I'll show you my Nuclear Launch Code, if you show me yours...
A big shout out to my musician friends of Simferopol, Crimea, I remember when Obama got elected, they asked me "Is he going to be Okay"
I said yes, he'll do fine.
I did want to take a second to personally thank our Secretary of State John Kerry, for his many years of tireless service, He's been working incredibly hard, and he has to be getting to know Mister Lavrov pretty well by now. I'm sorry the deal they worked out hasn't gone so smoothly. It would be great to help the Syrian people get food and medicine.
It was an admirable thing Ukraine decided to do, to give up the third largest Nuclear Arsenal on the Planet, and who knows in the long view, how that will sit upon their history?
I'd say right now, in the War of Lords, that they might regret it. The decision has had significant social, political and economic effects for them, Some subtle, some not. Did people make money on it, their Elites? I'd suspect that, anyone managing such dismantling operation gained some advantage.
Why do I care about Ukraine ? Well for one, they are nice, friendly, smart, pretty educated, well principled and sometimes humorous people : They are now holding the front line of what could become the Third World War, maybe something closer to the conditions that started the First World War are hovering at the edges of their situation, once you tie in Syria and other factors. They will shrug it off and say that their guys will take care of things, if push comes to shove.
Many of the elites lived much like us, in some fairy tale bubble of middle/ upper class perfection. Often they got there via parents with good government positioning prior to Independence. All the people I meet split off into 2 basic categories: those who continue to focus largely on money and personal advancement, and those who are more focused on continuity of society and finding a balance that will sustain a stable future. They had to pay bribes to get things done in the past, it was part of business, hiding income, etc, but now they are finding it's easier to do business in the regular, transparent way of doing things, and not worry about some investigator.
We in the West, the Western USA were gifted an amazing subset of variables in our culture and economy, you can actually prosper through honest hard work and a modicum of initiative. Now it feels to me, like everything we've worked for, has been placed in jeopardy, by rather strange and unnatural situations. And allegorically perhaps, are the AFC and NFC football leagues fumbling their way to some oddly lopsided victories ? And by that I mean, that folks in both Political parties are failing to make it safer for the players on the field, as perhaps elucidated in this article . http://carnegie.ru/2015/12/28/premonition-of-nuclear-threat/isyk
it really spells out all the basic issues that underlie the nuclear war threat quite succinctly.
I am a small town, not very college educated, lower middle class white guy, the thing is, I just don't like The Donald's "Deal". I like to think I'm a moderate, who is roughly comfortable with the typical mess my government generates, they do their best, and I can live with what they give me.
My Grand Uncle in the photo, he was a US Navy guy, they called him "Silver Bill" as he was good at competing in sports tournaments, basketball golf or whatever, he was a spear- chucker as they say. Eventually, after a long time working in the Utah naval storage units, he worked his way up to being a logistics commander at Bremerton Naval Shipyard Base.
His Parents, my Great Grandma and her guy, they were Serbian- Croatian immigrants who wound up in Salt Lake City, Utah. I think they immigrated around 100 years ago. The Slavic culture runs deep in our family outlook and temperament, that fiercely intellectual style of discourse.
Part of The story of my mom's early life was depicted in the movie "Desert Bloom " :with a backdrop of Secret Nuclear Weapons testing outside early Las Vegas Nevada, a decorated war veteran alcoholic with Domestic Violence and abuse issues ( acted by John Voight ), it's a classic American history piece. Angelina, as a 13 year old girl, was often around the set during the filming of the movie in Tucson Arizona. Later, Mom was an invited guest of the Gorbachev Government in winter of 1986/7 ? during Glasnost, she went with Richard Gere, Marlee Matlin and a bunch of other Hollywood people to show a set of American movies for the first time in the Soviet Union. Those movies were shown to large audiences in Moscow and Saint Petersburg theaters. Supposedly, Baby Doc Duvalier laundered some of his stolen family's Haitian wealth through his partial investment in the production of the movie. Regardless, my mom barely gets enough money income to buy a ham sandwich, from her chunk of the royalties off the video rental : she's a Socialist, in the American sense of the movement, and I don't need to make effusive excuses for her about that. Helping other people, is her way of fixing the damage in herself.
Despite the 2 World Wars, we were able to connect with my Dad's Family in France, we were supposedly originated in another long contested borderland of Alsace. The French quickly learned that the Maginot line was a rather useless affair in WW2. Ukraine has now quickly realized, that the Budapest Memorandum was mostly a back slapping, mutually congratulatory event, that left them without a serious defensive back up plan. The guys I know in Ukraine's Army asked me how did the Commanche Indians reign supreme over the US Army for 40 years and manage to almost totally control 240,000 square miles in the middle of our country ? I tell them it was dis equilibrium of technology and home field advantage coupled with ruthlessness. And their defeat arose from an inversion of that formula. And now the stranger than fiction consequence for Kiev, is that oddly external people, with strangely weird perceptions, have a significant power to mess with Ukraine.
The Noosphere ? really it sounds like a peeking into the future, miniaturized version of the woodpecker array, or it's some evolved system of analyzing internet traffic? Everyone is doing that .
Is Ukraine caught in a East / West power play for Europe's largest National territory, with vast resources of fertile land, skilled and educated workers with plenty of industrial capacity, or simply an emergence from a protracted period of external domination and manipulation ? They have few, if any Natural barricades on their borders, it's always been a porous Nation. As one border guard recently told me, some times meat smuggling involves simply driving the cows across the fields.
For sure, I have chatted it up with women whose family served in the Russian Navy, who wore the Communist Pioneer scarves in grade school and ran across the decks of the Soviet subs in Balaclava bay, heard stories that they played in the water and swam with their mine sweeping dolphins. I have another friend I met off line, while bar hopping, whose Dad works in one of those Secret towns in Siberia where it's not even listed on official maps, just a coded geographic reference where they maintain their Nuclear arsenal, and this isn't casual, we're good friends, the politics are an external factor to who we are as people. Everyone wants to have a good car, nice clothes, a safe place to sleep at night, catch a movie, see a play, bounce around at a concert, and tell jokes with their friends.
I never was in the military, not much into war stuff, I liked biology, I just couldn't visualize taking on the debt to obtain an advanced degree : of course, it's enviable that it's nearly free in Europe. I'm just a normal guy, an ex professional dish washer who likes to walk back to the kitchen and leave a tip for the dish washer once in a while. I can certainly remember doing that, tipping the dishwasher in Simferopol, it's a nice town, walks well, flows well, feels honest, a place true to it's origins. I have been to Saki, Alushta, Yalta, Feodisia. But wouldn't consider going again to Crimea, I was there that year, for New Year's celebrations and you could tell something was up.
This photo from that last few days of 2013 I spent in Simferopol, it isn't my endorsement of Communism, but it's my way of recognizing the continuum of history, at least Gorbachev didn't get anyone I know of blown up, I don't think he was an interventionist, he wanted economic reform, less government from the center : it's normal reform.
I know plenty of the guys in Ukraine, the Patriots : brave, stoic, decent, and motivated to defend their Nation, and yes I get it, they have strong willed stances, akin to our rednecks, working hard on the farm, goofing off, racing motorcycles, jet skis and all the normal beer guzzling, Fist fighting, riverside partying, meat roasting at the river, activity. Swell are the hipsters, gamers, programmers and stylish avante garde. They love their country, just like we love ours, and they love their freedoms, which is why they fight back against this hybrid war...
Why is Russia making war on them ? It beats me. I certainly can't really see why it's been happening. How does it help Putin's status, to punish and twist the minds of a peaceful neighbor?
yet now Russian Federation's economy is stunted by the isolation, and top down controls, ordinary people simply don't have money to buy the foods and things they prefer to consume. Russians I know in the USA are nice people, and they enjoy it here, the freedoms, they show up for work on time, they get along well enough with the Ukraine Nationals here , what's the beef ?
Or perhaps some details in this European Integration economic agreement, they couldn't just change a few pages of text and save everybody from all this death, grief and suffering ? They couldn't just have altered it into some variant of an EU 3- way tax break for both Russia and Ukraine?
Could Ukraine's Army have mobilized quickly enough to put up a fight in Crimea ? I don't know, it could have become a slaughter. Those guys were sent out with old boxes of bullets and rifles from 1948 when this thing broke. They were caught in an unexpected leadership vacuum, internal conflict, and didn't foresee the outright seizure of their territory, although some journalists had written about the possibility.
There certainly seems little hope of a DMZ in Crimea any time soon. It's a wonderful, amazing beautiful place. It could become an ecological , technological marvel, a zone of Peace and reconciliation rather than conflict and repression. Some parts of Ukraine are moving in that direction, and it could be a simple process of highlighting a region's positive improvement in living standards and better quality of life, that turns the tide toward dialogue.
Now it seems that the party is over, it's time to grab a pick and shovel to do the hard core work to rebuild this big Nation. While my Native city and County of San Francisco is busting at the seams of a "white hot economy" outside the Kiev, lots of folks are struggling, and people are struggling inside the Kiev too.
The deep spiritual and cultural traditions of Ukraine will hopefully overcome these enormous external pressures to collapse their economy. They are making headway, their brightest minds are sorting out the smartest options, they aren't fighting the tide, they are working with it.
I think that Mister Poroshenko's administration cares more about a better future for his entire Nation, than any small variant consideration, relating to helping the elites of Ukraine improve their already pleasant lives. They are still in a state of patriotic fervor, unlike anything in our USA since maybe WW2. Of course the criticism of Ukraine's government is robust, and there is persecution, harassment of journalists, the Sheremet killing was pretty spooky, a professional killing, I have crossed that spot many times in the past, on my way to grab a burger.
Ukraine, they certainly cut a significantly historical deal , greatly distinguishing their Nation, to choose the Nuclear Non Proliferation pathway, It's probably one of the greatest foreign policy coups of the last century, under the Bill Clinton Presidency, the Budapest Memorandum and the resulting dismantling of their massive functional arsenal. Even with their Ukraine's mistakes, the ins and outs of 25 years of a fledgling Democracy, we should honor that event. They put up with a lot of meddling, from the Dioxin poisoning of Victor Yuschenko, to any number of other situations designed to shift economic and political levers. And it seems Russia is starting to realize that maybe Ukraine isn't worth all the effort, that they can benefit from a prosperous free market Democracy on their border ?
Theoretically the world should be safer. The way I see it, is that we all have a seat on the Merry go around, the person in the middle is only going to get dizzy from it. Bill Clinton had that ability to take his seat, along with everybody else, look the people in the eye, on the other side of the Merry Go Round, and say "I see you !" with that inimitable Southern Charm and affability, he is a super smart, "regular guy " with incredibly good instincts. And yes , getting around, finding a pathway to power in Arkansas, it took a bit of deft corruption. Nobody is without some sin in Politics.
Donald Trump, if he's elected may have to juggle some serious hot potato issues. I don't think he'd last past 4 years, if by some chance, he's elected, either lopsidedly or otherwise. A lot of people have outlined how easy it is to tamper with the voting machines, yet I hope and generally trust that the protocols are sufficiently rigorous.
What "October Surprise" could be getting cooked up at the Kremlin right now ?
What random event can make Mister Trump rocket to stardom among the voters with a dubious opinion of him? His embrace of Mister Putin's "strong man style" will certainly engender animosity amongst the Kasparov and other variant anti Moscow echelons, it's a dangerous game he's playing.
Certainly, the Siberian regions want the freedom from taxation without much representation, akin to the measures Moscow is trying to force down Ukraine's throat in the Donbas. It feels like the upcoming election is more about re-electing Bill Clinton, it's as much about him being the First Man as She the First Woman President, nut it's also going to be about NATO.
and round about now, folks should be realizing who wears the Pants in the Trump family. There doesn't seem to be any literature on the history of Melania's family, where she's coming from, and how she intends to rule, if elected. But with just what 54 days left to go, don't we deserve to know ?
Now after reviewing the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, I can't totally convince myself it isn't a cleverly nuanced assembly of complex discrepancies. Somehow we have to go along with our government and just bear with it, do what middle class people need to do to survive. Yet our media is invoking some level of paranoia and are some people wondering if it is all a complex show, or a reflection of ponderous truth?
Perhaps one could postulate that these are all complex currents in metaphysics, between the Rosicrucian Order and the Free Mason's , their divergent or concurrent paradigms. But I don't want to spend my life drilling into minutia, postulating about terribly elaborate conspiracy scenarios.
,http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/08/russia-today-has-an-illuminati-correspondent-really.html certainly I don't want to get dragged into a van with a bag over my head, never to be heard from again. I am thankful for President Obama, Angela Merkel , Francoise Hollande and everyone else who pressured Russia to release Nadya Savchenko, because she is my friend, and generally just good people.
However you highlight the "Coalition of the Willing" in Iraq, she was part of that team and she's my friend . How is she my friend ? she invited me to sit next to her , have some shots one night, while I sat alone in a cheap hotel lobby : we had a nice hour or so together with some of her friends who could speak a little English. She was both quiet and inwardly animated. I don't know if she'd remember me, it was shortly, maybe weeks before her capture. I do get the Joan of Arc allegory around her, thinking back , I felt her inner spiritual power, her quiet passion. I Hope she doesn't get burned at the stake ! The Ukrainians quietly jest that she's a Separatist....I'd like to tour her about the Bistro's and cafe's of France's lovely Orlean some time, take her down the secret , steeply descending dark and ancient tunnels under my cousin's 15th century home. Maybe the ghost of her Jean D'Arc will advise her....
as for burning women at the stake, Sure, there seems to be a photo of Ms Clinton with a Rosicrucian pin, what's the big deal ? While the Clinton camp have partaken of an elixir of power , influence and access to things , types of technology normal people just can't tap into, why does the Donald hide his taxes ? Does Russian Intelligence have files and information of him knowingly participating in money laundering, tax evasion or similar things ? Nobody is perfect, that's for sure.
Now I have been buying Hillary an honest Latte once a month for some time, we haven't yet, sat down and had the chat. As a dishwasher , while I am trying to be on her team, sort through the tubs to run some forks through the machine so people can enjoy their dessert plate, cake or Pecan Pie )
but who is really caring for her ? I'm trying to, I'm starting to warm towards her as she opens up. There are a lot of intense EMF signals floating about in the air at these events, and who knows what they can really do to any kind of technology device. The Kennedy Family was/ is like the Catholic Princedom, they didn't call it Camelot for nothing. And John-John, JFK junior, he really should be here, we need him now, more than ever. Lots of People said that Schwarzenneger was angling to be the first Man with Maria Shriver going for the First Woman President, but he enjoys making his movies more than Politics, that's so 10 years ago.
As a life long voter for the Democratic party, I simply cannot align too closely with all of their touchy rhetoric . I tend to like a larger portion of the immigrants I know and meet, and my area has probably the highest ratio of smart, highly educated foreign born people. Some of these "immigrants" are of indigenous origins, to our Land from Sea to Shining sea. They kept this land clean , alive and unspoiled for like 10,000 years or so. We came in our ships as immigrants, and now continue to exploit them, the resources . our economic forces, to do things like push people out of the Guatemalan highlands economically, to come here and work our minimum wage jobs (they are good workers !)
Sure, I am totally sympathetic to a majority of the key Dem party issues, but I also have an open ear to a fair chunk of what the Republicans have on their complaints list. People get rich breaking the rules, and small guys like me simply can't , don't feel motivated to contend with the complicated strategies of the skilled rule benders. I'd rather be slightly poor , than standing on the broken back of another worker.
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