Stolen Goods , Spectakl Okonchen ?

some snitty Petroleum industry page, that appears to callously denigrate Ukraine (in a random yet purposeful comment) and essentially outline the back door path to legitimize the land and sea grab of Occupied Crimea. I don't actually have the math on the land area of Crimean "Peninsula" and the offshore sea area now claimed by the Russian Federation. I tend to get few comments here, while I like it that it's more easy for me, what is the actual "Sea Area" of the Crimean territory taken by the Russian Federation, or re-appropriated, whatever you might prefer to phrase it as. Yet now with USA going into a potential military conflict in Venezuela against Russia , It's not a Pig of Bays again ?

Perhaps it is incorrect, yet I would like to copy paste this interesting (translated) perspective on the Russian Energy market by Kirill Sazonov, and add my 2 cents: from Inforesist web site.

 My basic  thought is that not just Northern Europe, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, but also USA,  since we are obtaining some Russian oil into our  refinery system, say in Oregon,  for our domestic use. It is simply this,  that by accepting oil and gas from Russian Federation suppliers, we are essentially accepting stolen goods. Stolen Crimean Gas reserves (as outlined in the above link )
in the Sea of Azov, which are now factored into the total supply chain of Russia's energy reserves,  when and how they might more seriously attempt to develop that, in my opinion is a factor of the long game. While white House strategist Kelly Anne Conway says that we Americans should simply forget about it, and move on from the hacked election, isn't that going to be a mirror message of the Russian Federation about Crimea (for Ukraine) ?
For we all know that they are simply holding the Donbas hostage, that all of that killing, maiming, torture, destruction of infrastructure, was mostly to make a point that Russia will get her way, unless Ukraine wants the pain to get worse, a lot worse (and it could, since they are said to have armaments and reserve forces equal to several large European armies combined stored away in Donbas ).
And what secrets does Mister Paul Manafort have secreted away in his clever mind about the hidden deals relating to Ukraine elections in 2010,? Maybe Ukraine's Historians can spool it out a bit, not me . What he actually got in the way of help,  and favors from the friends in Russia to elect Yanukovych,  maybe it was akin to a "walk the dog" trick (as in yo-yo craft). Could Ukraine lay a claim against Paul Manafort's remaining assets, that they represent stolen goods taken from Ukraine's people by Clan Yanukovych?
Maybe the new President can show it, the Walk the Dog trick off to Mister Putin ? He's a comic, don't underestimate the power of theater in politics!

 I suspect that Yanukovych simply did what he was told to do, at a certain point in time, by his Kremlin Masters. Yet why did Joe Biden's actions in Ukraine only serve to whip up the hysteria of the Russian Nationalists, and thereby appear to increase the spiral of chaos in the region? The whole Burisma Holdings matter leaves more questions than answers. I suspect that the actual truth to the powers at the time represent something far more complex than the Press has generally picked up thus far. Actually, I like Joe Biden, but I need a sense of explanation from him, that I haven't gotten, about his efforts to help the situation in Ukraine. I think he did more than he has gotten credit for, and that now, more than ever, he's at risk of becoming the whipping boy in the media maelstrom.

Certainly Russian armed forces have executed events in Donbas, the seizure of Crimea perhaps roughly similar to the Nazi German invasions of Poland (military), Austria (media based).  
Those well educated ,  conscientious German people should perhaps think about what the Nord Stream actually means for them, their long term physical security and social reality. What are they actually participating in?
 In any case, I know which side of the Russian border I want to be on, it's Ukraine ! Although I'd love to explore so many time zones, and I still like Polina Gagarina's music, she sounds kind of hurting in her latest musical release . Like a lot of the interesting people I've encountered in life, I was sort of ambushed by her talent, and hadn't the faintest clue about who she was 1 hour or so before I made this video of her in Odessa, Ukraine. And it's interesting as a dialog when one contemplates Odessa, wherein the Russian Nationalists think of it as a truly Russian city, when in fact it's a Polyglot of peoples of all nationalities within the region that extends back to Phoenician times. Much has been said of the destruction of Odessa's History by rapacious real estate developers, and I won't comment on the issue, yet I feel that the best treasures of it's ancient history are waiting to be unearthed... Well I think it has become clear to the Russian People that they are governed basically by a gang of self serving thugs. Including my drinking buddy in Simferopol, Ukraine Aksyonov, also known as "The Goblin" Yes I was there at the New Year's party in 2013/2014. You knew it was coming, yet are the ordinary folks, people in Russia Okay with the deterioration of their economic situations since that time? It's not like they actually voted across 6 or 7 time zones in a free and open plebiscite to "do a number" occupy , take military control, expel the defenders of Ukraine. I actually know an airman from Ukraine, who got out of the crucible Crimea , went to serve his country, was in an air transport that crashed, broke his ankle in the landing in the zone of hostility and lived to walk another mile. These  men can walk fast in ways that I can't fathom. I either walk or I run, and there's no in between for me. I never learned the fast walk, but I've seen it in action on the streets and around town in Ukraine.
I haven't seen anything yet from the Bee Keeper, the village accountant yet about the new President, I am curious to hear from my travel mate.

Written By Kirill Sazonov :
When you de-freeze a fish, in her eyes you can read the dumb question: What year is it? Imagine this expression? So, this is how the eyes of the Kremlin lobbyists in the export of hydrocarbons periodically look like. Well, the guys are used to the fact that they have everything on the oil and gas hook, you can break everyone through the knee and cut the coupons regardless of the rules of behavior. Do you remember how they traditionally turned the cameras on January 1, turning off the gas to Ukraine? Here and blackmail at prices and terms with volumes, and the pleasure to defiantly humiliate someone, and even their own dirty and disfranchised people become imbued with an imperial spirit. That is, thirty-three pleasures in one bottle with hawthorn. Then in 2015, the Ukrainian government Yatsenyuk refused to sign the protocols. It was then that Gazprom and its terrible comrades for the first time looked around with a glance of frozen fish. But the lesson did not go to the future, and the guys continued to search for adventures to their vulnerable spots. And the one who searches is sure to find it.
Our hydrocarbon neighbors decided to play with oil this time. They made a threatening decision to ban the sale of petroleum products to Ukraine. Only by individual permission. In fact, they simply transferred the right to issue permits from one body to another and the same people would remain on the streams, but with what excitement the Kremlin experts and officials scratched the places affected by imperial itch! Wow, they say, we showed Ukraine where the crayfish winter. What is there with crayfish and cooling remains behind the scenes, but the trouble to the Russian oil traders came from an unexpected side. Because if the hands do not grow out of the shoulders, but lower - sooner or later wait for a meeting with a fluffy little gray beast.
And already on April 23, Belarus suspended the export of petroleum products to Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries due to the supply of low-quality oil from Russia. Because such turbidity in pipes from the Russian Federation began to swing, that it is not something that can not be allowed at the plant - the pipes can not stand it. I don’t know what leverage the Kremlin used there to persuade Minsk, but on April 25 the export of light oil products from Belarus to Ukraine was partially resumed. In Moscow, exhaled with relief, but clearly hurried. Because if you, instead of oil products, pump something stinky and brown through the pipes, not only Belarusians will notice this.
Following Minsk, the Czech Republic suspended imports of Russian oil through the Druzhba main pipeline due to poor quality raw materials. Experts believe that the cessation of oil imports may lead to the fact that European refineries owned by Polish PKN Orlen and Grupa Lotos, as well as German plants owned by Total, Shell, Eni and Rosneft, will receive most of the raw materials. And who compensates for the losses? That's right, the one who has the smartest mug. Consumers are already warning that the suspension of imports may lead to lawsuits against Russian suppliers, which, in turn, will demand compensation from the Russian pipeline monopolist Transneft.
Not a single Czech Republic live news about Russian oil exports. Next, Poland has suspended for an indefinite period the transit of Russian oil via the Druzhba pipeline because of its poor quality. In Poland, it was stated that the continued supply of oil with a high chloride content poses a risk of a serious industrial accident for both the refinery and the PERN logistics system.
Ukraine simply could not stay away from the new game, “We are loading Russian oil back to Siberia”. On the one hand, the quality is really low. On the other - you can, of course, pass by a good fight, but next time they may not call. So yesterday, Ukrtransnafta also suspended the transit of Russian oil via the Mozyr-Brody trunk pipeline (MN Druzhba). In connection with the "inconsistency of the quality of Russian oil." According to the terms of the agreement, Ukrtransnafta has the right to stop the intake of Russian oil if the raw materials do not meet the quality indicators. All material losses are borne by the party who did not hold back the performance of their duties.
And I remind you that it is oil, not gas, that accounts for more than 50% of the Russian budget revenues. And if you simultaneously pump the rights not by rank and ha @ but through pipes instead of oil - wait for problems. European consumers will pass this crisis and find alternative sources. But the Russian Federation from this pit will be selected much longer and not the fact that finally cope with the consequences. But the less money the Kremlin has, the better for the neighbors. Safer. One thing is not clear - why do they do such stupid things on such risks? Apparently, the scientists were right who claimed that each hemisphere of the brain is an independent person. Thus, in each of us live as many as two people! And in those who pump oil from the Russian Federation and think not only with their heads, but also their booty, even four. Of course, annoying overlays and unsuccessful coincidences are inevitable here 
Leon Trotsky

“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”

― Leon Trotsky

And perhaps it's certain, that Kim Jung Nam was killed in Malaysian airport,  as he knew about the locations of the survivors of MH 370 in North Korea- I am just kidding, of course. i made that reference up out of nothing. yet knowing the most wrong things can make some one  utterly disposable, yet knowing truth about a vapid power incurs the worst of personal risks.
Yet it's quite reasonably  possible that MH370's diversion was meant as a distraction from the situation in Crimea. It's all about the smoke and mirrors that hide and reflect truths and lies in this vast East/West conflict of Nuclear armed super powers. Is Russia going to simply give Nicholas Maduro Nukes, just to mess with us ? Why did the Baby of Pigs Fail and the armed takeover of Crimea succeed so easily ? Maybe the Heaven, or the Devil is working on the details... After all, Venezuela is just another oil reserve, in the long game on the 3 tier chess board.


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