Rockabilly , Poltergeist Ukraine !
it is perhaps something like what is going on there, or maybe it's something like what is happening in a "Mean spirited town" like Washington D. C. It is going to be some kind of epic ride this year !
maybe the metro transport has missed me, just a little? I had hoped for the chance to reconnect to it recently, and maybe that's actually becoming possible ? Maybe I will become once more a small part of all this random, abnormal activity in Europe's largest Nation . Now if I wear the San Francisco Giant's colors of Black and orange, that is awkward:(. Orange is yesterday's color. White, Yellow, Green are bold, pure & vibrant colors in Ukraine. Maybe Red and Black is OK, if you are into that.
me, actually my college dissertation was dish washing, and a few other things, anthropology, history, marine botany. I am not really qualified to seriously comment. Yet my hunch is, looking at probable time tables and known realities. I can say right now my hunch, nothing more, purest speculation of the most raw form. It is this thing : that the World's third largest Nuclear Arsenal Ukraine had agreed to dismantle during Bill Clinton's first term as President, along with the cooperation of Russian , European forces (where it was to be reprocessed and exchanged for equal values of Nuclear energy reactor fuel, my theory being that some portion of that material was perhaps diverted to North Korea, to augment a weapons development program.. It seems likely that the Syrian Nuclear weapons program (as outlined in the highly detailed Haaretz article, may have been directly supplied with Nuclear material sequestered by Russian Federation (derived from the dismantling of Ukraine's arsenal ) . \
I mean to say it in plain language, OK guys, that's just how they do it.
It's business with a tactical focus (in the Russian Federation)
I hesitate slightly to say it that Ukraine can just kick back and watch the Russian Scene unravel. For sure it is a
I hesitate slightly to say it that Ukraine can just kick back and watch the Russian Scene unravel. For sure it is a
Diocletian paradox, splitting empires.
yet ultimately, while there is minimal sympathy, Ukraine continues to tolerate the devil, just a little:
yet it's all in good fun, it is still a Nation of remarkably good mental and physical health!
and yes of course it's the best place to allow your feet to make the phone call :)
yet ultimately, while there is minimal sympathy, Ukraine continues to tolerate the devil, just a little:
yet it's all in good fun, it is still a Nation of remarkably good mental and physical health!
and yes of course it's the best place to allow your feet to make the phone call :)
it's unfortunate really that Rex Tillerson was relieved of command, because seriously, he, more than anybody understands the Russian economy. And in that world, the personal relationships are tantamount to everything, the man has a heart and he cared about what he was trying to do. Simply passing on notes to his successor is not the same as being in the room with the Russians to attempt to hash out a deal. I will not judge President Trump's actions here, it's not my place.

Yet it is as plain as day that Kim Jung Nam's mom was buried in a Moscow cemetery, he had to know things for sure. And was the disappearance of MH 370 connected with all of this, Taiwan did he know things, was he in Malaysia by accident or convenience or purpose ? It is all too way weird. I am sure that the things I don't know could get me killed anyway: it's a dangerous liaison with random information, but life has been OK. I met a doctor from the Israeli Defence Force in Ukraine. He was cool and real. The story has not yet been told about the true involvement of Israel in Ukraine's "revolution of Dignity " And I am not the person to tell it. Yet the similar narrative is emerging from Syria, and it's perhaps anybody's guess who will write the history .
And Ukraine appears unafraid to update it's recent history in authentic ways : for sure the Black cat appears as an inverse luck charm.
we who care about Ukraine truly hope for a return of the times of Peace and good fun, lively social interactions, people feeling good about their honest work, yet the Historical comparison with Northern Ireland, isn't far from the potential of Ukraine's future feed forward.
Funny or interesting that the Police vans, have Ukrainian colors on them. There are dispossessed and upset trouble makers in every part of the world, people with grievances and who demand the right to make their point. Yet the non dispossessed people have to be understanding , try to accommodate such things, and allow the legal system to fairly process such bumps in the road .
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