The Last KGB Agent in Minsk
the splurge of media covering Ukraine, the Zelinskiy / Trump phone call , that notorious ask for dirt on the Bidens by the POTUS, missed an incredibly obvious point.
The detail most apparently missed by the mass media is the quite simple thought, that Ukraine's President did a "Columbo" number on the POTUS, and the possibility of that, is both somewhat hilarious and intriguingly real . The man is an actor, his previous experience was not business or politics, his experience was in the theater of perception politics.
I do not think that Ukraine's president sees the Russian Federation's leadership as enemy, rather that they are powerful actors, within the Geopolitical theater of the present moment.
Yet if Trump is the friend of the President's Geopolitical opponent, what better way to disarm that friend of your opponent than by crippling him with an internal political uproar, that isn't quite permanently disabling , but it is another item, that becomes near permanently distracting . Or Ukraine's version of Fly Fishing on the Potomac River .... they hooked a big one and reeled him in.
you would be naive to assume that this moment was not 8-10 years in the making, in my relatively unimportant opinion of reality, it was no accident :
my experience first hand, in Crimea Ukraine , was that Turkish business interests were dallying with Russian alliances 8-10 years in the past in Crimea, and why wouldn't they be doing that Dance with the Devil ? Yes of course, it is a long messy narrative down there, it's like the way people in San Francisco talk about Los Angeles, California. Which is not meant to imply that Turkish Business people in Crimea who favor Russian occupation of Crimea Ukraine will actually prevail, as a Crimean friend of mine once said to me "Time will tell"
The narrative of the East/ West conflict in Ukraine is inherently conflictive. As for me, having seen torch lit parades quite a few years before the conflict even started to emerge in Ukraine, is that all of this far right , Neo-Nazi media narrative is mostly, a largely distorted construct of the media. These far right people (of Ukraine ) are basically red necks (In the American vernacular) A good deal of the far right environment, envisaged in the International press is simply an emphasis of some few extreme person's activity.
(and perhaps those extreme positions of the far right in Ukraine are promoted from within Russia to further their narrative of the situation ) The patent absurdity of the conflict, its that Far right Ukrainians are battling mostly far right Orthodox Christian Russians , same basic religion, the same basic ideology.
It becomes rather a sad comedy, for those of us who are somehow connected to the situation. Which is not to say, that a few far left people in Ukraine and a few far left Russian Bolshevist elements are not also battling it out, in the Donbas conflict. It's simply a different interpretation of history and outcomes they are fighting over. It's amusing that The Russians can always seem to find some far left and far right Americans and Europeans who they can parade about to express their sympathy for the situation, and certainly aspects of the Russian social , political narrative can be attractive, seductive / yet it's deeply flawed, as is the American social, political narrative. Another tale of 2 cities. Yet the beauty of modern social media is that if you're public in any way and doing bad or tasteless things, it catches up to you eventually.
< it sounds like the younger охотник, is positioned at the gates of power to defend his personal narrative (about Ukraine) I respect that of course , And certainly this is a natural reaction to a foreign intervention in America's political situation, or an alleged foreign intervention if one ascribes to the narrative of the other side... Yet the twofold base of the охотник's father is essentially 2 dimensional, the historically disenfranchised and the present day , working class persons feeling fairly disenfranchised. Yet that narrative carries across both sides of the pond, NATO is currently perplexed about it's overall situation . One has to accept the good with the bad in equal dollops. The diverse gates of power within USA will mostly wait and see, not tomorrow, not next week : time is somewhat on our side, being such a beast of economic proportions as we are.
. This is not to negate the contribution of the far right (within Ukraine, sealing off the battle lines in the Ukraine's East) , certainly I am not embarrassed to be connected with brighter people of the farther left, inside my State, within USA. I simply feel no blatant ill will towards Ukraine's far right movements as I understand the context. I don't feel that I am far right, far left or maybe like way too much of a centrist, pragmatist. I simply see the whole thing.
Russia is an increasingly poor country, the masses in Ukraine, while a talented few are rising, experience much of the same. It is a vast geographical area wherein there is mostly a small .0001 % of people that enjoy the benefits of the aggrandized social structure. It is a well known fact, that such disequilibrium of social classes , creates social unrest. It is not in the USA's foremost interest to see another descent into unpredictable chaos, for the Russian Federation (given their vast nuclear warfare capability ). And it seems, that while our POTUS didn't officially send a birthday greeting to the President of the Russian Federation, perhaps the USA's troop withdrawal from Syria, exposing the Kurds to annihilations , was the birthday gift, we shall see how it goes. It is extremely messy within any interpretations one can assemble.
PURE SPECULATION, myth making on my part:
Well maybe he's one of the last KGB agent of the old Minsk KGB Directorate , either recently retired or still active.... (Lots of folks don't get it that the last refuge of the KGB is actually Belarus, it doesn't exist in Russia anymore, maybe it was a money saving tactic, to not rebrand the KGB, cheaper to not print fresh letterhead ? ).
Joseph Mifsud yes he's been rumored to be a participant in a round robin of Chess and Poker Matches in Malta, Minsk , Istanbul, Odessa, and Alushta Crimea, Beirut , Tashkent and Shanghai , Each participant of each of the elaborate Chess and poker match sequence gets a unique scoreboard talisman souvenir from the opposed participant to pass on during the next round robin encounter,
this all began starting in the go-go boom year of 2013. It is said by some that President Lukashenko receives a weekly direct report from this alleged last Agent of the (older ) KGB Minsk Directorate, yet that agent only knows so much about the origins of the Russia Probe, it's a highly murky affair.
And yes, it's even rumored that the tutor of this last KGB agent in Minsk Belarus was connected with the publication of an innocuous signal beacon advertisement, in the New York times on this 9th day of October in 1963. Well enough said and done. I am only kidding of course. After all , this is the place where you get your fiction news. It is a pretty boring the news cycle lately, could you folks in Congress and the United States Senate just quit your bickering and get down to the brass tacks?
I sense that Ukraine is wallowing in uncertainty, a massive invasive and destructive breakout from occupied oblasts of Luhansk and Donetsk is still entirely possible. Zaporizhia oblast has a nuclear power plant, as does Dnipro Oblast. A full scale war with Russian forces will get very messy, could result in massive environmental damages. But that's just me, calling out the card Ukraine was dealt as a Spade, not a good card. Cities, towns, villages across the nation count the young who went to defend the Nation amongst their recent dead. October is like the witching month rising, strange events may transpire, outside of the Trump phone call drama.
And yes of course this Round Robin set of Chess and poker matches does go forward into that arena where the big dogs do fight it out, ostensibly to see who does stays on, more or less on the top of the pile, that fierce pack of wolves. For the Ukrainian President, he like most of us, can only guess what the Kite flying duels of Geopolitical forces will result splitting off into some form of eventual Fait Accompli. Perhaps it will be the master of the French, Dutch , German Connection in this intricate travail that will assuage all of the complex situations to avert some sort of an unspeakable near term Peace or warfare event?
I had mentioned previously of my friendly encounter with Pavel Sheremet the journalist who was brutally killed in July, 2016. We met, chatted and left it like we'd hope to see each other another time, same spot, same channel . The media seems to ignore the possibility that his being targeted was quite possibly about the bigger International news story of the building American Election interference, since he'd seen the cycle of Information warfare within Ukraine before, during and after the Euro-Maidan and perhaps had inside information about the Information warfare mechanism's management structure. Who was playing in the Global Chess match or Poker session in those days .
Personally, I don't think things in Ukraine alone interested him that much, he was looking at the wider view . Why was he killed during the week of the Republican National Convention , on the eve of the coronation of the candidate ? I know that he asked me what I thought of things in Ukraine and I simply shrugged and smiled obliquely, like who am I ? Yet he asked me pointedly, if I knew anything in particular about the business of the candidate. Was a portable hard drive taken from his person after the blast? for me it's personal, as not only was my friend murdered, but it happened across the street from my favorite lunch spot in Kyiv. I just can't sit there and enjoy the view out to the street anymore making up fiction as I had previously enjoyed doing.
The detail most apparently missed by the mass media is the quite simple thought, that Ukraine's President did a "Columbo" number on the POTUS, and the possibility of that, is both somewhat hilarious and intriguingly real . The man is an actor, his previous experience was not business or politics, his experience was in the theater of perception politics.
I do not think that Ukraine's president sees the Russian Federation's leadership as enemy, rather that they are powerful actors, within the Geopolitical theater of the present moment.
Yet if Trump is the friend of the President's Geopolitical opponent, what better way to disarm that friend of your opponent than by crippling him with an internal political uproar, that isn't quite permanently disabling , but it is another item, that becomes near permanently distracting . Or Ukraine's version of Fly Fishing on the Potomac River .... they hooked a big one and reeled him in.
you would be naive to assume that this moment was not 8-10 years in the making, in my relatively unimportant opinion of reality, it was no accident :
my experience first hand, in Crimea Ukraine , was that Turkish business interests were dallying with Russian alliances 8-10 years in the past in Crimea, and why wouldn't they be doing that Dance with the Devil ? Yes of course, it is a long messy narrative down there, it's like the way people in San Francisco talk about Los Angeles, California. Which is not meant to imply that Turkish Business people in Crimea who favor Russian occupation of Crimea Ukraine will actually prevail, as a Crimean friend of mine once said to me "Time will tell"
The narrative of the East/ West conflict in Ukraine is inherently conflictive. As for me, having seen torch lit parades quite a few years before the conflict even started to emerge in Ukraine, is that all of this far right , Neo-Nazi media narrative is mostly, a largely distorted construct of the media. These far right people (of Ukraine ) are basically red necks (In the American vernacular) A good deal of the far right environment, envisaged in the International press is simply an emphasis of some few extreme person's activity.
(and perhaps those extreme positions of the far right in Ukraine are promoted from within Russia to further their narrative of the situation ) The patent absurdity of the conflict, its that Far right Ukrainians are battling mostly far right Orthodox Christian Russians , same basic religion, the same basic ideology.
It becomes rather a sad comedy, for those of us who are somehow connected to the situation. Which is not to say, that a few far left people in Ukraine and a few far left Russian Bolshevist elements are not also battling it out, in the Donbas conflict. It's simply a different interpretation of history and outcomes they are fighting over. It's amusing that The Russians can always seem to find some far left and far right Americans and Europeans who they can parade about to express their sympathy for the situation, and certainly aspects of the Russian social , political narrative can be attractive, seductive / yet it's deeply flawed, as is the American social, political narrative. Another tale of 2 cities. Yet the beauty of modern social media is that if you're public in any way and doing bad or tasteless things, it catches up to you eventually.
< it sounds like the younger охотник, is positioned at the gates of power to defend his personal narrative (about Ukraine) I respect that of course , And certainly this is a natural reaction to a foreign intervention in America's political situation, or an alleged foreign intervention if one ascribes to the narrative of the other side... Yet the twofold base of the охотник's father is essentially 2 dimensional, the historically disenfranchised and the present day , working class persons feeling fairly disenfranchised. Yet that narrative carries across both sides of the pond, NATO is currently perplexed about it's overall situation . One has to accept the good with the bad in equal dollops. The diverse gates of power within USA will mostly wait and see, not tomorrow, not next week : time is somewhat on our side, being such a beast of economic proportions as we are.
. This is not to negate the contribution of the far right (within Ukraine, sealing off the battle lines in the Ukraine's East) , certainly I am not embarrassed to be connected with brighter people of the farther left, inside my State, within USA. I simply feel no blatant ill will towards Ukraine's far right movements as I understand the context. I don't feel that I am far right, far left or maybe like way too much of a centrist, pragmatist. I simply see the whole thing.
Russia is an increasingly poor country, the masses in Ukraine, while a talented few are rising, experience much of the same. It is a vast geographical area wherein there is mostly a small .0001 % of people that enjoy the benefits of the aggrandized social structure. It is a well known fact, that such disequilibrium of social classes , creates social unrest. It is not in the USA's foremost interest to see another descent into unpredictable chaos, for the Russian Federation (given their vast nuclear warfare capability ). And it seems, that while our POTUS didn't officially send a birthday greeting to the President of the Russian Federation, perhaps the USA's troop withdrawal from Syria, exposing the Kurds to annihilations , was the birthday gift, we shall see how it goes. It is extremely messy within any interpretations one can assemble.
PURE SPECULATION, myth making on my part:
Well maybe he's one of the last KGB agent of the old Minsk KGB Directorate , either recently retired or still active.... (Lots of folks don't get it that the last refuge of the KGB is actually Belarus, it doesn't exist in Russia anymore, maybe it was a money saving tactic, to not rebrand the KGB, cheaper to not print fresh letterhead ? ).
Joseph Mifsud yes he's been rumored to be a participant in a round robin of Chess and Poker Matches in Malta, Minsk , Istanbul, Odessa, and Alushta Crimea, Beirut , Tashkent and Shanghai , Each participant of each of the elaborate Chess and poker match sequence gets a unique scoreboard talisman souvenir from the opposed participant to pass on during the next round robin encounter,
this all began starting in the go-go boom year of 2013. It is said by some that President Lukashenko receives a weekly direct report from this alleged last Agent of the (older ) KGB Minsk Directorate, yet that agent only knows so much about the origins of the Russia Probe, it's a highly murky affair.
And yes, it's even rumored that the tutor of this last KGB agent in Minsk Belarus was connected with the publication of an innocuous signal beacon advertisement, in the New York times on this 9th day of October in 1963. Well enough said and done. I am only kidding of course. After all , this is the place where you get your fiction news. It is a pretty boring the news cycle lately, could you folks in Congress and the United States Senate just quit your bickering and get down to the brass tacks?
I sense that Ukraine is wallowing in uncertainty, a massive invasive and destructive breakout from occupied oblasts of Luhansk and Donetsk is still entirely possible. Zaporizhia oblast has a nuclear power plant, as does Dnipro Oblast. A full scale war with Russian forces will get very messy, could result in massive environmental damages. But that's just me, calling out the card Ukraine was dealt as a Spade, not a good card. Cities, towns, villages across the nation count the young who went to defend the Nation amongst their recent dead. October is like the witching month rising, strange events may transpire, outside of the Trump phone call drama.
And yes of course this Round Robin set of Chess and poker matches does go forward into that arena where the big dogs do fight it out, ostensibly to see who does stays on, more or less on the top of the pile, that fierce pack of wolves. For the Ukrainian President, he like most of us, can only guess what the Kite flying duels of Geopolitical forces will result splitting off into some form of eventual Fait Accompli. Perhaps it will be the master of the French, Dutch , German Connection in this intricate travail that will assuage all of the complex situations to avert some sort of an unspeakable near term Peace or warfare event?
I had mentioned previously of my friendly encounter with Pavel Sheremet the journalist who was brutally killed in July, 2016. We met, chatted and left it like we'd hope to see each other another time, same spot, same channel . The media seems to ignore the possibility that his being targeted was quite possibly about the bigger International news story of the building American Election interference, since he'd seen the cycle of Information warfare within Ukraine before, during and after the Euro-Maidan and perhaps had inside information about the Information warfare mechanism's management structure. Who was playing in the Global Chess match or Poker session in those days .
Personally, I don't think things in Ukraine alone interested him that much, he was looking at the wider view . Why was he killed during the week of the Republican National Convention , on the eve of the coronation of the candidate ? I know that he asked me what I thought of things in Ukraine and I simply shrugged and smiled obliquely, like who am I ? Yet he asked me pointedly, if I knew anything in particular about the business of the candidate. Was a portable hard drive taken from his person after the blast? for me it's personal, as not only was my friend murdered, but it happened across the street from my favorite lunch spot in Kyiv. I just can't sit there and enjoy the view out to the street anymore making up fiction as I had previously enjoyed doing.
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