Влюбленные Вместе


Влюбленные Вместе 

]  well, I didn't vote for Mister Trump, I wish him all the best. He certainly isn't stupid.
the thought that the Donald  (As POTUS ) will be doing car pool Karaoke with Vladimir Putin, catching a ride together after a late night soiree in Sochi or even Yalta, ,

after last weekend's outrageous outage in Customs and Border Protection' Electronic system melt down this weekend , only a day or so after the expulsion of Russian diplomats , closure of their compounds, : it would seem sort of apparent, while Homeland wouldn't probably admit it, that our system may have had a fairly easy vulnerability,  that was easily targeted and engaged as a non subtle message from our friends in the Russian Federation. The tacit assumption that the USA has better stuff, tools  for getting back at them for the (alleged)  hacking incident, maybe that needs a second go over ? Perhaps it is why Mister Trump's intel briefing is going down on Friday, getting the skinny / <?
So What if Edward  Snowden is working with the Russian Intelligence Services ? It's possible. I haven't seen anything that sounds real, yet he's cloaked in many layers of secrecy, by his own choice and the Russian Intelligence services. Yet while I now see Hong Kong roiled in turmoil over extradition law request matters with Mainland China , I see parallels with Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity . If the Clan Yanukovych had held sway well enough to shift Ukraine into a Lukashenko style reality, one could easily picture how Ukraine could have gotten into a track to be absorbed into Russia Federation by 2047, much as Hong Kong today faces a like dilemma. Russian agents were operating freely within Ukraine in 2013/2014, creating all types of mayhem, disruption. A lot of people were simply dragged into the woods and killed, to be left unaccounted for in the aftermath .

Yet if sanctions don't get lifted, what can, could they (Russia ) do to our (USA) economy ? When we don't truly know what they can be capable of doing, even as much as they gave Mister Trump an election outcome boost,  what if he cannot play according to their rules, will he try to make up an entirely new set of rules ?  It's anybody's guess. What if the Russians have some stuff about people in the Trump family knowingly violating money laundering laws, or things even worse than that,  in their real estate dealings , have we entered an era in American Politics where we can't look into the business of the President ? Russia can indeed,  continue to counter many forces of perception through Geopolitical manipulations. Ukraine's roadway toward European integration  will continue to be hampered by falling Bocks! There's Dagner when leaving the safety of SPellcheckerville.

Despite my feelings of sadness ,  knowing  fairly full well, what Mister Putin imposed on Ukraine, these are psychologically robust,   positive people. They don't seem to need concerning  themselves too much about what further consequences may arise from their liberation maneuver   from Moscow's domination  3 years ago.
   I was thinking about something in my own thoughts,  now that I can hardly believe , could hardly picture how it has only been 7 months or so since Nadia Savchenko's release . She has done so much, and seen such a dramatic turn around in her status. Losing her position within PACE http://assembly.coe.int/nw/Home-EN.asp , well  maybe that's not a complete surprise. Maybe she wasn't up to dealing with the intricate needs of the high octane Kiev-elite centric political constituency    anyway,  she needs time to heal from everything she went through, and perhaps ease back a bit,  from attempting to achieve the impossible ? Just spend some time   waiting on a friend ?

I can understand, perhaps it was too much, to give her access to state secrets and strategy,  after her long imprisonment, solitary confinement, beatings, starving herself nearly into a coma.  There had to have been a psychologically  clever handler in the mix,  somewhere during her imprisonment.
I haven't heard if she was under 24 hour video surveillance, but it would seem likely. Who knows ?

Perhaps getting captured potentially saved her,  from getting  killed in the conflict zone ,
 she lived to fight another day,  for her country.
Once more, as is her nature, Nadia, now more than ever.
she seems to have gone dark,   news about her becomes a trifle scarce.
I am wishing Peace for the heart of Hope / And I can forget, forgive about the apparent fact she admires, admired Pinochet. I knew many Chileans from the far left, and heard the complaints from the gilded youth of Chile's far right. These are issues in South American history books, and today there are no apparent Nuclear weapons on that continent. Chile had a terrible, brutal USA backed conflict, overthrow of a Left leaning President Allende, now it is ancient history, yet the players of the game are still active. I pass no judgement. I only know the people I know, like  and try to listen to their thoughts. I remember a "Like Cafe" in Simferopol Ukraine just as the Maidan, Ukraine's 2013/2014 revolution was in full swing. The place seemed ridiculous and suspicious, like this was a hub for Facebook's social networking down there (as we in San Francisco refer to Los Angeles ) There was a media war that preceded the actual "Green Men" invasion. And it was under reported on by the media, and if one reported on it in too much detail back then, it would be dangerous. I was not in on that. There was a great stirring, scraping of the cauldron back then, down there. It was certain.

The recent John McCain, Lindsey Graham visit to Ukraine,  does seem to send a promising note for the people on the ground trying to hold off the tide of 20-40,000 soldiers armed with Russian armor ,tanks, technological military equipment . Maybe folks in USA don't really get it, that Russia has  nearly every single modernized form of drivable military gear (and many forms of flyable gear, like drones) such as tanks, launchers, communications and counter communications, electronic jamming rigs and so forth,  brought over the Ukraine Border into the Donbas .  Russia has massed about 600 tanks, 1,300 combat vehicles, 860 artillery systems and 300 multiple launch rocket systems in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equipment_used_by_separatist_forces_of_the_war_in_Donbass
THE USA does continue to need to make some obeisance to the Budapest memorandum . Or we'd totally lose face in the world.
Read more on UNIAN: http://www.unian.info/war/1709801-ukraine-def-minister-reveals-number-of-russian-military-grouping-hardware-in-donbas.html

It is a full on,  heavy duty ,  land based invasion,  that The Kremlin has  dragged on for 2.5 years into the territory of their peaceful neighbor,  geographically the largest country in Europe.

And that is not including,  the possibility of introducing / stationing , transporting Nuclear weapons on air and sea military assets  based in Russian occupied Crimea.
Let's hope it's not a hard rain gonna fall there, or anywhere.

That there were Pro-Putin Ramzan Kadyrov loyalist Chechens ,  plus somewhat ruthless Ossetians and a vast armada of foreign Nationals, including our guy "Texas" participating in Mayhem, terrorism, torture, abductions, robberies and hard core lawlessness,
it's rather shocking to consider that Russia engaged in a  massive importation of war tourists, sadists and outright ruthless mercenaries,  heavily orchestrated  coordinated by the Russian Military /GRU working inside Ukraine.  That was the basis for her prisoner exchange, and I know,  I heard it straight from a person in the Ukraine military,  who barb her trade with the complaint that 2 GRU officers for only one woman who really wasn't the best fighter,  ( I am sorry , it is human nature to complain)
    I hate to be honest, but the spade should be called a spade.

However, intensified War probably won't solve the matter easily in any direction.
As Doctor Henry Kissinger knows only too well. Hey, I have got an idea, let's just blame the entire event on the Alien Reptile species that is goading our planetary defense mechanisms towards a completely destructive war, to make it more easy for them to take over the planet. We could say they visited Yanukovych at his estate ,  Mezhirnya, by swimming in or landing in the lake and going underwater to his stupid Pirate ship houseboat that wasted enough money to build an entire new University campus wing.
the Reptilians were the ones who shot down MH 17,  I get it, that's the ticket,  they are the new common enemy. It's really the most easy way to explain everything, and that's the stuff people tend to crave,  easy yet esoteric explanations with untestable,  but irrefutable "evidence"  Anything , crazy fake stuff like that is way better than all of us getting blown up, over a "misunderstanding" as recently happened between Pakistan and Israel . It is so much more interesting to follow our favorite TV shows nowadays,   than worry about some sort of  hinkey Nostradamus type event.

At the end of the night and start of the new day, it's mostly just personalities, people , money and politics that create all this war and conflict , there are no space alien reptiles that I know of, but still there are a lot of weird stories that clutter up the narrative on the space programs, why have certain types of space technology apparently been blocked  or held back for lack of funding ?

Regarding the militants operating in Eastern Ukraine, you can forget the niceties of the Geneva conventions on warfare conduct,  they were cutting body parts off Ukraine's prisoners of war. Fingers, ears, and whatever else, intentional maiming, indiscriminate, summary executions. Not that Ukraine is without sin, but to me they seem  to be more clearly dedicated to the process of transparency,  freedom of the press and tolerating dissent.  If anything else can be said, perhaps it's that the Professional Russian military in the Eastern Ukraine occupation zones, that have curtailed the worst trends of violating the basic rights of Prisoners of war.   Now it's a 24/7 Kremlin operation over there  but in some inverse contraption, can it be that the legacy of  working people in the Donbass ,  miners labor Union people,  who were at the forefront of the struggle, demonstrations relating  to breaking  up the failing Communist system spread across the Soviet Union ? Could it once again become a fulcrum for upsetting the Post Yeltsin power structure administered my Mister Putin ?

This current occupation of the coal mining , metal,  iron, steel producing regions of Ukraine, it's just a strategic ploy, another resource grab by the Kremlin that's proving perhaps more expensive than it's worth. The Crimean oil and gas is deep down, a long term asset they can downplay, and begin to exploit 30 years forward from now,  perhaps.
But it's a big unknown, Does RexT know the dope on it  "?  Yet what does Doctor Kissinger think it's worth,   for the Kremlin to pull out or stay , and how can they all agree,  to a fantasy demilitarization ,
without a corresponding deal to legitimize the seizure / annexation of Crimea ?
   their Crimean legislative protagonist was a mobster with the nickname of "The Goblin" wow man, that's intense,  really. I mean Crimea was/ maybe is like Turkey . The chief of police in the Crimean Capitol, Simferopol ,  I believe, was part Tatar, or maybe even Gypsy. It's a good Old Fashioned future there.

Just like most people in Turkey,  have some part of their family who is Kurdish. Yet it would seem like the night club massacre in Turkey on New Year's eve was like some weird throw,  back to a Medellin Cartel style ambush.  The people I know,  in Turkey simply want to do business and make some money,
it's simply the hard fact,  that they have ISIS at their back doorway.  It's some messed up  stuff.

it will be something like a Dalai Lama type thing perhaps, that the UA/RUS Orthodox Religious orders will maybe work some things out,  and unify potentially unify the feelings amongst variant  people about the political situation, and the perhaps Catholics will help stir the pot ?

We must keep in mind,  the long standing tolerance towards Islam in Ukraine.

 I myself was surprised on  noticing ,  (quite a while ago ) on  one visit to Sevastopol,

wherein ,  some educated gentleman on the bus who said "welcome to Sevastopol" to me,

of how powerful,  the call to prayer was,  from the mosque in city center ,  blaring on loudspeakers,

maybe that has changed in Sevastopol ?  I have not picked up any mention of this feature  in the press.   I just remembered big areas of huge apartment developments, old and new,  stretching East from Sevastopol city center and having the feeling in my mind    "there is nothing there/ here  ,  no jobs,  no economy, only crime, punishment and  exploitation of people's lives,  in some ways,  perhaps a mirror of what is happening in large parts of Russia today.  Yet never having gone deep into the heart of Russia,  I am no expert,  nor even a savvy learner.

Well I hope that  my favorite parachutist ,  Ms. Nadia Savchenko is enjoying her first semblance of a semi- normal Christmas Holiday,  in perhaps more than 3 years time?  I commend my super heroine, for her fearlessness,  and straight forward qualities,   in pursuing the release of other prisoners of war, and continuing the work of liberating her nation from lawlessness and terror.  Many people are hoping for a returning of Ukraine,  to a Peaceful Democratic nation,  that is open for business,  and ready to have some cool  fun once more,
but it may take some super-human drama to get it back to normal. Or maybe it can all get fixed with a couple of good books ?  That was  (parenthetically ),  the basis of my interaction with her, before all this blew up in so many crazy ways.
Maybe I am just a foolish dufous, who is a little too far out there ?  That is not me and that is not her.
"Sweethearts Together"
Sweethearts together
We've only just begun
Sweethearts together
We'll take life as it comes
Sweathearts forever
Two hearts together as one
Everybody needs someone
To tell their troubles to
To share the pain and laughter
In a world beset with fools
To help you with your ups and downs
Someone to heal your wounds
So we're
Sweethearts together
When two hearts beat as one
Sweethearts together
We've only just begun
Sweethearts forever
Two hearts together as one
As one
Everyone so cynical
And says that love won't last
Think about your future
Stop living in the past
Time's not standing still
So stop looking through those tinted glasses
Sweathearts together
We've only just begun
Sweathearts together
So glad I've found someone
Sweethearts forever
Two hearts together as one
As one
But love is never easy
It's never silky smooth
There's always something tempting
In the wilderness of youth
But I will stay right by your side
The truth will out, you'll realize
Sweathearts together we've only just begun
Sweathearts together
So glad I found someone
Sweethearts forever
Two hearts together as one


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