Communal Security in the border lands, or getting back to business !
Now who wants to make a war on such nice people ?
I really don't get it why it all went down like this !
it totally isn't very nice
can't Russia simply return control to the borders of Ukraine, to Ukraine !
or is it more complicated ?
what are the deals within deals revolving around Crimea ?
and who is gonna make a money from that ?
will all the hurt people actually ever get anything ?
Monuments to the dead don't have much life to them
at the end of the day, we all have to admit some excess paranoia, fears about China , Russia
, fears about every part of the world we don't understand, but why bother losing sleep ? why do we get caught in all this mumbo Jumbo ?
five years ago, this guy complained to me : quite literally about Yanukovych "This President is not good for our military "
any people have something against the art of Peace ?
Peace comes through honesty and transparency
ultimately, people want solutions, not excuses
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