who's the man who sold the world ?


Having been there in Ukraine, well before , during, after  the onset of open conflict with The Russian Federation, I met a man, a Ukrainian man, his name, identity to be withheld > He is not the man who sold the world, but maybe like the man who saw the selling of the world. He had been to the White House to discuss disarming the , what was it? 5,500 or 6,500  Soviet Nuclear Warheads/ Bombs. Ukraine did not have the arming codes for the weapons, but they held the weapons in the early 1990's after the fall of Soviet Union. As we in the West often reference the idea, Possession is like 9/10ths of ownership.

Often I sense this parable that a lot of Americans would not easily grasp. That Ukraine underwent a forced Communization/ collectivization, also a  Holodomir (mass starvation) and they somehow as a population had to deal with it, work with something that they did not like, some horror thrust upon them, and this was a horror for them , also a  scenario thrust upon the Russian people upon that vast Post-Czarist Bolshevik scenario.

So this man, maybe he kind of knows who the man, or some of the men who sold the world. I was simply struck by his very deep and indelible sense of grief that it had come to this,  undisguised,  open war with Russia on Ukrainian land. And for what? For more men to calculate who can sell the world more easy?

There are many distorted narratives about Ukraine sin my opinion. The Far Right is not so extreme as it's portrayed in Western Media  (There are still plenty of Ukraine people with pretty relevant thought threads  about Socially fair and balanced , almost like Swedish style  social liberalism. in Ukraine\\

 And the aspect of Far Right Ukraine forces fighting Russian forces defending an Ultra Capitalist Far right Russian military and variant plausibly deniable cutouts, who are both Christian and Orthodox, although there are some Catholic believers on Ukraine's side, it's an absurd conflict actually in some ways. And of course, there are Chechens who are also actively involved on both sides of the conflict . 


Yet one has to look at the underlying, obvious historical context. People in Ukraine who became connected into the favoritisms of the Communist party then used that connectivity in the post Independence era to become wealthy on some scale, Wealth buys power and influence.

Ukraine simply made a decision that they did not perceive that they hadn't any enemies, they did not have the funds at the time to maintain a Nuclear Arsenal, and the USA was offering generous enough funding for them to decommission their Nuclear weapons. I do not think that the press even cares to mull that moment in history over in the context of Ukraine (it does not elicit a cooperative response from North Korea that if you do this, you could get that....)

if you are the man who sold the world, then Mister, you are a better man than I. Good luck with that!


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