The Supernatural Metro
Once past all the superficial babel, if one experiences Ukraine for an extended time, the aspect of the Supernatural can arise, since it has a powerful spiritual history that stretches back into pre- Christian times : There is a footprint of powerful life histories that does not dim with time.
Strong spiritual practices have a forceful element. Of course in Politics, the opposition is always Darth Vader, and it's a struggle today for the hearts and minds of the regular people aligned with or against the Oligarchs , to adequately define, just who is Darth Vader, what is he? she doing here, and who are these bad people lined up against us, with him ? Considering the fantastical cycle of Revolution, war in the Donbas, threats of using the ultimate consequence against the West if they don't agree to accept Crimea's "annexation". The whole question of trade embargo processes relating to the EU/ USA/ Ukraine / Russia/ China , will this go on for 2 years or 25 years ? At this point I can't even begin to estimate where it could go.
Ukraine should be/ have a natural enough trading partner on it's Eastern border, they weren't prepared for a hybrid war, and they probably aren't ready for a full on conflict, as I see the latest reports from the frontline it looks like a pattern of harassment and perhaps "baiting" of an escalation. Despite orders to stay put, and mind the peace, these guys are often carefully crafting elaborate wintertime scenarios of selective, tactical engagements, yet this warm winter throws all that stuff out the window. I have seen the report , that the Separatists DNR/LPR have more tanks in the ready for their potential assault on Ukraine than France, Great Britain and Italy combined . And that's not including what tanks Russia can park on Ukraine's border.
This air war in Syria, may indeed have been only a short term diversion. Ukraine has no reason to think otherwise, yet such a full scale invasion could easily amount to Political suicide, eventually. Some might even suspect that the West wants to goad Russian military to invade Ukraine , roll tanks over the unprotected flanks, bring in Russian air force to cover an advancing ground force. First Kharkov, or maybe even just occupy Kyiv, a sort of "So what are you going to do about it ?" That sounds insane, it would be unsustainable, but they could completely destroy the Ukraine economy quite quickly . They have already destroyed the economy of the Donbas , and this was the section of Ukraine they were motivated to "protecting" the Russian speaking minority.
Will "The Donald " continue to be best friends forever with Mister Putin, and if so, has the creeping shadow of fascism already begun an inexorable warp factor towards the super weird ? For sure, mister Trump is a fan of that "Imperial style" of interior decor, and I guess he pulls it off OK. But the specter of a surging "populist" with Imperial style leanings is a pretty strange trend.
Hopefully all this stuff will blow past, like this weird weather, and all nations, nature, people will move towards a more happy, mutually cooperative style, and study more closely how to shape our relationship with the planet, as caretakers and guardians of the natural world we were gifted with.
The last time I checked the mood on the Kyiv Metro, it seemed to be one of "I can't imagine what will happen next" A fair amount of squabbling in the political arena, yet they are making progress, albeit slowly, and of course the blame game is totally focused at the top, the prime minister, the president, it's all about the top of the pyramid. No one seems to look in the mirror and asked what have they personally done to change since the revolution of dignity? Everyone is suspicious of suggestions as an attempt to "sell" something, and rightly so of course. I think there's a lot of smart people (in Ukraine ), that the new faces participating on the political process are figuring things out, that corruption is going through a radical decline, and good times are probably on the horizon for Ukraine, yet there are so many problems to sort out, and the money supply is going to continue to hamper development.
A lot of middle Eastern money went into Ukraine, now that is dried up. The Europeans are typically cautious, and while America doesn't stand in the way of investment, it's up to the smart pragmatists to decide what they want, if China wants to invest more, or other nations, or if the diaspora of Ukrainians will send some cash home. Those Ukrainians who went away, seem to only send small money, so they can invest what they save in their own future outside of Ukraine, unfortunately. And as the "big Dogs" fight for what's left, and swiftly reorient towards a transparent economy, it will go on this inexorable struggle for domination here.
good read, if you really want to dig deeply into the social psychology, before Catherine the Great had her sights set on the fertile lands of Ukraine : it's some incredible stuff and relates to the simmering bad ju-ju between the occupying Russians forces and the Tatarski of Crimea
and the latest as of last night, the digging continues at the highest level for corruption, yet will this be the start of bringing a larger house of cards down ? Is it persecution of a nice man, a pillar of the community ? I don't know, it's all very messy : Korban's lawyer/ doctor says the needed tests of his heart condition on the MRI machine can't be done when he's wearing the electronic monitoring device. I hope he can stay calm and sort out these difficulties, that the rule of law prevails.
As much as people are saying there should be strict separation of business and government, it still seems a long way aways, but they are talking about it intensely and someday, may lead the way forward for their belligerent neighbors in Russia , but I think the road is going to stay closed for a long time now, it is nearly like a J.R.Tolkien scenario with darkness and witchcraft, magic and malfeasance at every turn.
truly a struggle not just between East and West, but between the light and the dark :
I'm hoping at least the Nature survives , if the land is kept clean, the people will live on..
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