Pay it backward / ? /

I have been trying to pay it forward as best I can, just another left centered, creative person working the margins of Ukraine's rather eccentric geopolitical equation. Yet I admire some components of right wing thinking, I like to listen, if they are ready to create a 2 way dialog and not be didactic about it.

So now these Poroshenko/ Biden tapes emerge . I still really like President Poroshenko, and many of my friends like him greatly also. He inherited a broken system and did his best to repair it. Above all else, he is a decent man, he cares about Ukraine greatly. He has his money, and had no need to steal any money from his people. He was ready to brave the drama of the Euro Maidan events and attempt to create some calm in the storm .
Ultimately, perhaps this is a 3-way pissing match? Kolomoisky, Putin, Poroshenko ? as I see it, since I have met the man, Mister Kolomoisky/ he will have the last laugh. However things go with his claim of an ownership stake in his bank, Putin robbed his banks in Crimea. There is no question of that about robbing Privat Bank assets in Crimea, as we Americans say, by the Lock, stock and Barrel<  Of course Kolomoisky took and ingenious opportunity to pilfer his own bank through dubious (to say the least lending schemes to paper borrowers, giving credit to gas station networks who then defaulted massively on tax payments to the Ukrainian state, and things like that, it was a brilliant shell game) Mister Kolomoisky was an alternative to the Party of Regions band of bandits, he did it with more finesse. He has made it clear he does not like Vladimir Putin, and I believe that he will have the last laugh, whatever it does cost him, on that score .

Unfortunately the USA's upcoming presidential election cycle seems to be doomed to revisit the Impeachment hearings "Biden's, Burisma, Zlochevsky" aren't all of our US politicians so satisfied that they can roll that name Zlochevsky off their tongues ? The latest scandal of the 6 million $ bribe , I posted this initially, some weeks ago. I don't quite know what to make of this, Like Laurel and Hardy type comedy sketch or something? But that is serious money, and it's up to Ukraine's [rosecutors to trace the origins of such a big lump of cash, for Ukraine it is a lot, China, not so much, Russia , maybe a pretty big lump of cash, Azerbaijan, UAE, maybe it's a little nudge of cash. Who actually does this? I thought the case was dead in the water...  Is this bundle of cash story going to be the equivalent of eating frog's legs for the media, in the swirl of stories going about? I guess you don't want to know, really.

Honestly, I simply have no comment about the tapes, the Kolomoisky grand Jury indictment/ probe about Cleveland real estate, etc. I had coffee with Mister Kolomoisky once in Kyiv. He sat at my little table and inserted his larger than life personality in my random moment. he is a true character. I do believe that he exfiltrated a massive chunk of money out of his bank, like that he made Yanukovych out as some sort of petty thief, which Victor Yanukovych actually was. Unfortunately this pissing match appears to have cost Ukraine Crimea.

    I was revisiting in my mind today those mysterious and distinctively Chinese/ Asian men visiting the Hotel Ukraine, in Simferopol Ukraine in late December 2013. And I think that everybody, the entire cast of characters of the "Russian Spring " floated through that hotel around New Year in very late 2013. I remember going on the breakfast buffet and seeing that people ceased talking when they noticed my quiet presence . I remember going out to Sevastopol totally alone in the late winter days and visiting Chersoneseus.

And I remember it was so dislocated that nobody in the archaeological reserve was collecting an entrance fee. This is my photo, of the military base ,  shot from the Chersoneseus archaeological preserve,
not some pic scraped off the internet.

I guess that I am guilty of some hostility about the armed takeover of Crimea. It could have become such a paradise of innovation, alternative energy, green revolution type stuff. Just to park a military base and build a definitively breaking bad bridge to make a select few persons more rich at the cost of the Russian tax payers, sad. This was like NORAD, USA and Canada, Ukraine and Russia working for a common regional defense. I think that Russia was covertly encouraged by China to make the move against Ukraine, in China's Long Game. And the COvid thing could be another component of that equation, it seems to read out like that. Not that I have anything against the Chinese people, they are wonderful, proud, resilient, adaptable folks with great knowledge. I think that Ukraine got caught in the cross fire of China's long game.

One more, perhaps minor comment , I think that the first lady of Ukraine is going to go down in the history of Eastern Europe as one of the most influential first ladies. Having met them so long ago now, I really feel it, that she is the most overlooked news story of the Ukraine situation today. One cannot study the details and not infer that she is highly integrated not only in the problems , but more so in the potential solutions of the conflict between Ukraine and Russian Federation. It is a common joke/ reference in Ukraine that man became President because of who he married, not because of who he is as a man.

I simply dread hearing that "The Bidens, Burisma, and Zlochevsky " becoming the catch phrase of the Democratic party's opposition. It is a fairly good mantra, somehow it works. Joe Biden is a very skilled political operative with and impressive resume, and he is liked on both sides of the aisle in Congress , the US Senate. Yet will either Joe or the other actually survive all this getting towards election day. The Kolomoisky investigation is an interesting twist. Igor Kolomoisky will settle all of this according largely, to his terms. After all, Mister Putin robbed his banks, not alone the bank vaults, but the actual real estate, the bank building, the furniture in the bank building in Simferopol Ukraine . And Mister Putin even mimicked Oprah Winfrey in her giving away cars to her audience "well if you have a loan to a Ukraine Bank for your car, just don't pay it""
How intriguing is this that Turkmenistan still tops my monthly reader's list and USA and Russian Federation are matched? Interesting statistics indeed.

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