblock to this incredibly hypothetical process of normalizing relations to some degree with the Russian Federation .
Certainly it will be some time before people in Ukraine can visit their pleasant beaches in Feodisia , Yalta again. It is forbidden<
Pravda seems all to eager to jump to conclusions and blame Buzzfeed news for their work : One thing I might say about Buzzfeed , is that it' comes across as a guy's news outlet. Maybe I am wrong on that ? Are women's perspectives under represented by the media ?
while I intend no endorsement of Pravda's state dominated news feed, one should attempt to view things from divergent perspectives. Was there enhanced or reduced security around the ambassador, was he alone or with others. While he didn't look healthy, the heart attack sounds weird. Was there an issue of his differing from internal policy directives in regards to how to relate to Ukraine or the new Washington administration >??Somewhere , there ought to be a digital file, from the BUK systems that logs the missile firing, did the ambassador actually have access to the file?
According to the Irish Independent :
Another less senior Russian diplomat, Sergei Krivov, was reportedly found lying on the ground by the Russian Consulate in New York on the US election day last November having died in mysterious circumstances.
This new stealth Peace plan squirting about, that proposes a deal to lease Crimea, perhaps it is useful to initiate some dialog, yet it should be taken with a grain of salt, as the associated Kompromat against President Poroshenko, has it's own problems with it's proponent's personal and business related issues, it's a shell within another shell type deal.
Crimea is, and always will be, an integral part of the National territory of Ukraine,
according to the Budapest Memorandum, it was guaranteed by the signatory nations. Germany, France, England, Japan, the USA, Russia and others .
The word around Washington , Moscow on the psychology analysis of Trump, is that he's naive and unprepared. Perhaps he should set up a date with Madame Tymoshenko before he meets with his buddy Mister Putin ?
Maybe she can summon some Trump Steak tartare for serving with the canapés ?
with Madame Tymoshenko, it's not about knowing where the bodies of the state Political reality were buried, it's more about knowing who it was that buried those situations.
But there are a lot of distractions to divert people's attention from what matters the most, how to ensure the health, security and prosperity of a friendly Nation on the Eastern edge of Europe .
I had hoped that the Rolling Stones might want to surprise us with a huge free show on the Maydan Square, for Ukraine's Independence day, but there can be no precondition that they can't go from Kiev to do a gig in Yalta. Mick likes the big stage and at this point doing shows isn't about the money, as their appearance in Havana Cuba demonstrated
Since Martin Scorcese has already been there and down that with them,,, it is up in the air what sort of movie deal can be put together that makes it worthwhile for Mick and the Boys , oh wait : Sir Mick Jagger! As Sir Elton John has done the big show there before, despite having been denied adoption of an orphan child, times were safer then, and the country is still embroiled on a messy , difficult war.
Perhaps Mister Fedorchenko wants to direct the documentary movie ? Certainly it could be a fresh angle of an iconic Rock Band
The idea of a Stones Concert in Kiev has been under consideration for some time but how to manage all the costs and logistics is highly uncertain , it's more about keeping the budget than about promoting peace through music for the moment. Unless of course, Corporate sponsorships can make it possible. yet now Eurovision 2017 is totally hostage to multiple variables and if Ukraine loses the hosting privileges, the sense of loss will be enormous .
there is always some sort musical of act or scene playing out in the streets>
As to the high fictional "Sky Hook Strategy" that Dennis Rodman will become embroiled in a geopolitical cluster fuck that even Hollywood will shy away from, wherein he's visiting North Korea, either gets detained, or somehow "lost" and as the ceasefire concurrently deteriorates in the Donbas , saber rattling about regime change in North Korea causes Kim to launch his hypothetically tested ICBM in an attempt to hit the North slope oil fields in Alaska, but it's a dud, lands unexploded, but contaminates some remote part of the Siberian Taiga, Russia approaches the United Nations with a mandate to invade North Korea on the same basis the US proposed invading Iraq. The world being on the brink of Nuclear war tanks the stock market Gold and the pre -arranged short sell orders make a killing, nothing too serious happens, and so on and so forth. Personally I'd rather have Dennis Rodman attending the Rock concert in Kiev or Yalta , and North Korea deciding they want to go the route of Ukraine and give up their Nuclear weapons program for economic development incentives, but that's wishful thinking for the moment.
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