The Conversation RE: Disco, Techno, Cold War II

Leo Tolstoy's quote seems to fit quite handily herein: 
"The Two Most powerful warriors are patience and Time."

It'll be a bad movie, anyway it gets written, but this Cold War sequel could  Blow the Box Office expectations out of the Water. The ill-informed, often  coldly disingenuous actions of each side, backlit by the promulgation of "The media Chorus " for each side,  there is a  politically  correct Historical narrative. There could easily be some sort of Cameo by Woody Harrelson harkening to the 1994 Dark Comedy , "Natural Born Killers"

this post is of course opinion, conjecture, fiction with some facts in the blend:  trust what you know. RE, the shortly upcoming testimony of Mister Jeff Sessions (Jeff is my Pizza ordering name, for some reason I always wished my name had been something like Jeff, life could have gone so much easier for me) -Jeff Sessions will show a tell, but he won't tell much that we don't already know, as far as I can read it. He has a hawklike thinking style, I'd guess that he swooped on the Comey firing like the FBI director was another snake in the grass... James Comey is a rather large sized person, at the end of the day, he may wind up being far more comfortable about his place in history, than "the Donald" At the root of the equation perhaps the analysts ought to look at the base equation relating to personal origins, parentage, what the parents of the 2 entities engaged in on a day to day basis. Trump's Dad redlined African American tenant applicants, then fought the settlement of that indiscreet move, to the bitter end and called it some form of victory, rebranding bad news towards a semblance of good news, not very cool. Yet the Dem's have some work to do in the post- Obama environment, we can't shouldn't assume or take anything for granted, it's all about the now, not the yesterday. Much in the same way as the class issues continue to bubble up in Ukraine, the elites,  versus the raw demographics of poverty, by any definition of the word,  in the EU framework, it's not good. A turn toward the light , has been achieved , it remains to be seen if it can continue for them . Or do I have it all wrong? I'm no expert !

In my mind it appears as a weirdly synchronistic co-relation that both Nadiya Savchenko and FBI Director Comey have got caught in a similar fashion by the turbulence of the Russian aggression and manipulation: They are each promulgated as loyal Patriots who grappled with logistically , tactically complex issues , objectives, directives , (caught  in the cross-fire) and each of them have been figuratively thrown under the bus of rumor, invectives, aspersion. 
He is/ She is "a leaker", also they've each been labelled as "showboats "  yet  sort of  in the "Gonzo" fashion,  and while he,  Comey is / was ostensibly the  captain of a tight ship ,  his exposition of duties exemplifying that  subset of those super qualified people,  who can make so much more money on the private sector, it's not even funny. 
What other woman in the entire world can manage a Press scrum the way Ms Savchenko does? She has  within herself such a uniquely  unrepentant ferocity and certainty, in what she believes is the truth of the reality, and she knows far better than most people about it. Perhaps  not more than the wisest of people who are ascribed to be  really in the know )
(myself being for sure  certainly,  excluded from the privileged classes of true knowers of things)
those told to be waiting at that particular bus stop, hearing that particular conversation,  in that particular continuum...

Now I have heard some knock downs of Mister Comey, : I haven't taken the time to build or break down an opinion of that. His saying that the President is a liar is perhaps like Nadiya's giving the finger to the Russian judges during her trial. Yet it's her wild disrespect of that ominous  situation that may have ultimately saved her life, and given her the chance to move on and live to fight another day. 
As I remember her, in that brief, late night moment  when we met before her capture, she's internally an intense person, she varies between quiet introverted   and outgoing, animated / she's unafraid to probe unknown risks. She has no qualms about scoffing the bizarre forces of absurdity...

Michael  Flynn, taking the 5th:\ that's  Albert Gore's college room mate in the warden's role of the movie// Tommie Lee Jones, going all in,
it's surprising that perhaps,  he (Mike Flynn) it appears to somehow have been subtly coerced
 into siding with the Russian policy towards Ukraine, maybe my bad  ? I don't read his stuff, is he pushing some thinking  that  all the death and destruction relating to Ukraine was preventable?
Maybe we don't want to he'd have done it. People hint that he's the Military ? Industrial Complex's poster guy for their Irish Mafia...

Some people say the entire war could have been prevented , bought out, part and parcel with hard cash, yet a full on , covert military and logistical operation to take the territory by the RUssian federation was a difficult equation to counter in the early part of 2014, either for the Republicans or the Democrats or the diverese Political mechanisms of Europe .   Hundreds of thousands $'s in hard cash, even millions that could have been paid to individuals like "the Goblin, Aksyonov" 100,000$ might have caught somebody's attention, leading to a deal involving millions, 3.4, 500 Million: it would have been a decent deal,  as compared to the unleashing of horrendous death and destruction that's been wrought in the Donbass region, as well as the economic costs for the Russian Federation,  as we say in America "Let's talk Turkey " It is not "those people" who live in an area spanning 8 time zones , it is about their leadership who've lined their pockets and parachuted out of the country with their Gold, Euros and US $'s , Swiss Francs, in effect abandoning their compatriots, leaving them to scrounge out a semblance of an existence on the fringes of reality, outside the 2 dominant cities of Moscow and Saint Pete. For sure,  it's true that NATO expansionism is a legitimate concern, yet truly Democratic Nation states tend to avoid wars, they're simply not practical or effective formats for sorting out grievances.

Sergei Klimovsky, historian and archaeologist

Moscow is preparing to leave the Donbass and begins to actively destroy it. The goal is not only to inflict maximum damage to Ukraine and "write off to war" property that was exported to the Russian Federation, but also to prepare for the upcoming international courts. They know in Moscow: Ukraine fixes all the damages, calculates losses and prepares claims against Russia demanding compensation for material damage caused by the war and occupation. Moscow also knows that these courts are losing, but because of the cynicism of the marauder, too, is preparing lawsuits against Ukraine.
The scheme that Moscow will promote in international courts is already evident: not only the property of Ukrainian legal entities and individuals, but also the property of Russians, suffered from the war. Moscow will first refuse to recognize these claims, then agree, but it will require that Ukraine also compensate the property lost to the Russians in the Donbas. The meaning of this operation: the amount of compensation to the Russians from the fighting in the Donbass should exceed the amount of payments to Ukrainians, to which Moscow agrees. If this trick succeeds, then, according to the Kremlin's plan, Ukraine will still need money for invasion and occupation.
As part of this strategy, Moscow regularly invoices Ukraine for the supply of gas to the occupied areas of Donbass. On December 1, Gazprom counted Naftogaz "debt" for $ 1.3 billion. It is also possible without small scam - the price of the last gas lots is $ 239.4 per thousand cubic meters, and Ukraine buys gas to the EU no more than $ 214.5. If we recall that in 1940 Stalin, when signing peace with Finland, demanded from her to transfer the USSR locomotives, two thousand wagons, equipment of power stations and livestock evacuated from areas occupied by the Red Army, there is nothing new in the Kremlin's behavior. All the same banditry and moral degradation in unity with Lenin's slogan "The world without annexations and indemnities."With morality and right in this operation everything is clear, but there is a technical side: how does the RF achieve a positive balance for itself? I must admit that the Kremlin is working on this not only through Gazprom, but also in other areas.
Somewhat unexpected - buying apartments in Donetsk and Lugansk. In November, the consular department of the Russian embassy in Kiev was convicted of buying apartments from refugees from Ordlo, which indicates that it is a state policy. It is also being carried out in the occupied territories. The point is that the owners are "neutral" persons-the Buryats from Ulan-Ude, a lawyer from Tomsk and a large mother from Mytischi who, after the end of the war, file lawsuits against Ukraine demanding compensation for the destruction of their apartments in Donetsk and Lugansk allegedly by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the elusive Ukrainian "saboteurs" ". In passing, it turns out that together with the APU apartments, other personal property of these citizens of the Russian Federation for astronomical amounts was destroyed. This will look like claims not of the Russian Federation, but of individuals. Formally, the state of the Russian Federation will only carry out the accumulation of such claims and their legal support in international courts. The amount of such lawsuits can be brought to several billions of dollars. The Russians can be rewritten about 5 - 10% of housing in the Donbas, - exceeding this level is inappropriate for political reasons.

 I am hearing more than hints that both US political parties need to be torn down to the ground and rebuilt, and I tend to agree with the sentiment nowadays. Kushner represented the fast , light and swift thinking political operatives , strategists leading into the final days. Perhaps I am not a fan of his, yet  the Democrats kept with the old school thinking of the didactic political heavies, those heavy duty formulaic "system" operatives.  All of the long term demographics of power shifting favored the Republicans , and they won, despite an incongruously impossible candidate, who was tactically , covertly backed by "patriotic individuals" of the RU federation.

It really looks a lot like a replay of the course of events during the advent of President Reagan with the release of the 52 American Embassy hostages in Tehran, when  they were being let free on the date of his (Reagan's ) presidential inauguration.

Transposing directly (yet changing the actors ) from Gary Sick's book "The October Surprise"
one could easily postulate the following transcription stolen from the start of Chapter 3,
The Doctrine of the Periphery" :
The Furtive triangular alliance linking Russia, Donald Trump's campaign and Turkey probably owed its origins more to coincidence than design. At least at the start, the conspirators knew little about each other and probably cared even less. In the spring of 2016 , each was preoccupied with it's own narrow interests, each was a political system that traditionally viewed outsiders with suspicion, if not hostility. Yet before the year was out, their interests would converge in a secret agreement that carried the promise of significant benefits at the price of mutual dependence and vulnerability.

President Trump's team was, has been  apparently focused on a swift lifting of sanctions ,  perhaps much of the Trump campaign team has been being held as pejorative hostages by the financial, behavioral Kompromat of the Kremlin's master strategists ?
Maybe Mike was getting an overview on how they are planning to update and reconfigure the old Submarine base in Crimea's Balaclava Bay to accommodate Submarine classes equipped to carry their ghastly but ingenious Nuclear Stealth Missile?

While Russia has a well oiled Intel apparatus, their offer to share Intel and cooperate on issues relating to Islamic state, it's mostly stuff (i'd suspect) that's derived from Ossetians who joined Isis, largely for a mix of economic and vaguely affiliative purposes but really, higher society here in the states,  doesn't cotton to meddling in our elections.

Ukraine holds some documentary evidence about Pro-Russian Ossetian fighters,   mercenaries torturing it's POW's, things of which I have first hand knowledge.

the full moon will  bring about big tidal shifts it is really a thorough, fascinating outline:

in my estimation, it's well known what the Kremlin's base formula is focused upon, perimeter expansion, regional security affiliations.

perhaps  he's (Mike Flynn) the tip of the iceberg in the Russian Election hacking investigations. It is my humble opinion, that the entire election hacking scenario is an outcome of a long, slow motion process, that can be appreciated for it's contentiousness by viewing the  riotous scene  in Ukraine's Parliament when the Russian Naval base leases were reviewed and approved. Being able to approve or deny a foreign power's military base lease extension is part and parcel of any Nation's Sovereign affairs.

Now it appears that the author of Ukraine Starting Over may also perhaps face the harsh lights of a Congressional hearing as to why I wasn't able to stop the Russian Hacking of our 2106 elections ...
Or at least it appears that  I am a person of interest. I had an open invitation sent out every month to Secretary of State Clinton to join me for coffee, but she never took me up on the offer. I bought her a cup of coffee, or something like that, every month of her campaign.

Certainly, once Paul MANAFORT CAME ONBOARD the Trump operation, we had to know he'd pull some of the same sleight of Electoral Process- black hand jobs,  as he did in the by-elections of Ukraine's 2012 Rada Parliamentary election. OSCE election monitors documented numerous irregularities of that one.  I personally,  have a close friend (the progeny of a noted academic) who openly admitted to selling their vote in that election (yeah, note it down here: academics don't get paid ____ in Ukraine,  even top tier University academics get the same pay grade as elementary school teachers, as things stand right now) it is quite likely probable that Petro Poroshenko's aides  cut a quiet deal with President Trump, to shield Mister Manafort from prosecution from his activities in Ukraine in exchange for other considerations, during his recent visit to Washington DC. Manafort has dirt on Trump campaign's collusion with the RU federation: it's better for all 3 nations to bury the information and move on, or not ? I'm feeling neutral, I never thought the revolution in Ukraine could have the potential to go both East and West, force change in both directions, it's a total mess as I see it. Worse by far, than VW faking it's emissions testing software.
 . As to whether Mister Manafort  can get directly implicated (legally)  in vote buying operations in Ukraine, it's very doubtful,  given his paramount  protection derived directly from the office of POTUS. he is a high level person who has learned full well, how to encapsulate himself in layers of insulation, deniability, yet the actual Party of Regions, hand written cash payments ledger is impossible to deny: he emerged from his time in Ukraine as a wealthy man.
I tend to hear, listen to the probes around my rough edges : I am not super polished, but I did hone my trade work   under the wing of of DIck CHeney's high school class mate /  total opposites of persons in form and action,  from that not so nebulous environment of Caspar Wyoming. cHeney was the captain of the football team and Lynn, she, the head cheer leader. My best lesson from that being , to always keep a small paper note book and pencil in your shirt pocket.
 My notes on the Trump administration's approach to Ukraine and Europe in general, is that they are like skeptical NeoConservatives with a sort of pro-business approach to their policies, which isn't the worst scenario to emerge. Yet, the detail is dwelling  in the Devil's confessional:
yet even when,  and if,  a Peace plan that works emerges, who will assess and pay the damages done to the Peaceful , working class cities destroyed irrevocably , by war in Ukraine's East? Can Private business do a better job than the vagaries of a rather uncoordinated network of NGO's? I don't know, it's still a fantasy requiring a cast of characters way too far outside the realm of fiction.

(Mister Manafort ) AKA "Emperor Paul " His operations in Ukraine were notably flooded with cash ,  paying salaries in the 2009/ 2010  run-up to  Mister Yanukovych's election to President of Ukraine, that were hugely generous ,  even by US standards for top tier campaign workers in the states. His life style teases President Trump's in ways you don't even want to know about, seriously <

the current election hacking scenario ,  It is nearly the exact same scenario utilized to paint a woman political opponent (Madame Yulia Tymoshenko/ Hilary Clinton ) as a corrupt, criminal ,  then to prosecute her for small crimes and misdemeanors  <  Madame Tymoshenko,  she was simply playing the same game as the men in the locker room at the time, and he jailed her for being a player in the game. Yet she knows the Russian federation's weaknesses and more succinctly, how to push  back economically on their centralized power structure.

the big players (the big dogs will fight it out )  will find their way in all of this > it's no secret,better income equality / money and reason can win the equation of building Democratic alliances amongst educated people,
I keep probing, asking  2 good, well accredited Jorno friends of mine,  if they want to delve into a comparative analysis of Ukraine's 2010 election cycle that brought mister Victor Yanukovych to power, but they're too busy,  in the flurry of their individualized tasks.
It would  be a detailed, exhausting, expensive analysis, to research who paid for what part of the on line troll armies then in Ukraine, who were the camouflaged actors behind the scenes?   It was an odd , perhaps improbable outcome of Geopolitical  history, one can go , should go,  much further back than Leo Tolstoy's participation in the Battle of Sevastopol against the British. My friends from Crimea, they are a diverse interesting bunch, certainly with bifurcated opinions about things relating to outcome. i remember that party to celebrate the birthday of Simferopol's police chief's daughter, like it was yesterday , so much money in drinks, food, going down on the table, they were living , not like kings, but close to that, maybe like plenipotentiaries of omnipotent relevance to the situation on the ground, a black hole of corruption. And corruption isn't necessarily so bad, it's simply a reality. Corruption is like akin to leaches, used in medieval medicine , to suck away dead flesh, or something like that )

I often read / watch a fair amount of media, links of every sort, authenticated or not, I watch movies frosted with perceptions, action movies, documentaries. I don't know Russia. Perhaps I'd like to visit some day, but for now it probably wouldn't be all that safe for me. I own a small painting by a Russian master, Teleshov. Possible that it's  touched up, but I didn't pay a lot , and I like it. It is a painting of a Mountain at the edge of the Eastern Pacific in Vladivostok. He  was an interesting artist, from the Moscow School of Impressionist, pre-modern artists,  he painted Crimea , Alushta, he painted in Valdivostok. If people want to be open to the RU world, operate/ play be the rules of decency and respect, or if they want to block it out and focus on the values espoused by the EU, US. It is all within people's normal human rights, to have an opinion, vote with their feet, wallet, speak clearly with their voice how they feel. Or people can engage in the mix between the two worlds
in the past ,  I have been hurt, taken my small lumps in this complex dissertation of issues between East and West, I am thankful to have been a witness to such an epic,  historical bifurcation. I have not formed terribly hard opinions, I am no expert here. (an expert is someone who's  stopped learning )

 Every day I try to learn, pull hard away from the tides of perception,  and stay true to what I know is real. Everything we hear in the news is true, except for something that we know about. As a citizen of a Nation that is a guarantor, under the Budapest memorandum, all that I can say about my big government with all it's power and relative authority, is that perhaps, "we don't indemnify against abuse" yet who is the abuser?
. Many FSU countries are said to be run by one gangster, perhaps it's true that in Ukraine, there are many.  Is there a potential Robin-Hood in the mix who will steal from the rich and gives to the poor? I don't know who that might be,  I doubt such an entity exists in the UA theater. Yet perhaps there is such a thing as "good mafia " and "bad mafia" business affiliations that play by ascribed rules of order, Like a Russian Robert's Rules of Order. I think that there are dark forces with mysterious motives who are involved in these global conflicts, while one can attribute things to a mix of human error , one can also interpolate the possibility that both sides got played against each other, intentionally, for the darkest of reasons ,
even outside of money and the irrational need to engage in battle about past history.
Personally, in my humble opinion, I'd say it's safe to assume that Mister Flynn got caught in a classic Russian Honey trap. While maybe it's totally his personal business, the fact of the matter, is that his presence and overall participation in the US election process did contribute to swaying our elections.

If Mister Flynn was engaged in a manipulative continuum, as in some aspect of a romantic engagement with one of those amazingly beautiful and smart Femme Fatale's of the Russian Federation, then well... what is he going to do if he's discredited, persona non grata? I am sure there could be a steady stream of small deals with entities interested in the RU oil and gas industry. He should be OK, while he'd have boosters in the states as well, that component of society that views it all as a "Tempest in a tea Pot " if he wants to go over there and live quietly, maybe do an occasional photo opportunity with Steven Seagal, perhaps, unfortunately , further legitimizing the RU federation's oppression of the Crimean Tatar minority,  those who now question if their families are less safe,  given the credible buzz that Russia has parked about 6 nuclear warheads in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukrainian Crimea (given that Ukraine agreed to become a Nuclear free Nation under the terms of the Budapest Memorandum, signed during the Clinton administration's tenure in the white House in 1994, wherein they walked away from the world's third largest Nuclear arsenal, they had the missiles, warheads, just not the command and control protocols, but those could have been reprogrammed and bypassed)

Now it's a tough deal, I for one,  have seen an enormous level of tolerance towards Islam in Ukraine, tolerance and respect. And from what I've seen, the hard core Russian style bad boys hadn't been beating up on Hari Krishna's , Buddhists or Catholics either. They are/ were a tolerant society, but now I see a hardening of feelings. There is less casual / random/ informal kindness on the street now. It's more about "how do I survive past next week?

I have a tailor, a sewing man named Sergey, I think. He works here:

You'd probably never find him in this sprawling, Soviet Era Market in Kiev, his little closet is in the upper left hand corner, up the staircase in this photo

the outside of the building looks like this:

So, it was sort of weird, as I seem to experience the classic Jungian effect of "Synchronicity" when I ride Kiev's Metro: Sergey,  has fixed the stitching on my backpack, 2 pairs of pants, a shoulder bag, and maybe something else. I travel as light and fast as I can, and some things need emergency repairs. SO I saw Sergey on my ride out, what is it, the blue line. He was at the back of the car. Impossible to mistake him.  Like me, he has scars on his hand from being too close to the needle (my work is also often rough, my hands carry a few scars, guns (nail guns), drills, blades, edges, sharp metal flashings)
he is about my age, give or take a few years. I saw Sergey the expert tailor, he saw me, I felt a sense of recognition, though only a few meters separated us that night some time ago. Like me, he  works hard, he's good at what he does, follows the rules, minds his business.
So, what is the point of my narrative? Rather than potentially delving into the process of waxing  eloquent about the decline of the "worker's paradise" It's more about acknowledging him (Sergey the tailor) as a person, he has good skills, he's honest in what he charges, his rates have increased a bit since I started to visit him. Sergey is a  working man, who rides the Metro, like me. I don't get paid to visit Kiev,  it's more like a place I go, to grab a feeling of reality, to decompress .

 If you ask the  wise guy in private, they'll say "there is no real reason for this war: "
Yet even so, Ukraine did very little to invite the aggression from their neighbor , aside from allowing their military to get hollowed out by past corruption and neglect. But it's still an unwinnable scenario for them ,  where Russia outspends them (I'd heard 85$'s to 1$', rubles Hryvnia. It may have changed somewhat, but doubtful if it's better than 60 to 1)

this is a link to another "Frozen conflict Russia is involved in, via a Pro-Russian media outlet

it's amazing, but true,  that what's now colloquially being referenced as the Golden Towers deal, also backdated  as part of the more recent sanctions cessation memorandum , it was pre- negotiated quite a bit ahead of time , then finalized  in secret about this time last year,  between Carter Page and high level elements of the Putin cadre. One can hardly take a pee in a restroom anywhere between Minsk and Moldova without some dude randomly approaching you in the toilet and saying
"Маладая Челавек" "Вы хотите супер сделку по телефону службы сим-карту?
and offer you a phone number SIM card with a microchip inserted in the credit card sized plastic outline of a CIS telephone account. While our freshly minted President seems to succumb to the abrasive pressures from the Federal Government and the stealthy Operatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry regarding the deal to lift sanctions on Russia and thereby legitimize the seizure of Crimea ,

it's no surprise,  that he's (MISTER TRUMP) lashed out, (KICKING A MAN WHEN HE IS DOWN)

 at former FBI Director Comey about "Tapes" when it's all too obvious,  that he's been coping (T)

with  intense pressure from Mister Putin and his Associates ,  that they will expose their "tapes"

relating PERHAPS to Trump's  hidden CASPIAN SEA oil/ real estate deals,  and other activities from before, during and after  the hashtag/ 2013 Miss Universe Pageant. AKA, the Golden Towers deal, whereby Russian financiers, affiliated  with the Kremlin would engage in an outright  sweetheart deal, to finance a Baku real estate development, which would be "out of country (RU)"
masking for the Trump organization, something that will dovetail with their intentioned realignment of the gas and oil supply of central Europe, still the world's second largest economy.

I met the FBI Director Mueller (former FBI Director Mueller ) last, the other week. Interesting moment to meet him, at first I didn't know who he was, then I messed up on final moment of the task, not greatly but failed slightly in the nuance . We are all people with lives and worlds, it's quite possible that my father did some work for his family, refinishing an antique seating bench of  Quaker or Colonial era origins.
I remember the name of the family (back in the 70/s ?) , working on the refinishing of the bench, ribbing about Pumice and rottenstone. I may be too varied in my overview, too irrelevant. I come from a middle class family who actually took the trouble to care about others less fortunate, and we always worked. Humility, service , a generalized honesty, and of some basic level of dependability. I try to do my best, and live with what I get from life, for the better or the worst. I care about my friends and the people around me. Having seasoned my perspective in Ukraine , it does feel in some sense, like California in the 1970's . I think that it's possible maybe, but it's not my style to cast aspersion from nothing, that ; Greg Allman
of course Jeff Sessions has some back burner deals that will make it more easy for Russian Mafia to set up the work shop in Alabama, deals he talked about in private and referenced in hacked emails after the convention relating to the Alabama Gaming Commission > Once the Russian mob has it's teeth into the mechanics of Alabama intertribal politics, gambling facility development,
it's only a minor aspect of deftly  shifting the perceptive focus away from the real issue, which is to eventually bypass state and local laws on gun control,  in ways that allow foreign guests to use any form of militarized hardware in "sport hunting activity" on tribal lands. thereby making it more easy for an enclave of foreign guest to be both heavily armed, enmeshed in "First Nation Self Defense matters "  and thereby protected from enforcement of Federal laws on gun control, in effect to seal the territory and draw forth the prospect of anther potential Kremlin wet dream: a show down between impassioned left wing activists and hard core right wing conservatives,
 that vastly more situations transpired in the interim of the elections run up. Allegory about "Godfather II" aren't that inappropriate in this context.
Luxury towers in Baku are alluded to, as well as Омск
Along with ultra-lucrative deals for EXXON, once the 2-3 year presidential interim is completed, that will allow Mike Pence to move forward in History as "The Peace Maker" and that's in the context of "peace Through Strength" I am sure that the Russian Orthodox Church is already preparing the canonization of Mike Pence in a secretive religious convocation in Saint Petersburg !
 the blatant child neglect of Donald Trump by his parents that left him needy, insecure and vulnerable to being bullied. Should we  wash down the river,  all the telling elements of Vladimir Putin's actual parentage and origins , ?  wherein he was supposedly relinquished by his mom,  to grandparents, due to the pressure from her car mechanic boyfriend.'
As then then those alleged grandparents gave  him away again,  to another  adoptive set of parents '(as the alleged story goes)

Perhaps It's a tale of 2 childhood abuses,  emerging on the world stage, and it's dangerous stuff to juxtapose such powerful personalities, presences, as admirers and potential combatants. One can admire yet be totally uninhibited in their  readiness to  destroy the potential rival for power and adulation addiction.
These are not the best scenarios for the more easy pathways of children to emerge on the world stage

other. More so when the ego and the thirst for power, influence, reigns supreme.

I mentioned in an earlier post about the "Sky Hook Strategy" another bed feathering element pursued by the ultra- wealthy cabals that potentially steer the thinking of  our society, sort of an "instant cash/ fast cash deal" 
Well perhaps that's come to being with the recent North Korea Nuclear test. Russia has moved large military forces near to the North Korean border, potentially enabling that  they could invade with all prejudice, given a suitable pretext.
 Dennis Rodman seriously went  back in there ? I hope that he makes it out of there Okay.
Clearly, the man feels a personal connection with Kim. Would Russia invade North Korea to save a Mister Trump's friend, associate  from the Apprentice TV show's "basketball cultural ambassador" ,  it could benefit RU in many ways to invade DPRK, it feels to me,  like they can really make some hay   from some  "failed DPRK attempt, to launch an ICBM, targeting Alaska, that lands in Siberia "

and for what? So that  they can simultaneously take the land bridge to Crimea? Because after Mariupol, there is no serious line of defense, especially if the Russian air force gets involved in it: it'd be over in a few days. But at the end of the day, Russia has a really shaky economy. China has better leverage on Russian foreign policy now than the EU or US does. 
It is certainly encumbent upon us Americans to make a real effort to humanize the RUssians: One thing I can generally agree upon with them if you read through the entire transcription is that as the media widely reports Crimea as a Peninsula, I agree with the RUssians that it exists more like an "island) \\
I do however, humbly submit my personal opinion that Crimea is,  and will forever be, a permanent part of the National territory of Ukraine
Krimska's history is of course terribly convoluted. The excessive efforts to RUssianize it's historical antecedents within the media stream, simply don't work too well,  if you zoom out : but that's the trouble with things Nowadays, our world is filled with people who zoom way in, and lacking in people with zooming out qualities...
excerpts from InfoResist quite fascinating to hear how these men carved out their own vision of a separate newer RUssian world order:
During the meeting of the Obolonsky court of Kiev on the case of the former president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych , the records of phone conversations of the assistant to the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Sergei Glazyev were made public The recording of the talks, as well as their transcript, is published by
Ukrainian counterintelligence managed to record telephone conversations of Glazyev on February 27, 28, March 1, 2 and 3, 2014 - in the midst of the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea . From the record you can find out how Russia was preparing for the annexation of the Crimea and cooperated with the regime of Yanukovych.
So, Putin's assistant advises not to bring Yanukovych to the Crimea: "We need to bring Azarov into the business! His Mezhyhiria is not shown on TV! "; Deputy Prime Minister of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Aziz Abdullayev, tells how falsification of voting for holding a "referendum" and advises to include Erdogan in the negotiations.
It should be noted that part of these negotiations the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office has already promulgated in the summer of 2016 - 18 minutes from the 2.5 hours shown today. Then Glazyev refused to comment on the record, and Zatulin called it a juggling.
February 28, 2014
On the eve of the unknown soldiers in the form without unrecognizable signs seize the buildings of the parliament and the government of the Crimea. February 28, 2014 on the Ukrainian peninsula, Russia continues to pull its troops and take control of military facilities, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov declares "armed invasion and occupation", in Kiev urgently called a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council. Viktor Yanukovych on this day gives a press conference in Rostov-on-Don and declares that the power in the country was seized by "nationalistic pro-fascist thugs," the future President of Ukraine, the then People's Deputy of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko arrives in Simferopol, but the pro-Russian protesters do not allow him the parliament building, the leader of the Crimean Tatar people Dzhemilev declares that the Mejlis forms squads and is ready to arm.
Abdullayev: So. And in this, all Crimean Tatars should themselves see tomorrow. It turns out or not - one question. To strive for what we will? What awaits us? And we should embellish this, and against this background we must build peace and friendship with all who are here, you see? Therefore, we want to note this moment: what is promised to us, what will happen, where do we go together? How will our tomorrow's slogan be for ourselves, for children, for grandchildren? Here these questions they original, empty, while here they, this niche is not filled. Just run there, like boys, get into this government or this government - we've all experienced it. I already experience the eighth government, but what's the use? I came there, the most dirty work you drag, but where you need to manage, where you need to do the position, there's nothing. Give heat to people, give water, but do not interfere with the rest. If this happens, Why do I need such a government? I without it poured. In addition to me, no one needs people's lives there. And if the government ... (illegible) ... full-fledged, you know what will happen to your people, what questions, what projects we are conducting, what location will be ... If there is independence, there will be very large projects, they need to participate. And these friends have already divided all their places: whom to do, who will plunder how. But not for this purpose does Russia see this today? Russia sees a beautiful, normal, let's say, Crimean autonomy. ... (inaudible) ... Whoever is sitting there, who is appointed is a thief. I've known them since childhood. which dislocation will be ... If there is independence, there will be very large projects, they need to participate. And these friends have already divided all their places: whom to do, who will plunder how. But not for this purpose does Russia see this today? Russia sees a beautiful, normal, let's say, Crimean autonomy. ... (inaudible) ... Whoever is sitting there, who is appointed is a thief. I've known them since childhood. which dislocation will be ... If there is independence, there will be very large projects, they need to participate. And these friends have already divided all their places: whom to do, who will plunder how. But not for this purpose does Russia see this today? Russia sees a beautiful, normal, let's say, Crimean autonomy. ... (inaudible) ... Whoever is sitting there, who is appointed is a thief. I've known them since childhood.
GLAZIEV:  I understand. I think those who came, it's still a temporary situation.
Abdullayev:  I understood that too. After the election of these these, after May 25, everything can change, I understand it myself.
Glazyev:  Uh-huh. Of course, we are not absolutely interested. First, we are not Yanukovich. he is formally president, but he does not manage anything, and he will not rule.
Abdullaev:  I have sharpened my thoughts, I heard everything yesterday, I think: no, this person (Yanukovych, - Ed.) Will not, temporarily stay, he will tie-tie, while here the silence will not work, and everything will go away on this.
Glazyev:  He has a purely paper role.
Abdullayev:  Today we should not say anywhere that today it is all Russia, namely, Putin. We should not speak any incomprehensible questions. We must calm down our people now. To the root of his people, we reassured, so that people would not say anything at home or in the street unnecessary words about the state, addressed to the first persons. We should feel how to start a conversation. Here I am looking for this, you know? That's why I need an interlocutor from there, with whom then we will communicate thoughts to a certain circle of the first, then - to the second circle, then - to go down, etc. It does not happen in another way.
Glazyev:  I understand, it means. Well, let's fix it again. First, Yanukovych will not return, it is 100%. Secondly, no one will submit to the present-day Kyiv, all power in the Supreme Council of Crimea. We absolutely do not need the new government of Crimea to become the second edition of Yanukovych and the Donetsk.
Abdullayev:  That's right.
Glazyev:  We do not need this. Moreover, we are going to invest big money in the Crimea. Actually, we now take the Crimea for its content. And we absolutely do not need thieves.
Abdullayev:  That's right.
Glazyev:  We need people like you who have work experience, who you can trust, and so on. So, there is now a question. Aksenov understood. If you do not trust Konstantinov, then what can I offer? I can ask that Shaimiev be sent there, maybe  As an intermediary, so that he somehow managed to influence the situation with his authority.
Abdullayev:  Shaimiev sent his people. So they spoke softly. Let this envoy from the Presidential Administration, deputy, simply stay here. And sometime in the evenings I'll let you down to one group, then to another. This is a subtle, subtle question, you need to sit down at the table in the evenings, quietly absorb it.
Glazyev:  Uh-huh.
Abdullayev:  The most important issue now, which can influence the course of the situation, so that our questions concerning certain people who have already deeply grown their vision. Hence, I understand that between Russia and Turkey there are very normal economic relations
Glazyev:  Uh-huh.
Abdullaev:  Attention and conversation of the first persons of Turkey - the  prime minister  - it is authoritative and it can change the opinion of some leaders. This is the hobby, you understand, yes me?
Glazyev:  I understand, I understand. The Minister is coming to you, in my opinion, from there?
Abdullayev:  Yes, why am I looking for you today? The minister is traveling. The Minister must first speak with the Prime Minister of Turkey. The scheme needs to be announced - so that then our comrades would not raise the depth, and raise it correctly. There are no other ways. I already see, and I already have everything. I have no problems. I understand and understand what will be done and how. But that's all to awaken normally, this is the scheme I see.
GLAZIEV:  I understand. Now I will try to organize such negotiations. Good.
Abdullayev:  All right. Let's get in touch then.
GLAZIEV:  In touch.
was Mike Flynn seriously thinking of a February surprise wherein Turkey would leave the EU, leave NATO at the same time as Ukraine entered quickly into it this year, or next ? I mean the monies he was paid were nothing compared to the real underlying strategic values for RUssia. AN actual Military Industrial complex Irish mobster being a shot caller in the long view of world history ? Ambitious stuff! We do know that TUrkey purchased Russian antiaircraft Missile systems that did not meet NATO inter-operability specifications... Maybe Turkey shooting down the RUssian combat jet was simply a ruse to further the narrative that things weren't going well between such Huge business partners?


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