When Ukraine had Kings.
I guess that we are talking about 1100 years ago or more.
There were Kings in Ukraine, wise kings, kind kings and queens, persons that could see into the future and the past.
I won't comment much on the contemporary USA's official State Department position on things.
Ukraine has always, and often faced adversity, logistical challenges. In many ways , honestly, I am envious. I wish that I had been born, or raised in Ukraine, gone through their educational system, for all it's flaws, demerits, sketchy scenarios for being a student in University, High School, for decades they taught something that we in the West did not get, it was social unity through covalent bonding of like and disparate individualities. Their education syste was a very strong format. Albeit that it was
often based upon the most dominant personalities creating a social hierarchy. Yet I envy the very obvious contiguousness of their educational process. I am perhaps a victim of my own individualistic approach to a non-logical appraoch to my own educational system, few parts of my secondary education make much logical sense, yet I did survive the dysfunctional equation... I did apporach Ukraine within my own individualist's context.
Maybe There was an enormous wave, 4 or 5 years ago to cast aspersion (If one originated from the American Left, that self righteous, self affirmative left of center politic. Thad Devine was a Bernie Sanders consultant who was potentially compromised or perhaps used by the interests of the Russian Federation's Far right.The Hacking of Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016 is n enormously overlooked narrative in the maerican media (Not that I am a neccesarily huge Bernie sanders fan, but he understood American Politics better than most, and does understand it)
Ukraine continues a slightly dis-logical path (it is still a leadint topic in the USA's Presidential election cycle)
. Russian far right Interests conflagrating an artificially armed conflict in Ukraine's East, only for the sake of inducing/ holding leverage (Jujitsu tactics) / seizing a highly tactical and economically valuable assert, Crimea (and the DOnbas)
. THe modest ennergy and resources available in the Eastern Ukraine DOnbas are only vaguely palpable references to the true value of Crimea. As a person that was there, talking to firends, contacts, being probed (My cheap Gateway Laptop was opened and cloned in my SImferopol Ukraine Hotel room)Few Americans or perhaps Europeans are educated well enough to realize that Western Ukraine energy resources were quickly extracted from Ukraine in the World War 2 era. THere was allegedly some easy energy resources that were siphoned off quickly with some primitive technology.
SO what is it about ? What is in it for, or against me? I don't know who my enemies are, but I do generally know who frienndly persons are. Enemies hide and lay traps, friends communicate with you, albeit in small stages.
For one thing I have a personal friend who's father works (or did work ) in the ( one of the closed cities in the Russian Far North) a closed city that maintains the Russian Nuclear arsenal, largely targeted towards my country . ANd this is a good, fairly trusted friend of many years. USA cannot risk the "fire and fury" of Russian Federation (and they know that) there's no question of that fact. My family is/ was connected to the American US NAVVAL Submarine network, I feel that I am patriotic, yet the Russian People perhaps deserve a pass on the actions of their government upon the interests of USA? WHo is to say it?
\ we in USA do want to keep the peace, some sort of peace, all of the peace, most of the peace)).
The question becomes, "whose peace are we keeping for what intersts , and is it really worth it? Clearly, CHina wants to turn the West against Russia, there is no doubt that it is in their interests. And Russia wants to turn the USA against CHina, this is more like a game of badminton than CHess, delicate raquet strokes to the tiniest corner of the perceptice game/ match win.
Russia has to answer not only for MH17, but also for #MH370, they are entitled to their day in court, and these days are forthcoming. As a person who worked the ground in the aftermath of #MH17, and conducted an entirely off line investigation of the incident, (at the time there was some confusion about the flight out of Egypt territory being downed, to which flight was I referencing? Strange days, times. ANyway, I survived eith the help, a little help from my friends. I went at it from such an obscure angle, that I think I attracted no real or serious attention. Yet the MH370 angle is still begging attention, perhaps just another large group of people not all potentially dead but just permanently erased. The 2 Ukrainaon passengers on MH370 who were cnnected to a Ukrainian furniture comapny with a very opaque social media status, and the RUssian DIplomat who conducted a Christmmas tree underwater Processional in lkae Baikal, it is all too rather weird to contemplate, just like (/11 airplane hijacks (or alleged hi-jacks. Yet one should not succumb to more easy consipracy theories. It is actually just better and more safer to ascribe to pure human ineptitude.
I continue to think that all of this is based upon bad thinking from older people in positions of pwer who are not elucidated about the thinking of younger people who aspire to influence these geopolitical processes.
Ukraine had Kings, princes,princesses wise men. THey have simply neglected to listen for the echoes of their wisdom.
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