A Tai Pan style President, pushing buttons in a Newer, New World Order?

I had mentioned the 12th of February,  as an indicator date , towards the end of it, in my previous post. http://crisisinukraina.blogspot.com/2017/01/too-great-odds-against-magic-or-say.html
wherein I referenced a conjecture relating to the Oaths of Strasbourg . Today's resignation of National Security advisor Flynn, seems to signal the underlying turbulence of the new Administration. And perhaps I am not far from the mark, maybe what Trump's chief strategist , Mister Bannon is pushing for, is quite similar to the structure of the oaths
The Oaths of Strasbourg (LatinSacramenta ArgentariaeFrenchLes Serments de StrasbourgGermanDie Straßburger Eide) were mutual pledges of allegiance between Louis the German (†876), ruler of East Francia, and his half-brother Charles the Bald (†877), ruler of West Francia made on 12 February 842.[1] They are written in three different languages: Medieval LatinOld French and Old High German, all in Caroline minuscule.[2] The Old French passages are generally considered to be the earliest texts in a language that is distinctly French. 

Historical context[edit]

The several pledges were spoken at a strategic meeting on 12 February 842 at Strasbourg, with the brothers' assembled armies in attendance and participating in the ceremonies. In addition to their promised allegiance to each other, Louis and Charles pledged their solidarity to oppose their eldest brother Lothair, ruler of Middle Francia and, nominally, emperor of all the Carolingian Empire Frankish kingdoms as well as Holy Roman Emperor. Louis spoke his oath in the "Romance" language, while Charles spoke his oath in lingua teudisca, "Germanic".[3]
The historical nature of the meeting is made more remarkable by the additional, separate pledges that were scripted for the monarchs' armies – in their respective vernaculars – to the effect that, for each "soldier": should their own lord-king unilaterally break the oath just pledged (to the other king), then, each "soldier of the oath" promises not to help his master against the abused other monarch.

Now my basic assumption, is that the USA's strategic apparatus prefers to do things "the regular way", and that usually involves trying to prevent fires before they begin 
yet that there may be continued arguments and actions aimed at changing it.   While Mister Bannon and his cohorts are unsubtly working to rebrand racism and discrimination, one could actually put forth a debatable argument that such a security architecture as The Oaths is not illogical, in our era of risky alliances and oppositions of Nuclear Armed States.  I just hope that Dennis Rodman can refrain from reaching out to his "friend " Kim Jung , North Korea''s Nuclear armed dictator in a show of support for his buddy,   who has just lost a brother, for it is arguable that any number of entities, including the Malaysian Government's secret services could have been behind, or had advance awareness  of this week's assassination . It would be far too easy for Kim to detain Dennis Rodman on fabricated charges and hold him hostage in a hybridized media war, 

Of course the conjecture about the deep left hand turn of MH370 into  the South Indian Ocean off Australia , in the most remote part of the world's Ocean's,  perhaps  it was a quite convenient excuse to utilize high accuracy scanners to analyze the under explored Ocean floors for evidence of mineral deposits, and lay the groundwork of deep Ocean mining operations in the future. I think the entire MH370 situation stinks of air piracy and that some, or most of the passengers could still possibly  be alive.
As to MH17,  the defensive configuration of a BUK missile launcher system's deployment strategy via separation of the launch , radar and communications components, is also an inverse warfare vulnerability . The possibility, that perhaps (for instance) the radar unit could have been compromised by a third party, that the Russian Federation's tactical deployment standards of ground level security would have been compromised on Eastern Ukraine at the time of the shoot down is entirely possible.

As much as I'd hate for my thoughts of air piracy to become a platform of obfuscation, in such situations, every scenario needs to be accommodated in the continued process of assembling evidence. A sense of  improper assignment of blame,  in this  can lead to a ramping up of hysteria and perceptions of an escalating tactical , possibly even a Nuclear war.  Up until that point in time, Ukraine's military was making progress in pushing back against their enemy, after that event,  their strategic situation fell into a stale mate, as Russia utilized the lull to supply and organize the forces they had bought in. Yet it was also not in the Russian Federation's interest to shoot down a civilian air line flight, and those flights have transponders that identify themselves a civilian. I had queried a viable asset on the ground in Eastern Ukraine about this, and the indications are high that there was a mastermind, but who, or why it happened remains a mystery. I had heard, that those who were involved were in hiding. But now, much time has lapsed and the participants may have encountered clumsy accidents. Ukraine never had a chance to send in their own best police investigators to the areas of the crime scene , the publicly stated position, is that their investigation is still incomplete and unfinished.
one early Part of his Asian Saga, including Whirlwind 
it would seem that America's new President, being of Scottish heritage, perhaps feels some emulation of the Struan line, as depicted in the Tai Pan Novel continuum, As to the thought that Russian mobsters put tens of millions of dollars into the Trump Organization, provided logistical, tactical support to his advancement, yes of course, it had to have happened (it's not just the Russian Government, it's their shadow counterparts in the grey economy who chipped in, and assisted with logistical support ? ) .
And as in the  James Clavell  Novel , Tai Pan Novel goes,  who did get the three rough broken antique bronze coin halves, in order  to be able to ask any extraordinary favor,
at any future point in time ?
Yes the Russian Mob, perhaps some component of the Christian coalition, Jerry Falwell, and who else, the Industrialist bankers, Taiwan? A lot of dark money won the election for Mister Trump in those swing states, who is actually looking at the money trail in Wisconsin? At the end of the day, it was really a pretty cheap deal, to buy an American election.  Russia defeated Yulia Tymoshenko  in the 2010 election for next to no money, it was so little money I would guess, that they joke about it.

It could be an interesting journalistic process to do a comparative study of the election that brought Yanukovych to power, certainly there were internet trolls employed, a lot of manipulation of video, and compromising of key players in the electoral process. It is possible that the same set of players were involved then, as were deployed in the election hacking process in USA certainly a similar playbook was employed during the Paul Manafort periods of participation in both election sequences.
In 1796, at the age of twelve, Dirk Struan began his nautical adventures as a powder monkey on a King's ship at the battle of Trafalgar, and he remains bound to the sea for life. By the end of this year, he found service on the East India Companymerchant ship "Vagrant Star" to China. Under the command of Tyler Brock, third mate and future nemesis, Dirk Struan was whipped mercilessly. Dirk Struan vowed to someday destroy Brock. Was Mister Trump at 12 years , in a boarding school , summer camp wherein he suffered vicious abuse? Not that I feel sympathy for landed gentry, I am just a bit curious.
yet who is Mister Trump's arch Nemesis, the equal of Tyler Brock? Who did whip him mercilessly ? did he have hopes of admission into the Yale Skull and Crossbones Fraternity ? Did Mister Trump , as Dirk Struan(The semi-fictional Tai Pan ) did, engage in the aspects of interfacing with  the drug trade of cocaine, heroin sales money laundering ? I have no information here, I am simply going with the fictional story line. Certainly, the drug lords  do buy real estate property to normalize their profits.

And what does this conjecture, have to do with Ukraine ? For one, it is often referenced as a "beach head",  of the New Silk Road. Iran is making new remonstrations about Mister Trump's Policy directions
It seems inevitable that Iran will become a Nuclear armed state, with such historical connections to Russia, as Nader Jahanbani, the commander of Iran's Air Force under the Shah of Iran. Russia is heavily enmeshed with Iran, as much as the lay person on the streets of Philadelphia may not realize it.
Iran is being forthright about it's interest to engage with Ukraine in various joint ventures, again it becomes a back channel of diplomacy to pivot Ukraine, into the third sector between East and West. To the credit of Ukraine, as I have seen it extensively, and perhaps I haven't seen or heard any bad stuff, it is an incredibly tolerant society towards Islamic culture. They may not like it, or feel it, but they are culturally indifferent, or largely morally supportive towards their Tatar minority and any other elements one could reference as Eastern religions (as long as such people respect local traditions + )\. Ukraine could in fact, become a model for such Nations as France, except France and various EU states are overwhelmed with immigration pressures far greater than what Ukraine is subject to : it's simply not a destination state, there is little or no work outside of subsistence labor, unless you are a high skill asset, soccer team player, IT or other high value workplace sector element.
None the less, I do party with the nice Iranian ladies who study at the medical schools with their heavy gold jewelry, nice women with good values, not a threat, and welcome to Ukraine!

Yet what other forces have an interest in the territory of Ukraine, are there "exopolitical" elements at work? Now, it is a rather long extrapolation of vagrant facts and perspectives, yet I stumbled across this rather interesting speech tonight by Richard Dolan, he is actually rather credible: either he is a highly trained actor in a subversive torrent of disinformation, or he is rather totally, straight on,  telling it like it is. I am inclined to be supportive of the direction of his hypothetical conjectures. Now, maybe I am like a character out of some weird novel like William Gibson's "Virtual Light" ?

When will the younger, hipper, more socially savvy people get with it , and enter the political scene ? For now I suspect  ,   the change in politics will come alive in the music.
People often reference the passions of 1916 and the interconnected feelings of socialist perspectives at the time, this book is in my personal library, and I paraphrase much of my thinking about China within it's contexts :

As to where Ukraine was 100 years ago, I haven't read any serious treatment of it's historical context of the time, it could be an interesting University level study that would help the dilettantes such as I to appreciate what is going on today in a better context.



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