The Slowly Sinking Bridge from Russia:

might not have been worth doing any of it. almost like they took a wild guess, a leap of faith into a chasm of absurdity.
And what about the curator of the Ukraine Library in Russia? what became of her ?? It is a tale reminiscent of the tale of tough women who can keep their composure in the worst of circumstances .
Indeed, upon the illegal annexation/ seizure of the Crimean territory, corruption within Ukraine was a key touch stone of Mister Putin's speech, and here we see the nearly irrefutable evidence, that corruption within Crimea, most likely, only got much more intensified, stratified under the continuing Russian occupation. It has plausibly become a clearinghouse for the ripping off of Russian Taxpayers by their managerial elites.

Aside from the Paltry and diminishing value of the Naval base in Sevastopol, the true value of the Crimean territory hasn't been appropriately calculated in any context that I've read about so far (there is way more gas and oil there than people realize, much like the oil in the Gatwick area of of England it's just deeper down in the crustal folds of the offshore/ subsurface environment..
The tragic and needless destructive war in the Donbass region of Ukraine has been mostly about installing a geopolitical leverage on Ukraine, in effect, to force them to agree to some aspect of tactical force (not legal force) to legitimize the seizure of Crimean territory. The right kind of money in the correct places could potentially have short circuited the entire pathway towards war in early 2014. I was there in this time in late 2013, believe me, it was a cheap option.
So what about this thing in Kerch, Crimea ? And what ever did happen with diplomacy between the Nations? As far as I can analyze this incredibly sad tragedy is this another blame it on moment>? , I began to forget that I had affinity for the people there. in Crimea Now if you feel that they are your family, and then you forget about them, strange things can happen.
I looked at the video and decided this young killer man: he was definitively under the influence of hypnotic suggestion. His body language was very programmed. He did not look left to right as he went through those video monitored places. He looked robotic, dispassionate. Mentally ill, this is hardly the best way to describe the activity. Mental illness shows ticks, blips in the rhythm , this was a purely robotic behavior. As a sympathizer of Ukraine, and a general sympathizer of the people in the Russian federation, this was aberrant , unbelievable, artificial.
Since it is clear, that Ukraine has no access to the crime scene, much as MH 17. It will become 1 more game, in this age of smoke and mirrors. If you could imagine such a crime in United States, where the FBI had no access to investigate the scene, it's not so different as the situation in Kerch.
Since it is clear, that Ukraine has no access to the crime scene, much as MH 17. It will become 1 more game, in this age of smoke and mirrors. If you could imagine such a crime in United States, where the FBI had no access to investigate the scene, it's not so different as the situation in Kerch.
IS USA going to risk a war with Russia from an amphibious assault along the Sea of Azov? Would Russia risk that? probably not.
perhaps it is a a random observation, the territory, Oblast of Kerch has embedded history in archaeology , from the source materials of the original Faberge workshops, other things going back to Phoenician times, and the Phoenicians are said to have been present in the Early North American prehistory . Ohio shell mounds have shown evidence of Phoenician artifacts. It is a very complex game under foot, with the USA withdrawing from START treaties set up under Reagan/Gorbachev.
I feel very bad, I looked at every person who was victim of the massacre at the Technical college. I believe no narrative of it, that I have seen, read so far. I have been there, sat with these people before all this mad failure in diplomacy, this space race of the political egos. We have to search for the tools of peace in the rubble of chaos in the tragedy, peace through truth and reconciliation seems like the best option.
on other subject:
While the world reels from the horrific news of Jamal Kashoggi's death in Turkey , I reflect on the death of VIctoria Marinova in Bulgaria
Now knowing the FSU, well enough, there are certain rules of behavior. The killing of Vika Marinova wasn't, in my opinion some random crime . There is a harder story to write about what transpired, perhaps she was burning to write about the dark truths haunting her country. Maybe she had a mad vision of the truth, but it was real and relevant .
She would have easily had a chance to persuade her alleged killer and rapist of better options, yet he did it anyway, or so it seems. It was brutal and inexcusable. Capturing the alleged killer isn't so easy to use, as an excuse to wash it away. You could write it off as a class issue, her parents saying it is over, perhaps this means nothing. Simply a man standing at the corner reading a newspaper a certain way, could imply a hidden threat in such a society. The Ukraine I knew and know had a code, such things were not allowed, or if they did happen, there could be big problems. The confessed killer is simply working out that specific angle of his lies. I can only pray for the safe journey go her soul to a better future where she can regroup, rebuild, reshape her focus, and heal the ravages within her . I would suggest a sharper focus on the back story of her confessed killer, in the hope she did not suffer in vain.
She would have easily had a chance to persuade her alleged killer and rapist of better options, yet he did it anyway, or so it seems. It was brutal and inexcusable. Capturing the alleged killer isn't so easy to use, as an excuse to wash it away. You could write it off as a class issue, her parents saying it is over, perhaps this means nothing. Simply a man standing at the corner reading a newspaper a certain way, could imply a hidden threat in such a society. The Ukraine I knew and know had a code, such things were not allowed, or if they did happen, there could be big problems. The confessed killer is simply working out that specific angle of his lies. I can only pray for the safe journey go her soul to a better future where she can regroup, rebuild, reshape her focus, and heal the ravages within her . I would suggest a sharper focus on the back story of her confessed killer, in the hope she did not suffer in vain.
Her murder happened, at about the same set of days as Mister Kashoggi's killing . Vika seems to have been an aspiring upper middle class young lady, who wanted to make a difference. You could simplify it perhaps as a clash of classes within Bulgaria, as much perhaps , as one can simplify Kashoggi's brutal murder as a clash of perspectives. Honestly, I do not want to hint at Russian Mafia in Bulgaria. It is true that they boast that they bought sizable portions of Bulgarian Coastal real estate, yet her town was in the interior . this is perhaps more about how easy it can be to exploit European Union funds through corrupt mechanisms, by local actors, yet nothing is defined in this, so far.
As to the subject of Ukraine Starting Over, it cannot truly start over until it more thoroughly acknowledges the messy history of the post Euro Maidan environment.
Having been around a lot back then , there , I did know Pavel Sheremet, I remember the place of our meeting like yesterday , he was a warm, perceptive man. We had some issues communicating as my Russian language skills were not good enough, but I git a sense of him, and he of me. Pavel befriended me at that place and time, we didn't spend more than an hour together at the cafe, he had places to go, people to meet, yet I liked him in a way I like very few people.
Having been around a lot back then , there , I did know Pavel Sheremet, I remember the place of our meeting like yesterday , he was a warm, perceptive man. We had some issues communicating as my Russian language skills were not good enough, but I git a sense of him, and he of me. Pavel befriended me at that place and time, we didn't spend more than an hour together at the cafe, he had places to go, people to meet, yet I liked him in a way I like very few people.
Who did kill Pavel Sheremet ? so far the case has not been solved, he was killed during the week of the Republican National convention. He did ask me about Donald Trump, and I replied "Yeah the TV show, whatever it was about: I am a West Coast guy, we don't pay too much attention to the Hollywood media stream featuring some East Coast business celebrity in North California .
Yet Pavel Sheremet, he was a veteran journalist, probably he was working an angle in 2015 when I met him , perhaps a career defining story. He had that freedom of movement, ability to travel to Russia talk with sources there , perhaps not his native home in Belarus (since he had been thrown in Jail there for his reporting ) , he did have various backers, influencers .
Maybe he even asked me about Manafort or people doing election manipulations like that ?
I can't quite recall every detail. . I was in that weird space of being in reality, an actual nobody who could maybe by some weird chance , be an actual information source, yet was really a nobody. At the end of the day, the US State Department has some hard questions remaining to answer, if they care to try. How were they not aware of Mister Manafort's massive siphoning of money from Oligarch firms milking Ukraine's State treasury? Do they care to fall back on some excuse that they were played by him? State Department did not know of this massive exit of Ukraine's National treasure,?? Or was it too awkward?
Maybe he even asked me about Manafort or people doing election manipulations like that ?
Now I fear wearing an Apple watch, that if I did get an interrogation for some allegations of state sponsored activity (which is total hogwash) then what will I think about of they ask me to remove my watch and my shoes? It is really scary what was done to Mister Kashoggi, was he working on a journalism story about a Saudi Nuclear development program? what else justifies such an extreme treatment? Is not it logical, that with Iran being Nuclear capable, or pre nuclear, that Saudi Arabia wants equal status? Ukraine (having gone non Nuclear), North Korea (considering going Non-nuclear) , Japan (able to go quickly Nuclear ready), various states. Is not this the cusp of another Nuclear arming race? Certainly the money is not an issue for the Saudi's to become Nuclear ready. Was not , Mister Kashoggi simply working a year long or more investigation about a possible Saudi Nuclear program ? Or what if the Saudis were informed falsely that he had an investigation underway about some subject along those lines ?
What about even those minor states like Uzbekistan? Have we entered the are of the Nuclear weapons flea market ?
A Shoe-Embedded Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for ... - MDPI]\
Jamal Kashoggi went very bravely into that consulate
by J Zhao - 2014 - Cited by 96 - Related articles
Jul 11, 2014 - wireless transmitter, which can be activated once every 2–3 steps with an active period ... The mechanical energy dissipated in shoes can even power a ..... Although it is not an optimal way to charge batteries, the battery ...
The Tom Marley effect : I remember on the 1980's early times that people who remarked on Bob Marley's music converted his name somehow to "Tom Marley " Americans have a limited attention span, we are caught up in a consumeristic , price obsessed shopping culture. Education ends when people's brains get locked onto the TV set, computer now. Yes I attended an intimate concert by Peter Tosh , and my friends when I mentioned the Wailers said' Oh, you mean he played with Tom Marley?" Hence, "The Ukraine " "The Moldova" "The Italy"
what is Saudi Arabia up to really ?
what is OK to ask about? Were the Saudi Nationals manipulated into being the culprits for 9/11? It isn't hard to imagine, how the embedded participants within state apparatus refuse to accept believable contrarian evidence on many subjects, from UFO's to cancer research, and the limitations of physics and scientific research. Yet the Russians have expertly seized on this conspiracy and disbeliever theorist to embed distrust within the heartland of America about our government. I believe in my nation, believe in it's flaws and my own flaws. They are great flaws, or perhaps greater flaws. AN imperfect, odd numbered thing can be a greater thing.
Is there Honey in the Rock of USA/ Russian Federation and Ukraine state relations? Pvel Sheremet, when I met him some 10 months before he was blown up by car bomb, he asked me directly about Trump, he was working a story on that, I am certain of it.
Well ineptitude, that's still the gold standard for mistakes, and the art of living is about fixing your mistakes, it's not about doing things perfectly every moment and every day.
Saki :) just a place to get black mud on your skin, enjoy some peace and quiet, sun. Yet it is a Public Health asset of Ukraine that was taken.
Saki :) just a place to get black mud on your skin, enjoy some peace and quiet, sun. Yet it is a Public Health asset of Ukraine that was taken.
Honesty, I cannot really say what I think or feel ( it is probably incorrect ) , the massive crime against Ukraine has to be answered for Russian energy markets (feeding the Western powers) probably did float the grey and black market economy of \ Eastern and South East Ukraine for some time.. Could there be some absurdly hypothetical washing of the Clinton cloth within Russian Federation, such as the science fiction scenario, of the Saint Petersburg "Clinton Institute"? Such prevarications have no merit in the current context of reality, and I am certainly no fan, yet not a detractor of Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton . A jaded American public that disdains the Clintons can discard them, and this is the narrative of redemption. Much as Reagan people learned from the Gorbachev coalition, and Clinton was perhaps, in some ways mentored by Yeltsin. It could be the ultimate comeback tour. With age declining drugs and technology, who knows what Bill and Hillary could be doing 10 years from now?
Certainly a process of understanding, adjustment and forgiveness is appropriate as compared to that doomsday scenario of mutual assured destruction. Could Ukraine survive this scary scenario of West and East Destruction? Yes, it is possible, yet the global economies are so intertwined today. Within such a nightmare scenario, Ukraine could hypothetically help to save the bacon of USA, it's not impossible.
Some sort of Crop failures within large parts of USA (as part of Global warming) can potentially be offset by crop production in Ukraine, (as a part of the bigger EUROPEAN LANDSCAPE)
. Within this hypothetically absurd scenario, USA becomes like the character of "Oliver Twist" the vagabond pickpocket trained by the "artful Dodger " imprisoned within some Lord of the flies dungeon asking "Please sir, another bowl of the thin porridge ?" I know that crazy people could hunt me down, Russian agents could put Novichok on the doorknob, or something like that for saying such things. People in Ukraine, many people are very smart , yes of course the brain drain is a reality, same thing is true for Georgia. Venture capitol has given it's vote to the best and brightest of Ukraine AND GEORGIA. These are massive economic forces. Ukraine did not suffer in quite the same way as USA did suffer in the 2008 economic melt down. Their best and most bright people did catapult within the USA economy, however rough and irregular that process unfolded in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. And yes of course USA's State Department did sign off on the transactions, also within the Russian Federation, some anti-USA outliers were included in the process: it's normal. Despite what the strong hand of the right wing holds today (apparently), this is simply a progression between the left and the right. As the Capitalistic class within China and various continents such as Africa progress, including of course, India, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, some readjustments will transpire, with some minor surprises. Brazil can easily join the Nuclear club, igniting a potential militaristic posturing of position of dominance within the current Nuclear free zone of South America.
Nobody is really talking the truth about reality. If Russian people want to claim Ukraine as their territory, they cannot nuke, bomb from the air, it is like they curse their entire population. If Ukraine wants to accept the Russian people imported over 150/200 years time span into their territory, then they have to accept those people , and their contributions within the current nascent state. A massively huge deal has gone down within USA to accept Kavanaugh, as a justice to USA's Supreme Court, and the burden will be upon him , to adjudicate the role that Merrrick Garland could have exerted within the court, including any legal representations of President Trump. Will there ever be a "Hillary Clinton Institute of Saint Petersburg Russia" ? It is total science fiction, yet as Russia appears to resurrect Madame Tymshenko (to the utmost horror of my Nationalist friends) Can China exert her influence within the Russian sphere to shift away from the Taiwanese money that ultimately got the Trump elated, elected? After all, it's not about the hacking, it is probably about the money thing that made it happen .
The party of power "United Russia" in recent elections in the Russian Federation could not win in four regions. Its candidates lost the elections in the Vladimir region, the republic of Khakassia and the Khabarovsk Territory, ceding to representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) or the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). And in the Primorsky Territory, where the United Russia defeated, the election results were canceled because of falsifications. This is written by the author on the website "Apostrophe" .
Enormous efforts have been made to somehow stabilize the situation in Russia. The authorities have a tremendous repressive, propagandistic and ideological impact on society. But this does not give any results. That is, the problem faced by the Kremlin today is that society does not accept this power. And no longer for some reason of democracy and freedom of speech, but simply because society does not survive with this power. This becomes clearer and clearer.
The second echelon of power protection from the population went to work - these fictitious opposition parties of the LDPR and the Communist Party. There are no elections, it is clear that this is a protest vote, because they even ruled out the article "against all". The Kremlin greatly underestimates society, believing that with the help of the propaganda campaign everything will be able to push through. But you can not shove the unintended ...
So the results were well-forecasted. The Kremlin is panic because it understands that these results are still a delicate message from voters that they no longer believe this power. And then some indelicate actions will go on ...
The trained voter was accustomed - or supposed to have been taught - to put a tick in the right place - for United Russia, or at least for Fair Russia. Now this reflex disappears. This means that the voter refuses to play the game that the regime imposes on him. This does not mean that the voter now has the opportunity to vote for an alternative. But this means that the next step will not be the demonstration of disloyalty, but some aggressive actions.
#Russia probe
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