arresting on rooftops now ?

Well indeed,
perhaps the song remains the same ?

Former Georgian President/ Prime Minister  Mikhail Saakashvilli being arrested on a rooftop. 
I am happy to hear that he is shaken up, yet basically okay. Certainly he's a dedicated reformer.

And yet, what about my totally unattributable story that North Korea got it's Nuclear Weapons material from Ukraine's supposedly reprocessed weapons grade fissionable material  from the dismantling of their cache of dismantled Nuclear weaponry, and "research grade " materials ? I am probably high on my own imagination, yet Those materials got transported and reprocessed by The Russian Federation in accordance with the International agreements of the Budapest Memorandum.  Perhaps the chain of custody from weapons Grade material to Nuclear fuel rod material ought to be reviewed?

Russia should, and deserves in some way to be a solid partner in global security. But is my insane speculation that the banning of Russian athletes in the next Olympics could align with the weird train crash in Germany ? Is it possible the train switching mechanisms can get hacked ? Well, it is all danger land. 

People in Ukraine are concerned that the laws of their constitution remain respected and observed, nothing more, nothing less. I still have not studied how the "Georgian Dream" election results sifted out. I think that everything while dicey is going to be decent, (maybe not Dandy, but decent is good enough) It is nice to hear that Mike is OK, he's not hurt, he can live to fight another day, yet now it seems he has to align with Petro Poroshenko's rules. They need stability as I hear it, not wide spread unrest. Perhaps Saakashvilli can sift back to Georgia or something like that, to become a master baker of Shotis Puri, their famous oven baked breads!
It is actually pretty abstract that a guy who can hang out in Queens New York can transport not just himself, but an actual dream of reform to a Nation he wasn't born into. I wish him all the best, while he may be high on his hyperbole, he does care. People say about the president, that he is unhappy, yet what President of any major Nation, is truly able to be happy in these times? Well that's it, maybe the author of Ukraine starting over will be running over the rooftops tomorrow, and nobody may not even hear about that. And I am a little out of shape, I doubt the video would be nearly so interesting as seeing a former president of the "FSU" being dragged across the rooftops, after all, I am only an ex- professional dishwasher. Last time I checked, I only have 8-10 regular readers here

yet is this song about Mike or Pete?

it would seem that it's something to be thankful for that Mike didn't actually fall off the rooftop
my guess, is that he got the "Come to Jesus" speech" from the Prosecutor. He looked shaken yet still managed to elicit the Ukraine National anthem from the crowd ... as such he's way ahead of me.

perhaps Ukraine has built up an addiction to opposing reality ? How do the riders of Kiev's metro system feel about opposing reality ? Often when I have ridden public transport in the "Provinces" those areas outside the capitol ring of 2 hours transport , there is no mood, it's just a muted sameness.  Every hard day, week, it is the same. And now with the EU integration there are many devils in the media whispering in people's ears to leave Ukraine and not to love Ukraine, as it exploits them, it's leaders hollow out the economy by offshoring wealth. Let us hope they bring the millions and billions back, to live, Love and die another day just a little bit harder and better than before.

Escape through Drama and a striving for stability. As before that quote from the Movie "Apocalypse Now" when Harrison Ford delivers the radio intercept from \ Kurtz: I feel like a snail, crawling on the edge of a thin Razor
as the helicopters circle about the cheap construction trailer in Vietnam, and Mertin Sheehan drinks Scotch on the rocks, whilst the commander quotes Abraham Lincoln about "the Better Angels of our Nature"

I won't invent artificial subtext, but I like this song from my fictional "friend" Kaki King
)( I have seen her live in concert, she's pretty damn good on her guitars, she is a player :)

Please now just hear me out, before you kill somebody now
Listen to what I say, before you go & kill yourself
Somehow you've been exposed
Headquarters thinks the case is closed
You need to hit the road, they're on your trail again

I've become someone else, someone new
It's up to you
if I live or die too

I am guardian, I am the only one who knows
Gonna get you to a safe-house where nobody goes
They know your face, they know your names
That was our deal
They've put the borders on alert so don't get hurt again

I've become someone else, someone new
It's up to me
If I live or die too

I did this to you, yes I did
I had my own life to save
I did this to you yes I did

Again, I've become someone else
Someone new
It's up to them
Will they let me through

Running on rooftops now
The great escape

Perhaps I should check where my passport is, if I have any serious chance to get out quickly, or should we be proud of this elite revolution that has swept America ? Or was that Ukraine?  , the last time I checked? Will the DPRK hydrogen bomb detonated over North America, derived from fissionable materials sourced from decommissioning Ukraine's third largest global arsenal of Nuclear weapons destroy North America's power grid before the year gets out. it is not the kind of thing one safely speculates about in this Brave New World we live in, and I hope it's totally a fig leaf of my imagination.

Turkey will leave NATO and Ukraine will go in, that is the deal we face here ? It is certainly possible.

Not sure I love it , but it could end up working out OK, that way. The question continues to center on Crimea. 

Actually I see an error, among many in my writing, not so much an error. Yet I wrote earlier of a contact with deep ties to the Russian Military. Yes it's true as I know it. Somebody I still consider a friend who has a family member that maintains the nuclear capability infrastructure in one of those "secret towns" in Siberia , a town without a name on the map. And the reason I emphasize this is that my friend is a friend. They never wanted anything from me, they welcomed me to their home, they lived in the Crimea as a matter of personal health. I also had a family member with deep ties to the Pacific Submarine fleet. When you like and respect another person, outside of politics and rhetoric, it only means that. We are all a product of circumstance. People are prone to leap to conclusions outside of any fact or evidence. This is the challenge of our era, to escape from the leap toward conclusion , outside of actual evidence or scientifically provable fact. Of course, I am immersed in the wave of Ukrainian Nationalism , I think it will soon be known as perhaps the greatest Nation of our times, their imperfections can be converted to extraordinary greatness. 
This is indeed ,for them ,  that greatest and worst of times. They are faced with the greatest of challenges and the worst of obstacles. A virtual barricade of enormous  psychological and logistical scope, perhaps greater than all other barricades in their path before now.  
     And, while they are not alone in this political and social/economic reformation, I feel that for me, it is more easy to understand. It isn't the 5 tier chess board of the Middle East. It is Ukraine , pure and simple. And they have to find a way to reach across to the working people of the Russian Federation, to transcend the political boundaries to find a Peace to this petty problem, a war for which there was no reason in the first place. Maybe blame it on the technocratic redundancies of EU, or OBAMA, or Secretary Clinton, or Vika Nuland, or President Hollande, Angela Merkel, or just blame it on me, maybe I could have stopped the whole war before it started, and I don't imply that it's some joke. We should all accept some responsibility, for this useless and inexcusable conflict that has cost thousands of precious and unique people's lives. Now I hear that the Russian media wants to shift the blame onto "the Goblin" Aksyonov. Actually I remember seeing him at New Years Eve 2014 (or the night before at the Crimean Regional capitol, Simferopol , Ukraine, standing outside the nightclub welcoming his guests. He was the man ruling the roost that night. It was a wild, drunken night, and I drank my share at the club. I was only feeling comfortable that I was with people who knew me, and comfortable enough that I was capable of walking myself to the Hotel after the reverie. People invited me to their table, shared vodka shots with me. I think they knew then what would be happening in 50 or 60 days forward, that they would go to Russia.  And from this, a war in Ukraine's East would start. 10-15,000 people would die horrible deaths, many scores more wounded and destroyed lives would transpire. The band did play on, and they weren't great.

Now I guess I will wander back through here and insert my photo from that night. Or the whole file of photos , if possible. IT WAS AN interesting moment in time. perhaps that same night I went to the club "Alcatraz" populated apparently by Tatars and such youth, bouncers were heavy Russian guys or something.  I am sure that club has a new name and theme, sure that they took down the "California Republic " flag. But you know they can't steal way real life experience. I remember it as a fun, interesting night and time. It's unfortunate that the Crimean territory is a "no -go " zone now... so much lost economic potential. A veritable alternative energy paradise lost, for now anyway. And it makes me more than a little sad. Such  a beautiful and historical place, now so lost from the world, cast away in figurative, internet era terms, eternally.

Now I still refuse to believe the theory that all conflicts are created and nurtured by the media, it is still interesting to see that it's the birthday of
Hollywood and the media were heavily peppered in the 1930's with people of Eastern European descent, and as such they are justified as being part of our present day narrative of East/ West discord and the potential for rapprochement .

I remember this lady from the market in Simferopol Ukraine today, a very nice lady: I hope she's okay. I bought a scarf from her and gave it to a friend as a birthday gift.


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