Submarine Launched Dolphin Operations

Ukraine's  depth of outrageous material to hypothesize about, from the outcomes of the Revolution of dignity are monumental. Russia seizing a massive territory from a peaceful neighbor , with some of the world's most prime real estate, undeveloped oil and gas reserves, taking along  it's population (helps with the dwindling Russian Population baseline), and all it's contents, infrastructure and so forth.

We trend towards a world wherein many of us start to feel nervous about what we say, if it could reflect badly on us professionally and so forth. Extensive fake fact reporting, smoke and mirrors on critical issues and so forth. We live in a time where there are coverups of coverup operations, highly skilled cleaners of sensitive situations, they are the best of the best at fixing the worst of the worst.
It's certain that Paul Manafort (Trump's former manager ) that he was deeply involved in the installation of Victor Yanukovych. And perhaps there is a plan in the works ( posted this previously ) to put Hillary Clinton in Jail, much the same way that Yanukovych placed Julia Tymoshenko in Jail, Trump is Putin's guy and he's obligated to perform accordingly, or there will be problems....'

 Perhaps the Clinton's are more familiar with Mister Pinchuk than they are owning up about. Sure, I rub elbows with some of these people too, they are around. One thing I learned , is that Ukraine is not that big of a place, despite being the largest Nation in Europe. Historically they have produced more grain per capita, and consumed less grain than any people on the Planet, as I understand. Their stars and elites, they  cross paths with everyone on the road, the train stations, in the few decent restaurants and so forth. For some time, Politicians getting rich stealing money was more easy, now it's a bit more complicated. I have heard that Russians invested extensively in private real estate transactions in Ukraine, now that's stopped, and they've made an impossibly complicated situation in Donetsk, Lugansk. But money fixes everything, the question might be about how much , and why should any government spend it's money to try to fix such a disaster ? Does the "you break it, you bought it " formula apply ? I've seen these published "Red books" from Ukraine regarding damages by RUssian occupation, in some ways they look conservative, rather than liberally evaluated. Perhaps we've entered the purely barter era of foreign diplomacy, where Dread Pirate Roberts is working the sidelines, to arrange the transaction with bitcoin. "it's worth this much, if you don't do that"

I remember , 4 or 5 years past ,  my first  , no reservation visit to Donetsk. I happened to pop in that night at the Liverpool Night Club for a concert by a Russian Band Delphin (Dolphin). I was impressed by the feeling of money and sophistication of the audience, and had an easy invite to go out and grab beers after it closed with someone I'm still friends with (he's since gone to Kiev) Maybe it will be decades before that city recovers, it was a wonderful, functional city with a population and size about equal to San Francisco, California.  Now there seems to be no ceasefire agreement that can hold in sight, just like Syria.
It's a certainty, that the fierce and merciless aerial bombardment of Aleppo is a stark message to Ukraine in regards to the Minsk accords, yet even if they comply to such things, will the Russians double down with new requirements that become even harder to meet, in other words will Russia's military continue to control Ukraine's border for the indefinite future?

My fake story of the day, is about Submarine Launched Dolphin Operations, using Ukrainian Dolphin Prisoners of War, for deep water testing of releasing weaponized Hunter /Killer Dolphins in the Baltic. Fake reports of submarine activity in deep water areas of the Baltic sea, strangely bloated Dolphin carcasses found washing ashore in unusual locations.Perhaps weird rumors of  viruses and plague on the Swedish shoreline...unusual algal growths that kill fish en mass.  I actually don't have the number handy, of how many Dolphins Ukraine had in their Naval program,. Yet if Russia takes Tatar activist and places them in a Psychological facility where there is no exit possibility, what are they doing with Ukraine's Dolphins ? I am sure there is some "feel good Russian media story" about the Dolphin POW's. It's a tiny bookend to a much huger situation and day by day, tensions seem to ratchet upwards toward midnight on the clock of Nuclear confrontation


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