The Woman Who bought The World

I remember a moment in perhaps 2007, 2008, when I was at a bank in Central Kyiv and a woman who was a Yoko Ono Look alike came into the bank depositing a suitcase of cash , easily 100, 200 hundred thousand US dollars. She had body guards, 3 or 4 men with her. Ukraine is a strange place. Due to the Budapest memorandum and the iconoclastic theorem that walking away from Nuclear weapons is more easy (hypothetically) our USA's tax payers have bought into, uprooted Ukraine. Even Lindsey Graham the Republican Hawk has come out of recent meetings saying something like "this is what America has to do, stay the course of history" The Budapest memorandum has been a hugely under reported aspect of the news cycle about Ukraine. For Ukraine it was nearly unthinkable that Russia would attack them , 5, 6., 7 years ago, yet the event transpired, many lives were lost, shattered, there was internal battle, sabotages, foreign intelligence machinations. Ukraine has become something like "The Destroyed House" it is a Sonic Youth album, from back in the day when they recorded in some format like a college rock band, exploratory, Ukraine is still a rather poor country, it's resources depleted by people who largely successfully exported their wealth from this de-nuclealrization event that was historically unprecedented , and they are caught ups within a cycle of feeling betrayal, yet somehow wanting to feel a siignifgant sense of solidarity with their brothers and sisters n the Russian world, that is in my humble opinion at this pint in time, it is a difficult and complex reality to digest, cleanse , decompress, re compress from , yet it is a highly significant reality within which the geopolitical machinations cannot afford much of any mistake. Russia holds energy and the potential for highly destructive nuclear strike capability , and nobody in the West can say to them what they should or can do strategically, that is a fact . I am no fan of Russia or China, but they do collectively wholesome serious cards for the collectiive future of humanity and the planet. Ukraine walked away from those stakes, they got bought out, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a legitimate seat at the table to negotiate this future feed forward in reality , it's more about how will they do it and achieve it. They need outsiders and a disruptive disambiguation of their  reality, in my humble opinion to break this disruptive hybrid warfare scenario which continues to take and wound their best and brightest persons

Meng Wanzhou, I have to give her a tip of my cap, for deftly fending off a legal maneuver by a Superpower (USA) Honestly, I'm not a China basher inherently, certainly the Chinese people are smart, intelligent and capable , as are the Russian people. Has Meng Wanzhou actually been conducting business from Canada, in Afghanistan? It is simply my humble supposition that she has a secure, encrypted line to China from home. Could Afghanistan become a Nuclear capable or equipped Nation before Iran? Of that scenario, I used to be uncertain, but now I am not so sure.. China was definitely working deals to expand the port in Feodisia in Crimea prior, during 2013, that is well known, one has to drill into arcane shipping and port development journals to find the reference. I would surmise that for the moment, China has shelved any hard investment in machinery and labor to develop a port in Feodisia, yet I had seen Chinese tour groups in Chernihiv, probably looking at the Ukrainian textile industry as an investment opportunity.

 Mh 370/ MH17, you've probably been sold a bill of goods, any plausible narrative relating to these events is most likely fictionally constructed. Multiple fictional constructs simply don't hold up. MH 370 was the most perfect distraction for the Russian invasion of Crimea ( and takeover of that Ukrainian territory in 2014) MH 17 shot down by BUK Missile systems in  2104 was mostly a public/ private partnership project between the Russian Federation and unknown actors who were also potentially involved in the Brazilian Gold Heist who's actors may have also been involved in the

One can linger upon the details, but trillions of $'s were profited

Who is to say that some of the MH 370 passengers are not alive, and when can they expect some intricately complicated release. MH 370 was an intricately planned job, MH 17 was something random.'Believe me or not, I worked MH 17 on the ground, at first just attempting to discern who was behind it, and could they still be alive ?

My inquiry delivered the finding that the perpetrators were alive, but they were in hiding.

this was a terrible crime, and a criminal can only had for so long, but how does this back spin , what is the counter narrative? I am grudgingly open to the back spin. There were a lot of Janky situations associated with the downing of MH17 unfortunately. It  is 5 years the day after tomorrow and still no real answer is available. 

Yet Mh370 as a hypothetical airplane abduction event is entirely plausible seeing as how it created a huge distraction from the geopolitical transgression of Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. There was an excellently skilled Russian diplomat on board, who spectacularly celebrated Christmas underwater in Lake Baikal, plus 2 Odessa natives who were engaged in a business making expensive furniture.

That model of MH370 airplane was highly vulnerable to an avionics bay intrusion, and who is to say that the flight path of MH 17 was not entirely trackable  and the passenger list not accessible by mercenary forces who were able to insert within the BUK missile launching system Russian military inserted into Ukraine 5 years ago? It's all really janky, nothing is certain, everything is at question/


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