The Devil's got a new pair of shoes
I recently (last summer) had a chance to chat one to one in the reality with Jorma Kaukonen, (of the Jefferson Airplane ) he just said to me that it's too risky to mess around with this stuff, better to stick with the music thing, yet I cannot totally affirm that this is true or deny it
Or, the Little Tugboat that maybe steered a pretty brave course, on that Parquet dance floor of the Devil ? It its far from absurd, the notion that a modest tugboat could be the catalyst of a global conflict. That's why Ukraine is interesting for me.
Yet no media seems to have picked up the thread that I am currently most interested in, vis a vis Michael Cohen's admission that he fudged his congressional testimony about the Trump Organization's plans to build a tower in Moscow up until June of 2016. While the world is notably consternated by the atrocious murder of Jemal Kashoggi in Turkey,
I'm still trying to ask the basic question of WHO KILLED PAVEL? It now seems possible, in my extremely humble opinion that Pavel Sheremet was working on a devastatingly cohesive news story about Trump/ Russia connections at the time of his killing in July of 2016. It is even possible that the "ask" of Putin/ Russian Federation for the USA to remove it's forces from Syria was perhaps a loaded smashed Potato of some sort, of an information conduit from Russia that was being unearthed vis a vis the Pavel Sheremet Car bomb killing in Kiev , something that could inferentially (perhaps) have implicated specific individuals in the Trump election operation to the car bombing (Like that "this is really happening and you have to clean up any potential mess Paul manafort left behind him, like the smell of dog shit on the shoes of stolen money) . I remember at first , everyone said about SHeremet's car bombing that it was the Russians behind it. What if it was in fact "The Americans?", just an inference of course, to the TV show...people in between the 2 forces of Trump and Russia .
Is the Putin High 5 with MBS some sort of reference to "Hey man' we're now in the same "Murdering Journalists club" And we're richer than anybody imagines. If low paid FSB operatives were given a schematic of President Putin's true riches, how would, or could their loyalty be compromised? When you zoom out on the costs of Taking Crimea from Ukraine, was it worth it, will it be worth it, going forward, Maybe one should ask the suit on the street ?
This maybe was from 2011 or something, what I noticed, had noticed, is that the Russian scourers of information grabbed on to the fact that I actually knew that the news interviewer's mom was a local High School Biology teacher in Simferopol , Crimea, Ukraine.
I don't really want to thin things out of invented air.
What I would postulate is that in the late 2000's that much of Russia was ignorant of the Crimean reality. While it's true that Ukraine, although Crimea was fully integrated by transport, economically, linguistically, Crimea was always a quiet pocket of boutique corruption, a localized thing. To Quote my first contact in the territory , "You Don't Want to Know" (about it)
I still miss Simferopol, in as much as I never had great luck making friends there, it flowed well, it was a foot traffic friendly little village, down there. I'm sorry I can't go back to it.
Returning to Putin's "Ask" of President Trump, I was expecting this, what was the more easily possible Foreign Policy move he could make, asked via back channels, and then in person: cementing the idea to pull out. I won't get judgmental , anything that enables US forces to evacuate from a zone of harm's way. And I won't judge Melania's White House Christmas trappings, engage in trashing the First Lady's choices. In fact I think she's showing her witching craft somehow.
Ukraine , it's analysts shouldn't bother too much dissecting Melania Trump's signal messaging for the moment, last year white, this year red, next year not blue, what , Orange???
Are we going to harken to the symbology of my travel mate President Yuschenko ? I wish we could zoom back to the days when the lady's of "The View TV talk show would excoriate Yuschnko for his not allowing "Sir " Elton John to adopt a Ukraine orphan. I mean it like, no hard feelings, he did a show on FreedomSquare anyway.... But about Madame TYmoshenko, I simply cannot say. It's going to be a tough battle for the Presidency next year, and who wants that job? It's really stressful and complicated.
Pavel Sheremet was a man that befriended me, in an easy, non pretentious way. He was killed by a car bomb in the week of the 2016 Republican National Convention. While it is a well referenced historical Cliché, that coronations of Kings and Queens are often aligned with dark murders, often of disinterested neutral parties ( parties that hold, or seek to reveal relevant , potentially damning information).
I do know that Pavel Sheremet, spoke specifically to me, of issues relating to the then surging candidacy of Donald Trump, Trump's potential relations with Moscow financiers. While I was then minding my own business, and not completely sure of who exactly Pavel Sheremet was,
I remember the meeting at the cafe, his questions to me, in pretty good detail.
\Trump TOWER Moscow might have been Pavel Sheremet's career capping news story to scoop this outline, of an ultimate compromise of an American Presidential candidate.
It is quite possible that everything from stifling the surge in the Democratic campaign's April/ May 2106 activity boosting or busting Bernie Sanders was literally joysticks by operatives within the Kremlin's disinformation campaign: they optimized the most unpopular candidate, it's actually brilliant. There is some political genius within the Kremlin that revels in the chaos she or he can create in the West, it's stunningly effective. For Ukraine it pretty much sucks, ye the info war is only beginning, and is China the ultimate beneficiary ? wouldn't , doesn't China relish being able to carve out the soft underbelly of Russia, Former Soviet Union ? They are positioned to do it, it's probably a question now of when and how? USA and Russia exchange a rapid salvo of devastating Nuclear strikes, leaving China relatively unscathed ? I'd assume they are preparing, as they should, it's only rational to do so.
Did China carefully insert some elements within the Crimean territory conflict , through economic deals and hidden requirements to "Sign off" on Port deals, etc > ? That is above me, and if I knew than I'd probably not be able to write this.
Ukraine experienced forced collectivization under Soviet rule. It was brutal, inefficient and horribly inhumane. Tens of Millions were killed in the Holodimir via mass starvations. Why should they have supported the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States Agreement) at the time of the Euro -Maidan ? They wanted to shift towards Europe. Britain now is looking at Brexit, another example of Economic agreement wherein Russian Federation interests wished to sow chaos and create impossible conundrums.
I spoke of old wealth in Gatwick area of England, perhaps this is a sign of that issue cropping up within the business and government/ private interest interface. Ukraine has enough energy to take care of itself if it can resolve the seizure of it's territories of Donbas/ Crimea.
(about Sheremet's car Bomb assassination) A person connected with Ukraine's SBU (like their FBI) was alleged, through journalistic investigations to be conducting surveillance on him, yet that person claimed to be on "Unofficial duty, just supervising security of some children sleeping in a nearby apartment" or something like that..." There was a mysterious couple who are said to have planted the bomb, and a person in disguise with a hat and a walking cane who went up to the car to determine if the job was done, after the blast .
The whole situation of Killing Pavel Sheremet , as we Americans say , seems "fishy" This is now 2.3 years forward, of course it's way past the contemporary dialog. Yet the Friday Headline, fades to the Sunday headline. THE M.B.S/ Kashoggi issue could still be equally relevant in different, and unique ways. I have no interest to cast aspersion upon any party for either scenario, let the narrative play out in the media, allow the investigators to do their work, quietly, efficiently, gather evidence. I want to read about it in 2 or 3 weeks, not 2 days. Or learn the outcome in the months ahead. Investigators have to parse conflicting and competing lines of inquiry, manage fierce disagreements. Financial forces prefer swifter and less elaborate processes leading to the official conclusion . MH17 incident is still the largest of the singular crimes within Ukraine's Crisis of self determination. Perhaps some crimes are never meant to be solved ?
I miss those times that I'd easily get an overnight train from Kiev into Simferopol, and my street musician friends occasionally noticed me on the street ; they'd strike up a classic American song, such as "Oh When The Saints Come Marching In" or something like that. I really liked those guys, the accordion and baritone sax player.
What was President Obama going to actually do, when the "Green Men" took over the critical Crimean infrastructure , expelled Ukraine's forces from the territory, in early 2014 ?
Send in the US Marines? , maybe like try to launch a counter-invasion force and risk a nuclear war confrontation that would end civilization as we know it ?
(as obeisance to the Budapest Memorandum )
What largely prevented that abstract situation from being vastly more pertinent , was perhaps, the simple fact that, Ukraine's President Yanukovych was in flight, going, gone to Russia , escaping from his obviously heinous crime, of a highly Kleptocratic nature, the upheavals in Kiev, mass murders of anti- Yanukovych regime, anti- corruption protesters ,
Ukraine chose, did choose a Western destination, their middle, upper middle class didn't like the anarchy of that moment, their exposure to personal risk, it was like a daily weather report, "are their shootings, explosions, deaths on our national capitol today?"
Kiev's elites, the regional elites, spent 100 years or more learning how to conduct stealthy deals for quiet advantages, future profits. I see such tactics as an outcome of a complicated, repressive history wherein those with money and power can decide outcomes, not so much as selfishness, greed. I think it's the rear when they can return those hidden advantages to help the Nation's economic revival.
(when Russian Forces seized Crimean territory )
The International community was reluctant to act, in that vacuum of leadership, the subsequent sham elections in Crimean territory slammed the door on a realistic dialog, Russia entrenched itself, fell back on it's variantly well oiled campaigns of disinformation. It became a shit show in Eastern Ukraine Crimea, with much loss of life, destruction, looting, mirrors reflecting mirrors, reflecting mirrors, ultimately leading to our USA's election hacking in 2016. This then leading, to the tilted election of President Trump. I don't harbor excess ill will for the man, he was pushed into his situation by his Dad, Fred Trump (and his hidden cohorts of the conservative, ultra-wealthy echelons of society) .
Fred Trump, I think, wanted acceptance of His Donald , into the Masonic order of power, but never got it, and hence the ascension of Donald Trump, an imperfect man at an imperfect moment in history,, wherein the Democratic party ran it's worst election ever in historical memory, making it only too easy for Russia to tip the scales in it's apparent favor.
I looked at the video of the tugboat of Ukraine going through the Kerch straight or something like that, steady courses laid , trying to get to starboard as the bigger ship coming into/ from the left, with another big ship on her right flank, the boat had nowhere to go, idled her engine to avoid the collision, and the Russian boat turned left intentionally to ram her starboard front quarter. This was not an aggressive piloting situation by the tugboat captain of Ukraine. It was mostly about some analysis of action of variant boating activity leading the Russian side to feel emboldened that they could engage in a show of force.
Now I felt the need to insert some of my characteristic randomness :
maybe it's extremely non relevant. Yet my last visit to Ukraine, the last place that I visited, formally, informally , for various reasons, purposes, I didn't go in, just tarried at the door step, was the home of Mikhail Bulgakov, for while he is thought to be, is claimed as a Russian writer, it's on Andrievsky descent , in Kiev, he was a doctor, and became, chose to be a daring writer, working way, way outside of the accepted parameters of that time in SOVIET UNION history.
So I'll type out page 129, of the Penguin Translation of The Master and Margarita herein:
\ Police! Seize her!" Sempleyatov's wife shouted in such a terrible that many hearts went cold.
And here The Cat also leaped out to the footlights (of the theater 0 ) and suddenly barked in a human voice for all the theater to hear:
"The seance is over! Maestro! Hack out a March!"
The Half crazed conductor, unaware of what he was doing, waved his baton, and the orchestra did not play, or even strike up, or even bang await, but precisely , in the cat's loathsome expression, hacked out some incredible march of some unheard of brashness.
For a moment there was an illusion of having heard once upon a time, half blind, but rollicking words to this march:
His excellency reached the stage
Of liking barnyard owl
He took under his patronage
Three Young girls and an owl!!!
Or maybe these were not the words at all, but there were others to the same music, extremely indecent ones. That is not the important thing, the important thing is that, after all this, something like Babel broke loose in the Variety. The police went running into Sempleyarov's box, people were climbing over the barriers , there were bursts of internal guffawing and furious shouts , drowned in the golden clash of the orchestra's cymbals .
And no one could see that the stage was suddenly empty, and that the hoodwinker Fagott, as well as the brazen Tom-Cat Behemoth, had melted into the air , vanished as the magician had vanished earlier in his armchair with the faded upholstery.
Immediately followed by Chapter 13 , "The Hero Enters ...."
On more dry news of the Russian Ukraine war/
Excuse me? it's only 1.3 billion US $'s ? All right, I kind of get it. that's only for Oshchadbank's loss . I was walking onto their bank in 2012, 2011, and heard that they'd give me 30% interest on deposits, at the time America, USA gave 2% at best.
If one were to assess economic and humanitarian losses and hard costs , in my opinion it should be 1 or 2 trillion US $ in costs \ for seizing, taking Crimean territory. I may have posted earlier and reflected today that I bumped into a group in Kiev, shortly after the Crimean territory seizure , just some group of 7/ 8 people I met randomly,.. All those people had some annual event that they met at some special place in Crimea, every year. And they shared this with me, without wanting my contact , without wanting anything except that they felt bad that they could not go to their special place that year, 2014, 2015. There was no agenda, they simply shared that simple thought with me. Crimea is a paradise, it is the crown jewel of travel destinations of Ukraine. Becoming a sealed, isolated economy is a terrible burden for the People who stay there. Being unable to return to your home safely, is a terrible fate many people in Ukraine face. Every day I feel bad , it will take many years, perhaps decades to return Crimea to active participation within the modern economy . Regime change is awkward, as the West does not want to risk a nuclear war over the Crimean issue, but the third world war could happen from that space, unfornatelty
. Soviet Union did not only extract grain, crop harvests from Ukraine starting on the early 1930's through forced collectivization, but few people realize that they extracted the easy oil and gas energy reserves in Carapathia, while not huge in today's terms, it was significant, and only added to Ukraine's present day predicament of being dependent on outside energy resources, while the coal reserves are substantial , and those were significantly taken during the Eastern Ukraine conflict, the Black sea/ Azov Sea has potential substantial energy reserves ,
much like Great Britain is presently downplaying the Gatwick Airport region oil reserves at the closing moments of #Brexit,
Russia, is clearly hiding the extensive information that they have on offshore oil and gas in the Azov sea/ Black sea region. I'd guess that my British friends wouldn't excoriate me for revealing a state secret outright, but honestly, as I read it out, the Southern England Gatwick region oil reserves could well provide England an air tight oil supply , through the end of this century.
They will continue to utilize relatively cheaper foreign oil for their current needs (I assume ) through the next 20 years or so. Just ringing back around to Ukraine, I met a Nigerian bloke based in England on my last flight out of Ukraine, decent guy, a little upset that our flight was totally bolloxed. But I asked this decent fellow, about his impression of this news from 3-4 month previous. He said "Yeah, I have been down in that area, the dirt is red (like the oil bearing regions of Nigeria) the man is in the wild industry. He was not trying to sell me anything, did not want to share any contact information with me, he was neutral about his business prospects from any such situation. Despite the easy energy taken from Ukraine under Soviet Occupation, it's still Europe's largest geographic area, and it still has much potentials. England as it nears a Brexit deal/ no deal could well be sitting on a sweeter deal, it's simply surprising to me, that much like our recent USA election hacking , the war in Ukraine and other things, that the media misses some of the most essential aspects of geopolitics. Of course, it's still about resources, technology is a factor, but not the driving factor in my opinion. Human resources, energy, raw materials resources, strategic resources and constraints.
Very few media stories about Ukraine and Russia having a tiff simply start with the tag line that :Ukraine , once the third largest Nuclear power in the world, a nation that bravely agreed to become a non-nuclear state in 1994, today her tugboat meant to assist peaceful merchant vessel traffic was rammed by Russian military vessels, military vessels in much larger ship size and engine class .
Perhaps this tugboat was engaged in a survey of a bridge that many International engineers consider a public safety hazard. An illegally constructed bridge across a shared International border, built without Ukraine's consent. And as Ukraine continues to attempt some efforts to protect their citizens who are under illegal occupation by the Russian Federation, they are conducting non invasive surveys of this slowly sinking bridge across the Kerch straight.
It could be compared to some hypothetical scenario wherein China used private funds to build a bridge across the Missippi river for robotic semi transport trucks, yet the Missippi governor granted the bridge with a waiver preventing US coast guard or our Army Corp of engineers from being able to access or inspect the bridge, and that the geotechnical firm that performed the geotechnical analysis for building the bridge's foundation had a net worth of 150 US $. This is Russia today, and we should not be harsh towards their people. A Nurse, a trained , educated nurse in Russian Federation makes at best 300$ per month. A trained nurse of roughly equivalent education in the San Francisco/ LA/ Seattle/ New York labor market can earn 110 $ per hour within certain labor classifications. So, in 3 hours, a California based nurse can earn more than a Russian medical worker can earn in 160 hours of work, or something like that. And I have been in Belarus, which shares the same economic zone as Russia, the prices of food in Belarus as compared to Walmart food or something like that/ It's the same price. Just try to forget about the ramming some random tug boat issue of today's news. Get a grip on the reality.
Now in some ways I wish that the pedantic nomenclature of John Kerry was in play. I could just hear how it would go "I was in Vietnam, I was wounded in action, and fortunately, I escaped bad things, but I am here today to express my concern for the safety and well being of Ukraine's sailors who were taken captive, and trust that a speedy return of the captured men will quickly transpire" Now I have a Republican leaning friend who was a class mate of Kerry at Yale, who I'd say pretty much despises him, but I like that I live in a free country, that my friend who was his class mate can Trash Senator and former Secretary of State John Kerry, we may kind of disagree, yet remain good friends, this is what a free country is about. I am not a big fan of Senator Kerry, yet I respect him. I don't know what to think of Sergey Lavrov, nor do I know what to think of Mike Pence . They are just people, people who have vast support structures under them. I am just me. My friends, family , colleagues I think in total that'd agree that I am simply a self directed person , that I worked my entire life without any support infrastructure, yet I have had interesting guides, influencers. About those influencers I don't have time to expand. At this moment we have 2 dozen new prisoners of war. I don't have time or the room to expand on my perspective about that . I have to be honest about my impressions of the patterns of the past about the treatment of POW's in this conflict. I just cannot imagine the wild bifurcations that the ship "NIkopol" was involved as I know that this town sent their young men and older men off to die in Afghanistan, during the Soviet war. I remember 8/10 years ago seeing these plastic clad memorial signages in Nikopol center of their men lost in that far away war.
For everybody, this war in Ukraine is a total shock. For the men on the crews of those boats, their families, my knowing on a personal level, witnessing what has been done to POW's of Ukraine in this conflict, it's hard for me to find sleep. I will rest. I am not too depressed to carry on with my things, continue as I can to care for my friends and family. Yet this is a hard, difficult and stressful situation.
ONE THING THAT I HAV SEEN, is that President Trump has gotten very stressed ahead of meetings with Mister Vladimir Putin. As evidenced by his verbal attack of CNN Jim Acosta
it remains to be seen if he can keep his cool this week ahead of the G20 meeting in Argentina
this was indignenous people's holiday (Columbus day/ Thanksgiving week, yet we all should be aware that technically Lief Erricson discovered North America ? )
There are indigenous people everywhere, as I've met them in Ukraine, America's indigenous people's , they persist, thankfully: We could learn a little more from their wisdom and perspective, perhaps ? It seems like a lot of the migrant, or some part of the migrant caravan were indigenous people going North, since we have such a low unemployment rate. I don't like delving into my domestic politics situation too much: A friend of mine is Honduran, his family owns a large business of some sort .Some person in his family was kidnapped, as I remember the telling , the outcome was not good. Now this person has resources, education, this person is a contributor to California. No bribes, stealing, or corruption . Now if this person were to view a rushing of USA's borders, is it possible that people who did bad things to a person in his family were in that group, that this person could feel uncomfortable ? Now this is not posted to defend the horrible racism of the Donald Trump, he may be the worst president in the history of USA, but we have to deal with him, for now anyway. He is hugely compromised, and he's a realist, as was Ms CLinton, Bernie Sanders is a realist, Michelle Obama is definitely a realist, Wesley Clark is a realist. While the USA has a leadership conundrum , Russia has no options. Russia has a leader with many issues, with few answers. Steven Segal won't return my calls , and we have a Democracy Under siege. Laissez Le Bon Temps Roullez! Let's hope we don't all get blown up in the next 24 hours , and it's sort of Mister Trump's administration's problem to sort out his family history of housing discrimination and Nuclear annihilation in the next 24 hours. But I'm hoping to go one on one with Steven Segal , as much as we are diametrically opposed on issues, we had common teachers, different outcomes in this geopolitical conflict.
A process oriented NATO Integration for Ukraine , after all they've been through , aren't they entitled to consider the benefits of NATO membership ? With a potential economic decline in Russia, trending towards some indefinite decline into economic anarchy, variant criminal networks gaining greater clout and so forth. What secret white paper has outlined the vulnerability of the Russian Federations' Nuclear shield against the pressure of criminal networks to penetrate into the highest level of command control. What are the risks of the West, if criminal networks infiltrate the situation in those secret towns where the Russian arsenal is sequestered, in terms of maintenance, improvements, modernization? These are the hard questions that no media outlets dare to explore, yet the underlying reality is overwhelmingly realistic
As I am tending to becoming a more quiet observer of events related to Ukraine, I hadn't yet gotten a chance to comment on the World War 1 commemoration event in Paris. Not that I have any wish to aggrandize in any way Mister Putin, yet he certainly made a dramatic , last person entrance, hence perhaps the blog post title , some terse exuding of seriousness he showed, (perhaps augmenting the 2 chord "Sunrise Dance with the Devil riff, something reminiscent of A fairly heavily funded military, backed up by a massive Nuclear arsenal, and a wealth of energy reserves ) Mister Putin, as the final foreign leader to join the assembled crowd, his exchanging of perhaps odd glances with Ms. Merkel, greeting Macron, Merkel then greeting Trump, Melania, the deft pat on the arm of President Trump: This is High Drama, there's ghosts walking in Daylight, along Av. des Champs-Élysées, in that quiet morning rain. Our POTUS seems to get great irritation ahead of meetings with Mister Putin, as evidenced by his behavior in the WH presser, where he excoriated Jim Acosta of CNN.
My thoughts have migrated eventually, to the story written by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" so as not to be a total ignoramus , I got a copy, but haven't yet had a chance to dig into the translated narrative, but it's on my desk. Looks like a travel volume for me, maybe I'll reconnect with the "Village accountant" Former President Yuschenko, my sometimes incidental travel mate: it's intriguing to see him in the first class section, as he looks every boarding passenger in the eye, I'd guess scanning for potentially hazardous persons.
I looked quite a lot, to discern a vaguely neutral excerpt of the variant videos from the World War 1 commemoration: somehow the Reuters video which I also liked, I couldn't now find, but this Press TV video report is decent and devoid of commentary Press TV, being funded by Iran's Government, OK, I got it. Didn't they buy it from AL Gore ? Tommy Lee Jone's college room mate... So who is the fugitive?
The Reuters video of the event, showed President Poroshenko, and the Press TV video doesn't seem to . President Poroshenko has this rather George Washington quality about himself, statesmanlike, resolute.
He watches Putin from his peripheral vision, from the left I, as I remember. Poroshenko's poll numbers are low, he's imperfect yet I think the people of Ukraine (while they'll keep their voting choices close to the vest) may well vote for stability in leadership next year, and whomever should assume that job should know, that it's a very difficult job, filled with risks of uncertain nature, vast condemnation, and other appurtenant issues. Russian Federation has hurt Ukraine pretty bad. Due to matters of discretion, I won't expand on the details : if one had warm feelings for Ukraine, and really studied all the details , one might be compelled to throw one's self over the side of a high bridge . Or will the Kerch bridge simply sink into the 1000 Meters deep Miocene geology so fast that it's like going to be a five meter diving board, a hazard of navigation?
So the Devil's got a new pair of shoes?
Some news emerged from Luhansk , I can't quite verify it, but it's revealingly dark and I think relevant,
from Dennis Kazan on the Inforesist web site : some coal miners went on strike, and they were treated really badly by the Russian Separatist occupiers::
I remember press coverage of politicians in Simferopol Ukraine, that the press coverage featured expensive 200$/ 300$ pairs fo shoes of the local political leadership. Like that if you have an 800 $ per year salary, can you afford a 300$ pair of shoes to wear to a public meeting?
Now since I was there at New Years's at the start of 2014, I could sense these things, albeit indirectly, one could feel that the juggernaut was coming, and there was nothing I could do, I was essentially a nobody, just s silent witness , but at least I am still alive, ready to fight another day .
Recently, employees of the Partizanskaya mine in the city of Anthracite (the territory controlled by LPR) tried to organize a strike and demand payment of wage arrears.
By their naivety, the miners decided that they were really living in the “people's republic” and tried to claim their rights. But the laborers were quickly explained that here they were no longer Ukraine.
Yet no media seems to have picked up the thread that I am currently most interested in, vis a vis Michael Cohen's admission that he fudged his congressional testimony about the Trump Organization's plans to build a tower in Moscow up until June of 2016. While the world is notably consternated by the atrocious murder of Jemal Kashoggi in Turkey,
I'm still trying to ask the basic question of WHO KILLED PAVEL? It now seems possible, in my extremely humble opinion that Pavel Sheremet was working on a devastatingly cohesive news story about Trump/ Russia connections at the time of his killing in July of 2016. It is even possible that the "ask" of Putin/ Russian Federation for the USA to remove it's forces from Syria was perhaps a loaded smashed Potato of some sort, of an information conduit from Russia that was being unearthed vis a vis the Pavel Sheremet Car bomb killing in Kiev , something that could inferentially (perhaps) have implicated specific individuals in the Trump election operation to the car bombing (Like that "this is really happening and you have to clean up any potential mess Paul manafort left behind him, like the smell of dog shit on the shoes of stolen money) . I remember at first , everyone said about SHeremet's car bombing that it was the Russians behind it. What if it was in fact "The Americans?", just an inference of course, to the TV show...people in between the 2 forces of Trump and Russia .
Is the Putin High 5 with MBS some sort of reference to "Hey man' we're now in the same "Murdering Journalists club" And we're richer than anybody imagines. If low paid FSB operatives were given a schematic of President Putin's true riches, how would, or could their loyalty be compromised? When you zoom out on the costs of Taking Crimea from Ukraine, was it worth it, will it be worth it, going forward, Maybe one should ask the suit on the street ?
This maybe was from 2011 or something, what I noticed, had noticed, is that the Russian scourers of information grabbed on to the fact that I actually knew that the news interviewer's mom was a local High School Biology teacher in Simferopol , Crimea, Ukraine.
I don't really want to thin things out of invented air.
What I would postulate is that in the late 2000's that much of Russia was ignorant of the Crimean reality. While it's true that Ukraine, although Crimea was fully integrated by transport, economically, linguistically, Crimea was always a quiet pocket of boutique corruption, a localized thing. To Quote my first contact in the territory , "You Don't Want to Know" (about it)
I still miss Simferopol, in as much as I never had great luck making friends there, it flowed well, it was a foot traffic friendly little village, down there. I'm sorry I can't go back to it.
Returning to Putin's "Ask" of President Trump, I was expecting this, what was the more easily possible Foreign Policy move he could make, asked via back channels, and then in person: cementing the idea to pull out. I won't get judgmental , anything that enables US forces to evacuate from a zone of harm's way. And I won't judge Melania's White House Christmas trappings, engage in trashing the First Lady's choices. In fact I think she's showing her witching craft somehow.
Ukraine , it's analysts shouldn't bother too much dissecting Melania Trump's signal messaging for the moment, last year white, this year red, next year not blue, what , Orange???
Are we going to harken to the symbology of my travel mate President Yuschenko ? I wish we could zoom back to the days when the lady's of "The View TV talk show would excoriate Yuschnko for his not allowing "Sir " Elton John to adopt a Ukraine orphan. I mean it like, no hard feelings, he did a show on FreedomSquare anyway.... But about Madame TYmoshenko, I simply cannot say. It's going to be a tough battle for the Presidency next year, and who wants that job? It's really stressful and complicated.
Pavel Sheremet was a man that befriended me, in an easy, non pretentious way. He was killed by a car bomb in the week of the 2016 Republican National Convention. While it is a well referenced historical Cliché, that coronations of Kings and Queens are often aligned with dark murders, often of disinterested neutral parties ( parties that hold, or seek to reveal relevant , potentially damning information).
I do know that Pavel Sheremet, spoke specifically to me, of issues relating to the then surging candidacy of Donald Trump, Trump's potential relations with Moscow financiers. While I was then minding my own business, and not completely sure of who exactly Pavel Sheremet was,
I remember the meeting at the cafe, his questions to me, in pretty good detail.
\Trump TOWER Moscow might have been Pavel Sheremet's career capping news story to scoop this outline, of an ultimate compromise of an American Presidential candidate.
It is quite possible that everything from stifling the surge in the Democratic campaign's April/ May 2106 activity boosting or busting Bernie Sanders was literally joysticks by operatives within the Kremlin's disinformation campaign: they optimized the most unpopular candidate, it's actually brilliant. There is some political genius within the Kremlin that revels in the chaos she or he can create in the West, it's stunningly effective. For Ukraine it pretty much sucks, ye the info war is only beginning, and is China the ultimate beneficiary ? wouldn't , doesn't China relish being able to carve out the soft underbelly of Russia, Former Soviet Union ? They are positioned to do it, it's probably a question now of when and how? USA and Russia exchange a rapid salvo of devastating Nuclear strikes, leaving China relatively unscathed ? I'd assume they are preparing, as they should, it's only rational to do so.
Did China carefully insert some elements within the Crimean territory conflict , through economic deals and hidden requirements to "Sign off" on Port deals, etc > ? That is above me, and if I knew than I'd probably not be able to write this.
Ukraine experienced forced collectivization under Soviet rule. It was brutal, inefficient and horribly inhumane. Tens of Millions were killed in the Holodimir via mass starvations. Why should they have supported the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States Agreement) at the time of the Euro -Maidan ? They wanted to shift towards Europe. Britain now is looking at Brexit, another example of Economic agreement wherein Russian Federation interests wished to sow chaos and create impossible conundrums.
I spoke of old wealth in Gatwick area of England, perhaps this is a sign of that issue cropping up within the business and government/ private interest interface. Ukraine has enough energy to take care of itself if it can resolve the seizure of it's territories of Donbas/ Crimea.
(about Sheremet's car Bomb assassination) A person connected with Ukraine's SBU (like their FBI) was alleged, through journalistic investigations to be conducting surveillance on him, yet that person claimed to be on "Unofficial duty, just supervising security of some children sleeping in a nearby apartment" or something like that..." There was a mysterious couple who are said to have planted the bomb, and a person in disguise with a hat and a walking cane who went up to the car to determine if the job was done, after the blast .
The whole situation of Killing Pavel Sheremet , as we Americans say , seems "fishy" This is now 2.3 years forward, of course it's way past the contemporary dialog. Yet the Friday Headline, fades to the Sunday headline. THE M.B.S/ Kashoggi issue could still be equally relevant in different, and unique ways. I have no interest to cast aspersion upon any party for either scenario, let the narrative play out in the media, allow the investigators to do their work, quietly, efficiently, gather evidence. I want to read about it in 2 or 3 weeks, not 2 days. Or learn the outcome in the months ahead. Investigators have to parse conflicting and competing lines of inquiry, manage fierce disagreements. Financial forces prefer swifter and less elaborate processes leading to the official conclusion . MH17 incident is still the largest of the singular crimes within Ukraine's Crisis of self determination. Perhaps some crimes are never meant to be solved ?
I miss those times that I'd easily get an overnight train from Kiev into Simferopol, and my street musician friends occasionally noticed me on the street ; they'd strike up a classic American song, such as "Oh When The Saints Come Marching In" or something like that. I really liked those guys, the accordion and baritone sax player.
What was President Obama going to actually do, when the "Green Men" took over the critical Crimean infrastructure , expelled Ukraine's forces from the territory, in early 2014 ?
Send in the US Marines? , maybe like try to launch a counter-invasion force and risk a nuclear war confrontation that would end civilization as we know it ?
(as obeisance to the Budapest Memorandum )
What largely prevented that abstract situation from being vastly more pertinent , was perhaps, the simple fact that, Ukraine's President Yanukovych was in flight, going, gone to Russia , escaping from his obviously heinous crime, of a highly Kleptocratic nature, the upheavals in Kiev, mass murders of anti- Yanukovych regime, anti- corruption protesters ,
Ukraine chose, did choose a Western destination, their middle, upper middle class didn't like the anarchy of that moment, their exposure to personal risk, it was like a daily weather report, "are their shootings, explosions, deaths on our national capitol today?"
Kiev's elites, the regional elites, spent 100 years or more learning how to conduct stealthy deals for quiet advantages, future profits. I see such tactics as an outcome of a complicated, repressive history wherein those with money and power can decide outcomes, not so much as selfishness, greed. I think it's the rear when they can return those hidden advantages to help the Nation's economic revival.
(when Russian Forces seized Crimean territory )
The International community was reluctant to act, in that vacuum of leadership, the subsequent sham elections in Crimean territory slammed the door on a realistic dialog, Russia entrenched itself, fell back on it's variantly well oiled campaigns of disinformation. It became a shit show in Eastern Ukraine Crimea, with much loss of life, destruction, looting, mirrors reflecting mirrors, reflecting mirrors, ultimately leading to our USA's election hacking in 2016. This then leading, to the tilted election of President Trump. I don't harbor excess ill will for the man, he was pushed into his situation by his Dad, Fred Trump (and his hidden cohorts of the conservative, ultra-wealthy echelons of society) .
Fred Trump, I think, wanted acceptance of His Donald , into the Masonic order of power, but never got it, and hence the ascension of Donald Trump, an imperfect man at an imperfect moment in history,, wherein the Democratic party ran it's worst election ever in historical memory, making it only too easy for Russia to tip the scales in it's apparent favor.
I looked at the video of the tugboat of Ukraine going through the Kerch straight or something like that, steady courses laid , trying to get to starboard as the bigger ship coming into/ from the left, with another big ship on her right flank, the boat had nowhere to go, idled her engine to avoid the collision, and the Russian boat turned left intentionally to ram her starboard front quarter. This was not an aggressive piloting situation by the tugboat captain of Ukraine. It was mostly about some analysis of action of variant boating activity leading the Russian side to feel emboldened that they could engage in a show of force.
Now I felt the need to insert some of my characteristic randomness :
maybe it's extremely non relevant. Yet my last visit to Ukraine, the last place that I visited, formally, informally , for various reasons, purposes, I didn't go in, just tarried at the door step, was the home of Mikhail Bulgakov, for while he is thought to be, is claimed as a Russian writer, it's on Andrievsky descent , in Kiev, he was a doctor, and became, chose to be a daring writer, working way, way outside of the accepted parameters of that time in SOVIET UNION history.
So I'll type out page 129, of the Penguin Translation of The Master and Margarita herein:
\ Police! Seize her!" Sempleyatov's wife shouted in such a terrible that many hearts went cold.
And here The Cat also leaped out to the footlights (of the theater 0 ) and suddenly barked in a human voice for all the theater to hear:
"The seance is over! Maestro! Hack out a March!"
The Half crazed conductor, unaware of what he was doing, waved his baton, and the orchestra did not play, or even strike up, or even bang await, but precisely , in the cat's loathsome expression, hacked out some incredible march of some unheard of brashness.
For a moment there was an illusion of having heard once upon a time, half blind, but rollicking words to this march:
His excellency reached the stage
Of liking barnyard owl
He took under his patronage
Three Young girls and an owl!!!
Or maybe these were not the words at all, but there were others to the same music, extremely indecent ones. That is not the important thing, the important thing is that, after all this, something like Babel broke loose in the Variety. The police went running into Sempleyarov's box, people were climbing over the barriers , there were bursts of internal guffawing and furious shouts , drowned in the golden clash of the orchestra's cymbals .
And no one could see that the stage was suddenly empty, and that the hoodwinker Fagott, as well as the brazen Tom-Cat Behemoth, had melted into the air , vanished as the magician had vanished earlier in his armchair with the faded upholstery.
Immediately followed by Chapter 13 , "The Hero Enters ...."
On more dry news of the Russian Ukraine war/
Ukraine’s biggest state-run bank says an arbitration court in Paris has ruled that Russia must pay $1.3 billion in damages for property seized in the annexation of Crimea.
The press service of Oshchadbank said Monday the court ruled in the bank’s favor, and the bank will now take “all possible measures” to get the money back from Russia.
That could include seizing Russian assets around the world, the bank said.
The announcement came amid new tensions between the neighbors over Ukrainian naval ships seized by Russia near Crimea.
Bank official Andriy Pyshnoho encouraged other Ukrainian companies to seek international arbitration “to restore justice” over property seized in Crimea.
Russia did not immediately respond to the ruling./
Excuse me? it's only 1.3 billion US $'s ? All right, I kind of get it. that's only for Oshchadbank's loss . I was walking onto their bank in 2012, 2011, and heard that they'd give me 30% interest on deposits, at the time America, USA gave 2% at best.
If one were to assess economic and humanitarian losses and hard costs , in my opinion it should be 1 or 2 trillion US $ in costs \ for seizing, taking Crimean territory. I may have posted earlier and reflected today that I bumped into a group in Kiev, shortly after the Crimean territory seizure , just some group of 7/ 8 people I met randomly,.. All those people had some annual event that they met at some special place in Crimea, every year. And they shared this with me, without wanting my contact , without wanting anything except that they felt bad that they could not go to their special place that year, 2014, 2015. There was no agenda, they simply shared that simple thought with me. Crimea is a paradise, it is the crown jewel of travel destinations of Ukraine. Becoming a sealed, isolated economy is a terrible burden for the People who stay there. Being unable to return to your home safely, is a terrible fate many people in Ukraine face. Every day I feel bad , it will take many years, perhaps decades to return Crimea to active participation within the modern economy . Regime change is awkward, as the West does not want to risk a nuclear war over the Crimean issue, but the third world war could happen from that space, unfornatelty
. Soviet Union did not only extract grain, crop harvests from Ukraine starting on the early 1930's through forced collectivization, but few people realize that they extracted the easy oil and gas energy reserves in Carapathia, while not huge in today's terms, it was significant, and only added to Ukraine's present day predicament of being dependent on outside energy resources, while the coal reserves are substantial , and those were significantly taken during the Eastern Ukraine conflict, the Black sea/ Azov Sea has potential substantial energy reserves ,
much like Great Britain is presently downplaying the Gatwick Airport region oil reserves at the closing moments of #Brexit,
Russia, is clearly hiding the extensive information that they have on offshore oil and gas in the Azov sea/ Black sea region. I'd guess that my British friends wouldn't excoriate me for revealing a state secret outright, but honestly, as I read it out, the Southern England Gatwick region oil reserves could well provide England an air tight oil supply , through the end of this century.
They will continue to utilize relatively cheaper foreign oil for their current needs (I assume ) through the next 20 years or so. Just ringing back around to Ukraine, I met a Nigerian bloke based in England on my last flight out of Ukraine, decent guy, a little upset that our flight was totally bolloxed. But I asked this decent fellow, about his impression of this news from 3-4 month previous. He said "Yeah, I have been down in that area, the dirt is red (like the oil bearing regions of Nigeria) the man is in the wild industry. He was not trying to sell me anything, did not want to share any contact information with me, he was neutral about his business prospects from any such situation. Despite the easy energy taken from Ukraine under Soviet Occupation, it's still Europe's largest geographic area, and it still has much potentials. England as it nears a Brexit deal/ no deal could well be sitting on a sweeter deal, it's simply surprising to me, that much like our recent USA election hacking , the war in Ukraine and other things, that the media misses some of the most essential aspects of geopolitics. Of course, it's still about resources, technology is a factor, but not the driving factor in my opinion. Human resources, energy, raw materials resources, strategic resources and constraints.
Very few media stories about Ukraine and Russia having a tiff simply start with the tag line that :Ukraine , once the third largest Nuclear power in the world, a nation that bravely agreed to become a non-nuclear state in 1994, today her tugboat meant to assist peaceful merchant vessel traffic was rammed by Russian military vessels, military vessels in much larger ship size and engine class .
Perhaps this tugboat was engaged in a survey of a bridge that many International engineers consider a public safety hazard. An illegally constructed bridge across a shared International border, built without Ukraine's consent. And as Ukraine continues to attempt some efforts to protect their citizens who are under illegal occupation by the Russian Federation, they are conducting non invasive surveys of this slowly sinking bridge across the Kerch straight.
It could be compared to some hypothetical scenario wherein China used private funds to build a bridge across the Missippi river for robotic semi transport trucks, yet the Missippi governor granted the bridge with a waiver preventing US coast guard or our Army Corp of engineers from being able to access or inspect the bridge, and that the geotechnical firm that performed the geotechnical analysis for building the bridge's foundation had a net worth of 150 US $. This is Russia today, and we should not be harsh towards their people. A Nurse, a trained , educated nurse in Russian Federation makes at best 300$ per month. A trained nurse of roughly equivalent education in the San Francisco/ LA/ Seattle/ New York labor market can earn 110 $ per hour within certain labor classifications. So, in 3 hours, a California based nurse can earn more than a Russian medical worker can earn in 160 hours of work, or something like that. And I have been in Belarus, which shares the same economic zone as Russia, the prices of food in Belarus as compared to Walmart food or something like that/ It's the same price. Just try to forget about the ramming some random tug boat issue of today's news. Get a grip on the reality.
Now in some ways I wish that the pedantic nomenclature of John Kerry was in play. I could just hear how it would go "I was in Vietnam, I was wounded in action, and fortunately, I escaped bad things, but I am here today to express my concern for the safety and well being of Ukraine's sailors who were taken captive, and trust that a speedy return of the captured men will quickly transpire" Now I have a Republican leaning friend who was a class mate of Kerry at Yale, who I'd say pretty much despises him, but I like that I live in a free country, that my friend who was his class mate can Trash Senator and former Secretary of State John Kerry, we may kind of disagree, yet remain good friends, this is what a free country is about. I am not a big fan of Senator Kerry, yet I respect him. I don't know what to think of Sergey Lavrov, nor do I know what to think of Mike Pence . They are just people, people who have vast support structures under them. I am just me. My friends, family , colleagues I think in total that'd agree that I am simply a self directed person , that I worked my entire life without any support infrastructure, yet I have had interesting guides, influencers. About those influencers I don't have time to expand. At this moment we have 2 dozen new prisoners of war. I don't have time or the room to expand on my perspective about that . I have to be honest about my impressions of the patterns of the past about the treatment of POW's in this conflict. I just cannot imagine the wild bifurcations that the ship "NIkopol" was involved as I know that this town sent their young men and older men off to die in Afghanistan, during the Soviet war. I remember 8/10 years ago seeing these plastic clad memorial signages in Nikopol center of their men lost in that far away war.
For everybody, this war in Ukraine is a total shock. For the men on the crews of those boats, their families, my knowing on a personal level, witnessing what has been done to POW's of Ukraine in this conflict, it's hard for me to find sleep. I will rest. I am not too depressed to carry on with my things, continue as I can to care for my friends and family. Yet this is a hard, difficult and stressful situation.
ONE THING THAT I HAV SEEN, is that President Trump has gotten very stressed ahead of meetings with Mister Vladimir Putin. As evidenced by his verbal attack of CNN Jim Acosta
it remains to be seen if he can keep his cool this week ahead of the G20 meeting in Argentina
this was indignenous people's holiday (Columbus day/ Thanksgiving week, yet we all should be aware that technically Lief Erricson discovered North America ? )
There are indigenous people everywhere, as I've met them in Ukraine, America's indigenous people's , they persist, thankfully: We could learn a little more from their wisdom and perspective, perhaps ? It seems like a lot of the migrant, or some part of the migrant caravan were indigenous people going North, since we have such a low unemployment rate. I don't like delving into my domestic politics situation too much: A friend of mine is Honduran, his family owns a large business of some sort .Some person in his family was kidnapped, as I remember the telling , the outcome was not good. Now this person has resources, education, this person is a contributor to California. No bribes, stealing, or corruption . Now if this person were to view a rushing of USA's borders, is it possible that people who did bad things to a person in his family were in that group, that this person could feel uncomfortable ? Now this is not posted to defend the horrible racism of the Donald Trump, he may be the worst president in the history of USA, but we have to deal with him, for now anyway. He is hugely compromised, and he's a realist, as was Ms CLinton, Bernie Sanders is a realist, Michelle Obama is definitely a realist, Wesley Clark is a realist. While the USA has a leadership conundrum , Russia has no options. Russia has a leader with many issues, with few answers. Steven Segal won't return my calls , and we have a Democracy Under siege. Laissez Le Bon Temps Roullez! Let's hope we don't all get blown up in the next 24 hours , and it's sort of Mister Trump's administration's problem to sort out his family history of housing discrimination and Nuclear annihilation in the next 24 hours. But I'm hoping to go one on one with Steven Segal , as much as we are diametrically opposed on issues, we had common teachers, different outcomes in this geopolitical conflict.
A process oriented NATO Integration for Ukraine , after all they've been through , aren't they entitled to consider the benefits of NATO membership ? With a potential economic decline in Russia, trending towards some indefinite decline into economic anarchy, variant criminal networks gaining greater clout and so forth. What secret white paper has outlined the vulnerability of the Russian Federations' Nuclear shield against the pressure of criminal networks to penetrate into the highest level of command control. What are the risks of the West, if criminal networks infiltrate the situation in those secret towns where the Russian arsenal is sequestered, in terms of maintenance, improvements, modernization? These are the hard questions that no media outlets dare to explore, yet the underlying reality is overwhelmingly realistic
As I am tending to becoming a more quiet observer of events related to Ukraine, I hadn't yet gotten a chance to comment on the World War 1 commemoration event in Paris. Not that I have any wish to aggrandize in any way Mister Putin, yet he certainly made a dramatic , last person entrance, hence perhaps the blog post title , some terse exuding of seriousness he showed, (perhaps augmenting the 2 chord "Sunrise Dance with the Devil riff, something reminiscent of A fairly heavily funded military, backed up by a massive Nuclear arsenal, and a wealth of energy reserves ) Mister Putin, as the final foreign leader to join the assembled crowd, his exchanging of perhaps odd glances with Ms. Merkel, greeting Macron, Merkel then greeting Trump, Melania, the deft pat on the arm of President Trump: This is High Drama, there's ghosts walking in Daylight, along Av. des Champs-Élysées, in that quiet morning rain. Our POTUS seems to get great irritation ahead of meetings with Mister Putin, as evidenced by his behavior in the WH presser, where he excoriated Jim Acosta of CNN.
My thoughts have migrated eventually, to the story written by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" so as not to be a total ignoramus , I got a copy, but haven't yet had a chance to dig into the translated narrative, but it's on my desk. Looks like a travel volume for me, maybe I'll reconnect with the "Village accountant" Former President Yuschenko, my sometimes incidental travel mate: it's intriguing to see him in the first class section, as he looks every boarding passenger in the eye, I'd guess scanning for potentially hazardous persons.
I looked quite a lot, to discern a vaguely neutral excerpt of the variant videos from the World War 1 commemoration: somehow the Reuters video which I also liked, I couldn't now find, but this Press TV video report is decent and devoid of commentary Press TV, being funded by Iran's Government, OK, I got it. Didn't they buy it from AL Gore ? Tommy Lee Jone's college room mate... So who is the fugitive?
The Reuters video of the event, showed President Poroshenko, and the Press TV video doesn't seem to . President Poroshenko has this rather George Washington quality about himself, statesmanlike, resolute.
He watches Putin from his peripheral vision, from the left I, as I remember. Poroshenko's poll numbers are low, he's imperfect yet I think the people of Ukraine (while they'll keep their voting choices close to the vest) may well vote for stability in leadership next year, and whomever should assume that job should know, that it's a very difficult job, filled with risks of uncertain nature, vast condemnation, and other appurtenant issues. Russian Federation has hurt Ukraine pretty bad. Due to matters of discretion, I won't expand on the details : if one had warm feelings for Ukraine, and really studied all the details , one might be compelled to throw one's self over the side of a high bridge . Or will the Kerch bridge simply sink into the 1000 Meters deep Miocene geology so fast that it's like going to be a five meter diving board, a hazard of navigation?
So the Devil's got a new pair of shoes?
Some news emerged from Luhansk , I can't quite verify it, but it's revealingly dark and I think relevant,
from Dennis Kazan on the Inforesist web site : some coal miners went on strike, and they were treated really badly by the Russian Separatist occupiers::
I remember press coverage of politicians in Simferopol Ukraine, that the press coverage featured expensive 200$/ 300$ pairs fo shoes of the local political leadership. Like that if you have an 800 $ per year salary, can you afford a 300$ pair of shoes to wear to a public meeting?
Now since I was there at New Years's at the start of 2014, I could sense these things, albeit indirectly, one could feel that the juggernaut was coming, and there was nothing I could do, I was essentially a nobody, just s silent witness , but at least I am still alive, ready to fight another day .
Recently, employees of the Partizanskaya mine in the city of Anthracite (the territory controlled by LPR) tried to organize a strike and demand payment of wage arrears.
“People in camouflage and masks knocked out the door, fists in the face from the threshold of the husband ... In the end, the husband was taken away, and he was not four hours old, the eldest fainted, I just saved her! They took him in his underwear at a temperature of -2 ºC. They took out several people from those who had participated in the strike outside the city, gave them shovels and forced them to dig holes. And while they were digging holes, they told what they would do to their wives and children! As a result, they were released, in the cold they walked to the city on foot, around no one, since the curfew! ”Is the story of the spouse one of their strikers.
After such a “preventive conversation”, several participants in the strike were fired. The order has already been published online.
Unfortunately, people who dream of living in Russia and want the Russian order often have little idea how it looks in practice until they themselves come across directly. We, of course, also have many problems in the coal industry. And the miners often go on strike. But we are not humiliated and not beaten for it. And in the end, the strikers manage to pay off debts
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