Nothing Has To Be True:
\The news we get is only a vague mirror of reality, the virus shutdown only adds further limits to journalists getting out there and generating real and truly in depth stories that match facts.\ One facet of human Nature that I have little patience for tolerating, is when people lunge to a conclusion without the scantest basis of real evidence. The News is only a window, not a door.
Chasing what is now mostly gone, maybe it is the ideals of the Euro-Maidan event. There was a sense of both spiritual and political Egalitarianism. It didn't matter if you were pretty far Right or pretty far Left, everybody connected in the middle that the situation simply was not good, it was actually absurd in every way. Tax Collection amounted to taking from everyone and giving to the elites, the politically connected apparatchiks of the "Party of Regions" It was the biggest, saddest joke ever imposed upon Ukraine.
It (Euro-Maidan) was a rough and pretty inexplicable affair, authentic, real, disjointed. Somehow I wish I had had the temerity to rush back from my visit to Crimea, Simferopol (in early part of 2014)
and beat on some door with a desperate message to somebody in the Halls of UKRAINE'S Power, that "Something is about to go Down in Crimea"
At that point, perhaps the event on the SQUARE/ Maidan in Kyiv were headed to a foregone conclusion. A very bad show was about to happen, down there... And perhaps all these events from the shoot down of MH-17, the disappearance of MH -370, COvid -19 's Global Pandemic became some ripple effect of that moment?
You could call me crazy, interview all of my friends about their impression of me,
and maybe it's a 50/50% result. Yet it now apparently looks like the USA's 2020 Presidential election may very well come down to some unearthing of the composted remains of a dubious oil and Gas Company known as "Burisma" that today would have almost no value whatsoever. "Biden" Burisma, corruption in Ukraine, it's all very conveniently repeatable mantra. If you add "Chiner" and "Rusher " it is a crude yet potentially potent, disambiguation of reality. Grasping to the Working Class mindset as well as it can to eek out another backhanded win. SO what particular, "October Surprise " Does Vladimir Putin have in store to share with America in 5 months forward? It should be interesting.
One has to acknowledge some basic facts in analysis of Ukraine.
Significant pieces of the Ukraine economy are leveraged by Israeli investors.
9 families control most of Israel's economy. I truly support Israel's interest in defending itself, yet apparently some Israeli interests were active getting Trump's election the first time. Yet Israel is not the only interested party in the Ukraine equation. The annexation of Crimea represented a significant disenfranchisement of a Muslim, Tatar Native population.
but this Politico article hints at the web of intrigue between WikiLeaks, Roger Stone, the Russian entities stirring up trouble for Secretary Clinton's election campaign , and the potential meddling of Israeli State actors expecting the "favor " would get returned by recognizing the West Bank Annexation eventually.
Nobody has significantly explored the potential of a "C+Secret Deal" to elect Trump, his administration officially recognizing Israel's West Bank Annexation,
and in his second term he may well push for "officially recognizing Russia's annexation of Crimea" extirpating all crimes and ending US sanctions. The logic of the equation, it is as plain as the day, or darkness of night. I don't know what part of the 9 families in Israel are backing Trump, or how Igor Kolomoisky fits into that scenario. YET ISRAEL's business interests are well suited as go betweens from the Russian Federation and USA. They can write letters to make us feel better)
I remember being in Kiev, during or after the EUroMaidan event, they moved, disturbed kiosks, stores on the sidewalks around Kontractovna Square, at night, the rats were everywhere scurrying about. Now we enter another, newer phase of cleanliness in the social paradigm, with new unknowns.
I am still, perhaps on speaking terms with Ukraine's current president (and I have shared flights with Victor Yushchenko also, we are aquatinted in a passing regard, I know it's wrong yet I still like to think of him as "the Village Accountant") I guess it is confusing for Americans who confuse Victor Yushchenko with Victor Yanukovych, 2 vastly different entities, with vastly different personal stories
yet Yushchenko , he was AND IS , a masterful thinker, he still is quite capable. Perhaps, perhaps not he is an informal advisor to The President of Ukraine. These are the edges of dialog in the media being ignored today about Ukraine. And the past is perhaps too complicated to justify getting into right now
I don't know what I'd say to the PRESIDENT if I bumped into him again, something like "hey man, how are you holding up?" He was not that hard to somehow bump into 7 or 8 years ago. Now, He is probably a good example of the paradigm, "who wants that job?"
After all POTUS' little ask about "Do us a little favor" , SUDDENLY has a new flavor, the USA is INSTANTLY cash strapped. USA's Aid funds are going to be analyzed, likely squeezed, especially if Trump somehow finds a way to remain in power through the next cycle.

Yet my thinking on the President of Ukraine's Administration is that they are subtly developing a program, policy, strategy, whatever you want to call it, to utilize the Russian President Putin's own strategy of Jujitsu tactics against him, or maybe it will be Aikido versus Jujitsu?
A lot of negative complaints against Ukraine's president these weeks , and I get it. Times are getting tough and people like to complain, frequently older people like to complain, and they vote. He is fully immersed in the complaint era of his presidency, and it's not going to let up. It's now an uphill struggle for him and his administration
That Good Guy Act, meets up with the Fast and Furious, colliding obliquely with the Die Hard 2 and the Bad News Bears.
My theory, is that the entire Covid-19 episode, is based on my own theory of some hard core crew operating in the Russian Federation, of course it includes a North Korean National, a couple Russians , maybe even a Basque Separatist, A Brazilian or two and a Libyan National. Maybe there was an Ecuadorian or a Venezuelan in the mix as well, whoever they may hypothetically be , I theorize that they did all this damage. It's a more diplomatic way of putting things into the depths of the unknown.
A lot of Western media is placing the blame from the virus on China, Chinese laboratories doing sketchy work in Wuhan , China conversely blames USA. It certainly becomes the perfect kneecap option for unidentified Interests to lay the blame on China and weaken them, pit them against USA in another zero sum game/ battle. I still have seen no coverage in the Massive, relentless media coverage on the virus relating to CHina's ownership of USA's sovereign debt. How an economic and now perhaps legalistic conflict potentially affects that debt? Will the USA's $ become hugely devalued? How does China or Russia win or lose if that occurs? In some ways, it seems like a setup for another variant of the Boxer Rebellion within China over this, but for that to happen a total collapse of Chinese society would need to occur, perhaps something like complete chaos, civil war. That is probably not going to happen.
One of the tacit, paramount considerations relating to the Russian Federation , is that they still maintain the world's 2nd largest Nuclear weapons system. The other thing, is that Russians are generally decent and warm ,smart people. They , like us don't want a war that nobody wins. It's true they prefer stability, and the current power structure in place gives them no choice on their menu of preferences, it's their life to live.
Ukraine did not ask for Russia to become it's enemy, it's true the Verhovna Rada (their Parliament) was doing some pretty random things for a while after and before the Euro-Maidan. Those random things were done within the context of that moment, they'd probably avoid some of those actions today, yet one cannot rewrite the past. There is only today, going forward for them. In the same way that today USA is blocking borders, foreigners. Even after being invaded, Ukraine allowed working people to pass from Russia. Those are some working people behind me, well dressed, smart, responsible looking guys. There was no line. It was only those 3 or 4 guys. They filled out the forms, maybe paid a small fee and went on their way.
One should exercise great caution, to ascribe the onset of the virus upon anybody without very good evidence. The source of the virus may never be known. If this was some Fast and Furious type crew who broke out the virus from containment in Russia bioweapons lab or from China , if it was some devious, Doctor StrangeLove plot, we may never know (it Would make a good movie plot) . It's not worth a Global conflict that involves Nuclear Weaponry being unleashed to settle a hypothetical"score"
. It Happened, and we should do our best to get past it, and find some ways to feel a semblance of understanding, try for a bit of Peace and Love.
Certainly Americans would be freaking out if Russia or China was landing planes, ships on our territory and starting Armed conflict, Hard core information war like what Ukraine went through just 5 years ago. We are protected from that today, yet there's no guarantee that 5-10 years forward we'd be prepared to defend our territory, or that we'd be as badly prepared as Ukraine was.
. Diplomacy should ultimately prevail. They Russian Intelligence certainly Hacked the 2016 US election, possibly they are doing it again now. They (Russian intelligence) hacked the 2010 Ukraine elections, I was there, you could see it in action on people's electronic device streams, and they certainly got the ear of the older generation with that milieu .
Maybe Some hard core crew that wanted to live like Life imitating the Art, got wind of a big score in the Russian Biowarfare laboratory in the far North and did a heist, that is the more diplomatically easy way to work the narrative . It could be true. In my humble opinion, Malaysia Airlines MH370, MH17 flight incidents are part of the narrative, in one way or the other. It is all part of a continuum of events, persons, activities around our planetary geopolitical reality. I think it is a vast and uncertain oversimplification to put a blame on CHina's doorstep for the damages, a simplification that ultimately leads towards warfare without basis or merit. I follow plenty of China bashers and respect their perspectives quite well and fully. Yet anybody who knows me will tell you that I am not the type to follow the herd. I knew from basic scientific understandings that 6 feet, 1.5 meters physical separation was an utter fallacy. People were stupid to believe that distance would keep them safe. Since I am, ostensibly still a "ciggie Buddy " of Ukraine's president, it's obvious that a couple smokes fill the stairwell. There is no available science on the effects of tobacco with COvid 19.
Ukraine is struggling indeed, it isn't getting more say to strike a balance between the juggernauts of wealth and poverty in Ukraine, as it tries to start Over.
Russian Federation's strategy towards Ukraine, seems to be focused on a forced failure of it's Government. Once a perception of failure is imposed upon Ukraine, then the armed takeover of Crimea and Donbas region becomes more easy to certify.. I have good friends from both and all associated regions of Ukraine. People don't want more trouble, People don't want more war. They did not ask for it, yet it arrived at them. A media infested soup of maggots going into their brains, minds. Ukraine's Parliament was compared to being like Monkeys with grenades, and the damage has never really gotten settled. There should be some answer for the Crimea situation if Ukraine attempts some solve in creating peace, troop withdrawals for Donetsk, Lugansk. As was in 1989, I think that Donets, may become the crucible for the downfall of the Putin clan, it was the miners, striking for honest wages and decent benefits, now it's 5 times worse, 5 , 5 year plans going backward.
Yet indeed it continues to be true that the USA has inserted it's position, narrative. However we structure the narrative, effectively our narrative is conflicted via the 2 party system of government. It is like a weird inversion of the theoretical physics ascribed to the woodpecker array, that many analysts fail to connect with the Chernobyl Nuclear accident (some people say that Woodpecker array was already outdated by 1989, since they had Satellite systems that did it better by then, but I still think they were using it for stuff) .
In my mind, there is no doubt that powering up and powering down of the woodpecker array could have easily caused the melt down incident, that the lead engineers failed to effectively coordinate the processes of power transfer and over or underloaded the system. It is not so much that the victors write the history of major events, it is more likely that the more easy narrative becomes the most popular version of history, and this will be the History In These Times of ours. Because everything that you hear or read about in the news is true, except for those things that you know something about. I don't really know anything about this virus outbreak, this opinion I write is purely supposition.'
Yet it is a well known fact that people want to imitate Art. People want to be like Bad Ass People in the movies and people want to believe that they are the Good Guys, even when they unleash an irreversible atrocity upon humanity. I believe USA will take our hit and move forward through this. Ukraine as a valued International partner will also persevere, Aikido versus Jujitsu, similar tactics yet nuanced differentials . Time will tell. I hope the new team in Ukraine's government is holding up under the stress of the moment. Crisis is a crucible. Happy Orthodox Easter Weekend. Rest and sleep good , think about Peace. Now more than ever it's needed.
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France and Russia match up also an intriguing synchronicity
I mainly think that everything that is going on now amounts to some variant of a massive Class warfare, and is there some vaguely chance that some entity will drop or detonate a nuclear weapon, in this "election year" I think that a win against the virus, now, more than ever requires workin together and excusing all of the small things that aren'y important to surviving as communities/
Ukraine's recent history is rife with class warfare. Just go take some food at the national Capitol in ///////////Kyiv. Look in the face of the food server.That person who serves your food, that person who will wash your lunch, breakfast or dimmer plate, t\
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