It's not easy

Crimea and Eastern Ukraine become , have been made into a set of blocking points for the reconstruction of Ukraine. We all hope for a Ukraine free of corruption, easy to do business with, something like a fantasy land, which it will never be. But the spirit for cohesive reform is there, if those darn Jesuits will stop making sense I haven't had mulled wine with them yet, but maybe the truth has to be out there ! It is still possible that ROBERT DeNiro, MARTIN Scorcese and Leonardo DiCaprio will team up to do a Nadia Savchenko Biopic on her Aidar Battalion's pandemic excursions in the war zones of Eastern Ukraine, but who will play she ? Now that she is no longer thought to be trustworthy knowing state secrets, maybe she will go for the big money in Hollywood ? a SUBPLOT of Papal conspiracy is always an easy point of conjecture. I have had a much better than average glimpse of Russia's "red Book" on it's acti...