it takes a village....?

If a village falls down in the Arctic, does anybody hear it do that?
what if the Inuits just get fed up with the US Government , could Russia win back Alaska through coercion ? It sounds impossible, but this hybrid warfare is getting to be a finely tuned mechanism

I was thinking about Ukraine all the day today, not so much about the whoosh and screeches of Kiev's Metro, but the minds of the people who use it... Modern Ukraine is essentially a conglomerate of people who found their lives there. True that the famines, Holodmir killed off huge numbers of people descended from the centuries of time in Ukraine. Soviets mixed people around, brought in people from here and there, took some away (as they did the Tatars)
With President Poroshenko's mention of Mordor in his speech, it made me wonder of Led Zeppelin was going to do a surprise Kiev concert in the near future, maybe October ? The October surprise,
But I was really hoping Mick Jagger and the boys would beat the Zep to the punch , we'll have to see the strategy that Doctor Ironfist works out to win the match of perception about Economic investment and letting the Good times Roll in Ukraine ?
The frontline troops have to be getting uneasy in Ukraine's East, there is no telling when all Hell will break loose, another offensive, more lost ground, perhaps that Autobahn to Crimea will get built through Berdiansk ? As it's come recently out that the USA advised Ukraine not to confront the Russian forces  which occupied Crimea, it sounds like "we don't want to mess with them and you shouldn't mess with them" It probably would have been a slaughter, but what has the war in the Donbass been ? It's all very messy. Maybe the Yale Skull and Bones guys have it all dialed in, but what do their girl friends think? Is there a Russian equivalent to the Skull and Bones fraternity ? And does any of this really matter with the wealth and influence of the Millenials nowadays ?
How close do these (our )  US Air Force guys plan to get near Russian Air Defense space? what if they get off course? I get goofy GPS errors all the time. It's not for me to be the Monday Morning quarterback, second guess Ash Carter's thinking on this, hope there's no mistakes over Lithuania; any small set of errors can quickly compound: I don't want to be alarmist, but if we think there's a problem in the stock markets now, just wait until there's another situation like the Cuban Missile crisis, certainly theres' little doubt Russia will station ICBM capable vessels , planes etc in Crimea. It's just really weird that they could bring forth this dark scepter of doom, to take over a province of peaceful country that chose to be Nuclear weapons free, and then just park some Nukes out in the back yard with the same cavalier attitude Americans tow around their NASCAR trailers...

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances is a political agreement signed in BudapestHungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The Memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the United KingdomChina and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]
The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine as well as those of Belarus and Kazakhstan. As a result, Ukraine gave up the world's third largest nuclear weapons stockpile between 1994 and 1996,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical though not operational control .The use of the weapons was dependent on Russian-controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system.
it seems like a pity that the Budapest Memorandum didn't get some sort of broader UN mandate, it was a lot of Nuclear weapons destructive capacity given up for very little leverage, and a paltry sum of money for Ukraine at the time, but I guess now, it's just muddy water under the bridges off the  Dnieper river.


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