There's a new guy in town ? or I need help with Doing the math on Ukraine .
broken industrial mechanisms do have the ability to spring to life, I am keeping on, keeping on with the faith that they can, sorry as it's way too long a post and I've update it with some more current events. While one can certainly piss upon this thought, that "it's about the music" who is to stop us from thinking that ? If it is bad music played by great musicians, it is still bad music. If it is great music played by bad musicians, it is still badly played music . Now I am neglecting my real work here, not that I am afraid of it, but perhaps that I have to hedge my future both ways ? as it stands the last time I checked, I am still unsponsored, and washing dishes is starting to sound more profitable, than creating fantasy about Ukraine's future potential.
Honestly, I could be wrong but maybe I am the sole entity who writes regularly about Ukraine, who actually knew the manager of the Rolling Stones, so of course, I am biased both ways : for Ukraine, it's prosperity and continued Independence
and for the Rolling Stones, may they live long and Prosper
I just tweeted a reply to Mick working in the studio, "keep it up Mick"
(live long and prosper is a classic Star Trek quote, from mister Spock, Leonard Nimoy , a Ukrainian , by the way)
Hoping for a chance to catch a bit of video from their (Rolling Stones ) Stockholm concert just now as I go to publish !
Bill Graham , his purported Crossing of EUrpoe hitching rides on the back of turnip carts , to escape the Nazi death apparatus, arrive in America with only the shirt on your back the barest vestige of a family here and ultimately become the greatest Rock Concert Promoter of all time, it was a stupendous feat, like something greater than myth or legend : there was a fair bit of theater and some bluster, ingenuity plus totally figuring out that success was about the "user experience" That fairly brilliant idea of buying a barrel of apples and staging it at the entrance to a concert, free for each entrant with a ticket to grab and munch upon, well it's not mentioned much in the press, or by historians, but it could have been the nucleus, of the ideas surrounding the advent of apple computer by Steve and Wozniak.
Of course , it's true that I am always a bit behind the endless news curve. I continue to feel optimistic that Ukraine will become much better and greater than it has ever been, and could surpass the USA, or equal us in some regard, at some point perhaps near 2049. They have entered the 1970's version of "Xerox Park", yet when the critical upswing of technology emerges at it's multiplexed levels, their economy may take off and leave the USA as a "shared partner" in progress.
I Know first hand that Israel has been a silent partner of Ukraine in their pushing back against Russia , and of course Israel's PM, Golda Meir was from Kiev. Israel has a lot of business interests in Ukraine, they are at the core of the tech and Real estate markets in Ukraine , perhaps they view Ukraine as a back door, a place their families can live in and feel comfortable re-inhabiting. Of course, they try to feign a neutral hand with Russia, as wisdom dictates deference to powerful entities.
Perhaps the price that Ukraine has paid for walking away from the third largest Nuclear arsenal in the world, will seem trivial, compared to what DPRK is facing, if they continue this bellicose and malicious path. DPRK is an entire Nation that is allegedly hypnotized and brainwashed, yet how easy has it been to tip the USA into polarization and partisan bickering ? It's not just Facebook, Youtube has a lot of explaining to do, in their allowing hypnotically narrated story lines, biased sometimes, with extreme prejudice. There are many agendas out there waiting to exploit human weakness for #PulpFiction

I never got out a paper and pencil to study the math, if Ukraine had retained it's Nuclear Arsenal in the early 1990's. How many minutes would it take one of those operational missile units they had stationed in Ukraine, to hit Moscow or Saint Pete ?
Not that I want a missile hitting anywhere, any time, any way. Missiles really are the worst thing to inflict. They kill, obliterate, maim . No one wants such things ever, not in any way shape or form. '
Yet they exist, Dennis Rodman's buddy Kim apparently brandishes his missiles, like stroking his own ego, they claim to sing Karaoke together, like sweethearts forever ?
Now I am not going to judge Dennis,
as I haven't met him personally. Kim , I don't hope to ever meet.
After the disaster of Chernobyl (which could have involve a breakthrough experiment in cold fusion energy experimentation ) ,
Ukraine began a quiet debate, then later perhaps ostentatiously (with the encouragement of the Clinton administration ) , as a freshly Independent Nation embarked on a Non-nuclear path of Peaceful development and perhaps more open, post Soviet style thinking in the early 1990's.They roughly sorted out their options and averted anarchy. It was still a pretty rough situation. They , as a people , have truly been burned, ripped off, tormented by nightmares of bad government, yet they persevered. They wanted freedom, and got it, minus a good bit of treasure, but who ever set a price on freedom ?
It's my photo with Evgeniy Afineevsky. the director of Winter on Fire
While he was born in Russia , he says that he cannot ever go back there. His Russian friends who assumed some significant personal risk for even coming to the academy awards to support him, cautioned him "Don't go there, and don't go any place very near to Russia "
One of the core tenets of his film was about the Spiritual fire in people's hearts, and the spiritual fire of all faiths that what they were striving for, was spiritually true and righteous. One can throw the Euromaidan experience on a butcher block, hack away the NATO/ economic , diplomatic and fragmented social divisions , plus the sundry factors that separate the rich and poor.
I stood in the middle of that crowd on Freedom square, when the religious leaders made their speeches of support of the demonstration and the dialog about freedom and justice. While I missed a lot of the key events (as I was traveling and staying in other parts of the country ) , I was around then. I never heard much of the talk about Ukraine having walked away from the largest strategic military advantage perhaps ever given up in human history, and the winter on fire perhaps ignores that fact mostly, it's maybe a passing fact point.
Not being a terribly huge football fan, I have no interest in the UEFA events. I am surprised that it's going forward given the oppression of Ukraine's Tatar minority and political opposition against Ukraine's rightful claim of their National territory being recovered from the hosting country, Russian Federation. Now I bumped into some guys who are football fans recently , who said that they are going. I didn't say "Don't go there " but I did say to them "be very careful with yourself"
During President Obama, Russia and USA certainly worked together up through 2010 or so,
to totally eliminate all remaining fissionable material from Ukraine. Even from the physics and Medical Institutes. I see that Mister Saakashvilli was up in Sumy region recently (where there is a renowned physics Institute, just across the street from the larger Banking Academy where President Victor Yuschenko climbed his way up to the top of the hill of Bean counters) \
While the Physics building is relatively compact, they are still rather secretive about their stuff, reluctant to open up about anything, unless one is fully credentialed, which I, as an ex-professional dish washer, certainly am not<
Saakashvilli "Mike", he was invited up there, doing something like ..... stirring up trouble ? .
Did he not get 1.5 billion dollars (for Georgia) from Vice President , Dick Cheney ? I'd love to chat with Mister Saakashvilli about Cheney , since we each sort of know somebody who knew him for some time...Yet I kind of like that fierce intellectualism of Mikhail Saakashvilli. He is unapologetic, warm and ready for dialogue! He is not for sale , he is in it for the process, he is like a reform Junkie, and people see that altruism in him as real, genuine. Building good government is not like some "guy in charge " saying something like "do this like that" it is more about the entity, be they woman, man giving that person freedom to build the corner of the equation, as they see it most best built. And to silently, give them credit for building a smarter corner of the governmental equation. Certainly, there is no sense in yelling at someone who did their job in a smarter way than they were instructed to perform it. The job of a true leader, in my opinion, is to facilitate the work of their subordinates. Perhaps Poroshenko is secretly facilitating the work of "Mike" so as to allow his exit from the political spectrum, under the terms he finds most advantageous? It is anybody's guess yet I am totally confounded that I can't find any good humor about the total situation between the 2 men, their falling out. It kind of sucks but worse things beleaguer us mere servants to the elites. Mike is like the regular guy who can chill with and listen attentively to the regular people, and Poroshenko is like the upper echelon business man who can schmooze with the elites of business and government, who can wade into the fray of public discord , Poroshenko has not the gift of great and endless gab, but the ability to soothe agitated stake holders within a volatile situation. Poroshenko is like the beautiful ship with perfectly trimmed sails in every condition fair seas or stormy weather, and his special talent being that he never reveals what is in the hold, what the cargo of the ship actually keeps within.
As much as people are dumping on President Poroshenko, one should note the fact of public sentiment , that Ukraine is a Nation at war, staving off a mighty adversary depending upon the efficacy of some tenuous matters of sanctions. Things could, have gotten to get ugly, and highly lethal
in a heartbeat. The recent grenade attack in Nikopol, Ukraine, without checking my actual sources, I can almost say it for sure. The South East part of Ukraine, Nikopol in particular, as the locals call it "NIKOPOLIS " like some village of Gotham city in the BatMan movies. It is a place where if you ask about something people will say to you "You don't want to know"
While cities like Chernigov may be resilient and supportive of the central government, Nikopolis is an interesting place. It is a stronghold f the bigger business interests, it is what we Westerners would call a "one Horse town" even with a serious "OLD WEST" feeling and fully akin to what is said the be the "Wild, Wild East " The discontent can only be too rampant among the lower and middle class in such places of 100-150 thousand souls. I don't have the numbers of the Centravis jobs, but it's not a lot. I remember 4-5 years ago being with friends cruising around the town and having them see graffiti and saying "I didn't know that that gang was here" Perhaps the only way I could try in some vain fashion to sum up Nikopol would be to post the trailer for Peter Fonda's movie "Ulee's Gold " If you watched the full movie, not just the trailer, maybe one can understand such a place. I remember in the center of town, outside the main hotel, night club, that they had a memorial for Nikopol's Afghan war veterans, the men and boys killed in Russia's war against Afghanistan. I walked that colonnade of plastic printed facades seeing the names, faces, ages of date and birth of the men from Nikopol. What men from a flat, slightly swampy town like Nikopol, could hope to achieve on a totally foreign Nation of high mountain passes like Afghanistan, operating, under the orders of a general living with his family in a suburb of Moscow ? And I know personally a friend who worked intelligence and reads Farsi or whatever from that war < he is no friend of the Moscow political elites.
Soon, I feel that , unless the Presidential (Poroshenko _) administration in Kiev makes a sincere effort , to reach out to the South East of Ukraine, it may soon become too easy for Moscow's not so subtle operations to exploit discontent, despite all of the atrocities of the undeclared war and territorial seizure, while neglecting a child , a city, a population is potentially far worse than actual abuse, it can be just as bad. While I favor a process that heals the wounds of the war, like releasing political and POW prisoners, opening up trade and diplomatic conduits, there is still the ultimate burn notice capable of happening upon Ukraine. \
You have to Love Ukraine as much as the place, however damaged it may be, it is still an amazing, rich nation with incredible potential.
ULee's Gold , it continues to be my reference point of Ukraine, today, trying to start over. You'd have to watch the full movie to understand it. it is not a Hollywood style ending.
Some of my Ukraine friends did laugh, chuckle upon the fact that I knew Nikopol. One can shop un clothing stores in Dnipro (one could) a mere 1 hour 30 minute bumpy bus ride from Nikopol. The clothing stores along Kalra Marx boulevard (maybe they've renamed it, haven't been back there other than a quick trip since the Maidan) those clothing stores were said to be more expensive clothes than the most expensive clothes stores in London, and I went into those stores and looked at the prices , they were like 3-4 times more than the most expensive equivalent clothing stores in San Francisco, maybe roughly the same as Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, or even a little more....
The elites of Dnipropetrovsk/ Dnipro are a million miles distant from the 35 mile ride out to Nikoplois. The entire South East of the country in 2014/ and into 2015 was riddled with provocateurs and people looking to make problems with the EU integration and the resistance of Russian aggression .
Even as China and Russia's elites (as well as Ukraines') continue their rush to relocate hard assets to USA, they then become an identified minority to easily become ostracize within their countries. We as Americans should welcome them, and not leap to conclusions about their intentions, perhaps they can return what they withdrew from the National treasures soon enough, with fresh insight in American business practices, and we'll worry about the taxes later, maybe ?
When there is no actual law enforcement (as in places like Nikopolis ) , a weak judiciary, and rampant lawless behavior of the "Enemy within" as known as the Mafia, the drug epidemic, ruthless class exploitation, there will never be peace and a climate favorable for investments Not that they aren't currently quite ugly and lethal , it's just a question of scale. Poroshenko has held it together. I would suspect a significant back channel under this alleged pattern of corruption, has simply been various efforts to divert funds to the battalions who really hold the line in the East of the country.
Perhaps within the situation, It is not like the Movie "Gladiator ", another Ridley Scott classic (with the new Blade runner going online now)
For the moment it's still a cat and mouse, dog and cat, badger and wolverine style battle along the line of contact. Yarosh, one of the Black heads of the Russian media has disseminated his thinking on the treasure of Russian Military hardware ready for the taking once Ukraine, hypothetically regains their border control. That they would not repeat the mistakes of Poland in trying to work with older Soviet/Russian hardware. But didn't Yarosh get the Memorandum about the tunnel(s) being constructed via the "flooded mines" in Luhansk ? Of course , since they are flooded mines contaminated with Soviet era Underground Nuclear Blast tests, they are perhaps even more easy to hide from discovery of the ongoing activity
Now , excuse my fake news, but doesn't anybody have the schematic about the cross border tunnel system being built or planned , in secret , that will be utilized in future cross border commerce. Did anybody (of the 8-10 entities that regularly read my blog) ever read up on geothermal heating and cooling? Of course, they will sell off some of the coal derived from making the tunnels, but the true value will be in the long term ability to build sustainable industrial production facilities. It would seem obvious that the inflated construction contracts of the Rottenberg's who are building the bridge across the Kerch Straight are being used , diverted into paying for the costs of the cross border tunnel system #fakenews
Russian Federation has no intentions of leaving any item of Military hardware behind for Ukraine as I see it. They will simply build warehouses, or use existing, tunnel down under and drive the equipment out of Ukraine without any evidence of the mass of war machines ever having been there . Certainly there were significant video materials showing those black painted war machines driving in, but such things fade away with time. "It was a fantasy you had about us invading you" "It never happened, trust me"
Perhaps this The secret Russian plan is a recycled version of the 1970's Robert Redford Movie "the Sting" Somebody once told me that " the big dogs will fight it out," but will the coy , clever and crafty dog win the game ? They (Russia ) have a lot of military hardware brought into Ukraine, mre than the tanks , armament of the combined armies of several large European Nations . Yet who is better at faking the fake hand, in this high stakes card game?
Perhaps Catalan is an analogical version of a future true Crimean Independence intended to be coupled with a gradual re-integration with Ukraine, economically which makes much more sense in the reality of things (that Russia is largely declining and fragmenting, ) Now I hear that Ukraine's SBU just busted some leftist activists in Lviv who are anti-RUssian, it's truly a dystopian situation, or maybe there's something else?
I know for a fact that my contact who has deep ties to the Russian Military was allowed to freely operate in Lviv, without being hassled or messed with. Since 2 years or so ago that person returned to Crimea and I haven't heard from them, they went totally dark , perhaps for their protection from each side, who knows ? Yet to Ukraine's credit, they gave freedom to a talented person to do what they needed to make a living, and keep on, keeping on. My contact did favor the narrative that "I woke up in another country" My favorite quote was that "Ukraine fucked with my mind, for 2 years "
The history of Crimea is very complex, and the time period of Christianity is simply another chapter within a continuum of time. In my mind it's a travesty to persecute people whose thinking spans into Phoenician times, whose family were trading with Phoenician traders on the Black Sea. Yet possibly the deep state apparatus has not got the memo that such people have a right to decide their own fate. With Russia and USA, it's 2 / not -interlocked deep state apparatus who are wrangling and rustling cattle to their own advantage. China is the third front, with Indonesia, Saudi and all the Muslim dominated Nations as the third , fourth foil. Ukraine is caught at the side of the center of all this wrestling for power and influence.
yet the circumstances between Crimea and Catalan are vastly contrasted. Perhaps this night I will wish upon a star that Crimea can emerge from the nebulous status it is caught by, and become a vibrant regional player in the Global economy. It deserves to be so. And I hope that not only the Tatar people, but the ordinary folks of Crimea who are not connected with the imported power structure, the old power structure, the regular people, that they can find a life that is better, more fulfilling and vibrant, creative and free of fear and oppression. I hope that my friends and close, near people in Ukraine can return to Crimea and celebrate their rituals of cherished times together, close friends , visiting their special places . Rebuilding their feelings of "our Crimea"
Now I have talked with the Special Prosecutor about my role in the USA Russian election hacking, what I was doing while it was happening and why I was unable to stop it. And my further failures to stop the seizure of Crimea, which ultimately led to the US election hacking
: OK, just blame it on me. I guess that there are worse things than being a scapegoat for a Geopolitical cluster FUck.
I noticed that Mister Putin had his birthday recently , and people protested, via Mister Navalny urging people to express their discontent , folks were bringing little rubber ducks to the protest, and a few women being dragged into the vans screaming for bloody life, whilst they carried their copy of the Russian Constitution .
Anyway , maybe it could be dangerous for me, to mention that a little bird brought forth these thoughts about this Rolling Stone's song from their "Voodoo Lounge" release. And perhaps it is a message from Vladimir to Navalny, his opposition, or vice versa? I just can't really figure out why, but it seems so appropriate as a reference to Russia as it rethinks Ukraine in the Now.
"New Faces"
I remember having met Pavel Sheremet, the Belarus journalist at one of the little cafes around Independence Square in Kiev, that spring after the Euromaidan . Perhaps it was simply the fact of my being alone and squeezed into the little line of small tables on the terrace. He was with some friends , and they invited me to chat. I didn't quite understand the context of who he was, yet he was a friendly and gracious man with a smile that was memorable within their culture , wherein that action is reserved mainly for long standing friends.
I had recently seen a tweet that Ukraine had wrapped the case of his car bombing murder under the blanket of National Security, I certainly hope that they can get to the bottom of the pile of evidence concerning that. I can recite verbally, all the car bombings in Ukraine, yet feel no need to communicate those details of them, herein.
Suffice it to say, that I find it perhaps disturbing that the Chechen was killed near "the burger" in central Kiev, Sheremet was killed opposite "True Burger" does that mean getting a hamburger could be a dangerous undertaking in Kiev ? It's a pity, as I love a good hamburger> I had got a message from the dishwasher I know, at "The Burger" that the sound from the car bomb made the sewer pipes pop.
People ask me if it's safe to visit Ukraine, well Las Vegas creates a stark comparison.
So President Erdogan was just totally bored? Is President Poroshenko boring, or just the whole damn process of empty political machinations ÷?
In any case, Ukraine is changing in ways that Russia is not. The regular Russian people need to decide if they support these continued acts of hostility agains a peaceful neighbor in Ukraine.
Of course Mikhail Saakashvilli has his realm of validity. A second set of eyes and ears in such a volatile and emerging reality as Ukraine never hurts. He has his cape/ costume. Perhaps he has no equal ? he is not Jimmy Carter, Not Nixon, not Reagan, not Clinton , not really comparable to any ex president that I can think of. He simply understands how corruption centralizes itself
Paul Manafort has problems , he must atone for his glib excess of adventure in power plays
I do not agree with this hit piece on President Poroshenko, but it's slightly engaging
Nobody really plays up the Willy Wonka angle on Poroshenko (that I know of) but that could be funny. I have seen the Roshen sales people try to review the inventory needs of small stores in small towns in Ukraine. Honestly , I am not a fan of sugar and candy. Roshen should probably get more into producing sport nutrition and healthy snack foods if they want to survive, yet I am sure the candy thing is only the tip of the iceberg.
My acquaintance Anders has a piece out that's pretty good :
Of course, Madame Tymoshenko has to assert her continued relevance. What other woman in the world has gone through such an ordeal as she? Perhaps only Yulia Tymoshenko can truly elevate the lost stature of Secretary of State Clinton back upon the world stage ? Ms Clinton could perhaps take some notes on fashion from Madame Tymoshenko in her 17th century French Military general's attire :
But before USA goes to war against North Korea, perhaps we should analyze our internal narrative that has driven our reality for the last 16 years ? Why should North Korea give up it's Nuclea arsenal when the example of Ukraine becomes a stark reminder that relinquishing power unequivocally, trusting the words of others, no matter how extensive the coalition can be a treacherous road to ruin:
And with the MH17 incident, there's too much weird Numerology around the plane itself . My issue that I've been trying to push for the investigators , relates not so much to who was in the mix, but who was not in the mix, at the time of the event. These are very rudimentary investigative details. All of the nuances of the situation should be brought to light in the official findings. It would seem highly likely that Russian forces did flip the launch trigger of the BUK missile, yet what were the signals intelligence that they were getting at the time? the Investigation has to work in opposite directions and tandems, before this heinous crime goes before the world court.
As to RUssia's lump of coal that allows them to maintian their Gulag style in Ukraine, I like this little write up from ten days or so ago:
Honestly, I could be wrong but maybe I am the sole entity who writes regularly about Ukraine, who actually knew the manager of the Rolling Stones, so of course, I am biased both ways : for Ukraine, it's prosperity and continued Independence
and for the Rolling Stones, may they live long and Prosper
I just tweeted a reply to Mick working in the studio, "keep it up Mick"
(live long and prosper is a classic Star Trek quote, from mister Spock, Leonard Nimoy , a Ukrainian , by the way)
Hoping for a chance to catch a bit of video from their (Rolling Stones ) Stockholm concert just now as I go to publish !
Bill Graham , his purported Crossing of EUrpoe hitching rides on the back of turnip carts , to escape the Nazi death apparatus, arrive in America with only the shirt on your back the barest vestige of a family here and ultimately become the greatest Rock Concert Promoter of all time, it was a stupendous feat, like something greater than myth or legend : there was a fair bit of theater and some bluster, ingenuity plus totally figuring out that success was about the "user experience" That fairly brilliant idea of buying a barrel of apples and staging it at the entrance to a concert, free for each entrant with a ticket to grab and munch upon, well it's not mentioned much in the press, or by historians, but it could have been the nucleus, of the ideas surrounding the advent of apple computer by Steve and Wozniak.
Of course , it's true that I am always a bit behind the endless news curve. I continue to feel optimistic that Ukraine will become much better and greater than it has ever been, and could surpass the USA, or equal us in some regard, at some point perhaps near 2049. They have entered the 1970's version of "Xerox Park", yet when the critical upswing of technology emerges at it's multiplexed levels, their economy may take off and leave the USA as a "shared partner" in progress.
I Know first hand that Israel has been a silent partner of Ukraine in their pushing back against Russia , and of course Israel's PM, Golda Meir was from Kiev. Israel has a lot of business interests in Ukraine, they are at the core of the tech and Real estate markets in Ukraine , perhaps they view Ukraine as a back door, a place their families can live in and feel comfortable re-inhabiting. Of course, they try to feign a neutral hand with Russia, as wisdom dictates deference to powerful entities.
Perhaps the price that Ukraine has paid for walking away from the third largest Nuclear arsenal in the world, will seem trivial, compared to what DPRK is facing, if they continue this bellicose and malicious path. DPRK is an entire Nation that is allegedly hypnotized and brainwashed, yet how easy has it been to tip the USA into polarization and partisan bickering ? It's not just Facebook, Youtube has a lot of explaining to do, in their allowing hypnotically narrated story lines, biased sometimes, with extreme prejudice. There are many agendas out there waiting to exploit human weakness for #PulpFiction
I never got out a paper and pencil to study the math, if Ukraine had retained it's Nuclear Arsenal in the early 1990's. How many minutes would it take one of those operational missile units they had stationed in Ukraine, to hit Moscow or Saint Pete ?
Not that I want a missile hitting anywhere, any time, any way. Missiles really are the worst thing to inflict. They kill, obliterate, maim . No one wants such things ever, not in any way shape or form. '
Yet they exist, Dennis Rodman's buddy Kim apparently brandishes his missiles, like stroking his own ego, they claim to sing Karaoke together, like sweethearts forever ?
Now I am not going to judge Dennis,
as I haven't met him personally. Kim , I don't hope to ever meet.
After the disaster of Chernobyl (which could have involve a breakthrough experiment in cold fusion energy experimentation ) ,
Ukraine began a quiet debate, then later perhaps ostentatiously (with the encouragement of the Clinton administration ) , as a freshly Independent Nation embarked on a Non-nuclear path of Peaceful development and perhaps more open, post Soviet style thinking in the early 1990's.They roughly sorted out their options and averted anarchy. It was still a pretty rough situation. They , as a people , have truly been burned, ripped off, tormented by nightmares of bad government, yet they persevered. They wanted freedom, and got it, minus a good bit of treasure, but who ever set a price on freedom ?
It's my photo with Evgeniy Afineevsky. the director of Winter on Fire
While he was born in Russia , he says that he cannot ever go back there. His Russian friends who assumed some significant personal risk for even coming to the academy awards to support him, cautioned him "Don't go there, and don't go any place very near to Russia "
One of the core tenets of his film was about the Spiritual fire in people's hearts, and the spiritual fire of all faiths that what they were striving for, was spiritually true and righteous. One can throw the Euromaidan experience on a butcher block, hack away the NATO/ economic , diplomatic and fragmented social divisions , plus the sundry factors that separate the rich and poor.
I stood in the middle of that crowd on Freedom square, when the religious leaders made their speeches of support of the demonstration and the dialog about freedom and justice. While I missed a lot of the key events (as I was traveling and staying in other parts of the country ) , I was around then. I never heard much of the talk about Ukraine having walked away from the largest strategic military advantage perhaps ever given up in human history, and the winter on fire perhaps ignores that fact mostly, it's maybe a passing fact point.
Not being a terribly huge football fan, I have no interest in the UEFA events. I am surprised that it's going forward given the oppression of Ukraine's Tatar minority and political opposition against Ukraine's rightful claim of their National territory being recovered from the hosting country, Russian Federation. Now I bumped into some guys who are football fans recently , who said that they are going. I didn't say "Don't go there " but I did say to them "be very careful with yourself"
During President Obama, Russia and USA certainly worked together up through 2010 or so,
to totally eliminate all remaining fissionable material from Ukraine. Even from the physics and Medical Institutes. I see that Mister Saakashvilli was up in Sumy region recently (where there is a renowned physics Institute, just across the street from the larger Banking Academy where President Victor Yuschenko climbed his way up to the top of the hill of Bean counters) \
While the Physics building is relatively compact, they are still rather secretive about their stuff, reluctant to open up about anything, unless one is fully credentialed, which I, as an ex-professional dish washer, certainly am not<
Saakashvilli "Mike", he was invited up there, doing something like ..... stirring up trouble ? .
Did he not get 1.5 billion dollars (for Georgia) from Vice President , Dick Cheney ? I'd love to chat with Mister Saakashvilli about Cheney , since we each sort of know somebody who knew him for some time...Yet I kind of like that fierce intellectualism of Mikhail Saakashvilli. He is unapologetic, warm and ready for dialogue! He is not for sale , he is in it for the process, he is like a reform Junkie, and people see that altruism in him as real, genuine. Building good government is not like some "guy in charge " saying something like "do this like that" it is more about the entity, be they woman, man giving that person freedom to build the corner of the equation, as they see it most best built. And to silently, give them credit for building a smarter corner of the governmental equation. Certainly, there is no sense in yelling at someone who did their job in a smarter way than they were instructed to perform it. The job of a true leader, in my opinion, is to facilitate the work of their subordinates. Perhaps Poroshenko is secretly facilitating the work of "Mike" so as to allow his exit from the political spectrum, under the terms he finds most advantageous? It is anybody's guess yet I am totally confounded that I can't find any good humor about the total situation between the 2 men, their falling out. It kind of sucks but worse things beleaguer us mere servants to the elites. Mike is like the regular guy who can chill with and listen attentively to the regular people, and Poroshenko is like the upper echelon business man who can schmooze with the elites of business and government, who can wade into the fray of public discord , Poroshenko has not the gift of great and endless gab, but the ability to soothe agitated stake holders within a volatile situation. Poroshenko is like the beautiful ship with perfectly trimmed sails in every condition fair seas or stormy weather, and his special talent being that he never reveals what is in the hold, what the cargo of the ship actually keeps within.
As much as people are dumping on President Poroshenko, one should note the fact of public sentiment , that Ukraine is a Nation at war, staving off a mighty adversary depending upon the efficacy of some tenuous matters of sanctions. Things could, have gotten to get ugly, and highly lethal
in a heartbeat. The recent grenade attack in Nikopol, Ukraine, without checking my actual sources, I can almost say it for sure. The South East part of Ukraine, Nikopol in particular, as the locals call it "NIKOPOLIS " like some village of Gotham city in the BatMan movies. It is a place where if you ask about something people will say to you "You don't want to know"
While cities like Chernigov may be resilient and supportive of the central government, Nikopolis is an interesting place. It is a stronghold f the bigger business interests, it is what we Westerners would call a "one Horse town" even with a serious "OLD WEST" feeling and fully akin to what is said the be the "Wild, Wild East " The discontent can only be too rampant among the lower and middle class in such places of 100-150 thousand souls. I don't have the numbers of the Centravis jobs, but it's not a lot. I remember 4-5 years ago being with friends cruising around the town and having them see graffiti and saying "I didn't know that that gang was here" Perhaps the only way I could try in some vain fashion to sum up Nikopol would be to post the trailer for Peter Fonda's movie "Ulee's Gold " If you watched the full movie, not just the trailer, maybe one can understand such a place. I remember in the center of town, outside the main hotel, night club, that they had a memorial for Nikopol's Afghan war veterans, the men and boys killed in Russia's war against Afghanistan. I walked that colonnade of plastic printed facades seeing the names, faces, ages of date and birth of the men from Nikopol. What men from a flat, slightly swampy town like Nikopol, could hope to achieve on a totally foreign Nation of high mountain passes like Afghanistan, operating, under the orders of a general living with his family in a suburb of Moscow ? And I know personally a friend who worked intelligence and reads Farsi or whatever from that war < he is no friend of the Moscow political elites.
Soon, I feel that , unless the Presidential (Poroshenko _) administration in Kiev makes a sincere effort , to reach out to the South East of Ukraine, it may soon become too easy for Moscow's not so subtle operations to exploit discontent, despite all of the atrocities of the undeclared war and territorial seizure, while neglecting a child , a city, a population is potentially far worse than actual abuse, it can be just as bad. While I favor a process that heals the wounds of the war, like releasing political and POW prisoners, opening up trade and diplomatic conduits, there is still the ultimate burn notice capable of happening upon Ukraine. \
You have to Love Ukraine as much as the place, however damaged it may be, it is still an amazing, rich nation with incredible potential.
ULee's Gold , it continues to be my reference point of Ukraine, today, trying to start over. You'd have to watch the full movie to understand it. it is not a Hollywood style ending.
Some of my Ukraine friends did laugh, chuckle upon the fact that I knew Nikopol. One can shop un clothing stores in Dnipro (one could) a mere 1 hour 30 minute bumpy bus ride from Nikopol. The clothing stores along Kalra Marx boulevard (maybe they've renamed it, haven't been back there other than a quick trip since the Maidan) those clothing stores were said to be more expensive clothes than the most expensive clothes stores in London, and I went into those stores and looked at the prices , they were like 3-4 times more than the most expensive equivalent clothing stores in San Francisco, maybe roughly the same as Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, or even a little more....
The elites of Dnipropetrovsk/ Dnipro are a million miles distant from the 35 mile ride out to Nikoplois. The entire South East of the country in 2014/ and into 2015 was riddled with provocateurs and people looking to make problems with the EU integration and the resistance of Russian aggression .
Even as China and Russia's elites (as well as Ukraines') continue their rush to relocate hard assets to USA, they then become an identified minority to easily become ostracize within their countries. We as Americans should welcome them, and not leap to conclusions about their intentions, perhaps they can return what they withdrew from the National treasures soon enough, with fresh insight in American business practices, and we'll worry about the taxes later, maybe ?
When there is no actual law enforcement (as in places like Nikopolis ) , a weak judiciary, and rampant lawless behavior of the "Enemy within" as known as the Mafia, the drug epidemic, ruthless class exploitation, there will never be peace and a climate favorable for investments Not that they aren't currently quite ugly and lethal , it's just a question of scale. Poroshenko has held it together. I would suspect a significant back channel under this alleged pattern of corruption, has simply been various efforts to divert funds to the battalions who really hold the line in the East of the country.
Perhaps within the situation, It is not like the Movie "Gladiator ", another Ridley Scott classic (with the new Blade runner going online now)
For the moment it's still a cat and mouse, dog and cat, badger and wolverine style battle along the line of contact. Yarosh, one of the Black heads of the Russian media has disseminated his thinking on the treasure of Russian Military hardware ready for the taking once Ukraine, hypothetically regains their border control. That they would not repeat the mistakes of Poland in trying to work with older Soviet/Russian hardware. But didn't Yarosh get the Memorandum about the tunnel(s) being constructed via the "flooded mines" in Luhansk ? Of course , since they are flooded mines contaminated with Soviet era Underground Nuclear Blast tests, they are perhaps even more easy to hide from discovery of the ongoing activity
Now , excuse my fake news, but doesn't anybody have the schematic about the cross border tunnel system being built or planned , in secret , that will be utilized in future cross border commerce. Did anybody (of the 8-10 entities that regularly read my blog) ever read up on geothermal heating and cooling? Of course, they will sell off some of the coal derived from making the tunnels, but the true value will be in the long term ability to build sustainable industrial production facilities. It would seem obvious that the inflated construction contracts of the Rottenberg's who are building the bridge across the Kerch Straight are being used , diverted into paying for the costs of the cross border tunnel system #fakenews
Russian Federation has no intentions of leaving any item of Military hardware behind for Ukraine as I see it. They will simply build warehouses, or use existing, tunnel down under and drive the equipment out of Ukraine without any evidence of the mass of war machines ever having been there . Certainly there were significant video materials showing those black painted war machines driving in, but such things fade away with time. "It was a fantasy you had about us invading you" "It never happened, trust me"
Perhaps this The secret Russian plan is a recycled version of the 1970's Robert Redford Movie "the Sting" Somebody once told me that " the big dogs will fight it out," but will the coy , clever and crafty dog win the game ? They (Russia ) have a lot of military hardware brought into Ukraine, mre than the tanks , armament of the combined armies of several large European Nations . Yet who is better at faking the fake hand, in this high stakes card game?
Perhaps Catalan is an analogical version of a future true Crimean Independence intended to be coupled with a gradual re-integration with Ukraine, economically which makes much more sense in the reality of things (that Russia is largely declining and fragmenting, ) Now I hear that Ukraine's SBU just busted some leftist activists in Lviv who are anti-RUssian, it's truly a dystopian situation, or maybe there's something else?
I know for a fact that my contact who has deep ties to the Russian Military was allowed to freely operate in Lviv, without being hassled or messed with. Since 2 years or so ago that person returned to Crimea and I haven't heard from them, they went totally dark , perhaps for their protection from each side, who knows ? Yet to Ukraine's credit, they gave freedom to a talented person to do what they needed to make a living, and keep on, keeping on. My contact did favor the narrative that "I woke up in another country" My favorite quote was that "Ukraine fucked with my mind, for 2 years "
The history of Crimea is very complex, and the time period of Christianity is simply another chapter within a continuum of time. In my mind it's a travesty to persecute people whose thinking spans into Phoenician times, whose family were trading with Phoenician traders on the Black Sea. Yet possibly the deep state apparatus has not got the memo that such people have a right to decide their own fate. With Russia and USA, it's 2 / not -interlocked deep state apparatus who are wrangling and rustling cattle to their own advantage. China is the third front, with Indonesia, Saudi and all the Muslim dominated Nations as the third , fourth foil. Ukraine is caught at the side of the center of all this wrestling for power and influence.
yet the circumstances between Crimea and Catalan are vastly contrasted. Perhaps this night I will wish upon a star that Crimea can emerge from the nebulous status it is caught by, and become a vibrant regional player in the Global economy. It deserves to be so. And I hope that not only the Tatar people, but the ordinary folks of Crimea who are not connected with the imported power structure, the old power structure, the regular people, that they can find a life that is better, more fulfilling and vibrant, creative and free of fear and oppression. I hope that my friends and close, near people in Ukraine can return to Crimea and celebrate their rituals of cherished times together, close friends , visiting their special places . Rebuilding their feelings of "our Crimea"
Now I have talked with the Special Prosecutor about my role in the USA Russian election hacking, what I was doing while it was happening and why I was unable to stop it. And my further failures to stop the seizure of Crimea, which ultimately led to the US election hacking
: OK, just blame it on me. I guess that there are worse things than being a scapegoat for a Geopolitical cluster FUck.
I noticed that Mister Putin had his birthday recently , and people protested, via Mister Navalny urging people to express their discontent , folks were bringing little rubber ducks to the protest, and a few women being dragged into the vans screaming for bloody life, whilst they carried their copy of the Russian Constitution .
Anyway , maybe it could be dangerous for me, to mention that a little bird brought forth these thoughts about this Rolling Stone's song from their "Voodoo Lounge" release. And perhaps it is a message from Vladimir to Navalny, his opposition, or vice versa? I just can't really figure out why, but it seems so appropriate as a reference to Russia as it rethinks Ukraine in the Now.
"New Faces"
There's a new guy in town
He's been dragging around
He's the figure of youth
And his eyes are so blue
And they're looking at you
So tell me the truth
Well, well he's got stories to tell
He bites off more than he chews
Well, well is he ringing your bell
My heart is breaking in two
And his skin is so fair
And it shines like his hair
As he stands so aloof
With an indolent air
And an insolent stare
He just shutters the truth
Well, well is he ringing your bell
My heart is breaking in two
Well, well he'll be rotting in hell
For playing the devil with you
It is aready too late
No point shutting the gate
Have you already swallowed the bait
And you're gone
As he knocks you down cold
As you lose all control
To this slip of a youth
I see fire in his eyes
I see ice in his smile
And I'm learning the truth
Well, well he's got stories to tell
Of love that is long overdue
Well, well who is under his spell
Is paying the devil his due
He's been dragging around
He's the figure of youth
And his eyes are so blue
And they're looking at you
So tell me the truth
Well, well he's got stories to tell
He bites off more than he chews
Well, well is he ringing your bell
My heart is breaking in two
And his skin is so fair
And it shines like his hair
As he stands so aloof
With an indolent air
And an insolent stare
He just shutters the truth
Well, well is he ringing your bell
My heart is breaking in two
Well, well he'll be rotting in hell
For playing the devil with you
It is aready too late
No point shutting the gate
Have you already swallowed the bait
And you're gone
As he knocks you down cold
As you lose all control
To this slip of a youth
I see fire in his eyes
I see ice in his smile
And I'm learning the truth
Well, well he's got stories to tell
Of love that is long overdue
Well, well who is under his spell
Is paying the devil his due
By the way, I really miss the Metro in Kiev. There is something so intense about checking the mood on the escalator and the trains. It is like you are reading the impressions of so many people, reading their news sources, talking with their friends and family. I hate to be honest , but I feel so at home on the Metro in Kiev. Even as a foreigner, I feel alive, engaged, and I feel that I am a small part of the bigger and very amazing reality of Ukraine amidst transformation of a very amazing Nature
Our Metro system simply has so many glum faces, that I seldom attempt using it,
but I may need to use the metro to manage my chores in the coming week . Is Kiev the safest major metropolitan Metro on the Earth? I haven't done the math, but would welcome some assistance. Of course there is petty crime, but the scale is less than or equal to whose Metro ?
but I may need to use the metro to manage my chores in the coming week . Is Kiev the safest major metropolitan Metro on the Earth? I haven't done the math, but would welcome some assistance. Of course there is petty crime, but the scale is less than or equal to whose Metro ?
I had recently seen a tweet that Ukraine had wrapped the case of his car bombing murder under the blanket of National Security, I certainly hope that they can get to the bottom of the pile of evidence concerning that. I can recite verbally, all the car bombings in Ukraine, yet feel no need to communicate those details of them, herein.
Suffice it to say, that I find it perhaps disturbing that the Chechen was killed near "the burger" in central Kiev, Sheremet was killed opposite "True Burger" does that mean getting a hamburger could be a dangerous undertaking in Kiev ? It's a pity, as I love a good hamburger> I had got a message from the dishwasher I know, at "The Burger" that the sound from the car bomb made the sewer pipes pop.
People ask me if it's safe to visit Ukraine, well Las Vegas creates a stark comparison.
So President Erdogan was just totally bored? Is President Poroshenko boring, or just the whole damn process of empty political machinations ÷?
In any case, Ukraine is changing in ways that Russia is not. The regular Russian people need to decide if they support these continued acts of hostility agains a peaceful neighbor in Ukraine.
Of course Mikhail Saakashvilli has his realm of validity. A second set of eyes and ears in such a volatile and emerging reality as Ukraine never hurts. He has his cape/ costume. Perhaps he has no equal ? he is not Jimmy Carter, Not Nixon, not Reagan, not Clinton , not really comparable to any ex president that I can think of. He simply understands how corruption centralizes itself
Paul Manafort has problems , he must atone for his glib excess of adventure in power plays
I do not agree with this hit piece on President Poroshenko, but it's slightly engaging
Nobody really plays up the Willy Wonka angle on Poroshenko (that I know of) but that could be funny. I have seen the Roshen sales people try to review the inventory needs of small stores in small towns in Ukraine. Honestly , I am not a fan of sugar and candy. Roshen should probably get more into producing sport nutrition and healthy snack foods if they want to survive, yet I am sure the candy thing is only the tip of the iceberg.
My acquaintance Anders has a piece out that's pretty good :
Of course, Madame Tymoshenko has to assert her continued relevance. What other woman in the world has gone through such an ordeal as she? Perhaps only Yulia Tymoshenko can truly elevate the lost stature of Secretary of State Clinton back upon the world stage ? Ms Clinton could perhaps take some notes on fashion from Madame Tymoshenko in her 17th century French Military general's attire :
But before USA goes to war against North Korea, perhaps we should analyze our internal narrative that has driven our reality for the last 16 years ? Why should North Korea give up it's Nuclea arsenal when the example of Ukraine becomes a stark reminder that relinquishing power unequivocally, trusting the words of others, no matter how extensive the coalition can be a treacherous road to ruin:
And with the MH17 incident, there's too much weird Numerology around the plane itself . My issue that I've been trying to push for the investigators , relates not so much to who was in the mix, but who was not in the mix, at the time of the event. These are very rudimentary investigative details. All of the nuances of the situation should be brought to light in the official findings. It would seem highly likely that Russian forces did flip the launch trigger of the BUK missile, yet what were the signals intelligence that they were getting at the time? the Investigation has to work in opposite directions and tandems, before this heinous crime goes before the world court.
As to RUssia's lump of coal that allows them to maintian their Gulag style in Ukraine, I like this little write up from ten days or so ago:
They say that if God wants to punish a person, he does not send lightning and other misfortunes from heaven, but simply deprives him of his reason. In principle, this is a very good characteristic of the current regime in the Kremlin. On the other hand, there is Darwin's theory of natural selection. Here, too, everything is logical - if for a long time to cultivate the power of the gopnik approach, demonstrative disrespect for laws and rudeness at the very top of the "pyramid of Putin," then the comrades will gradually pick up the same. They will steal, squeeze, sell stolen goods - and talk loudly about it. Not by negligence - they just do not consider it a crime. Apparently, the Lord disconnects them not only the mind, but also the instinct of self-preservation.
We pass from theology to real criminality. Deputy Minister of Economy of Russia Sergei Nazarov in an interview with the authoritative western edition of Bloomberg said that Russia still exports coal from the occupied Donbass and sells it on the world market. He wanted, as best, but if the brains and instinct of self-preservation are turned off, this is already a diagnosis. Nazarov spoke about how that the money received allegedly goes to support 4 million inhabitants of the occupied territories of Donbass. Well, as in the old song about the criminal romance "I got caught in a trap, my brother" formulated - "I wanted to eat and that's why I stole it."
Of course, we can enter the situation and do not even call into question the number of residents in the occupied territories. We can pretend that we do not know that in reality Ukraine is currently paying pensions there (retirement tourism is a long-established business). But from the point of view of the law and the criminal codes of all countries, trafficking in stolen goods is a crime. It's not economic, it's pure criminalism. And Nazarov's statement is not even a confession. He, in simple words - just passed everyone. According to the Russian official, the militants sent to Russia about a million tons of coal monthly through the Ukrainian border seized by the Russian forces. The stolen Ukrainian coal Moscow re-exports to third countries through its seaports.
So, what we have in fact from the point of view of law. The Russian invaders and local collaborators captured mining enterprises in the Donbas. Private and public - it does not matter, it's still pure water theft. I will not now recall how Semenchenko and the company helped to decorate it beautifully in the media plane with his blockade - let's leave it on their conscience and return to criminal law. Now the leaders of militants and Russian structures are stolen from Ukraine coal sold to third countries. And coal is such an interesting thing, the origin of which is very easy to determine with the help of expertise. Not fingerprints, of course, but coal from Torez is very easy to distinguish from coal from Donbass when tested. That is why the "brainy plan" for selling coal from Ukrainian mines stolen from Ukraine was covered with a copper basin. Then everything is simple.
Trafficking in stolen goods is a crime. In all civilized countries. And the stolen merchant is a criminal. An individual or a company does not matter. That is, we can find this stolen coal, apply to the law enforcement agencies of the country concerned and, by a court decision, confiscate it. And it's not even in fairness - because the confiscation of the stolen business does not end there. The thief should sit in prison, the stolen merchant receives at least a serious fine. And then the ban on work, plus the director with accomplices under investigation. I repeat - there are no sanctions and policies, pure crime and criminal responsibility.
I think it's not very difficult to track where anthracite is sold from the occupied Donbass. Just because the world market of anthracite is not that big. And then the statement to the police, examination and the court. The most interesting and tempting here is Russian arrogance and the belief that trafficking in stolen goods is not a crime that can play into our hands. Through which companies are trading? And who do they buy and how? Here in the chain may be implicated such structures, whose interests are not limited to coal. They can trade in oil or gas. And all will necessarily go to court, with confiscation and a ban on work. Sanctions for this criminal history new and targeted to tighten is not difficult. As for me - an excellent direction for work
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