A Long time Coming to understandings of things

Ukraine and Russian people are great people, they overcame so much shit
my great Grandmother, my favorite quote of hers was about having to wash "dirty, shitty jeans"
and we, our family were bootleggers, train hoppers, trouble makers no doubt
yes, I was there. It is in the history books. But what is that really ? An anecdote?

I guess it is true, if one is a watcher of my occasional blog about Ukraine, this is off beat, perhaps a random mention. I was poking around in Netflix tonight. Netflix is a corporate entity, yet their marketing will promote whatever people like.

yet I came across this Drama Documentary Patriots Day
it is "Cheesey" gratuitous yet perhaps relevant according to a time table, like a setting of a stage of conflict between Russia, USA, etc.
Most people in USA, maybe 99% still have unformed perspectives about Ukraine's and Russia's conflict, regarding Chechens, Chechen militants. I cannot quite now did up the clips, but Chechen militants drove into Eastern Ukraine's Donbas on 2014, later part of 2014 on armored vehicles, clutching AK's etc, yet Chechens also have fought valiantly for Ukraine, I would dare to call them call them Georgian Chechens . This is one of the perceptive conundrums of Western perceptions of the conflict in Ukraine. Chechens are split hard along this East West Line of conflict, and their economy is hit hard, really hard, dirt poor hard. It has been said that Chechens are the ______ of Russian Federation, they are exploited , manipulated and generally oppressed. Russian society, be they leaning toward the West, or tilting to their center in the East, they (Russians and Chechens)  always want an advantageous relationship. It is not like "hey man, we are all good here" they are mostly, culturally about assessing dominance in business and personal  relationships. They want a dominant relationship. There is no egalitarian thing there , even the leftist  "Noam Chomsky" (a brilliant professor of East West Stuff) is ultimately  swept to the side. Russia wants to dominate , yet they are looking both to the right (and I mean the West, like EU, USA) and to the East (and I mean China , exclusively) Russian interests are also caught in the middle of all this, and the Heaven or the Devil probably occupies the details of this ambiguous (East/ West thing) situation for them . I cannot quite picture it, could I now be a high profile target of Mister Putin's newly Constitutionally, electorally officialized ,  resuscitated regime ?
If so, if that my be then I am glad that I made it this far. I do not wish any of Russia's people ill will, including ,maybe  _ him. I only want to ask for some reality check, like "hey man, please take a step back, you don't need to keep going down this hard core road , take it easy for awhile, let the Western interests reset on the back heel of response to his weird pandemic, let's just all  try to figure out how to get together and figure this escapade of bad actors gone wrong pandemic thing, reconnoiter global security, try to ford=give and forget a little this last 5 years. Is that too much too ask for? Maybe it is. I don't know really. Ukraine is well poised to be the "poster child" of an epic East -West  economic and Diplomatic re-opening, they have so much currency available. Let us poor sots, us Wstern Idiots simply hope that they can formulate some basic plan to reintegrate EU, RU< US, North American relations in some brilliant way (the skeptics wills seriously doubt this, the greed of Ukraine's elites and upper class will inevitably fuck it up, this brilliant opportunity) yet this chance is there. Any body who knows anything will tell you, that it simply cannot be that far away, unless all these imbeciles and pseudo experts in government intervene because of their bloody predilections and pre-existing financial arrangements will get occluded . It is simply that crazy . All of , or most of the vested interests seem to want o move it backwards, and it is really sad.
I came across a memory in my head of a man, a really badly injured man from the conflict tonight, and he, I guess it is hard to describe for me, his entire body was wrapped in bandages and he was being taken out of the ambulance, and I really did not know what this was about when it was happening, somehow he looked me in the eye at that moment, somehow he lived and somehow he went on to damaging things with his life. And I think about all the stupid shit I did in my life and escaped mostly without many scratches. It is humbling for me, yet inspirational that I have an opportunity to follow what such an amazing warrior has done, and not truly support , but acknowledge his effort in some small way, and it is really difficult for me, really seriously difficult to figure out my place in all of this. The only thing that I can accept as true os that people find me interesting, they like my quiet nature, sense my creative intentions. And that is enough for me, this tacit understanding that I am a witness to Ukraine's greatest generation. The can shift between all this seamlessly, between Love and fun, War, Economic deprivation, surreality, without falling =into the easy mental traps. Arseny Yatseniuk was not the best Political voice  of Ukraine, yet what he said about there being no free cheese in the mouse trap is totally relevant today, one has to see it both ways, you have to allow the rats into the house to trap them, otherwise you will probably lose it.
I cannot reverse dissect this grotesque situation of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. I cannot even understand what took me 7 years to grasp the weirdness of this massively aggressive violence in my country. In some ways, I cannot remember exactly all the situations I experienced in Ukraine in that year before the Russian Occupation and forced annexation of Crimea (Although I was there when it was going down, starting to go down)
It all seems very weird, the Boston Bombings, I have no interpretive analysis to offer. I feel more weird in my heart , in that Pavel Sheremet made the trouble to introduce himself and befriend me in those days after President Poroshenko made himself a clear winner in the elections . A lot of people are saying "riffmaster " he had no motive to kill my friend Pavel. I just do not see any logical motive, connection. Aksyonov (and that is a great name, so epic) he is a survivor, like me, probably much wiser than I am, yet he chose to hang the noose of guilt on a Half Jewish man, who grew up in Kyiv's Jewish slum, that he wanted to kill my friend Pavel, who was a brilliant truth teller, what, for money?

There are a lot of strange, murky circumstances around the Boston Bombings. At this point in time,  I cannot remember everything that I experienced being in Ukraine back than. Is it possible that the Boston Bombings were a message in the sense that "we can Hit you at home, we can hit you there (with your developing interests in Ukraine) ? It is spooky for me to think about it. I never fully connected the 1 year offset between the Boston Bombings and the Green men invasion, occupation fo Crimea. Since I have some good friends, experience, specifically in Crimea, and understand how the argument goes on each side of the parallelogram , it is just weird for me personally. Some days I am simply troubled by the things I know. I worry, maybe just a little that extremists could target me, just for being a semblance of a moderate. I do know high level people on each side of this equation. Honestly, for me, looking as an outsider, looking in there, knowing people who are both lost and gone forever and those people that are irrevocably changed, wonder, damaged, none of this is good. In some ways if Yanukovych had survived, somehow, it was a textbook silk glove invasion. Russia gets almost everything, anyway. Ukraine keeps Crimea, but loses all control of the real estate and energy resources locked deep within the Black sea. Now they claim the resources , but they cannot sell those resources, nor do they want them, for the development cost is too high. Iran has cheap oil, the saudis have cheaper oil, it is truly a race to the bottom in world petroleum markets. 30-40 years from now, Black Sea Oil and gas reserves my be attractive, and Russian Federation's oil and gas energy profits, developments could hold the line in Germany, France, Italy, etc. American people simply do not picture the vast offshore oil and gas reserves in a simple, de facto cognition. While Soviet Union extracted the best part of Ukraine's easy to extract Carapathian Oil and gas reserves in World War 2,
while these deposits do not equal the Caspian sea energy, they are similar and relevant resources .
I think that Germany's economy  is simply too distant from the rare Earth minerals of the new economy, they are dependent upon China, Russia and all the "Stans" to get what they hunger for in developing the alternative carbon neutral economy.


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