it's starting
It's starting in what Halls of Who's power ?
From Rio to Bordeaux, Milan. The Virus is like a mold growing everywhere into the social fabric
Is this an engineered event, an outcropping of the takeover of Crimea in 2014 ? Interesting, that the Panic hits Prime Time in the West, coinciding with Putin's announcement of his plan to hold power through 2036.
This is my 150th posting I guess. AN interesting benchmark. I learn, sense new things every day now.
it's pretty much a sit show/ shelter in place maybe. Even the business of diplomacy will perhaps collapse almost totally. None of us may be prepared for an enormous shut down of the global economy. Ukraine is challenged, yet they have good soil, they can grow their own food, make do without the newest IPHONE technology . Crimea needs a water, and perhaps, this becomes the crucible that decides it's fate. Every power shift has to have a semblance of a religious vanguard, it did replace the Old school Soviet Ideals, of the Worker's Paradise. That was a sales gimmick, but it worked, mostly. People had doubts but the herd went along with the "worker's Paradise" narrative. Additionally, they had Marxist oriented people with guns enforcing that thinking they were forced to go along with.
Of course Karl Marx, was a pretty smart thinking man, he didn't just catch the wave of communism, he started it's consequences. It is like there is always some apparent idiot, at the party who does a cannon ball dive in the pool and gets half the crowd wet. You are going to go along with it, or not ?
It was an inoculation of new thinking, coming out of the Czarist period . All of these propaganda narratives, went too far. Really bad things occurred on an inhuman scale. These are the secrets, whispering from within the ground. Ukraine has undergone so many changes in power structure over the course of 1 or 2 generations (if they were long lived persons) It is hard for Americans to picture what they went through.
Russia probably cannot afford large scale desalination technology for Crimea, the energy cost, the infrastructure. Ukraine, in withholding water from Crimea risks an ecological damage, that could be irreversible, for the territory, yet risks of sea level rise, and other factors may lead to that same result upon that land becoming smaller, and less fertile for growing food, yet it is still a hospitable climate. Russia captured/ occupied some of the best Ukrainian land, as far as real estate is evaluated , back in 2014. Yet that land cannot be bought and sold on the International market, at least for now. They rewrote the land ownership laws within the zone nearest the Ocean, and effectively stripped property owners of their rights within that zone.
I have started to learn recently that Maltese Banks were involved in compensating and financing of key players in the armed takeover of Crimea within the arcane banking laws and regulations that allowed large sums of Russian money to ebb and flow quite quickly and almost invisibly in 2013. Crimea had a straightforward style of corruption back then, it simply took a little more cash and sophistication in using money to influence the key players. It was essentially, a shell game for both depositors and creditors. You could almost align private jet traffic between Malta and Simferopol in late 2013/ early 2014 with the money flows, especially if you count the visits by Russian Oligarch owned super-yachts to Maltese Ports.
A potential Military Conflict is looming with China and USA, one could model , extrapolate the spread of the virus and predict something , events become more exacerbated . The Executive Branch of USA has adopted this posture, akin to an outright form of Napoleanic justice in it's prognostications about China . Meanwhile, China as well as Russia , is rescuing the Italian medical system with cheaply manufactured medical supplies. But could this be part of a plan ? Despite supposed Youtube videos of Chinese tourists hugging Italian babies or whatever, how did the Explosion of Covid 19 actually occur in Italy to such a massive degree? Isn't it pretty convenient for Russia's goals to leverage sentiment within Italy, to ease sanctions ? The numbers in Italy, don't add up right if the virus started in China , there simply wouldn't have been enough transits of persons to account for so many infections.
China bought big slices of Italy Wineries in France too, why should she not rescue her investment, just a little ?
Many factors are shifting, diverging, converging. If USA and China enter a state of war, who benefits the most from that ? Africa, Guatemala or something like that ?
Don't let the mild Moscow Winter fool you, there could be a serious hard winter coming next year.
Gulag Style , could become an entirely new social media acronym for a possible extreme social fabric suffering for the lower classes.. Of course, casting aspersion is a dangerous game when you don't have any real evidence and with Biological Information technology, no "evidence" is going to hold up in the court of Public Opinion. One could just as easily blame everything on UFO activity .
This is a shakeout moment, an intentional filtering out of the weakest links in society to largely benefit people at the top of the Pyramid, yet some Pyramid denizens don't want to be at or near the top of That Pyramid, it's too risky.
I have not fully seen the data, but I suspect a good 3-5 meter Global sea level rise will make it into a believable island geographical entity , and such sea level rise, will probably become the advent of Global disaster , or major reshaping of economic reality (and maybe that is a huge exaggeration to postulate a 3-5 meter sea level rise, most silence leans towards a 25-35 centimeter sea level rise, yet an eco-planetary event could change that equation quite fast.
even if Ukraine were, to open the canals in Kherson Oblast, with a hypothetically significant sea level rise, that would become irrelevant, (minus significant , expensive reengineering tasks )
In the early 1990's period that Ukraine gained it's Independence from the Soviet Union , the Crimean electorate voted in a strong margin to be with Ukraine, and it was done. They were naturally given to Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic, they voted to be with Ukraine , went with Ukraine. Yet the details were kept by the devils and now we have this. USA's administration and USA's Republican Senate leadership is apparently largely occupied, by some fairly far right Russian Nationalist sympathetic elected Senator persons. And it's scary, really. Like this can't be happening, but maybe it is?
The spooks are probably working overtime, in overdrive, both in masking they were somehow baited into making this massive mess, and in somehow perhaps trying to fix it. At the end of the day, as I believe. It is not about how perfect you do your stuff, mistakes get made. It is about fixing your mistakes. the greatest Geopolitical crafts people can fix the mistakes and move it forward, shift it out of the past. This is today, wherever the sun is or is not shining.
And honestly, both the USA, and Russian Federation were equally lame and stupid about things in Crimea, and it is really pretty damn sad.
It simply seems like everybody was pretty super unsmart. The Russians, the Americans. Nobody knew that these moments would lead to our 2016 USA elections getting hacked in an extraordinary act of Digital warfare. The Russian adroitness to infiltrate the open platform media narrative and influence a major Geopolitical event. Yet now I doubt there is much push in that regard. It has to be simply a matter of retaining the geopolitical tool kit to shape world affairs as the USA's election campaign unpacks itself. Perhaps another variant of the October Surprise ? And I had met Gary Sick , I have his autographed book about that theory in my personal library. I am not an outright Democrat. I do not disparage all things Republican, I am entirely a moderate (with reluctantly, ultra liberal influencers ). Every day, I try to listen, learn from the thinking of others and avoid my own internal programming. One hopes that God and fate will punish those who do bad things for money, yet the World is a cold Place. We may be entering a time of Factional Warfare, wherein National Boundaries are only a factor within a complex and continuously evolving situation, such as in the Donbas conflict where stories are circulating that the Russians are sending Corona virus infected persons into the war /conflict zone where there's a totally inadequate Health Care Infrastructure, or where there really is no Health Care system at all left anymore. The Donbas could become a Plague Zone, which could be like Killing 2 Stones With 1 Bird. Could the Corona Virus outbreak be just the start of a complex scenario to manipulate financial markets for massive gains and consolidate a new Axis of power ?
Is this an engineered event, an outcropping of the takeover of Crimea in 2014 ? Interesting, that the Panic hits Prime Time in the West, coinciding with Putin's announcement of his plan to hold power through 2036.
This is my 150th posting I guess. AN interesting benchmark. I learn, sense new things every day now.
Of course Karl Marx, was a pretty smart thinking man, he didn't just catch the wave of communism, he started it's consequences. It is like there is always some apparent idiot, at the party who does a cannon ball dive in the pool and gets half the crowd wet. You are going to go along with it, or not ?
It was an inoculation of new thinking, coming out of the Czarist period . All of these propaganda narratives, went too far. Really bad things occurred on an inhuman scale. These are the secrets, whispering from within the ground. Ukraine has undergone so many changes in power structure over the course of 1 or 2 generations (if they were long lived persons) It is hard for Americans to picture what they went through.
Russia probably cannot afford large scale desalination technology for Crimea, the energy cost, the infrastructure. Ukraine, in withholding water from Crimea risks an ecological damage, that could be irreversible, for the territory, yet risks of sea level rise, and other factors may lead to that same result upon that land becoming smaller, and less fertile for growing food, yet it is still a hospitable climate. Russia captured/ occupied some of the best Ukrainian land, as far as real estate is evaluated , back in 2014. Yet that land cannot be bought and sold on the International market, at least for now. They rewrote the land ownership laws within the zone nearest the Ocean, and effectively stripped property owners of their rights within that zone.
I have started to learn recently that Maltese Banks were involved in compensating and financing of key players in the armed takeover of Crimea within the arcane banking laws and regulations that allowed large sums of Russian money to ebb and flow quite quickly and almost invisibly in 2013. Crimea had a straightforward style of corruption back then, it simply took a little more cash and sophistication in using money to influence the key players. It was essentially, a shell game for both depositors and creditors. You could almost align private jet traffic between Malta and Simferopol in late 2013/ early 2014 with the money flows, especially if you count the visits by Russian Oligarch owned super-yachts to Maltese Ports.
A potential Military Conflict is looming with China and USA, one could model , extrapolate the spread of the virus and predict something , events become more exacerbated . The Executive Branch of USA has adopted this posture, akin to an outright form of Napoleanic justice in it's prognostications about China . Meanwhile, China as well as Russia , is rescuing the Italian medical system with cheaply manufactured medical supplies. But could this be part of a plan ? Despite supposed Youtube videos of Chinese tourists hugging Italian babies or whatever, how did the Explosion of Covid 19 actually occur in Italy to such a massive degree? Isn't it pretty convenient for Russia's goals to leverage sentiment within Italy, to ease sanctions ? The numbers in Italy, don't add up right if the virus started in China , there simply wouldn't have been enough transits of persons to account for so many infections.
China bought big slices of Italy Wineries in France too, why should she not rescue her investment, just a little ?
Many factors are shifting, diverging, converging. If USA and China enter a state of war, who benefits the most from that ? Africa, Guatemala or something like that ?
Don't let the mild Moscow Winter fool you, there could be a serious hard winter coming next year.
Gulag Style , could become an entirely new social media acronym for a possible extreme social fabric suffering for the lower classes.. Of course, casting aspersion is a dangerous game when you don't have any real evidence and with Biological Information technology, no "evidence" is going to hold up in the court of Public Opinion. One could just as easily blame everything on UFO activity .
This is a shakeout moment, an intentional filtering out of the weakest links in society to largely benefit people at the top of the Pyramid, yet some Pyramid denizens don't want to be at or near the top of That Pyramid, it's too risky.
I have not fully seen the data, but I suspect a good 3-5 meter Global sea level rise will make it into a believable island geographical entity , and such sea level rise, will probably become the advent of Global disaster , or major reshaping of economic reality (and maybe that is a huge exaggeration to postulate a 3-5 meter sea level rise, most silence leans towards a 25-35 centimeter sea level rise, yet an eco-planetary event could change that equation quite fast.
even if Ukraine were, to open the canals in Kherson Oblast, with a hypothetically significant sea level rise, that would become irrelevant, (minus significant , expensive reengineering tasks )
In the early 1990's period that Ukraine gained it's Independence from the Soviet Union , the Crimean electorate voted in a strong margin to be with Ukraine, and it was done. They were naturally given to Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic, they voted to be with Ukraine , went with Ukraine. Yet the details were kept by the devils and now we have this. USA's administration and USA's Republican Senate leadership is apparently largely occupied, by some fairly far right Russian Nationalist sympathetic elected Senator persons. And it's scary, really. Like this can't be happening, but maybe it is?
such cheesy propaganda ploys in the reality and social media operations back then in late 2013. Hiring some older people to march with the old USSR Flags and such. A little public orchestra that can't play it's music very well, off to the side playing some old Soviet Anthems...
I for one, do not want our next USA and Russian Federation election cycle to be about this tawdry and highly choreographed land and power grab moment, perhaps ostensibly, celebrating Communism, (or something like that) to dictate our upcoming elections cycle.
Crimea is a highly important geographical and strategic asset.
Ways of Ending the Hybrid war in Donbas may involve doing something like , Ukraine turning on the spigot, to supply them (Crimea) water, yet humanitarian and environmental concerns, considerations could override, the massive indignation (Indignation relating to your internal National territory being taken, at the point of a gun , cannon , tank )
. I cannot say what is real, relevant for me , I have no real agenda here. these are my photos. I was there, in the 2013/2014 boundary when the Russian Propaganda heavy, strategic military juggernaut was starting to emerge.
Russia was losing people really, declining birth rates, Almost overnight they plussed up their population by 2 million people. (when they seized Crimea)
Honestly, it would not surprise me if the same Russian Nationalist crew of quasi-freelancers, that hypothetically, hijacked and Vanished Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was not behind the entire Corona Virus Outbreak. Let's look at it from their perspective, they read the news. Particularly if you work in a High level biological research facility in the Russian Far North. July 14, 2019 or some time later , after the news filtered down One reads this story, digests it :
Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation
The Big Arrow, automatically points to Wuhan China , it is the lab wherein the lady, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu works from as an associate.
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu. But let's be deferential, try to give he, her say about things, Let us in the West, not turn to a format of Napoleanic justice wherein one is presumed guilty, until they are declared innocent.
The Biotechnology sector within China is highly consolidated within a few families who have grown incredibly wealthy quite quickly. If you want to talk about drug dealers, of course it's a successful entrepreneurial sector in the economy, perfectly legal and normal activity. Sanctioned by Hedge Funds and Global investment strategies.
The Biotechnology sector within China is highly consolidated within a few families who have grown incredibly wealthy quite quickly. If you want to talk about drug dealers, of course it's a successful entrepreneurial sector in the economy, perfectly legal and normal activity. Sanctioned by Hedge Funds and Global investment strategies.
What a perfect Scapegoat actually /Dr. Xiangguo Qiu. She may have been accessing information that she should not have. She and some of hr work group were deported from Canada, as they should have been if there was a clear breach of security protocols. Being deported and told not to come back is not like being mistreated, it's business as usual stuff.
! And Honestly I like Chinese people and culture, love the design, their music, and I appreciate a lot of things about Russian people too , the great culture, witty insight and so forth. Yet it's certainly clear, that Russia's National economy is weighed down by benefits given to older people's pensions, people well past their productive years. This virus outbreak , could well wipe out , an entire segment of their society if it's not contained (thusly benefitting the State coffers) It could make Stalin's purges look roughly comparable perhaps?
And so , even an Ultra-Nationalist Russian crew operating within Russia, could see some logic to a Global Pandemic, at least Russia is incurring the outbreak more slowly than the rest of Europe . The other knock on effect, is that Ukraine's somewhat fragile war torn economy suffers, that the USA's military Aid will be reduced (in response to USA's Domestic needs inside USA for economic recovery stimulus) And Ukraine could be forced to capitulate to Russian demands to change their Constitution and laws to benefit Russian interests.... It's weird stuff really. This is a whiteboard of a strategic scenario planning, counter plans should be being developed, what they might be, I can't quite see it? Yet with a viral Pandemic, it's really hard , without actual highly classified information to study such a situation, and even the classified information could be inaccurate, as was the USA's assessment about Saddam Hussein's efforts to build Nuclear weapons, maybe he was going there anyway, but that is water under the bridge.
It is a lot of stuff going on, they are a peaceful Nation that wants no trouble. Ukraine and Russian Military trained together, drank together, felt like they were pretty much the same team overall, focused on regional security and the like. They never thought that it could come to all of this, or that their squabbles would wind up in the spotlight of a US Presidential Impeachment inquiry. A brother against brother, cousin against cousin, dirty, ugly war. And worse a really really dated warfare, akin to a First World War style of doing death upon each other (No aerial warfare) That was apparent at the outset with Oleksandr Turchynov attempting to fly into Crimea, to present some response to the Green men Invasion of 2014. Now this same scenario, could well be imported into the good old USA (not how fun, that would be a drag man)
And so , even an Ultra-Nationalist Russian crew operating within Russia, could see some logic to a Global Pandemic, at least Russia is incurring the outbreak more slowly than the rest of Europe . The other knock on effect, is that Ukraine's somewhat fragile war torn economy suffers, that the USA's military Aid will be reduced (in response to USA's Domestic needs inside USA for economic recovery stimulus) And Ukraine could be forced to capitulate to Russian demands to change their Constitution and laws to benefit Russian interests.... It's weird stuff really. This is a whiteboard of a strategic scenario planning, counter plans should be being developed, what they might be, I can't quite see it? Yet with a viral Pandemic, it's really hard , without actual highly classified information to study such a situation, and even the classified information could be inaccurate, as was the USA's assessment about Saddam Hussein's efforts to build Nuclear weapons, maybe he was going there anyway, but that is water under the bridge.
It is a lot of stuff going on, they are a peaceful Nation that wants no trouble. Ukraine and Russian Military trained together, drank together, felt like they were pretty much the same team overall, focused on regional security and the like. They never thought that it could come to all of this, or that their squabbles would wind up in the spotlight of a US Presidential Impeachment inquiry. A brother against brother, cousin against cousin, dirty, ugly war. And worse a really really dated warfare, akin to a First World War style of doing death upon each other (No aerial warfare) That was apparent at the outset with Oleksandr Turchynov attempting to fly into Crimea, to present some response to the Green men Invasion of 2014. Now this same scenario, could well be imported into the good old USA (not how fun, that would be a drag man)
It is well known that The China, is entering The Russia, in it's Eastern Rear through business, commercial activity, transfers of people into the Russian sphere of it's Far East.
SO, why wouldn't a hypothetical Crew of Hard Core Russian Nationalists not develop, some crazy plan to hinder the Chinese expansion into their Eastern Flank ?
And maybe hope to make a lot of money by gaming the financial markets?
Russia is one of those places where it does not take too much money to buy a lot of power and the Russians certainly proved that the USA isn't much different, in 2016. Yet those entities, bent on securing some acknowledgement of Russian Sovereignty , legitimacy for Crimea from the USA, relief from sanctions and so forth probably experienced "sour grapes" via increased sanctions after their election hacking victory and perhaps sour grapes have started to turn into "The Grapes of Wrath" for them now?
And maybe hope to make a lot of money by gaming the financial markets?
Russia is one of those places where it does not take too much money to buy a lot of power and the Russians certainly proved that the USA isn't much different, in 2016. Yet those entities, bent on securing some acknowledgement of Russian Sovereignty , legitimacy for Crimea from the USA, relief from sanctions and so forth probably experienced "sour grapes" via increased sanctions after their election hacking victory and perhaps sour grapes have started to turn into "The Grapes of Wrath" for them now?
And perhaps, that will become the narrative for the Russian Federation, where ordinary people cannot experience their ordinary lives anymore? Climate change hampering crop production, a pissing match with Saudi Arabia and other matters affecting their relatively small economy.
And Ukraine's current Prosecutor General maybe really should zoom out, and reassemble all the evidence of the Pavel Sheremet car bombing , killing?
It should not be, that they engage a British "expert" in forensic Gait analysis (an expert is a person generally thought to be a person who has stoped learning)
to convict people from evidence derived from very grainy, late night video footage. I can suggest better facial recognition matches than who they have, in the docket. Really these are bad facial matches from what I can see of it
It all begs the question, has Ukraine truly started down the path of a Ministry of Silly Walks ?"
President Zelinskiy, I ask you to publicly request a second look with a fresh set of eyes. Maybe you got sucked into a Horse and Pony show. It is Presidential to admit that you opened a prosecutor general's briefing on a high profile murder investigation. Maybe do a poll of children in the 10-12 years old age bracket, asks the kids what they think. Educate them of the parameters. Maybe I am being absurd? I simply doubt the 3 suspect's involvement. Worse things happen, the burden of evidence does not lead to a conviction. Olof Palme's murder has never been solved. Better to leave it unsolved, than risk convicting innocent persons of a horrendous crime.
It should not be, that they engage a British "expert" in forensic Gait analysis (an expert is a person generally thought to be a person who has stoped learning)
to convict people from evidence derived from very grainy, late night video footage. I can suggest better facial recognition matches than who they have, in the docket. Really these are bad facial matches from what I can see of it
It all begs the question, has Ukraine truly started down the path of a Ministry of Silly Walks ?"
President Zelinskiy, I ask you to publicly request a second look with a fresh set of eyes. Maybe you got sucked into a Horse and Pony show. It is Presidential to admit that you opened a prosecutor general's briefing on a high profile murder investigation. Maybe do a poll of children in the 10-12 years old age bracket, asks the kids what they think. Educate them of the parameters. Maybe I am being absurd? I simply doubt the 3 suspect's involvement. Worse things happen, the burden of evidence does not lead to a conviction. Olof Palme's murder has never been solved. Better to leave it unsolved, than risk convicting innocent persons of a horrendous crime.
Pavel was my friend , he purposefully and intentionally befriended me, he was a softly brilliant man, with great instincts for a good story. There probably was not, any really great, epic stories within Ukraine, at the time he and I met. He had the grand view of things. Way outside of the situation and the moment. He was a man that you could meet with for 30 minutes and feel like you were totally a brother with him. He drank his tea in a transparent glass mug, and he knew the waiter personally too , I assume. He knew that he had some risks about his person, yet he was with friends, and presented a jovial company.
Maybe there were some great news stories in Ukraine back then that intrigued him enough, to really dig into them , with all his heart and mind.
Why he was professionally Killed, by unknown persons, I cannot ascertain, yet I remember you Pavel Sheremet, we met in good fashion, parted in good form. You are good people, wherever you moved on to, it is a place blessed by your positive, inquisitive spirit . I even have a them song for your memory, I just won't say what group or song that I prefer (it's non- intuitive somewhat)
There simply is not a believable motive, for the alleged culprits Ukraine has in the docket for his murder , at this time, for me to even remotely believe, that they are guilty or guilty as charged, (although I haven't read their accusations, just the general overview).
Yet perhaps it's best to move past the 2014 events, just a little, and discuss Ukraine's potential to be a real partner in Space Exploration with their large Rocket building capacity at the Dnipro facility ? Why couldn't Ukraine Build the World's First Space Tractor? It's not really all that complicated to do, it's only funding, yet now all these ESA (European Space Agency ) projects are getting pushed back 2-3 years, yet that could work beneficently well for Ukraine.
They may have been into some stuff at the time, but not that. I totally don't believe it. The media continues to neglect that he (Pavel Sheremet) was killed, during the week of the 2016 RNC Presidential candidate Nomination convention. While that also , could be a Red Herring of some sort, it is still, totally, a buried thread in the narrative. I visited Pavel's grave in Belarus. I miss his insightful smile, he was a good, honest and direct, perceptive man. I have lost a few too many close people recently.
Not the least of my friends lost is Sergey Khomenko, the first officer of the Ukraine International Airlines flight shot down over Tehran's perimeter's skies. Yeah it's starting, as "the Clash " sung about in their epic Punk Rock anthem, "God Save The Queen " The power structures, East and West , are unravelling, we'll see what waits the Proletarians on the back side of all this. Is the Ukraine International Airlines downing somehow connected with the big COVID-19 infection in Iran? I wouldn't want to know.
Just try to remember 1 thing. I claim Zero relevance in any regard. If MH17 and MH370 were somehow related, in some arcane aspect, it could simply be this, that some really hard core Russian Nationalists hijacked the Russian BUK launcher missile crew, or compromised that crew in mid July of 2014 when MH17 was downed . This would not be some sort of super weird supposition. If there was technology aboard MH370 that justified a hijacking, then there could have been some information, biological information onboard MH17, of some type, that could motivate a well positioned crew of ULTRA Russian Nationalists to circumvent the command and control apparatus of the hastily imported BUK missile, anti-air defense system.

Make me out as a crazy thinker if you please , in many ways that is true. Most of my friends really will probably say that. I think that Russia was responsible for inserting the BUK anti-aircraft missile defense system that shot down MH17
in July 2014.
I am not totally convinced, that they were fully in control of their BUK missile system when it downed MH17. (those systems require a Highly trained professional missile command and control crew , of which, I am uncertain that it was fully operational ) And I am not totally convinced, that they (Russian Nationalists ) were involved in hijacking MH370, but I think persons connected with them, were involved in it, for various reasons.

so whatever happened with the Librarian, was she exchanged? Taking the librarian as a hostage wasn't cool. Imagine curating a library with thousands of books and a few of them, put you in jail indefinitely... Was there a missing Library Index Card?
Invasion is becoming an entirely new concept, with Biological invasions which can be so easily engineered and implemented, all it takes is a knowledge of the code, to avoid the risk of one's protected populations.
What really happened in the Utah Earthquake today ? it's way too close to very sensitive military installations, to pass without some query about what's actually going on.
Maybe there were some great news stories in Ukraine back then that intrigued him enough, to really dig into them , with all his heart and mind.
Why he was professionally Killed, by unknown persons, I cannot ascertain, yet I remember you Pavel Sheremet, we met in good fashion, parted in good form. You are good people, wherever you moved on to, it is a place blessed by your positive, inquisitive spirit . I even have a them song for your memory, I just won't say what group or song that I prefer (it's non- intuitive somewhat)
There simply is not a believable motive, for the alleged culprits Ukraine has in the docket for his murder , at this time, for me to even remotely believe, that they are guilty or guilty as charged, (although I haven't read their accusations, just the general overview).
Yet perhaps it's best to move past the 2014 events, just a little, and discuss Ukraine's potential to be a real partner in Space Exploration with their large Rocket building capacity at the Dnipro facility ? Why couldn't Ukraine Build the World's First Space Tractor? It's not really all that complicated to do, it's only funding, yet now all these ESA (European Space Agency ) projects are getting pushed back 2-3 years, yet that could work beneficently well for Ukraine.
They may have been into some stuff at the time, but not that. I totally don't believe it. The media continues to neglect that he (Pavel Sheremet) was killed, during the week of the 2016 RNC Presidential candidate Nomination convention. While that also , could be a Red Herring of some sort, it is still, totally, a buried thread in the narrative. I visited Pavel's grave in Belarus. I miss his insightful smile, he was a good, honest and direct, perceptive man. I have lost a few too many close people recently.
Not the least of my friends lost is Sergey Khomenko, the first officer of the Ukraine International Airlines flight shot down over Tehran's perimeter's skies. Yeah it's starting, as "the Clash " sung about in their epic Punk Rock anthem, "God Save The Queen " The power structures, East and West , are unravelling, we'll see what waits the Proletarians on the back side of all this. Is the Ukraine International Airlines downing somehow connected with the big COVID-19 infection in Iran? I wouldn't want to know.
Just try to remember 1 thing. I claim Zero relevance in any regard. If MH17 and MH370 were somehow related, in some arcane aspect, it could simply be this, that some really hard core Russian Nationalists hijacked the Russian BUK launcher missile crew, or compromised that crew in mid July of 2014 when MH17 was downed . This would not be some sort of super weird supposition. If there was technology aboard MH370 that justified a hijacking, then there could have been some information, biological information onboard MH17, of some type, that could motivate a well positioned crew of ULTRA Russian Nationalists to circumvent the command and control apparatus of the hastily imported BUK missile, anti-air defense system.

Make me out as a crazy thinker if you please , in many ways that is true. Most of my friends really will probably say that. I think that Russia was responsible for inserting the BUK anti-aircraft missile defense system that shot down MH17
in July 2014.
I am not totally convinced, that they were fully in control of their BUK missile system when it downed MH17. (those systems require a Highly trained professional missile command and control crew , of which, I am uncertain that it was fully operational ) And I am not totally convinced, that they (Russian Nationalists ) were involved in hijacking MH370, but I think persons connected with them, were involved in it, for various reasons.
so whatever happened with the Librarian, was she exchanged? Taking the librarian as a hostage wasn't cool. Imagine curating a library with thousands of books and a few of them, put you in jail indefinitely... Was there a missing Library Index Card?
Invasion is becoming an entirely new concept, with Biological invasions which can be so easily engineered and implemented, all it takes is a knowledge of the code, to avoid the risk of one's protected populations.
What really happened in the Utah Earthquake today ? it's way too close to very sensitive military installations, to pass without some query about what's actually going on.
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