The Lost Patericon

 scene 1 : Bookstore, Central London /

Central London, July 6 2016  (09:37 am)
walking quickly, the scene's central character:

Main Character :Young man, walking quickly/ The Central Character 

 Arleigh : He is dressed  in a semi-formal, Green checkered vest and a lilac shaded collared shirt, grey business pants and black dress shoes
he has a sprightly,  yet oddly stuttered body language,  (not walking with a fluid pace ), as he pushes amongst  the mix of people  in central London who are near,  exiting the Green Park Metro tube,

 he is walking,  while talking, on the Samsung Galaxy using "speaker phone" , held forward with his left hand,  as he brushes through the lighter than usual ,  Wednesday morning,   sidewalk crowd.

 " I tell you William, the Bang On truth is  like this, the bugger rushed in during  the scrum after I'd blocked the goal, and he absolutely,  Banjaxed me  right rib. yeah mate, that  spiky Chauncy, he  had a gammy look on his face when it went down, and acted like a Holy Joe, like as  sayin' he got pushed into me from behind when I was back to the ground . The bleeding ground made a thud, when he jammed into me: I could see that he thought it was a Gas. He is the big Dosser ( on the team, that's it.

(voice of) William: are you feeling reasonable Arleigh, seen a Doctor yet?

Arleigh : I bunked off  on seeing the doctor for now. It was a fair Play that we won against them with me going out for a wee bit in the Third quarter to recover. Tossing back in, I knocked off a final block, late in the game to give us the Deadly win on the game. Went straight out with the boys to get full on fluthered  afterwards.

William : Arleigh, I had heard about it. How are you going to weigh the scales here ?

Arleigh: (his gaze,  glancing to the right,  across the small green space to the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia)  Well mate, the bugger is an Exeter guy who has a big thing for Gaelic football, the bloke  going  out  for a harsh Gawk and  stiff Lash on  us Irish guys, I found out that his father   is a big Insurance Technology guy. It fully seems,  that I am getting it in the Arse both ways, as I still pay insurance on my car in Armagh (IRELAND) : we pay up close on  the highest Insurance rates, as me home fella's like to spin the cars rough and burn off a wee street race  once in  a bit.

William : Arleigh ,  I'd be cheery to stand in on your position there mate,  and give this Chauncy feller" a good taste of his own medicine.

Arleigh: No need for that  William , got a friend going in against their team next weekend in Gatwick,  me mate down there  can equalize  the score for me , no worries (he smiles) Got to tank  the gab now mate : going in the quiet zone...A good chance that  he may be eating stones, in that bloody match next weekend,  if he plays in on the game.
(Phone character ) William: Cheers Arleigh, call me later , right ? And I hope there is a good squeeze on the ruddy scoundrel there , when your mates play the bloody  game, down there,  there.

Arleigh: sure thing then ,  William ,

Arleigh : opens the door of Maggs Books,  Mayfair, 46 Curzon Street, the Closed sign is still up, it's 9:39 AM , the shop's  green entrance door has a calming, centering effect on him, the way it is  set to the right of three squarish Sandstone columns of an early Edwardian style. As it opens, the door hinge emits the vaguest, most subtle squeak, almost barely audible to the ear, yet it permeates the quiet of the book store,  looking up, he  spots a medium size brown/ grey spider with rather large eyes staring down at him  in the top jamb of the doorway. He wonders if he should leave it alone, or fetch it out to somewhere to the street as he sights  one of the other sales Associates,  Alice,  who is preparing things at the sales desk.

Alice: Hello Arleigh,  good morning, How are things?
Arleigh : Everything is fine, really.
 (He gives his best smile to Alice, not wanting to complain of his sporting injury)
Arleigh : after putting on his white gloves, he  takes out from a glass covered shelf at the rear of the shop,  a very worn , green/grey volume  about the width of a stretched hand that's quite antiquated: He places it in the book cradle .  It is An intermediary translation of early Gaelic works of poetry by an obscure writer's group.  Perhaps the first printed collection of Early Gaelic Poetry. "Ann Fein Eire'" is the title. Preparing the listing for the book and a few others in early printed Gaelic had  probably got him this gig, as his  summer posting.
The  task  he (Arleigh ) faces , is to annotate,  and interpret some of the key passages for the online book listing: it has to get done this week.  Yet there are several other volumes of early Irish literature waiting for him to manage in the listings,  if all went well, his anticipated sales commission  could  cover  his debts,  and some bigger expenses of his education, as well as pay for  his London lodging.

Arleigh : He opens his satchel , pops open his laptop , jumps to his work notes, documents,  bypassing the random media/social media alerts.  He's bookmarked it to page 367, it's nearly the final part of the collection. Referencing the thoughts of an Irish Abbey master who managed some gardens where seaweed was  collected and composted for the summer gardens. the passage speaks with  poetic mirth of mixing the fruits of the Sea into the Earth, whilst the Abbey Master tends his tawdry flock of geese and cattle, sheep,  chasing off the hungry,  larky  young calfs , who find weaknesses in his low,  stone walled  seaside gardens.

Arleigh : reaching for his heavy Gaelic Thesaurus, he winces slightly, as despite the pain killer , his ribs still ache and he's thinking,  as he looks at the rare treatise he slowly frowns, thinking to himself,   How do I really makes this translation for the listing work?
Arleigh, he goes to his bag again, and pulls out a sport bottle of water, takes a good drenching gulp.

As he is  just starting to jot down in his paper note pad, the first few words of the primary passage he intended to transcribe on the start of his day,  working from  his tiny,  standup work space,  at the left side half way into  the book shop,  faced to the rear,  he hears quite clearly,  the door open, and despite the faint volume of the door hinge  noise, he detects  a unique signature  in the hinge sound, as the door opens,  more slowly at first, then it closes more quickly, yet more quietly on the close.

Arleigh gives a quick, casual glance  at the entrant, for he was also tasked with guarding against the potential of a grab and run theft of the merchandise from the shop,. There had been,  such a grab and run theft,  during the previous summer, an enterprising Oliver  type,  who'd gotten away cleanly with a minor volume. Certainly,  the man entering wasn't a runner.

Arleigh  turns more , as the bespectacled , rotund man  enters,  carrying a larger than average brown leather document bag. The man quickly glances about, his eyes settling on Arleigh's fair freckled ,  Irish face.

The Visitor:  says to him "Is their somebody on staff here? (As Alice had gone out a moment before for a chai Latte.) Is there a Johnathan Reilly here now working in the shop? I called yesterday to ask if he would be here, and they said yes.

Arleigh : "Good morning there  sir,  may I help you anyway ?

To answer your question ,  for now,  it's mostly  just me  (As Alice had gone out a moment before for a chai Latte.) As for  Johnathan Reilly  , He is rather unpredictable at times. When we expect him he does not show, when we don't expect him he shows and makes smashing sales, there is no rhyme and reason to his activity here in the shop.

The visitor looks about, glances at his phone, he seems a little annoyed. "Who are you there then,  young fellow ? I had not seen you, on the Contact page for Maggs Books."

Arleigh: "I am Arleigh Baclan, working here,  as a project specialist in Gaelic translations, of Early Irish Literature.  However Sir ,  I am authorized to assist with most any sales in the shop. Are you interested in anything specific ?  If you need to talk to Benjamin Maggs, he's working in the rear area on some notes for the store's New York Book fair.

The visitor: "I wish to see the copy of Ivan Pavlovich Minaev's account of his first expedition to India in 1874"  It's interesting for me. He steps forward, 1 full stride into the shop and rests his leather document bag on the reading table, not taking his hand off the handle, as if he's anchored by it.

Arleigh :  (hearing the man's  Russian influenced accent) ,  he takes a chance,  and shifts his conversation to the Russian language
Arleigh : (Speaking in Russian )
"Right this way sir, as I showed it to a customer last week, by the way, the  gentleman seemed quite interested to buy it,  yet after lengthy examinations, said he thought the price was a little high for him. It's quite a nice volume to acquire,  from what I understand, I read some of the passages and actually, it's a fascinating bit of work.
джентльмен, казалось, очень заинтересовался его покупкой, но после длительных экзаменов сказал, что он считает, что цена для него немного высока. Это довольно хороший объем для приобретения, из того, что я понимаю, я прочитал некоторые отрывки и на самом деле, это увлекательная работа.

"A very good copy of this account of Minaev's first expedition to India in 1874-5. Sponsored by the the Russian Geographical Society, his journey covered Ceylon, Nepal, and northern India from Calcutta to Lahore, including the provinces of Bihar, Punjab and Rajputana (modern Rajastan). His route was governed largely by his interest in Buddhism and Indo-Muslim relations, which is reflected in the text.   Minaev's notes on Ceylon are of real interest as he travelled to some of its most remote corners and describes its decline in some detail. Additional notes are included on Nepal, and there is an overview of Indian demographics and customs. The author considered a study of India vital for Russia and states: "The one who has seen the English rule in India itself and, not being carried away with wrongly understood patriotism, didn't close his eyes for all the good which Englishmen had done there, that person will of course be far away from the thought of a new foreign hegemony over Indians. It's not the dreamlike plans of grandiose conquest that should be the stimuli for studies of India in Russia. We need to know the richest English possessions because England in Asia is our neighbour and our rival. The result of our rivalry strongly depends on our knowledge of British rule at home and over its overseas colonies; the better, more comprehensively and objectively we'll estimate everything that has been done by England, the closer will be our success."
The Visitor : Arching his eyebrow  (in Russian ) "So how do you speak some Russian young man ? It can be quite useful,  in many ways"
Arleigh: " Sir,  I studied Russian as an elective,  in my University Studies at Trinity College, and I dated a girl attending there, from Moldova.
The Visitor : while  he glances questioningly at Arleigh, says in English "Very well then, please show me the book now."

Arleigh, he  quickly goes to the shelf where  the 2 volume Minaev set, is sandwiched in among the Historical Travel/ Geography section,

he glances back to see the man move his free hand up to push up his glasses and nervously rub the bridge of  his nose/eyes  and then quickly, he  grabs  his phone from his jacket pocket and rapidly sends a text message, his body language is hurried..

Arleigh : holding the double slip case forward,  with his 2 hands , he walks quickly back to the round reading table,  where the visitor waits, indicates the chair "Please sir, sit down, may I enquire your name?

The visitor:  (looks at Arleigh in a discerning way) "It's Stan, PLEASE call me Stan, mister Baclan,

the Second MINAEV Volume ,  Arleigh,
may I start with Minaev's second volume?
YOU see  that IS THE first.
As he (Stan ) pulls out the chair,  and slides quickly into the seat.

his phone rings,
 and he answers. As Arleigh see it, Double tasking, He quickly opens  the back end of second volume .

Arleigh: He  realizes, that  the man isn't speaking into his phone in Russian,  as he only recognizes a few of the words. He hears something about the Pharmacy, tablets and medical prescription order and delay of that , or something similar .

Another visitor enters the shop, a young woman Arleigh interprets as being perhaps Tunisian, certainly of a well dressed North African look, he thinks Airline stewardess or of some elite Nature as her clothes look quite expensive.
Alice:  gulping the last of her Chai Latte, she moves from the rear to intercept the customer,

The  woman speaks quietly with Alice , yet Arleigh can overhear her speak of wanting a Modern Collectible Photography book as a gift, and takes her to that section at the right rear of the shop.

Stan: (The Visitor) opens the book to  a specific page in the Second Volume (page 67). It has a small note written in pencil, an inscription in Sanskrit, with a date. He takes his phone out and makes a picture, then checks the rear of the volume, and checks some penciled notes on the back page.
He spends another minute or so, quickly leafing through the first volume.

Arleigh , he  notices,  that Alice has apparently quickly concluded the book  sale,  with the (apparently) Tunisian woman, as she is wrapping a large photography book in gift paper and running the charge, the woman signs for the charge, and leaves Stan, who  seems to look at her,  from the corner of his eye,  as she walks out, as she seems  to want to avoid his gaze .

Arleigh:  he is impressed, as they don't normally make such a quick sale the first thing in the morning.  The door closes without much sound,  as the hinge has warmed up,  and the woman closes the door respectfully,  it's again quiet, Alice goes back to her sales position,  and taking her notes.

Stan: Well enough, the volume is in good condition, of course such things went out of State Libraries for the Half Pence on the Pound for decades, None the less, it can be interesting for me. Actually the reason I wanted to come in here is that I have something I want to see if you can sell for me. Please put the Minaev volumes away for now  Arleigh.

Arleigh : he moves the volumes into the slip case,  and sets them on the side counter. "Can I help you with anything else ?

Sir, do you want to browse a bit more, here ?"

Stan : I wish to see Paul Quarrie, he isn't here today ?
I have something,  possibly for sale, and I was hoping to have him take a look at it.

Arleigh : Sorry Stan, Mister Paul is on a rare book Safari,  reviewing an estate in Devonshire today and tomorrow. What is it that you have to offer, perhaps we can take a look ?

Stan, he gets an alert and sends another text quickly,  as he says,  "Very well then"
 Pulling his leather document bag up off the other chair (as Arleigh had remained standing)

removing something,  From his bulky document bag,  filled with many papers,  and other itemstis hands pull out a book like box,  large yet sleek, quite old looking thing , with copper and Bronze cladding as if applied in layers over time , this strange feeling wooden box case adorned  with a montage of designs,  with some sorts of Crests and semi obliterated symbols and some sort of Cyrillic writings on it.
Stan: He places it to the table,  and very carefully he lifts it by the closed end of the light wooden case, unstraps an end of the the side of the wooden box , it appears as a very tightly fitted , metal wrapped end cap, of copper or perhaps old brass sheet ,  and he deftly slides out,

 something wrapped with a fine, ancient looking  cloth,  fitted to the manuscript,  that  it is inside.

Stan:  "Arleigh , it is a compendium of Manuscripts and Illuminations from the tenth to the 15th century,  relating to certain historical and social matters... I can assure you of it's authenticity"
Arleigh: (Arches his slender eyebrows, left side mostly)

Stan: And from his document bag,  he produces a cellophane transparent document enclosure,  with a protective thickener "It is the certification from the Russian Federation's Export Control division for antiquities , there is also an appraisal performed by a well known  expert in Russian Icons and manuscripts, and I assure you that the appraisal is conservative"

Arleigh: He    looks  quickly at the documentation sheet, as he's  smelling things like Turpentine, Pine Pitch, Bees wax and even Frankincense coming from the box,  he can see that  it's likely a religious Manuscript >
 The outer cover is  a sort of dark Black field,  looking like it is made made from Calf or goat skin, there is a cross in Brown like it's the color of the skin underneath , and he can see it may have had a gold leaf decoration.  The first few pages Stan opens up ,  to show  intricate illuminations, panels  written in Cyrillic Calligraphy and quite enough within the realm of apparent antiquarian authenticity ,
While Arleigh  feels apprehension,  possibly,  it could be some sort of fake reproduction, he wants to maintain the sense of respect for the selling client.
 Although he has had no actual training in accepting extremely rare books,  or manuscript into the shop for selling.

Arleigh:  " Stan, if you really want to have this evaluated,    it's something I cannot,  honestly do
It is totally  outside of my experience.

Yet, I can go talk to Benjamin Maggs, he's working at his desk, in the rear of the store

(Stan nods )

Areigh:  Wait please.
(Stan returns to his phone messaging )
Arleigh: , Rushing back,'

 he opens the narrow door,  to the tiny rear office,  where Benjamin Maggs is working, his Bicycle tipped,  gears up against the back wall . \

"Ben, good morning! some gent walked in with something he says is a bloody  rare, valuable Russian religious manuscript, with all the relevant export control paperwork ~
Arleigh: (Nearly whispering) Look here while at  first glance it seems genuine,  some Hungarian shops have been faking old Gaelic literature,  and trying to resell the things through  odd antiquarian shops being run by Irish Mafia mostly as  cash laundromats  in the Irish Countryside to catch the wayward tourist hungry to get a rare book find for a bargain price ... it could be something like that here , I can't say one way or the other.

Benjamin Maggs; looks up

 "Really Arleigh, from the look on your face,  for a second I thought we'd got another  runner,
or you needed help calculating the sales taxes margin again , LET ME COME SEE IT !

Rising quickly from the chair, liberating himself from the small sized desk.

 They both  emerge from the narrow office door,  together,  into the store,.
They are walking forward, (each with a different walking cadence)

 it appears that the man is wrapping it  (his Manuscript, documents) up, and slipping it back into the case, putting it back inside his heavy looking document bag.
Arleigh notices that the previously cheery day had suddenly got dark and gloomy, like it would soon start to rain heavily

An Older , middle aged man walks into the store wearing expensive loafers and a light colored sport jacket, Alice: she  moves to intercept the customer. "Can I help you "
Older , middle aged man: "thanks just looking around here"

Arleigh : Ben, this is Stan, the man with the manuscript

Stan: Hello, Mister Maggs, Benjamin Maggs, very pleased to meet you, is it possible we can talk about this possibility of a sale in your private office?

Ben: Quite a pleasure  to meet you  Stan, it does sound like you have something we can assist in curating for a sale. As you wish, we can view it privately  in my office

the Sales Associate Sam Cotterrell arrives in the door (early for him) and Ben uncharacteristically says, by way of talking whilst  looking over his shoulder, "Sam, watch the front please, Arleigh and I are with a client"

Sam: "Will  do Ben!"
 just then , a very attractive blond  haired woman enters the shop,

Ben chuckles quietly maybe it's Sam's Lucky Day, it was rare for such a looker  to enter the shop so early,  sometimes lovers  will use  the shop as a rendezvous place, if they are in clandestine relationships. It was  also known as a discreet pickup spot in the literary circles around town

Going into Benjamin Magg's  small office with his expensive road bike stood gears up on the wall, he quickly pulls out the chair opposite his desk, he's familiar enough with the culture to say "Sit down    Please" with just a touch of friendly warmth. He clears away several  books on his desk, indicates the document bag can go onto the desk.
Stan pulls the wooden slip cover  from his bag once again, places it on the table , undoes dark black leather lashing with it's silver gilded clasp that allows the lashing to cinch up and secure the volume inside . Then  again grasping the box from the closed end allowing it to slip slowly out of it's box

Arleigh: he notices that the interior of the book case is lacquered or waxed, it has a burnished , nearly blackened patina, the wood grain is nearly hidden.
Arleigh : He asks, "May I look at the book case ? " of Stan
Stan nods, indicating yes.
Arleigh picks it up, despite the copper cladding, and the thin walled wood construction, it's surprisingly light, running his fingers across it's edges, touching the interior, he notes it has a distinct smell that also reminds him of an artist's easel
Ben: May I examine this please? he notices the presence of a Nestorian cross on the first page, subtly runs his hand along the paper's edge
There appear to be divided sections, chapters in the manuscript, with sections of illuminated pages, notes, while he is skeptical of it's authenticity, the look and feel of the pages tell him of it's genuine character, the pages  bound to a woven fibrous spine that seems to be impregnated with Pitch and wax that seeps deeply into the first third of most pages, while some appear exposed to light and the elements, some appear to have never seen the light of the day, the quality of some of the illuminations is superb.
Stan, carefully pulling back the Vellum pages : "The oldest part seems to be kept at the back of the manuscript, as it seems to reference events of the 11th century, Excuse my jumping the gauntlet Ben, but my time is limited here. If you have some paperwork for me to sign, authorizing the listing for sale, please give it to me now, as I have meetings to attend"
Ben: Looks up from examining the manuscript to look Stan in the eye "Well yes of course Stan, Arleigh, please fetch the listing papers from the top file in my cabinet. We'd need to get this authenticated by a specialist, but first please tell us briefly how you acquired such a rare item?"
Stan: "here on the second page, the item description of the Export Control certificate, is of a family owned journal, my wife's Great Grandfather was a high Priest of the Orthodox Church in Yekaterinburg during the time of the Russian Revolution he hid the manuscript, stored the book an the inner parts of their basement, actually bricked it into an old furnace vent, he only had his
Grandson remove it  when they were forced from their home there relocated to a Siberian factory town in the Far East part of Russia during a Stalinist purge..
Arleigh: looks at the documentation sheet "yes Ben, actually this documentation has been done by the Eastern Division of the Russian FEDERATION's Branch in Vladivostok, it's dated from April 17, 2014  and says "Family held religious Journal in Reliquary Box"

Stan : he is starting to fill in the High value listing paperwork where under "Seller conditions he starts to write out "Magg's Books is to offer this journal as a private listing, going as a direct email notice to your established buyers and colletors, and available for a limited time only offers to be accepted by July 13, 2016.
Ben: His looks astonished , then shifts to his most diplomatic tone "Excuse me Stan, this listing would normally be months to authenticate develop and market to optimize the sale price, it's nearly impossible to find a buyer so quickly, but we can try, why  so fast ?"
Stan: "I have an interested buyer in Geneva, where I'll be going soon, they will purchase it directly from me, I simply want to see if a buyer on the London Market, your contacts in the Rare book buyer's market can offer something more. Also I need to know if you can reduce your commission, as the journal is valued  at over 1 million Pounds, if it's amenable to you, I'll accept 10%.

Arleigh : Ben,  Let me contact a colleague  I met at Trinity who was a visiting History lecturer from Georgetown,  Gregory Afinogenov to see if he knows somebody who can help with the authentication, just give me a minute, I can do this outside so you 2 can work things out"
(Arleigh leaves the back office, closing the door quietly behind him)

(Simultaneous conversations)
 Arleigh's phone is dialing as he walks forward into the store, nodding to Alice, with nobody about, he steps outside to make the call:                                                         
Ben:: speaking to Stan "I am sorry please, can you explain who you are, and why the rush to sell this amazing manuscript collection? Normally we don't start with a client haggling for a commission discount, but if it's as authentic as it seems, honestly we could use the sale of something like this"
Stan: "I am attached to the Ukrainian Diplomatic Delegation as an assistant to the Prime Minister and I have to rush off to prepare to meet with Theresa May. (Ben arches his eyebrow in slight astonishment) Stan: My wife and I have an opportunity to purchase a lovely apartment here in central London, and it's also only available for a short window of time at this price, we wish to convert the relic into something substantial for our future. We also have an offer to trade this straight across for a small Villa with good acreage in Geneva.
Ben : " Right then, if you can entrust it with us, we can authenticate it as soon as we get some expert help, we'll see what my associate Arleigh can find for that. We do have a safe here in my office behind this book shelf "  he clicks a hidden button and the shelf swings out, to reveal the safe
Arleigh (standing outside looking up at the increasingly heavy clouds, he senses it is about to pour down heavy rain at any moment, his phone answers)
" Gregory, top of the morning from London to you, can I trouble you for some advice on a historical manuscript that some Gent just brought in to the shop I'm doing me summer work at ?"
Gregory (over the phone) So nice to hear from you Arleigh, so tell me about this manuscript"
Arleigh : It appears to be a collection of notes and a series of illuminated Patericons, some possibly going back to the 11th century, like a Тајната книга brought in by this fellow who appears to have his  Export Control documentation  in good order, and he wants to sell it quickly, like within the week which seems impossible, as the best I am hoping for, is to sell these Gaelic pieces I'm preparing in 10 weeks (he coughs up some phlegm and spits into the gutter, he notices it has some taint of blood in it, from his chest bruise)
Gregory: Ha, ha! Тајната книга , well Mate,  it sounds interesting, could well be an elaborate fake you have there. Yet here are said to be some unique items  coming out of Russian State archives ,
some rumors continue to swirl about,  of  a massive historic Book and Document Sale of high value items passing quietly,  into the hands of Russian Nationals living abroad. 

Hold on there mate! I just remembered that Leonid Borodkin is visiting a Eurasian History conference at Cambridge this week, he may be in town, and actually I have his personal phone number I can forward you the contact...
Arleigh "top shape mate, thanks so much maybe we can grab  pint if you come by Trinity College in the Winter Lecture series, you've been reposted? It's not up yet.
Gregory " I was just looking it over, I think I can squeeze it in yeah"

Stan: (finishing up with Ben) : Look Ben, don't disturb me with any unneeded details, I can't answer my phone, just send emails as you build the authentication and develop the listing, don't send it out until I have read the wording and the description. Above all, keep it in mind that my identity as the seller is to be kept discreet, that  the family name on the copy of the export control certificate be blocked out
Ben : "Certainly Mister Yezhov, we hold our business accountable to the highest standards of discretion as many of our buyers demand that as well, yet we have to be certain,  beyond doubt of the authentication. We have never turned a listing around so fast befor but we do have some buyers and contacts with Sotheby's who'll glance it over.
At this moment Alice: walks into the office, with a light knock on the door ( Ben: Come in!)
Alice: "Sir, some package delivery that requires your signature, Something from Toulouse France"
pushing back her hair as she stands up from depositing the heavy box of books on the floor, she glances at the desk where the manuscript is opened out upon a series of dark illuminations of some sort of battle and Iconographic portrayals "It's quite a bit like an old style Gothic graphic novel with 6 miniatures  on the same page, there is some bit that looks like accounting up here, and a sort of Merchant king, then this battle scene with the two opposed camps, then this one that  looks like a slave girl with short cut hair, her hands bound with heavy rope as she kneels lifting up a falcon wounded by an arrow through it's left wing with ashes and dead bodies, and a fallen standard being burnt by fire, then the final panel , does it show a truce, and exchange of gold, prisoners or something? It's a fair bit of medieval Yore  there Ben...
Stan: "yes, some of the panels like that one are a little grim looking,
Pardon me, as I really have to go now Ben, I leave it in your hands"
Ben : Reaches out to shake Stan's hand, but he's busy tightening up his document bag straps and doesn't see the gesture "Alice, please show the gentleman  out if you please"
Alice: "Right this way sir" she opens the door for him as the other door on the left is for the small toilet where they keep the cleaning supplies.
Arleigh is just stepping in, closing the door as Alice and Stan emerge from Ben's office "Alice, it's really about to pour down rain, can you fetch the man a taxi ?
Alice: " I thought I was Moderne Books, not Modern assistant (she gives a wink to Arleigh) and grabs her phone to get a London Cab to the front door : Amazingly there's one just a block away on her map Arleigh, be a dear and just pop out and hail it, he's just down the street
Arleigh :Blimey then , all right, I'll do your wet work Ms. Moderne. He runs back out,

Sam: he's busy answering the phone, quietly speaking into the cordless answering questions about what books were in the shop and apparently talking to people who wanted to sell their books

as Stan: Poises near the door, glancing left and right at the sidewalk traffic of hurried  people popping umbrellas and scurrying for shelter in the sudden deluge of rain. He's texting a message as the taxi rolls up. A Clap of lightning strikes, followed by a thunder just as he's stepping into the taxi.

Ben: comes out of his office Arleigh what's the news from your friend in Georgetown?

Arleigh: "I've got a name, a History Professor Leonid Borodkin who's in town this week, for a Eurasian History conference at Cambridge , shall I try him straight up

Ben: It was you who landed this big fish, Arleigh let's see if we can reel it in and take it to Market Arleigh, you've got the pole, I'll be ready with the net when we get it to the starboard side, right ?

Arleigh : "Right then Ben, I'll try the number Greg sent me" He dials the link, it rings, a double ring sound, Arleigh prepares to use his best Intermediate conversational Russian (speaking now in Russian) "Hello, excuse me Mister Borodkin, you don't know me,  but a colleague of mine Gregory gave me your contact, I work in a rare book shop in London, and we have what looks like a rare collection of Patericons with Illuminations,  notations of  Slavic histories"

Pause... Yes, Yes, No, yes of course !
Arleigh: turns to Ben (who is sending off a text to Johnathan Reilly) "Borodkin, He says he is unfortunately quite  busy yet he has a colleague with him,  who is an authoritative expert in such early documents, a Mister Sergei Vasiliyev who just arrived yesterday from Yerevan Armenia where he was doing archival research."
Ben : Tell him that we can offer Mister Vasiliyev a sizable authentication fee, if he is available immediately, and we''ll cover the cost of his taxi fare to the shop.
Arleigh , speaking into the speaker phone " Yes it's possibly a quite sizable fee,  if he confirms the authenticity, helps us with the listing, and yes we'll be pleased to meet him, and guarantee a minimum standard fee regardless if it's a fraud. The address is 46 Curzon Street  Thank you very much !"
Arleigh: (shutting off his phone, pocketing it ): Ben he says he'll call mister Vasiliyev  right off.
(lightning again, thunder) the book store feels strangely quiet, empty other than the sound of rain

Ben : Right then , well lightning can strike twice, let's hope this possible sale all moves forward as it has been, with the help of Mister Vasiliyev. I will set up the overhead scanner and try to get a few high quality photo scans done on the section we have open. Arleigh, for the moment you can set aside the Gaelic listing, why don't you look up who Mister Vasiliyev so we know what  the man who might be coming in to help us is all about?

Alice : I'll return to my Modern Book reviews and curating, unpack the book delivery while you boys have your fun with this odd boot of history in there...

Arleigh, searching already his computer while he gulps down half of the rest of his sport bottle of water "Ben, it looks like this fellow is at the forefront of Paleo Geography, he's down as a Guest lecturer tomorrow afternoon at The Center for the Study of Ancient Documents at Oxford

Ben: looks like Johnathan Reilly is detained by some business, but he's keen to see what we've got, as I remember he's also acquainted with Jane Messeglia who works over there.

Arleigh : Ben I just got a text from Vasiliyev, says he'll be here inside the hour.

Ben: I have a meeting for tea and a chat with my lawyer, who's working on the Brexit Referendum Please excuse my temporary absence  Arleigh, I'll leave you to steer the ship, Alice is the Boss while I'm out (he grabs his biker's rain jacket and umbrella and dashes out into the downpour.)

a big square shouldered, imposing man enters the shop with the look of an Egyptian. He says "Good day" and heads to the rear of the shop to Historical travel,
Arleigh: feels he should intercept him and stand into the role Alice would more naturally assume.
He is wary as Ben's office door is near, and it's unlocked.
The Big Man :"That's it! He's pointing up at an early photo essay book from 1911 by a British Archaeologist  working on the Great Pyramids" he takes it down, flips slowly through the photos
Arleigh: good that you found it so quickly it's in our online catalog sir, May I beg your interest in the volume ?

The Big Man :"Emir is my name, my team utilized this man's work to re examine some excavations in Thebes , I worked many years as a digger, apprentice field archaeologist to some teams hired by Private Institutions, now I have my own business as an antiquities dealer .

Arleigh: "Arleigh is my name Sir " he feels a brief sense of  relief,  the man is  so friendly towards him, his needs  now so transparent . "Anything else I can help you with Emir ? As Emir's  big frame turns and slowly like a huge cat glides closer towards the office door  only to reach up and pull down a small volume in the Poetry section.
Arleigh feels like the Big Man  can see through the walls into the office...
Emir : (his back is turned to Arleigh)  The T.S. Elliot Seven Pillars of Wisdom manuscript ? Is it available for a viewing ?
 I'm sorry as I hadn't the time to call in advance about it.
Arleigh : Sir, Mister Maggs has just left the shop on an errand, he should be back within an hour or so, by mid day. If you want to leave a number I can have him call you. I am not authorized to show you the offering as I'm new here.
Emir: You are an Irish lad, yes my friend? I had visited Uragh's Stone Circle in Kerry recently. I also consult for Interpol, as some antiquities have been getting looted from some sites in Ireland.  I've often posed as a buyer yet I'm sure you understand the duty to protect a common heritage..

Arleigh, again he becomes nervous, for why would the Big Man expose his cover to him? as he had mates from Armagh who'd gone to the Doonies to dig around at night, but they were such Wags , shameless boasters, he'd have heard about it, yet the day was starting to feel weird, and his ribs ached even more now... "Emir, I appreciate your helping to protect my National heritage , let me take your number, give you Ben Magg's card and feel free to browse, wait around if you wish"
Arleigh went from worrying about a Russian Mob hit if the manuscript was taken, to picturing which of his mates would be selling the skull of an Irish King on the Black Market. Neither scenario had a good feeling to it.

Emir:  thanks so much Arleigh for your help, I'll take the book and be on my way

Arleigh: right this way to the register then, will it be cash or card today? It's still raining outside, we can double wrap your purchase in a plastic outer to keep it dry.

Emir: Actually I have an account here, you can forward the invoice for payment through my office Arleigh. Please tell Ben that I am representing a buyer for the Seven Pillars, volume 7. It's account 4357 in your index key. It' s so nice to meet you (Alice had lunged upon the task of wrapping the book
Alice : it's a wonderful volume Emir with really very few known copies on the market. It's a category of books that's growing quickly in value lately .
Emir : "Thank you Alice " with what amounts to the faintest smile, he turns tucks the package under his arm and prepares to unfurl his Umbrella, his large frame notably blots out the light coming through the door.

Sam stares at Alice,  then to Arleigh : , he  asks "what is going on back there, in Ben's office ?"

Alice : it's like the store has become it's own web of intrigue with a strange manuscript getting walked into the door by an odd man who's rushed off for a meeting with the Prime Minister, and Mum's the word on this as the seller requested anonymity.

the three of them look at each other and simply laugh, as it's too funny.

Alice: shall I make up a pot of tea  ?
Sam : thanks Alice, you are a dear.
Arleigh: returns to his computer, pops out his phone and texts Ben
"Egyptian man you may know was just in,  asking about 7 Pillars, says he works with Interpol, and he is representing a buyer for  Pillars of Wisdom. 
Vasiliyev, still waiting on his arrival.

Arleigh:  searches other references for Vasiliyev, he is associated with linguistic and cultural studies in Finland, Mongolia, Tibet , Turkmenistan and Punjab with Mohenjo Daro. Yet there are only a few older photos of him, often with groups.
Alice: brings the cup of tea around  "I am going for a minute to peek at the book Arleigh"
Arleigh : careful not to spill your cup of tea on it there, and unpack that lot of books maybe do ?"

Sam : I'd like a peek at it myself mate. Promise not to touch it
Arleigh : well go then, just do it, keep Alice from flipping the pages, they are brittle looking

sipping his tea, Arleigh his chest is still hurting  yet he takes pleasure in the quiet minute as he notices that the clouds have cleared  and the sun has emerged nearly precisely at 11:11:11, a warm light glowingly  floods the store, and a minute later the door quickly swings open. A tall, thin yet active looking man with a shock of grey hair, like a Russian version of an aging Rock Star enters, his first few steps make him appear to float above the floor, in some act of vaguely defying gravity. He takes in the feeling of  the store,  as if inhaling it, the books and light inside, then and walks quickly around the reading table.
Arleigh : Mister Vasiliyev I take it you are he? You look much more real and alive than your reference photos, you're a hard man to spot on the internet. Terribly nice of you to come in on such short notice.     I am Arleigh Baclan, just a sales associate  washing some old Gaelic Tableware for the Irish Literature market.
Vasiliyev : "Yes Arleigh , my young friend, very nice to meet you as well,
on the way over  here via the Double Decker Bus, I looked up your graduate thesis from Trinity on the Gaelic Codex based upon analysis of regional variants, it's quite a good abstract. I hear that some unusual Slavic Patericon grew legs and found it's way out of Russian Federation  into your shop.  Excuse my saying it but relax a bit, you have the look of a fish without the water. What to say ? Take me to your Reader ? " He smiles and gives a gently probing look into Arleigh's eyes.

Arleigh: "very well then , right this way .... (In Ben's office) Alice and Sam look up quickly, they are giggling slightly and Arleigh suspects they were perusing more than the manuscript, their tea cups are on high, untouched by more than a sip or two.
Vasiliyev takes a careful stock of the manuscript assembly and swiftly drops his slightly bulky canvas shoulder bag on the chair, goes around the desk moving like an eddy of water in a stream, he
glances at Arleigh "May I remove the scanner please" Pushing lightly back against Ben's chair he stands above the manuscript, disconnecting the USB cable from the scanner.
"It's allowed,  to be working at Ben's desk?"
Alice and Sam depart the office in near  silence, closing the door softly behind them.
Arleigh : He and possibly Johnathan Reilly should be here any moment, they will only bring distractions , the article  is here for your examination. "
Arleigh, he  deftly  disconnects the phone jack and turns his phone to silent alert.

Vasiliyev, leafs through a few pages where it's open " a 15th Century binding process, the pages inter -sewn with waxed Horse hair, all laced with refined Pine terpenes. (He takes out a very small scissors and looks to Arleigh ) may I take a tiny piece of this?"
Arleigh leans closer, it's the most tiny piece of horse hair, he nods in the affirmative
A tiny piece of hair is cut and lifted with a micro tweezer into a tiny vial.
Vasiliyev : having donned a set of manuscript gloves , he leafs forward 19 pages to a section heading for the last part at the back of the manuscript, You see it's a Nestorian Cross on the page, the Persian adherents of Nestorianism collected information as they declined, here this text is largely about a History of a large camp of Bogomilis who fought their way through several wars, the panel of the slave with her rope binding cut free, the woman lifting up the wounded Falcon, it's both a parable and a known historical reference from events the battle at the Gates of Trajan . This figure of the dark haired woman,  with the wounded white Falcon,  was also associated with Adrian who preached Bogomilism , in Kievan Rus in `the year 1004 that one, he  was imprisoned by Leontiuus, the Bishop of Kiev for his pledged resistance to State and Church authority. It was in conjunction with actions by Stefan Namanja against the Bogomils, the Great Schism of 1054. And you see here, if it's authentic,  a back page written in Glagolitic script probably from the Scribes in Croatia who preserved much of the history from that time.

In short my friend, this is something not unlike  a Stradivarius violin here, certainly it's known that wealthy individuals commissioned in the Middle ages what is known as  Travelling Patericon. After so many libraries such as the one at Alexandria , were purged, burnt, a mobile,  historical document was alleged to have been  developed. Such things were only transported by Knights and in the dark of night under great secrecy.

There is one other like this , in Skopje yet badly damaged by water, and another 1 burned in fires. Of course I need to run tests on this, and I'll pull favors to get them running later today, as I also have a lecture to prepare.
(carefully opening to the front leaf cover) You see it's moving from more recent history to much later times, this is some material Pravosudiye Mitropolichye relating to religious laws
to quote WIkipedia succinctly here : 
Vladimir Avtokratov supposed that Pravosudiye could be created by Novgorod clergy. If one use the late date, the purpose of creating Pravosudiye could be an attempt to replace the main clauses of the Sudebnik of 1497 with obsolete Novgorod legal norms. According to Boris Grekov (who, however, assumed the early date of Pravosudiye), this Sudebnik became unacceptable "for the adherents of the old order",[5] that is, adherents of Novgorod law as opposed to Moscow one. However, the compiler also introduced a number of clauses related to the strengthening of Grand Prince of Moscow. A certain number of Pravosudiye norms of both the all-Russian and local Novgorod law were intentionally archaized. The other norms are outdated in comparison with the judicial practice of the end of the 15th century. This can be explained by typical for this time heightened interest in the texts of Novgorod olden time, as well as interest in codification of law because of the emergence of a unified Russian code of laws, Sudebnik of 1497.

A lot of these details annotated here pertain to the current conflict between Kiev and Moscow. So who is it that actually brought this in, and do you have any idea what it's worth on the black Market?

Arleigh, his name I can't mention, due to privacy, yet he's attached to a Diplomatic Mission apparently meeting with the Prime Minister, but there's no verification, Ben took down his information. Ben said that with the commission we expect, that your authentication fee would be in the range of 7,000 Pounds. 
Vasiliyev : these top bound papers here in Glagollitic script at the  back are loose, may I take them with me to Cambridge ? There is a set of 7 pages, this could be the key to several Historical mysteries And the last 2 pages are heavily stained with blood, making the script hard to ascertain
Arleigh: that's for Ben to decide
Vasiliyev:  looks up, just as Ben Pops in the door, with his lawyer in tow. "Hello Mister Maggs, thanks for having me over and apologies for my taking over your desk to view this manuscript. What you have here is either the best fake I have ever seen, or the most amazing traveling historic compendium of several centuries of Patericons. What mayI ask,  was the value stated in the Export Control document?
Ben: the value in Roubles  was stated as 1.4 million Rouble, 
it issues from the Vladivostok Customs Ministry
Vasiliyev : Smiles slightly , he looks up from the desk " I think they lopped off a couple zeroes from the valuation number, it's a common practice. Or they simply hadn't a clue, didn't do more than glance at it at the time of issuance. That is the most loose, and the most bribe taking section of the State Custom's clearance, a live elephant could probably get by them,  as a "household Pet" (in Crate)
Ben, nods to his friend "This is Michael, a long time family friend, attorney, Michael GIvens"
Vasiliy :  with the time difference,  their office will be closed already, our young master Arleigh can call them tonight at 23:00 and ask for their matching reference number. He should have them read back the item description verbatim . And then Fax the copy of their matching documentation to your office, there will be some fee, which Arleigh will need to wire tonight, but they started taking Pay Pal just this year...

 (quiet knock ) Alice: pops in again,  with Sam in tow carrying a larger armload full  shipping  "So terribly sorry to interrupt you here, but another shipment of books has arrived and I know you don't want crates of books lining the shop floor, plus there's some customers out there" She smiles, "Nice to meet you Sergei Vasiliyev ! What is the verdict,  or is the jury still gone out on this ecclesiastical Jumbo- Tron of intrigue"

Ben : Arleigh, please join Sam and Alice and work with the customers.
Arleigh: Excuse me sir, is it possible I can use the loo ? I hadn't so much as a break for a coffee down the street today/
Ben: I am so sorry, my bad,  Arleigh. Please  use the loo here, or head down the street and grab a coffee and a bagel or what have you.
Arleigh : "thanks Ben, I'll go chat up the barristas and get a scone and a Cappuchino, use their loo and be right back to relieve Alice on the floor so she can grab her lunch. (he walks out)
Ben:  "Michael, can you tell me what our vulnerability is here selling this if the documentation is legitimate ? Normally,  something like this gets bought up by an Institution, but the seller has imposed a vastly too short time frame for an Institution to purchase it without a patron writing the check, and of course our email direct send has quite a few Patrons, but it's Summer season, and quite a lot of them are on Holiday in Greece, Spain, the RIviera , when they don't check their mails.
Michael : he puts his hands on his lanky hips "it's something I cannot reference legally in exact terms, selling something coming from the Russian Federation like this, they had to know at some level it was leaving, if it's totally genuine, you have to watch it your reputation Ben, I don't like the rush quality of the sale terms Mister Vasiliyev, how long do you need at the minimum to authenticate, annotate it with your other commitments at this time?
Vasiliyev : Judging of whatI see now, these volumes relate, as in section 5 to such things as were particulars of 1300's, that of how the Clergy attempted to influence the influencers  of society  via inter regional messengers, servitude mechanisms and  social perceptions, there's  indicators of  how to control witchcraft and partition society into believers and "the other"  it's filled with annotations of adoration and brutal mechanisms
There are travel notations written in the margins, it's a document constructed for travel and teaching. It has a Chain of Ownership and you see here in Section 3, the Mark of Yaroslav the Wise.
The other part of the question here,  is whether the Russian mob is involved in it, or will they get upset that they were not involved in it? Outside the law Michael, you have to realize that they are mixed up with every level of transactions of this sort, they have deeply embedded counterfeit mechanisms.
I could discover this is mostly a good fake, or a mix of fake and real, call it' s authenticity into question and then my own quiet life as an academic can be at risk. The Oligarchs on your email list serve will have Mob connections, and they could get upset if they bid on it and don't get the compendium. It's quite likely if it's authentic, that a much higher price could have been fetched within the Russian , or the Ukrainian , Central  European Black Market
Ben : well indeed Sergei , we appreciate your candor, yet Sotheby's has been eating our lunch in some of the Estate Sales recently, and a sale like this will boost our visibility, in the main, we'll be depending  on your expertise to conduct the analysis.
Michael: What do you think thus far, the paper feels real to the touch ? Have the illuminations been touched up or altered over time? I know it's several hundred pages. Can I look at the box ? Do you see this raised emblem ? It's a brass overlay on a spot of the box, he turns and looks inside, the box has been patched there, where the emblem is: it's like an arrow punched through the box but was stopped by the leather lining inside
Vasiliyev,: Yes there is a decade of work to analyze all this, it does feel genuine, looks, smells true. I can scan the back pages perhaps this evening if I can defer a more thorough reading until late tomorrow. What I can discern, is that this strap on the exterior is a grounding strap, meant to attach to a horse's armor, and then there is a theory amongst us documentarians that the technology of the time was aware of the damages inherent from cosmic radiation and that they had recovered documents from Israel and Egyptian time , studied what documents had survived and how. While the event of preservation of the material here is impressive, we lean on the fulcrum between fiction, fantasy and potential hidden reality. Extensive testing will be required, and in this time scale, it could be impossible to manage.

Ben: HE  turns, looks out the door : "Arleigh come back in the office please ?" 
Ben turns to Sergei and says can Arleigh accompany you with the document sheet, it seems you like him and he's an eager to learn chap, I prefer him to keep up with you and monitor your analysis"
Vasiliyev : he's holding a large specialized scanner over the manuscript document, scanning it in reverse from back to front. "let me scan this oldest section the last 33 pages, and then I shall go, if Master Arleigh wishes my tutelage, and you don't mind losing him from book selling, then certainly the company should be quite good.
Arleigh, his rib cage  still hurts quite a bit, but he's eager to follow on with the famed Epigrapher, He affirms  "Sure as Shamrocks, let me grab my bag and I'm ready."
Vasiliyev  after completing his scans, takes a hard metal flat file from his bulky bag takes  out plastic and wax paper liners and slips the seven note detached section into his tidy portable file cabinet.
Turning to Ben:  "I like the Masai warrior photograph Ben, you took it I assume, as I see some others about your office"  Did you know an emerging thinking , is that the early form of Masai language, via the Drevilian culture in the 800's ,  was a root source for the Slavic and parts of latinate , early Roman languages ?

Sergei: "Young master Arleigh, we must hurry, as the Cambridge laboratory will close soon.

ev :


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